Babylonian Empire

Page 30

However, as long as there is hope, we must do our best!

Rasul is doing a snake-like maneuver crookedly, trying to get rid of the opponent's missile attack. Although he knows that it is futile, the opponent has three helicopters, and he can get rid of the first and second helicopters by luck, but, Can you still get rid of the third and fourth?

"Release the distraction!" Rasul said.

Shamsdin pressed the button, and immediately, several infrared jamming bombs were fired from the side of the fuselage.

The Soviet Mi-24 Hind gunships did not begin to be equipped with an L-006 Birch radar warning device and four ASO-2V02 infrared jamming bomb launchers until the later stages of the Afghan War, when they were constantly being attacked by Stinger missiles. Each pack contains 32 tracer rounds.Therefore, the Hind in Iraq does not have jamming bombs, and the Cobra equipped by Iran is equipped with infrared jamming bombs where it is equipped, because the US military has always attached importance to the ability of electronic warfare, and the helicopters exported to Iran, which is still in the honeymoon period, are almost Are not shrinking models:.

&-2 anti-tank missiles are also guided by infrared, but in this era, the accuracy of infrared-guided missiles is still not high, and there are often cases of chasing the sun, chasing wherever the heat source is large.

So, as soon as the jammer was released, the missile immediately followed the trajectory of a jammer and was drawn away from the rear of the Cobra.

Rasul's confidence suddenly increased. There were 64 jamming bombs in total. If you save some time, you might be able to use them until the opponent finished firing the missiles.At that time, there is still a chance to escape.

That missile was supposed to amuse you, now it's the real thing.Shahid was now close enough to the cobra, close enough to fire from the machine gun!

The reason why the missiles were fired just now was to make the opponent keep doing snake-like maneuvers, so that the speed of the opponent would slow down so that I could catch up with the opponent.

Missiles are inherently unreliable, but machine guns are not.

Under the big mouth of the doe is equipped with a 12.7mm four-barreled "Catlin" machine gun with 700 rounds of ammunition. When the machine gun is fired, the sound is heard all day long. There is an armor-piercing bullet between every four bullets. An incendiary bomb, hitting the opponent's weakness, can definitely hit the opponent into the air and explode.

"Thu, chug", the doe finally spat out a tongue of fire, pouring bullets fiercely at the cobra in front.

"Bang, bang, bang." Immediately, several holes were pierced through the back of the cobra. Fortunately, it was not a vital part.

Accelerate, dive!Rasul knew that if he was constantly hit by bullets, even if the key parts were covered with armor, he would not be able to withstand the opponent's shooting. Now, only by speeding up his dive can he reduce the probability of being hit by the opponent.

Rasul pressed down hard on the joystick.

I knew you were going to do this!Shahid followed suit and dived down. This time, the bullet hit the opponent's propeller directly, and there was a loud bang.

"Target the rotor reducer and torque converter down," said Shahid and the weapons operator ahead.The rotors are protected by armor and are not easy to be damaged. On the contrary, the mechanical devices under the rotors are relatively fragile.

At this time, the 01 and 02 aircraft on both sides, and the two female deer also approached the cobra. The turret below could rotate left and right, and they flew side by side and fired at the same time.The bullets from the three helicopters all hit the cobra together.

Three against one, still can't beat it?

Rasul was impatient, he couldn't escape, so let's kill another one!He kicked the rudder hard and slammed into the doe next to him.

Even if two helicopters are close to a distance of 50 meters, it is already quite dangerous. As long as the rotors above their heads collide, it will be a tragedy of crashing and killing people.

Now, Rasul just wanted to collide with the other party, and if he collided with the other party, his death would be worth it!

At this moment, with a bang, the Cobra's fuel tank was first hit by the 02 machine on the right:.

Rasul only felt a burst of fire coming out from behind, and then he was entangled in a fiery feeling, and lost consciousness for an instant.

Killed the cobra that suddenly came out, Haha was very strange, what was the other party planning to do here?

Maybe there is really a mystery hidden in this swamp.However, now that it has just rained heavily, the opponent's armored group, even if they have great abilities, cannot fly over.

More than half of the fuel has been consumed, so Hali decided to return.

Today's battle looks one-to-one on the surface, but everyone knows that in this air battle between helicopters, I failed. Four helicopters on my side and one on the other side were attacked by the other side. lost one, losing two pilots, plus two additional rescuers.

Flying to the place where the plane crashed just now, Jabir first saw that the crashed Hind did not explode, but plunged into the swamp. On the top of the huge rotor, there was a person standing on it and waving at him. .

They are not dead!

Those who have experienced the flames of war will care about the lives of their comrades-in-arms. Now, seeing their comrades survived, how can they not be happy.

ps: There will be another chapter at 12 o'clock in the evening. If readers are still reading it at that time, please vote for your precious one!The hero of East China is here to thank you!

Chapter 33 Discovering Armored Forces

Chapter 33 discovers armored units—

Because it was a swamp, the helicopter did not explode after it crashed. With the help of the anti-crash seats, Mehad and Morsant recovered their lives. The two search and rescue personnel in the back cabin were just ordinary mechanical seats. chair, in the process of falling, the head and cervical vertebrae were broken, and unfortunately died. "novel"

During the fierce battle just now, no one cared about them, but now, they discovered that they were still alive.

It was also because of this muddy water that Mehad and Moersant wanted to go out by themselves, but it was impossible. As long as they went down, they would also fall into the muddy water.Only the upper half of the part of the helicopter exposed to the ground remained. If they still couldn't escape, they might not be able to get out either.

An additional winch was installed in the back cabin of the No. 03 Hind, so No. 03 flew into the sky and began to rescue. This was originally used to search and rescue important people, but now, it was used on its own people first.

In the air battle just now, everyone acted very bravely, but now, Shahid treats his doe gently and descends carefully.

After descending to a hovering height of ten meters, the winch was slowly lowered, and a noose was hung under the rope. After a while, they could be pulled into the helicopter by sitting on this noose.

This is the advantage of the Mi-24. The huge belly of the Mi-24 can accommodate an infantry squad, unlike the Cobra, which is a dedicated armed helicopter. When rescue is needed, another general-purpose helicopter must be sent to fly.

Mahad fastened the noose to his stomach, and then waved his hand upwards.

Pulled upward by the winch, Mahad was slowly rising.

The distance of ten meters is close at hand.

Suddenly, Hali, the 01 machine in charge of security, noticed a lot of white smoke flashing from the swamp not far away.

Oops, anti-aircraft missiles!

"Machine 03, hurry up, pull up, pull up!" Hali shouted loudly.

Mehad felt that his body was suddenly pulled tight by the rope, and his body was spinning involuntarily in the air.

Shahid manipulated the helicopter, climbing rapidly.

It doesn't work, the anti-aircraft missile is much more difficult to deal with than the anti-tank missile launched by the helicopter, besides, the altitude of hovering just now is too low, and the opponent is too close, the reaction time is too short!

The opponent obviously wanted to put himself to death. In a short period of time, the second round of missiles flew up to him again.

"Boom!" Machine 03 turned into a fireball and exploded in the air. "Search to see the fastest"

The 02 machine on the right followed suit, emitting dazzling flames and splashing blood into the sky.

Only Hali escaped by chance. After he pulled the helicopter to a high altitude, he saw the endless armored troops on the ground.

Cunning Iranians, really burst through the swamp!

In the sky above the armored force, three cobras are flying fast, and they are coming to take revenge on themselves.

Hahali endured his grief, and it was absolutely impossible to fight the opponent. Even if he could kill one or two of the opponent's helicopters, he would still be attacked by missiles and anti-aircraft artillery from the armored force.I only brought two anti-tank missiles and two rocket pods, and I couldn't cope with such a powerful torrent of steel.I can only escape as soon as possible and report to the military region at the same time that a large number of Iranian armored troops have appeared in the Susangild swamp!

I made an unforgivable mistake. When I was attacked by the first cobra, I should report it. It is so strange that the cobra appeared here!

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