Babylonian Empire

Page 12

Raymond was finally caught more than 50 miles away from the village and was immediately sent to the army.

A few hours later, Raymond, who was still wearing the F-16's unique one-piece anti-G suit, appeared on TV, and the whole world was shocked.

Chapter 13 Entering Basra

Chapter 13 Entering Basra——

Nearly eight years have passed since the outbreak of the last Yom Kippur War, the Fourth Middle East War. As a result of this war, the Arab countries have caught up with Israel, reversing the state of successive failures in the past, and restoring the strategic balance between the two sides. balance.

Through the mediation of the United Nations, Egyptian President Sadat took the initiative to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, ending the confrontation between the two sides. According to the land-for-peace agreement, Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.

This Operation Babylon was already the last important operation of the Sinai Peninsula Air Force Base. It was originally intended to end perfectly, but unexpectedly, it suffered a disastrous defeat.

Iraq and Israel do not border each other, and they did not declare war beforehand. They sneaked to other people's fields like this, dropped a few bombs, and blew up the nuclear reactor that threatened them. Things have already happened. Afterwards, Israel will still be Israel. This is the style of a big country.

However, now that it fails, it is completely different.The wreckage of the fighter plane has been found, and even the pilot has been arrested. Now, even if you want to deny it, it is impossible.

Israel was suddenly pushed to the cusp of public opinion.

They wanted to run thousands of miles and surprise the nuclear reactor, but they failed, and the Israeli Air Force became the laughing stock of the whole world.

Even the technicians of General Motors, the manufacturer of the f-16 fighter, also publicly stated: the f-16 fighter is an excellent fighter, but if you want to carry out such a long-distance attack, it has exceeded the performance limit of the fighter .

At the same time, violating the airspace of a sovereign country is a naked act of aggression. This time, even the biggest backstage boss, the United States, cannot pretend to be ignorant. In order to cooperate with public opinion, the U.S. Congress issued a strongly worded condemnation report, Terminate all technical assistance to the Israeli Air Force, including the second batch of f-16 fighters ordered by Israel, and all deliveries will be postponed indefinitely.

These Israelis are not afraid, because the Jewish forces in the United States will soon be mobilized, and it will not take long for this sanctions to become waste paper.

However, Israel still has to give an explanation to the world, so Avery, commander of the Israeli Air Force, took all the blame, resigned voluntarily, and assumed all the responsibilities this time.

Inside Israel, there are more and more voices against Prime Minister Begin. The commander behind this operation is Begin. For the sake of secrecy, he concealed this operation, and only a few people knew about it.This has offended many people virtually, especially the right-wing Likud group.

Begin's life is very difficult, but the life of Mossad Director Huo Fei is even more difficult. "Search to see the fastest"

After the return flight, the only survivor of the Chisel Squad, the ace pilot Iftachi reported that the opponent used the formation to turn around for the last time and set up an ambush on the small lake when checking the landmarks. How could the opponent know so clearly?There must be a traitor!

Hoffe led the Mossad to run at full speed, trying to find out who sold the information on the Israeli Air Force's sneak attack to Iraq. This is an act of treason!

He will never find the mole, because there is no mole.

Zhang Feng, who changed everything, is now on his way to Basra.

The terrain of Iraq is like a trumpet. It is narrow in the west, bordering Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia in the northwest and southwest, bordering Turkey in the north, and the long national border in the east intersects with Iran. At this moment, it is already staggered. Both directions occupy part of Iran's territory.

According to the geographical relationship, Iraq is mainly divided into two parts, the north and the south. The southern military region is based in Basra, west of the border line. It is mainly responsible for the attack on southern Iran. This force has already crossed the Shatt al-Arab River and captured Khorramshah. Er, is besieging Abadan.

The defense of Abadan can be said to be a turning point. The strategy of the initial blitzkrieg in Iraq completely failed. In Abadan, after more than a year of prolonged attack, all morale was wiped out, and Iran’s military adjustment has come to an end. The counterattack phase is about to begin.

Since then, the Iran-Iraq War has continued and entered a stage of eight years of fighting.

History, rewrite from here!If Abadan, Iran's counterattack fails, and the Iraqi army captures Abadan and then takes Khomeini Port, then the course of the war will be rewritten:.

Abadan is an important oil refining center in Iran. Khomeini Port is the most modern large port in Iran. It is located in the southwest of a small island in the Musabar Bay in the northwest of the Persian Gulf. There is a railway crossing the strait to Tehran and other inlands in the north. It is about 80 kilometers away from Abadan Port in the west and about 62 kilometers away from the Mashur Oil Port in the northeast. If it is captured here, Iraq's oil exports will no longer be restricted by the lack of a port, and relying on Abadan's oil refining Chemical industry, Iraq's economy will enter the stage of take-off.

The reason why Saddam sent troops to Iran may also be due to this reason. Compared with Iran's long coastline: it occupies almost half of the Persian Gulf, and Iraq has only one mouth into the sea, Fao.

The Faw Peninsula is located at the southern tip of Iraq, the northern tip of the Persian Gulf, near the mouth of the Arabian River, with an area of ​​only 850 square kilometers.It is simply the throat of Iraq leading to the Persian Gulf.Once an accident occurs in Fao, Iraq will lose more than half of its oil output capacity.

Fao is also the center of Iraq's petrochemical industry. Since the Iran-Iraq War, it has often been patronized by the Iranian Air Force.

Speaking of the Air Force, Zhang Feng felt regretful. Most of Iraq’s military equipment came from the Soviet Union, and so did the Air Force. The f-21 phase air battle of the Iranian Air Force is simply a unilateral massacre.

The f-14 is the main equipment of the U.S. Navy. It is the ultimate swept-wing fighter and belongs to the ranks of the third-generation fighter. Although the MiG-23 is also a variable-swept wing fighter, the wings can only be maintained at a few angles manually. On the other hand, the f-14 is controlled by a computer and can be placed in any position. This is also the idea of ​​air force equipment in this era: in air combat, low-speed hovering performance is required, and the wing sweep angle must be small. When flying at high speed, The sweep angle of the wing should be as large as possible to reduce drag.

The disadvantage of the variable-sweep wing is the increase in structural weight. In later generations, the excellent aerodynamic layout can simplify the airframe structure. Therefore, the variable-sweep wing eventually faded out of the sight of aircraft designers.

And the f-14 is more powerful, that is its electronic equipment, the powerful awg-9 radar.

This kind of radar can detect enemy fighter jets at a distance of 160 kilometers. Compared with the MiG-25's fire control radar, which relies on increasing power, the awg-9 radar is even better in resolution, and can even be used from the ground. Or sea clutter interference background to identify and track low-altitude flying targets.

Cooperating with Phoenix missiles with a range of more than [-] kilometers, this is simply an invincible existence.

Therefore, during the Iran-Iraq War, there was a scene where the ground belonged to Iraqis and the sky belonged to Iranians.

In this situation, until 1982, Iraq introduced the French-made Mirage F1, combined with the advanced Matra R-530F missile, so that the Iraqi Air Force had fighter jets that could compete with the Iranian Air Force's American-made F-14.

The tactics of the two air forces are also different. Under the training of dogmatic Soviet instructors, the Iraqi Air Force is accustomed to fighting under the guidance of ground radar. There is no comparison with the tough Iranian Air Force trained in the United States.

Therefore, after entering the Southern Military Region, the first thing to think about is the air defense of the troops.

Without air supremacy, one cannot win a modern high-tech war. This is a bloody lesson. In the Gulf War, the Iraqi army suffered a crushing defeat in the face of multinational air strikes:.

Of course, it is useless to be anxious about all this. The most important thing at present is to enable the field troops to have air defense capabilities.

It was Zhang Feng's original idea to let this dogmatic army learn to fight modern warfare.

With such a mood, Zhang Feng entered Basra through Highway No. [-].

Basra, the capital of Basra Province, is located on the west bank of the Shatt al-Arab, at the exit of Hamar Lake, 120 kilometers away from the Persian Gulf.For convenience, an artificial channel was dug directly to the Persian Gulf, which can berth several ocean-going ships.

Basra consists of three parts: Ashar, Basra and Ma'ajil.Ashar District is the seat of the government, as well as the financial and commercial center of the city; Basra District is concentrated in schools, hospitals and residences, as well as many mosques; Ma'ajil District is the transportation center and external window, with airports, Seaport and railway station.

Basra, which used to be picturesque and has a long history, has now become an industrialized city in Iraq.

Last year, the first steel plant in Iraq was established in Basra, which is the second largest city in Iraq after Baghdad.

Basra is next to the Fao Peninsula, and the military port Umm Qasr and many oil wells on the Fao Peninsula are under the coverage of Iran’s Abadan artillery fire. Together with the Iran-Iraq War, it was bombed by Iran. And because there are many Shia Muslims in Basra, Khomeini's export revolution needs to win over these people, so the city of Basra has not been bombed very much.

Following Zhang Feng to Basra, there were also Warih and Gasal. Zhang Feng did not bring the dazzling Ferrari sports car, but chose the inconspicuous Beijing Jeep.

Zhang Feng already knew that Iranian planes would come to bomb from time to time in the sky. If he was driving a Ferrari, the pilot in the sky might know that he was a rich Iraqi man. It would have to be broken in two.

Low-key, it's better to be low-key.

Through the last battle, Zhang Feng knew that Valikh was a man who was loyal to his duty and fought bravely, and he himself needed loyal subordinates, so he chose to dispatch Valiher to follow him to the Southern Military Region, and made his own mission. body guard.

Knowing that he was going to be the bodyguard for President Saddam's second son, Walih felt very proud. Through the last battle, he also understood that this Qusay Lord is a completely different person from Uday. He is not arrogant and lustful. He is bullying, and he is also very good at fighting. It is a great honor to be a guard for him.

Gasal, on the other hand, wanted to follow him desperately. He begged Zhang Feng bitterly. He had been taking care of Zhang Feng's food and daily life, and had been entrusted by Zhang Feng's mother, Sajida Hailala, many times. , must serve Zhang Feng well, wherever Zhang Feng is going, he has to follow.

Helpless, Zhang Feng had no choice but to drag the nanny along to Basra. However, having a housekeeper was the life he had longed for.

The desert-yellow jeep entered Basra and headed for the Southern Military Region Command in the Ashar district.

Chapter 14 Staff of the logistics department?quit!

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