Azarinth Healer

Chapter 889: Space

Ilea read through the names again and smiled at the options. She felt the cosmic energies coursing through her veins, her soul, and her mind, could feel the endless mana pool she now possessed, her regeneration like massive rivers pouring into an ocean. She could feel the boundless potential for heat within her core, could feel the connection to the burning wasteland of the Pyroclasic Flow, all within her, all a part of her now. She wanted to see what she could do. She wanted to feel her power.

But she wasn’t done. Not yet.

The Starbound Calamity (astral+space – probably strong)

The Fortified Ascended (shit)

The Fabric Shaper (Space upgrade and Fires – good option)

The Warrior Goddess Lilith (Divine)

The Fat Faen Fisherwoman (Why?)

The Sunforged Realmwalker (Space and sun? Primordial Flame)

The Undying Queen (Curse, stuff, I guess)

Ilea read her notes and while the choice had felt more difficult before, it now seemed obvious.

Who could claim to wield a primordial force?

Not that I really know what that means, but I mean whatever the fuck the Sanguerrihn did, I want me some of that.

She gave a last glance to the Fabric Shaper and then selected her choice.

The Sunforged Realmwalker.

The Primordial Arbiter

Vitality +50

Intelligence +30

Wisdom +50

Space Magic is improved by 300%

Resilience is increased by 500%

Body Enhancement Magic is improved by 100%

Flesh Magic is improved by 100%

Healing Magic is improved by 100%

Mind Magic is improved by 100%

Ice Magic is improved by 100%

Lava Magic is improved by 100%

Earth Magic is improved by 100%

Your Soul has been strengthened by the Flame of Creation

Your skin grows more resilient

‘ding’ ‘Class change: The Primordial Arbiter becomes The Sunforged Realmwalker

The Sunforged Realmwalker

Vitality +100

Intelligence +200

Wisdom +200

Space Magic is improved by 500%

Resilience is increased by 500%

Body Enhancement Magic is improved by 300%

Fire Magic is improved by 200%

Flesh Magic is improved by 100%

Healing Magic is improved by 100%

Mind Magic is improved by 100%

Ice Magic is improved by 100%

Lava Magic is improved by 100%

Earth Magic is improved by 100%

Your Soul has been strengthened by the Primordial Flame

Your skin grows more resilient

Greatly increases the heat you can store within your body and soul

Even more stats, body enhancement bonuses, and even Fire Magic now. No change to healing. Well.

Ilea didn’t dally long, quickly looking for the main change she hoped to see.

Skills changed by The Sunforged Realmwalker

Active – Fires of Creation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Let the fires erupt, burning away your health in the exchange for devastating power. All of your spells and your body are infused with the Flame of Creation, dealing lingering damage to health, mana, and magical constructs. You are immune to stunning, fear, and shout abilities. Your resilience is increased by 75% [900%]

2nd stage: The pale flame settles within your core. The Fires of Creation now affect enemy health regeneration. This effect is higher for areas directly touched by the Flame of Creation.

3rd stage: Your experience with Fires of Creation allows you to infuse your magical constructs with its effects. For each level in the third tier, the skill’s upkeep is reduced by a static 25 [750] points of health per second and you may sacrifice an additional static 250 [7500] points of health per second to enhance the skill’s effects. The flames of creation return 2.75% of all health and mana burned away so long as the spell is active.

Category: Aura – Body Enhancement – Space Magic

[Fires of Creation] becomes [The Primordial Flame]

Active – The Primordial Flame [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Bring upon your enemies, the power of the suns themselves, burning away your health in the exchange for devastating light, heat, and energy. Your flames are limitless and form at your will. All of your spells and your body are infused with the Primordial Flame, dealing lingering damage to all within the fabric. You are immune to stunning, fear, and shout abilities. Your resilience is increased by 100% [2350%]

2nd stage: The bright flame settles within your core. The Primordial Flame now affects enemy health, mana, and stamina regeneration. This effect is higher for areas directly touched by the Primordial Flame.

3rd stage: You may infuse your magical constructs with the Primordial Flame. For each level in the third tier, the skill’s upkeep is reduced by a static 50 [1500] points of health per second and you may sacrifice an additional static 500 [15000] points of health per second to enhance the skill’s effects. The Primordial Flames return a static 10% of all health, stamina, and mana burned away so long as the spell is active.

Category: Aura – Body Enhancement – Space Magic – Fire Magic

There it is… pretty similar to before… 10% of health, stamina, and mana burned away returns to me. That’s better I guess? Wait… form at your will…

Ilea felt it now. A presence of magic within her, near her soul, but not within it. It felt almost like there were two now, when there was one before. Looking inward, she could see the slow moving bright and yellow flames of a sun, layered atop her essence. And beyond, she saw something else. Too bright for her to look at directly, as if a sun, orbiting her very soul.

She opened her eyes and raised her hand, palm up towards the sky. No longer did she have to use her body or her creations to summon her flames. Flickering and burning, a bright yellow and slightly orange flame came to life above her palm. It moved slowly, unaffected by the wind, brighter than any flame had any right to be, emitting heat beyond a normal flame, and last of all, there was a weight to it. A weight she felt with every fiber of her form. A weight that didn’t pull like gravity, but something that she felt, as if what she looked at was divine, untouchable, something that no human or any other creature had any right to gaze upon, let alone command. She felt the hairs on her neck and arms stand up as she stared at the Primordial Flame.

Ilea held her breath and finally stopped fueling the fire with her health. Slowly, the brightness and heat waned, fading and soon gone, all trace of the creation a mere memory.

She took in a deep breath and smiled, then laughed, as if she had just seen and escaped something forbidden, something so powerful, surviving its presence was a miracle on its own. But Ilea hadn’t just survived. She was the one who summoned the flame in the first place. She wielded it, commanded it. Her very soul protected and infused with this primal power.

I’ll have to get used to that.

When she had wanted to test all of her other skills, this one, she decided to shelf for the time being.

This isn’t a toy like my cosmic energies or the literal disaster level volcanic heat and ash… alright, maybe they’re not toys either. But this one feels different.

She decided to try it again sometime later, to slowly get used to the feeling, to the flame. It was hers, it was with her, she knew as much, but it did feel a little overwhelming.

Instead, she distracted herself with the other skill changes she hadn’t yet looked at.

Active – Fabric Tear [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Shift space to your will, making objects or people appear somewhere else.

2nd stage: Magical constructs are now affected by Fabric Tear. You may change the orientation of the objects you displace.

3rd stage: You may choose two flat areas and connect them through space. At the time of marking an area, it has to be within the range of Fabric Tear. Areas have to be connected within one day of activating the spell. Three sets of connections can be upheld at a time with exponential costs.

Space Magic

[Fabric Tear] becomes [Framework Disruption]

Active – Framework Disruption [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Shift space to your will, making frameworks or parts of frameworks appear somewhere else. Yes. That means you can teleport someone’s head off of their shoulders. Should you do it? Probably not.

2nd stage: You may change the orientation of the objects you displace. Should you be unable to affect a framework with the initial spell usage, you may channel up to a static 1000 mana per second into it to cause the desired effect.

3rd stage: You may choose two flat areas and connect them through space. At the time of marking an area, it has to be within the range of Framework Disruption. Ten sets of connections can be upheld at a time with exponential costs.

Space Magic

More gates is nice. And I suppose the new additions to the first and second tier are similar to what I can do with Space Manipulation, just focused on teleporting a part of a framework away instead of just destroying it.

Active – Primordial Shift [Enhanced] – 4th Tier

Expending a large amount of mana and health, you can temporarily shift the matter of your flesh itself. Absorb a part of all magic that touches you depending on your understanding and resistance. All regeneration and healing is doubled in this state. Your movements are impaired as your very form is rejected by the laws of reality that surround you.

2nd stage: Resilience bonuses from skills are doubled when entering the Primordial Shift. During the shift, you cannot be moved by anything but your will. Your weight increases ten fold while this spell is active.

3rd stage: The Flame of Creation wills itself into existence, your control and its power increasing dramatically while Primordial Shift is active. Greatly reduces the activation time of Primordial Shift. The longer Primordial Shift remains active, the more powerful its effects become.

4th Tier: You have delved into the secrets of creation. Inside of your Shift, you are not part of the Fabric, but you have learned to navigate through the mesh of reality. You have learned to control not only your domain, but the space all around. The Fires of Creation are but an extension of your will. While Primordial Shift is active, you gain the following benefits:

- Your space manipulation of frameworks outside of your creation is vastly improved.

- Your vision is no longer distorted, but clear, if you will it so.

- The Fires of Creation burn at your will, vastly improved and reaching through all that you have created.

- You learn to move at a slow pace through the fabric, pushing your creation through known reality.

Category: Space Magic – Flesh Magic – Healing Magic

[Primordial Shift] becomes [Sunbound Creation]

Active – Sunbound Creation [Enhanced] – 4th Tier

Expending a large amount of mana and health, you can temporarily summon a new reality around your form, burning with the Primordial Flame and shielded by the fabric itself. Absorb a part of all magic that tries to affect your creation, depending on your understanding and resistance. All regeneration and healing is doubled in this state. Your movements are impaired as your very form is rejected by the true fabric that surrounds you.

2nd stage: Resilience bonuses from skills are doubled when entering your Sunbound Creation. During the shift, you cannot be moved by anything but your will. Your weight increases a hundred fold while this spell is active. You may incorporate nearby allies into your creation, protecting them for an additional cost of mana and health.

3rd stage: The Primordial Flame wills itself into existence, your control and its power increasing dramatically while Sunbound Creation is active. Increases the power of all space manipulation while the spell is active. Greatly reduces the activation time of Sunbound Creation. The longer this spell remains active, the more powerful its effects become.

4th Tier: You have delved into the secrets of creation. Inside of your reality, you are not part of the Fabric, but you have learned to navigate through the mesh, and you have learned how to affect the true fabric with all that you can form. While Sunbound Creation is active, you gain the following benefits:

- Your space manipulation of frameworks outside of your creation is vastly improved.

- Your vision is no longer distorted, but clear, if you will it so.

- The Primordial Flame burns at your will, vastly improved and burning with the very heat of the stars

- You may use every spell within your Sunbound Creation. Limitations exist in regards to movement and teleportation of yourself.

- You learn to move at a slow pace through the fabric, pushing your creation through known reality.

Category: Space Magic – Fire Magic – Healing Magic

Imbued with the Primordial Flame as well now. She smiled at the addition of adding allies into her creation. She assumed even Fourth Tier spells wouldn’t hurt a level 20 human if she used this spell on them beforehand. I wonder what the cost and range is like. And how many people I can incorporate.

The third tier hadn’t really changed, but Ilea now felt goosebumps at the mention of the Primordial Flame’s power increasing dramatically. One thing was for sure, she wouldn’t test this spell until she got more comfortable with those fires.

Affect the true fabric with all that you can form. I assume that means I’m no longer disconnected from my ash, and other shit. Would love to test this, but not with those fires around.

There’s more still.

Passive – Primordial Flesh [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

The flame of creation flows through your veins, increasing your resilience by 50% [650%]. Increases your physical damage resistance by 12% [156%]. Increases your magic damage resistance by 12% [156%]. You won’t be fazed anymore by heavy damage or powerful sources of light and sound. Your natural regeneration can heal any injury.

2nd stage: Your body has withstood incredible damage, endured the hardships of battle. The fires flowing through you have hardened your bones and muscles. Your health is increased by 20% [260%].

3rd stage: Your ability to adapt to your enemy grows. Continued battle against the same foe or species of monster increases damage reduction against their attacks by 1.5% [19.5%] per minute to a maximum of a static 50%. This effect will remain even after a battle has ended. The primordial flesh is released should you reach one point of health. Your remaining mana will be used to create both spatial shields and rapid growths of flesh to prevent death. This effect can only occur once every six hours.

Category: Body enhancement – Space Magic – Flesh Magic

[Primordial Flesh] becomes [Cosmic Shape]

Passive – Cosmic Shape [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

The Primordial Flame flows through your veins, increasing your resilience by 75% [1762.5%]. Increases your physical damage resistance by 15% [352.5%]. Increases your magic damage resistance by 15% [352.5%]. You won’t be fazed anymore by heavy damage or powerful sources of light and sound. Your natural regeneration can heal any injury.

2nd stage: Your body has withstood incredible damage, endured the hardships of battle. The fires flowing through you have hardened your bones and muscles. Your health is increased by 35% [822.5%].

3rd stage: Your ability to adapt to your enemy grows. Continued battle against the same foe or species of monster increases damage reduction against their attacks by 2.5% [58.75%] per minute to a maximum of a static 50%. This effect will remain even after a battle has ended. The Cosmic Shape is released should you reach low health [0.1% - set value]. Your mana [100% - set value] will be used to create both spatial shields and the Primordial Flame to prevent death. This effect can only occur once every three hours.

Category: Body enhancement – Space Magic – Fire Magic

“Well if that ain’t my good friend, an even more ridiculous shit ton of health,” she murmured. And with that increase in the third tier, I’ll be up to the 50% damage reduction in less than a minute.

She looked at the values and decided to set them at 1% of her health to activate, while using 40% of her mana to create shields and the Primordial flame. She wondered how she should balance this and her True Reconstruction, but seeing how insane her mana pool was, she left it at this for now.

Splitting may not be the best idea… but I mean both defenses should be really powerful.

Let’s look at the last change then.

Passive – Space Manipulation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

You have learned to see and manipulate the ever present spatial fabric. You gain the ability to move anything within the fabric with a mere gesture.

2nd stage: Further understanding of the spatial fabric allows you to manipulate its forces with greater ease and higher intensity. You learn to perceive even the tiniest ripples in space. In the case of active fissures, you find yourself able to peer into the other side. You gain the ability to anchor a spatial pocket to your very essence. Storage increases with the skill’s level.

3rd stage: You have peered through the fabric of space itself and have learned to unravel its intricate structure. You gain the ability to perceive and differentiate magical frameworks and how to manipulate them within your space without failure. Charge simple manipulation attempts with up to 250 [3500] points of mana. Charge is limited to a static 500 mana per second. You learn how to damage existing frameworks. Results may vary.

Category: Body Enhancement – Space Magic

[Space Manipulation] becomes [Fabric Alteration]

Passive – Fabric Alteration [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

You have learned to see and manipulate the ever present spatial fabric. You gain the ability to move anything within the fabric with a mere gesture. Greatly improves the power of your manipulation and reduces its cost.

2nd stage: Further understanding of the spatial fabric allows you to manipulate its forces with greater ease and higher intensity. You learn to perceive even the tiniest ripples in space. In the case of active fissures, you find yourself able to peer into the other side. You gain the ability to anchor a spatial pocket to your very essence. Storage increases with the skill’s level. You gain the ability to glimpse through the fabric at any anchors you have set within.

3rd stage: You have peered through the fabric of space itself and have learned to unravel its intricate structure. You gain the ability to perceive and differentiate magical frameworks and how to manipulate them within your space without failure. Charge simple manipulation attempts with up to 500 [10000] points of mana. You learn how to damage existing frameworks. Results may vary. Your experience with the fabric allows you to imbue your eyes with mana, to perceive and manipulate old tears in the mesh where cracks had formed or beings have traveled through the realms.

Category: Body Enhancement – Space Magic

“Oh, that second tier is going to be fun,” she murmured and giggled to herself, hugging her knees now as she sat on the armchair of ash and volcanic glass. Mainly more power to manipulate the fabric.

She tried and summoned a wave of space magic down upon the earth. Stone shook, cracks webbing outwards from the invisible spell. It felt effortless. She looked at the cracked ground and ripped out a boulder. Stone shook and splintered before she lifted the thing up into the air with a single finger raised. With a flicking motion, she sent the tons of stone flying, the impact reverberating through the vale.


“Cool, cool, cool,” she murmured and read the last bit of her new Fabric Alteration spell.

She puffed, then smiled ever so slightly.

Is that… no. I mean… how old?

I kinda have to try at least. But not now. Later.

She found she didn’t want to know quite yet.

Instead, she spent her stat points and looked at her new status.

Ilea Spears, a Four Mark, and still human.

She smiled.


Name: Ilea Spears

Mythical Title: Dragonslayer

Unspent statpoints: 0

Unspent Core skill points: 26

Unspent 4th tier skill point: 0

Unspent 3rd tier General skill points [3334 Total skill levels]: 2

Unspent 4th tier General skill point: 0

Class 1: The Cosmic Immortal – lvl 1004

- Active: Cosmic Deconstruction [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: True Reconstruction [Enhanced] – 4th tier

- Active: Embodiment of the Arcane [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: Teleportation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: Limitless Domain [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Catalyst Core [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Eternal Brawling [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Eternal Huntress [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Timeless Perception [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Cycle of Creation [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Class 2: The Pyroclastic Storm – lvl 1001

- Active: Ash Scale Armor [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: Draconic Core [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: Pyroclastic Flow [Enhanced] – 4th tier

- Active: Volcanic Source [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: Scorching Intrusion [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Mastery of Ash [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Draconic Ash Wings [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Vision of Ash [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Embodiment of Heat [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Embered Form [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

Class 3: The Sunforged Realmwalker – lvl 1002

- Active: Sunbound Creation [Enhanced] – 4th tier

- Active: The Primordial Flame [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Active: Framework Disruption [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Reality Warp [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Cosmic Shape [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

- Passive: Fabric Alteration [Enhanced] – 3rd lvl 30

General Skills:

- Ashen Limbs – 3rd lvl 17

- Azarinth Barrier [Mythic] – 3rd lvl 30

- Bulwark of Ash – 3rd lvl 27

- Dancing – lvl 14

- Deviant of Humanity – 3rd lvl 30

- Drill – 2nd lvl 5

- Elos Standard language - lvl 7

- English Language – lvl 15

- Gourmet – lvl 19

- Harmony of the Drowned – 2nd lvl 3

- Heavy Archery – lvl 12

- Identify - 2nd lvl 13

- Meditation – 4th tier

- Minor Earth Manipulation – 2nd lvl 6

- Minor Ice Manipulation – 2nd lvl 3

- Minor Lava Manipulation – 2nd lvl 12

- Monster Hunter – 3rd lvl 30

- Monstrous – 2nd lvl 20

- Oxygen Repository – 2nd lvl 20

- Sage of Torment – 2nd lvl 20

- Soul Perception – 2nd lvl 15

- Spear of Ash – 3rd lvl 20

- Star Touched – lvl 8

- Teaching – lvl 18

- Telepathy – 2nd lvl 1

- Veteran – 3rd lvl 30

- Warhammer Mastery – 2nd lvl 20

- Arcane Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 30

- Ash Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 11

- Astral Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 23

- Blast Resistance – 3rd lvl 30

- Blight Resistance – 2nd lvl 8

- Blood Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 29

- Blood Manipulation Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Bone Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Corrosion Resistance – 3rd lvl 2

- Crystal Resistance – 3rd lvl 4

- Curse Resistance - 3rd lvl 27

- Dark Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 17

- Death Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Devour Resistance – 2nd lvl 8

- Diamond Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 6

- Divination Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Dust Magic Resistance – lvl 17

- Earth Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 30

- Emerald Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 5

- Fear Resistance – 2nd lvl 10

- Flesh Magic Resistance – lvl 16

- Gold Magic Resistance – lvl 16

- Gravity Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Health Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Heat Resistance – 3rd lvl 30

- Ice Resistance – 3rd lvl 18

- Lava Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 13

- Light Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 27

- Lightning Resistance – 3rd lvl 25

- Mana Drain Resistance – 3rd lvl 13

- Mental Resistance – 3rd lvl 28

- Mist Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 15

- Obsidian Magic Resistance – lvl 3

- Pain Tolerance – 3rd lvl 6

- Petrification Resistance – 2nd lvl 3

- Poison Resistance – 3rd lvl 6

- Rot Resistance – 3rd lvl 6

- Ruby Magic Resistance – lvl 18

- Sand Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Sapphire Magic Resistance – lvl 16

- Shadow Magic Resistance – lvl 19

- Silver Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 1

- Smoke Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 7

- Soul Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 11

- Sound Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Space Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 30

- Stamina Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Time Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20

- Topaz Magic Resistance – lvl 20

- Vine Magic Resistance – lvl 14

- Void Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 30

- Water Resistance – 3rd lvl 15

- Wind Resistance – 3rd lvl 27

- Wood Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 19


Vitality: 3800

Endurance: 600





Health: 1,780,899 / 1,895,161

Stamina: 43,500 / 43,500

Mana: 1,953,942 / 2,050,000

Mana [Essence]: 125,400 / 1,895,161

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