Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 3: Chapter 92

Time passes, and the season changes to winter.

Tenji had been continuing his life of going back and forth between lectures and dungeons for almost three months now.

"In a week, we have a practical exam...I wonder what kind of test it'll be. Pyne, do you know anything about it?"

After finishing school lectures, Tenji invited Pyne to have lunch and they headed to the Dos SorPablo district on the first level.

This layer was characterized by a winter climate where snow continued to fall year-round, and the people passing by were wearing thick coats and down jackets.

Tenji himself also wore a down jacket over his uniform.

Pyne also wore a camel-colored coat for warmth.

Dos SorPablo was a city located in the center of the first level and was said to be the gateway to the Mallorca Resort Dungeon. Therefore, it had a modernized landscape that was completely different from the third level city.

The houses originally in the dungeon were expanded, and high-rise buildings and apartments were built on empty land. Recently, a project has been underway to expand the city outside the city, creating a landscape that mixes medieval and modern atmospheres.

The first level buildings have many exterior designs such as brickwork in the Rothenburg style, but as soon as it becomes the second, modern chic glass and facades are used.

Of course, modern civilization such as private cars and taxi buses run on the roads, not horse-drawn carriages. Occasionally, helicopters and fighter jets also fly here.

[Although I'm already used to this sight, this city is always interesting. But I still prefer the calm atmosphere of the Central on the third layer.]

As Tenji looked up at the unusual townscape, he thought of such a thing.

Next to him was Pyne, whose brown skin was lovely, walking together in the city. The two were now heading to their favorite hidden cafe restaurant.

And there, Pyne looked at Tenji with a curious gaze in response to his question.

"Yeah, I know. Tenji, the amazing Japanese guy who dives into the dungeon with us...what was his name again?"


"Yeah, Kuroufuyuki! Haven't you heard anything from Fuyuki?"

"Oh, right. I should have asked my senior...I didn't even think of it."

"Hahaha - You're still absent-minded in weird places. Well, I'll tell you in detail when we're eating. If it's the usual, the exam shouldn't be too difficult."

"That's great to hear," Tenji said, relieved to hear that it wasn't too difficult of an exam.

Seeing Tenji's reaction, Pyne realized that he really didn't know the details of the exam.

Tenji had become a somewhat isolated presence in the class.

Rumors had spread that his calling was a fifth-grade [swordsman] , that he was sharing a house with Chigo, who was overwhelmingly popular with male students among the teachers, and that he sometimes spent several days in the dungeon without coming to school.

These actions and facts had left Tenji somewhat isolated.

But Pyne hated that kind of natural, flowing atmosphere.

"Hey, why don't you treat me today?"

"Huh? Me? Well, you're going to teach me about the exam... so I guess I can do it a bit."

Tenji made a bitter expression.

This was also one of the factors that isolated Tenji.

There had been a discussion about going out with the same classmates several times with Pyne's help. However, Tenji tended to dislike spending money too much.

It could be said that he was simply stingy, but Tenji was more concerned about not causing trouble for Chigo.

[Putting aside the past... There's no one at Mallorca Escuela without money now. Everyone receives living expenses and compensation promised by their country or supporters to attend this school. Even... I can live such a luxurious life now because of the support I get.]

Pyne thought about this as she looked at the profile of Tenji walking next to her.

This country is affluent.

There's no need to worry about tomorrow's meal, and diseases are not scary. Lifespan is much longer, and people can live normally until they are 70 or 80 years old. They don't have to choose the path of walking in fear of the mafia, and they don't have to part with their family unwillingly to live.

That's why Tenji, who is reluctant to spend money on even a lunch, seemed like an abnormal person to the other students.

[That's why... I have to stay by her side. I can't pass this school's exam alone.]

"Oh, Pyne. I wonder what today's limited menu is. Yesterday was paella, and the day before yesterday was fish and chips... I wonder if Japanese food will be served soon?"

"Hmm, I also want to eat my hometown's food soon. What kind of food is Japanese food? I've only eaten sushi."

"Yeah, when you ask like that, it's hard to think of famous food from your own country. By the way, in Senegal, we often eat sheep and rice. We mix them together most of the time. Unlike the food here, it doesn't have a refined taste."

"Huh? Wasn't it difficult when you came here?"

"Not at all. Mushtafa-san, who recommended me, made me eat food from various countries so that my body and mind wouldn't be surprised. So, I wasn't surprised at all... well, maybe a little."

"Pyne always smiles happily when it comes to Mushtafa-san. I also want to meet Mushtafa-san at least once."

"Meet? He's coming to Mallorca in a week! He was asked by President Limey to help with the exam!"

As expected, Pyne's eyes were happy when he talked about Mushtafa.

Tenji knows that when Pyne came here, she was looked at with strange eyes by some students because of her tanned skin. However, Pyne's overflowing passion blew away such surroundings' eyes.

Pyne is so happy only when she talks about Mushtafa-san, who is not only her supporter but also the person who gave her the "quota" to enter here.

"Oh, we might be able to meet him then."

"Yes! I'll tell Mushtafa-san too!"

Pyne smiled so brightly that she could be mistaken for the sun.

The two of them had just finished their lunch at the small cafe-restaurant "La Lune" on the edge of Dos SorPablo. The restaurant was started by a retired French chef who wanted to spend his remaining years running a small shop. Because the chef had traveled the world when he was younger and researched various cuisines, he could make almost any country's dishes. That's why the limited menu of the day, called "Chef's Whim," offered various dishes from different countries. That was one of the reasons why Tenji and Pyne kept coming back. The prices were also reasonable for Mallorca, and Tenji didn't feel financially burdened.

"Phew, that was delicious. Today, it was authentic Indian cuisine."

"Yeah, it was spicy."

Tenji rubbed his satisfied stomach, while Pyne had a slightly reddish mouth, perhaps because it was too spicy. Pyne immediately ordered a drink similar to lassi and sipped it to fight the spiciness. She couldn't take her mouth off the glass and sipped it little by little, which was cute.

"The exam looks easy, which is good. The first-year students take over the 15th level and each class competes against each other. Those 15 people are left in different parts of the field and simply have to move forward towards the goal in the center of the field, with cooperation, interference, or any other means allowed in a survival free-for-all format."

"That's right! Sigh... it was spicy."

Pyne nodded and stuck out her tongue, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"But do they really interfere with each other?"

"Yeah, it apparently happens every year. The teachers probably tolerate it. They might say something like it's to get used to the tactics of black explorers."

"I see... well, the results are determined by the order of reaching the goal, the number of monsters defeated within the time limit, and their level. So, I guess there's no choice but to accept it. Black explorers, huh..."

"For us first-years, this is one of the big events where we can clearly see our position among the others for the first time. Everyone's been training hard for this lately. George and Demilia have been training intensively with the teachers these days."

For the first-year students, this was one of the big events where they could clearly establish their position among their peers for the first time. The reason it was referred to as an "event" was that it was not just a test, but something more than that. For the school and the teachers, this test was only material to accurately measure the current position of the students and use it for future lectures. Unlike in Japan, there was no direct connection to future career paths, and there were no consequences for poor results. Well, there were stories of taking away a spot from a supporter who sent only students who obviously underperformed.

That's why the results of this event clearly determined the order of the grades.

"Well, I'm sure I'm not even in the field of view. But I think I'll be okay without worrying about interference."

Tenji's background was that of a fifth-grade "swordsman", which was nothing more than a human being no different from weeds on the ground. Therefore, no one was interested in him.

"Of course, Pyne is aiming for first place, right?"

"Of course! I want to give a lot of good news to Mushtafa-san. At least, I have to reach the goal within the top three and defeat more than 50, fourth grade monsters."

The record from two years ago, when Fuyuki was a first-year student, was even more abnormal though. It seems that in that year's exam, Fuyuki won by a mile and set the highest record since the opening of Mallorca Academy.

'Goal placement: 8th place, number of monsters defeated: 151 fifth grade monsters and 876 fourth grade monsters.'

This was apparently an exceptional record compared to previous years, and unless a new zero-grade explorer candidate enters the school, it is said that breaking this record is impossible. Of course, there's no way Tenji would do something crazy to break that record.

[It's not like I need to produce good results here.]

Tenji still doesn't have the ability of a first-grade explorer, not only in terms of status, but also in terms of technical proficiency as a simple explorer.


Until then, the promise with his supporter, Leon, was to quietly and steadily accumulate power.

Tenji's level had already risen from 3 to 4 after about a month.

Although there were no major changes, the pace of level increase was accelerating.

The number of hell beasts was also increasing, the floors were updating rapidly, and thanks to the rare local conditions of the Mallorca dungeon being close by, Tenji was growing at an astonishing pace.

At present, Tenji's 'Book of Enma' has changed up to this point.

In just three months, he had shown incredible growth.

[Name] Tenji Amagi

[Age] 16

[Level] 4/100

[Experience] 611,776/625,000

[H P] 4034 (4018+16)

[M P] 4016 (4000+16)

[Attack Power] 5996 (5980+16)

[Defensive Strength] 4052(4036+16)

[Speed] 4027 (4011+16)

[Intelligence] 4058 (4042+16)

[Luck] 4045 (4029+16)

[Fixed Small Object Levitation] (Lv.8/10)

[Experience] 2/182

[Calling] Hell Beast Summoning](Lv.4/100)

[Calling] Hell Beast Summoning

[Experience] 616,776/625,000

[Hell Realm].

[Red Demon Species] 78/78

[Summonable Hell Weapons.]

[Red Demon Series]

 Red Demon Sword -- 5th grade.

 Red Demon Dagger - 5th grade.

<Passive Skill : Debuff Drunkenness> 20% chance of putting the enemy into a state of drunkenness.>

Red Demon Gloves - 5th grade.

  <Passive skill: Explosion> 10% chance to add Explosion (300%) to attacks.>

Red Demon GreatSword - Grade 5 - (NEW)

  <Passive Skill: Stagnation> 30% chance to reduce enemy speed by 5%.

[Summonable Hell Equipment.]

[Red Demon Series]

 [Red Demon Ring] - 5th grade.

 [Red Demon bangle] - 5th grade..

  <Active Skill: Strength Guidance> increases the user's attack power by 1.75 times.

 [Red Demon Necklace] - 5th grade.

  <Active Skill: No Guidance> the user can manipulate Hell Weapons freely

 [Red Demon Earrings] - 5th grade.

   <Kodou (Drum Pulse)> Increases the user's total status value by 1.2 times.

 [Red Demon Anklet] - 5th grade - (NEW)

  <Active skill: Gōdōu (Drumbeat Guidance)> Increases the probability effect of hell weapons by 1.5 times.

[Hell Granny's Store]

  • Physical Recovery demon-Lantern (2 points)

  • Mental Recovery demon-Lantern (2 points)

  • HP recovery demon lanterns (2 points) (NEW)

  • MP Recovery demon-Lantern (2 points)

  • Speed-increasing demon lanterns (2 points)

  • Attack power increasing demon lanterns (2 points)

  • Natural water from the Sanzu River (2 points)

His status values had increased by an average of 1000, and the limit of the Hell Relam had also increased from 31 to 78. As a result, the number of Goblins had also increased to 78.

In addition, the "Red Demon GreatSword" and the "Red Demon Anklet" had been added, and the "HP Recovery Demon Lantern" had increased in stock at the store.

The remaining experience points until the next level 5 were 8,224.

Since the number five is a fairly significant number, Tenji was eagerly looking forward to the next change that would occur.

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