Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 3: Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Hell Quest - Condition 2.

Shadow boxing for 15 consecutive hours without stopping your feet even once. After 10 minutes, real humanoid shadows appear and launch attacks that significantly deplete your mental energy. Additionally, there seem to be 10 shadows this time.

And one more thing...

Destroy the giant bronze bell with only the wind pressure from your punches.

"Come on!!!"

Dodging the shadow's punches with steps, avoiding, avoiding, avoiding...and finally, Tenji swings his full strength punch at the bronze bell.

A dull sound of cutting wind echoes and the leaves on the ground around him are lifted by the vortex of wind.

He had been repeating this state for five hours.

However, the bronze bell still had not cracked.

[What am I doing wrong!? What should I do!?]

While cursing in his mind again and again, Tenji never stopped his feet or hands.

He couldn't keep his hand or stop his feet for even a moment longer, as he didn't know when the announcement would consider it a failure.

Even if he hadn't found a clue to clear the quest, it was his last struggle to search for a way with all his might.

He kept searching for the way to clear the quest.

"Remaining: 47 seconds"

"Bronze Bell HP: 9,977/10,000"

14 hours, 59 minutes, and 13 seconds had passed.

He managed to reduce 23 HP with his full strength punch several times, but still hadn't found any tips. His whole body was already worn out, and now he was only doing this quest with his mental power.

It's not like he found any clues. It was inevitable.

"In the time limit, the destruction of the bronze bell was not achieved. The countdown will start again in 30 seconds. The number of executions available: One. 30, 29, 28..."

"Haa... Haa... What am I supposed to do?"

While cursing, Tenji quickly forced himself to eat the energy recovery and mental recovery oni lanterns.. He drank sports drinks and forced himself to eat energy jelly, replenishing energy to his body even though it was tough.

He immediately felt like his body had fully recovered, and his motivation naturally rose.

[Although it was only 23 times earlier, I was able to punch with all my strength. Remember that feeling. All I have to do is do that 10,000 times. If I can do it once every five seconds, I'll be able to clear it.]

During the thirty seconds before the quest starts, he visualizes his best performance and repeats the simulation in his mind, giving himself self-suggestion.

"《----3, 2, 1. The countdown begins.》"

The remaining number of quest executions is one.

Truly, the final challenge for Tenji has begun.

[Time Remaining: 2,740 seconds]

[Bronze Bell HP: 2/10,000]

With over 45 minutes remaining, Tenji was approaching his long-awaited goal of destroying the Bronze Bell.

Fifteen minutes into his second attempt, Tenji finally grasped the key to unleashing his full power. With that, the Bronze Bell's HP began to rapidly decrease.

And so, Tenji's efforts finally bore fruit.



As he swung two consecutive punches, a sound like the cutting of wind followed slightly after each punch.

This was the ideal form of Tenji's full-power punch.

[The power and speed of the sound trailing behind, and the determination needed... I won't accept anything less.]

It felt like his previous efforts had been denied.

It was like the feeling of a disciple whose master has pointed out that they still have more potential to unlock.

While he was happy, his frustration still prevailed.

[Bronze Bell HP: OVER KILL]

Finally, the display of the 'Book of Enma' changed.

It seems that he was able to achieve one of the clear conditions, "Destroy the Bronze Bell". However, he won't be recognized as clearing it until he meets the other condition, as the announcement for clearing it didn't sound.

[Last round! Let's go!]

45 minutes had passed since then.

Tenji felt a sense of accomplishment after giving his all in the fight.

He collapsed onto the ground, looking up at the red night sky while catching his breath.

His body was screaming in agony to the point where he couldn't even move his fingertips, and he felt like he could sleep here for two days straight.

The temperature had dropped from when he first arrived, and white steam was rising from his body.

Sweat continued to pour out of his body, coloring the ground a dark brown.

[Confirmation of the end of Condition 2. Well done. Thank you for your hard work.]

[Hell Quest 'Challenge from the Red Demon - Level 2' has been cleared. Two clear rewards will be given:

'Fifth-Grade Weapon - Red Demon Gloves' and 'Fifth-Grade Equipment - Red Demon Necklace'. They will be updated in your original 'Book of Enma' Book after returning. Returning in 30 seconds.]

As he adjusted his breathing to calm his heart rate, an announcement of completely clearing the quest resounded in his head.

Without even the energy to do a victory pose, Tenji screamed with joy in his mind.

[Haaa... Oh, before I forgot.]

He reached out desperately to his bag, which was nearby, and managed to grab onto the strap.

When transitioning from the hell realm to the real world, anything not touching his body would be left behind.

To test this, he had previously stuck a toothpick into a nearby tree during a quest, and it was still there when he came back this time.

This made him realize that he could forget something in the hell realm.

[Returning Tenji Amagi. We expect great things from you in the future, my lord.]

He had conquered the third hell quest.

Tenji's body was being pulled back to reality by the 'Book of Enma'.

[Summonable Hell Weapons.]

[Red Demon Series]

 Red Demon Sword -- 5th grade.

 Red Demon Dagger - 5th grade.

<Passive Skill : Debuff Drunkenness> 20% chance of putting the enemy into a state of drunkenness.>

Red Demon Gloves - 5th grade.

  <Passive skill: Explosion> 10% chance to add Explosion (300%) to attacks.>

[Summonable Hell Equipment.]

[Red Demon Series]

 Red Demon Ring - 5th grade.

 Red Demon bangle - 5th grade..

  <Active Skill: Strength Guidance> increases the user's attack power by 1.75 times.

 Red Demon Necklace - 5th grade.

  <Active Skill: No Guidance> the user can manipulate Hell Weapons freely..

Hell weapon "Red Demon Glove" and hell equipment "Red Demon Necklace". These have been added to Tenji's new summonable column.

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