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Chapter 2: The Xiao Sect

Among the hundreds of thousands who live in Eastern Port City, there is not a single person who does not know of the Xiao Sect. Among the many clans and sects in the city, the Xiao Sect is the strongest and richest. Under normal circumstances, someone like Liu Jin would not even be allowed to look at them. Although his family is not poor, to the Xiao Sect he might as well be a beggar.

Even a rich man like Doctor Wu would have to bow his head to the Xiao Sect if he sees them passing by the street.

Yet this morning, Liu Jin dares to approach the Xiao Sect's door.

It is a massive thing, both taller and wider than his house. Even though Liu Jin is but seven years of age, the difference in status is something he can keenly feel whenever he is in front of that gate.

In spite of that gap, the guards in front of the door smile and greet him.

"Good morning," the youngest of the guards says. Liu Jin recognizes him. His name is Xiao Nan. He often guards his father when he has to gather medical herbs outside the city. "The Patriarch told us you would be coming here today."

"Yes, this Liu Jin is here to begin his training," he says with clasped hands.

"I see," Xiao Nan says. "Then I guess I will have to start calling you little brother. Open the Gates!"

At his voice, the guards quickly start pushing the massive gates open to welcome Liu Jin in. For a mere boy like Liu Jin, this type of welcome should be unthinkable. At least, that is what an outsider would think. The truth is the link between his father and the Patriarch of the Xiao Sect is quite strong.

It all started a year or two after his father first arrived at Eastern Port City, back when Liu Jin was still a baby. A horrible disease struck Xiao Zheng, the Xiao Sect's Patriarch. All the great doctors in the city tried to heal him and failed. Even the great Doctor Wu failed.

His father, Liu Jianguo, did not fail.

No one in the Xiao Sect expected much from his father when he offered his services. The Patriarch allowed him to treat his illness only because he had nothing to lose. All the doctors who had seen him estimated he had three years left at most. Xiao Zheng had already been planning how to prepare the Xiao Sect for his eventual death.

Yet he did not die.

Liu Jianguo, a doctor barely anyone had heard of, cured the incurable disease.

From that moment on, Xiao Zheng has been eternally grateful to Liu Jianguo. From that moment on, Xiao Zheng has protected Liu Jianguo and his business. For example, whenever Liu Jin and his father go out of the city to gather herbs, a member of the Xiao Sect is sent with them to protect them.

In fact, Xiao Zheng is the reason why a man as rich and powerful as Doctor Wu has to resort to mere rumors to attack a humble doctor like Liu Jianguo. Doctor Wu does not dare attack Liu Jianguo directly out of fear of angering the Xiao Sect.

"You are free to enter now," Xiao Nan says once the doors are fully open. "The young master will be waiting for you in the Eastern Courtyard."

At this, Liu Jin frowns but nevertheless makes his way in.

Yes, the Xiao Sect are without a doubt precious allies of his family. Liu Jin has lost count of the number of times a member of the Xiao Sect has defended him and his father from Spirit Beasts when they go to gather herbs in Poison Fang Canyon.

However, that and the matter of Xiao Fang being a butthead are two different things.


"You are late."

It is the first thing Xiao Fang says to him, and although Liu Jin is young, he understands those words are going to set the tone for the rest of the day.

Xiao Fang is one year older than Liu Jin and at least a head taller. He has the trademark brown hair and sky blue eyes of the Xiao clan. Even at his age, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that he will grow up to be a handsome man.

"I apologize," Liu Jin says, offering a short bow. The difference between them is only a year. Based on their ages, there is no need for him to be so deferential to Xiao Fang. However, Xiao Fang is the next head of the Xiao Sect while he is the son of a simple doctor. The difference in status cannot be more obvious.

Besides, although it pains Liu Jin to admit it, Xiao Fang is not wrong.

He is late.

He arrived at the gates of the Xiao Sect's compound on time. However, he underestimated how much time it takes to reach the eastern courtyard from the main gate. It took him over twenty minutes to do so.

Truly, the Xiao Sect's power could not be more obvious.

"I misjudged how much time it would take for me to reach this place from the gate," Liu Jin adds.

"Well, I suppose it is true someone who is used to living in a little hut cannot possibly be expected to be ready to see an actual house," Xiao Fang says, tapping his chin. The matter-of-fact way in which he delivers those words makes Liu Jin grit his teeth. "Very well, I will forgive you this time, but see to it that it doesn't happen again."

"You have my word," Liu Jin says. "I will not be late again."

Xiao Fang merely looks at him with clear doubt.

"I'll explain to you how this is going to work out," Xiao Fang says, crossing his arms. "You are, of course, here by my father's grace. In his kindness, he has deemed it fit for you to receive training here."

The way Xiao Fang looks at Liu Jin when he says that makes it clear to him that if Xiao Fang had any say in the matter, Liu Jin would not be standing where he is.

"You will be taught alongside the Outer Disciples. However, make no mistake, even the lowest among us is leagues above the rabble you will find outside these walls."

Xiao Fang puffs his chest like a peacock as he speaks.

"But do not get any ideas," Xiao Fang says, drawing himself to his full height in an attempt to intimidate him. "You are not one of us, not really. You are not our brother. Regardless of how much you grow, you will remain an Outer Disciple. As such, you will receive a minimal amount of cultivation pills if you receive any at all. Also, do not expect us to hand out any of our Arts to you even in the event that you grow enough to actually cultivate them. You will also be expected to help with the daily chores like all other Outer Disciples. Is that understood?"

If Xiao Fang expects him to refuse those terms, then he is quickly disappointed when Liu Jin nods. "Of course, this one is grateful for your guidance."

After all, Xiao Fang is, once again, not wrong.

Even if he is being a butthead about it.

Liu Jin is only there because he needs to be stronger in order to ease his father's worries. That is all there is to it, and it is only by the grace of the Xiao Sect's Patriarch that he is able to walk within these walls. Many people in the city would cut off their right arm for the opportunity to do the same. Liu Jin understands this. He accepts this.

He is not angry or affronted by the terms.

He is grateful for the opportunity.

Xiao Fang frowns, obviously not having expected such easy acceptance. The sight brings a small amount of joy to Liu Jin's heart, but he makes sure not to smile.

"The only guidance you will get from me is showing you where the Outer Disciples train. Do not think, even for a second, that we will be fellow disciples. You are but a poor doctor's son."

Liu Jin bites his tongue hard. Five seconds pass by before he answers. "Of course," he says, keeping his voice even.

Xiao Fang clicks his tongue, evidently having hoped for a much stronger reaction. "Very well, follow me."

Without even waiting for his answer, Xiao Fang begins walking away. Liu Jin follows behind him. Xiao Fang does his best to ignore him as he shows him the way.

Liu Jin is grateful for it.


Liu Jin is given a uniform. It is the standard uniform all disciples of the Xiao Sect wear. His has a simple blue armband signifying his status as an Outer Disciple. Inner Disciples have red armbands, and Core Disciples have yellow armbands.

It is by far the nicest set of clothes he has ever owned.

It is not–contrary to what Xiao Fang had said–that his father is poor. While their wealth cannot possibly compare to that of the Xiao Sect, they do well enough for themselves. Liu Jin can say with full certainty that he has never gone to bed hungry or woken up at night due to the cold.

It is just that the uniform's quality–in spite of being something that is given to every single disciple–is simply that good.

The texture reminds him of silk, but he knows it is not. Liu Jin has moved around all day with it and practiced under the shining sun yet the uniform is neither dirty nor sweaty. It is just as clean as when he first put it on. No doubt it was made using some rare Spirit Beast.

Like the child he is, Liu Jin is excited at owning such a nice thing. Part of him wants to keep wearing the uniform for as long as possible. Unfortunately, he was already ordered by Xiao Fang to only ever wear the uniform while inside the Xiao Sect's compound. After all, he is not a true disciple. To wear the uniform outside these walls would be the same as telling everyone he is a disciple of the Xiao Sect which he is not.

Liu Jin accepts this... even if it annoys him.

Nevertheless, he does his best during the lessons. He makes sure to finish every exercise. His body goes through the forms the instructor shows them, awkwardly at first but with growing confidence.

By the end of it all, he is sweaty and tired.

His day, however, is not over. He still has to help with the regular chores just like all the other Outer Disciples.

"Hey, new guy! Come over here and helps us carry the lumber!"

Oh, yes. His day is definitely not over.

Liu Jin looks at the group that called for him. They are a few years older than him, but also Outer Disciples. He noticed them looking his way more than once after he arrived which is not surprising since he arrived late and showed up with the Sect's Young Master to boot.

Still, Liu Jin does as they bid him. He is the newest disciple and doesn't want to get into trouble.

"Good," the one in front of the group says. Liu Jin cannot help but notice that his nose is a bit too big for the rest of his face. "Since you are new, this older brother is going to show you the ropes. Isn't that nice of me, guys!"

He laughs and pats his own chest as he speaks. His group laughs with him, but Liu Jin doesn't.

"Oi," the older disciple says, glaring. "Where's your gratitude? You think a greenhorn like you gets to forget his manners because you came in with the young master?"

"Not at all." Liu Jin shakes his head. "This one is grateful for your guidance."

In the back of his mind, he wonders if maybe the reason why Xiao Fang escorted him was to cause this type of reaction.

"Good. See that you don't get cocky when I'm being so nice to you," the older disciple says. In his mind, Liu Jin decides to name him Big Nose for now.

"Of course," Liu Jin replies, his smile becoming faker by the second. Putting on an act for Xiao Fang is one thing. He is used to it. He understands the difference in status between them and just how much the Xiao Sect has done for them. He doesn't want to ruin that. As long as Xiao Fang never insults his father, he can swallow his pride, no matter how grudgingly.

This guy, though?

No, he doesn't like this at all.

Yet, Liu Jin bites his tongue and keeps his gaze down.

If he gets into trouble here, he could be kicked out. That could potentially sour the relationship between his father and the Xiao Sect. Without the Xiao Sect's help, they would no longer be able to gather herbs in Poison Fang Canyon. Since his father's meridians are damaged even going outside the city would be risky. They would soon lose business to other doctors.

"Now listen well," Big Nose says. "We disciples help with all sorts of tasks around the compound. Some of them even double as training. Today we have to carry the lumber to the storage. Lucky for you, we already set aside your portion."

It is true. They have already separated the logs into piles for each disciple, but...

"Honored senior," Liu Jin begins. "I cannot help but notice that my pile is larger than the others."

It is true. The logs set aside for Liu Jin are easily twice the number of the ones for the other disciples.

"Well, of course," Big Nose replies without a hint of shame. "How can you be expected to catch up to the rest of us if you don't put in twice the effort? Really, you should be thankful I'm such a kind senior. Isn't that right, everyone?"

"Of course!"

"Boss is kind and generous."

"Brother Jin must be pretty ungrateful to be spurning his kindness like that."

As Big Nose's smile grows and Liu Jin's face flushes with anger, a new voice speaks up.

"Kindness? Is that what's going on here?"

Big Nose turns to face the new arrival, and his face pales. Liu Jin follows his line of sight and finds Xiao Nan casually walking towards them.

"I asked you a question, didn't I?" Xiao Nan says as he stops in front of them. "Or are your ears not working?"

"N-no! Of course not, honored elder brother!" Big Nose says, bowing low. Unlike the rest of them, Xiao Nan is not a mere Outer Disciple but a Core Disciple. Big Nose cannot hope to bully him as he did Liu Jin. "I was just giving the newest disciple some guidance."

"Guidance?" Xiao Nan repeats. "Is that what Brother Li was doing?"

At once, the disciples behind him nod.

"He is not lying," Liu Jin says after a moment of internal debate. "Brother Li even went as far as to save the largest pile of lumber for me to carry. His kindness towards a new disciple like me is truly overwhelming."

"Oh, so that is how it is," Xiao Nan says, smiling. He turns to Big Nose Li. "I see. I cannot fault your dedication, but I must question the conclusion you came to."

"Elder Brother?"

"I understand wanting to motivate my little brother," Xiao Nan says. "However, would my little brother not be more motivated by watching Brother Li carry all those logs by himself?"

Big Nose Li's face pales as he hears those words.

"How about it? What does everyone think?"

"Of course!"

"That makes perfect sense. After all, Brother Li is the strongest among us. Who better to show our newest brother?"

"Yes, we cannot hope to argue with Elder Brother's wisdom. Truly, he is far beyond us."

The disciples who had been so confident behind Big Nose Li now happily turn on him to save their own skin. Faced with their unanimous agreement and Xiao Nan's smiling face, Big Nose Li has no choice but to agree.

"Of course, Elder Brother," he says. "What was I thinking? I will do as you say."

Like that, the whole thing ends. Big Nose Li takes the heaviest load for himself, and everyone else goes about their work in silence, unwilling to draw Xiao Nan's notice.

"Thank you, Elder Brother," Liu Jin says, offering him a short bow. Xiao Nan smiles.

"There is no need to thank me. It is an Elder Brother's job to look after his Little Brother. That is all," Xiao Nan says. "Truth be told, I had a feeling something like this would happen so I came here. No doubt, Xiao Fang is behind this in some way."

"I cannot speculate about such things," Liu Jin says. "But if he is, is it really alright for Elder Brother to be helping me?"

"Little Brother, the day I have to take orders from my cousin is still very far away," Xiao Nan says with easy confidence, drawing raised eyebrows from Liu Jin.

He knew Xiao Nan is important, but he had no idea of his relationship to Xiao Fang until now.

Even so...

"Xiao Fang... he is not wrong," Liu Jin says, drawing a curious look from Xiao Nan. "I am not a true member of the Xiao Sect. I am not a true disciple. I am someone receiving kindness he has not yet earned. It is natural for people to resent that."

"Oh, so Little Brother can say things like that too?" Xiao Nan muses with an odd smile on his lips. "Good. That's good. I definitely don't regret a thing then!"

Liu Jin blinks.

"I don't understand."

"And for now, that's perfectly fine. Little Brother is still little after all. There is still plenty for you to learn."

Like that, Liu Jin's lessons with the Xiao Sect begin.


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