Aura of a Genius Actor

Chapter 53: I've been waiting to hear from you

༺ I’ve been waiting to hear from you ༻

“Ah… Writer Yook…”

PD Joo’s expression changed upon seeing the uninvited guest.

She was the kind of person who tended to confront or challenge even him if she didn’t think he was right. If the unpredictable writer offended Moon Yu-seok, it would make the producer’s position extremely uncomfortable… or even dangerous.

But to his surprise, she said:

“Director Moon.”

Then, she bowed deeply.

“You’ve helped us in many ways, and I’m aware that we’re not in a position to be ungrateful. However, while it’s not a lead role, the character Bohyung plays a pivotal role in driving the story. It’s not that your actor is lacking, but as you’ve seen, we’ve found a perfect fit for the role. You even went out of your way to include Mr. Baek Seunghyo, so I believe you’ll also want this production to succeed as much as we do.”

Moon Yu-seok chuckled at her formal demeanor.

People said she was eccentric, but she surprisingly knew the stance she needed to take.

After seeing ‘that performance,’ he had no intention of being stubborn. It was just that the PD had presumptuously stepped out of line.

“So, what are you saying?”

“I kindly ask for your understanding, just this once.”

PD Joo looked at her with a startled expression.

“I appreciate your honesty. So, does this mean that writer Yook owes me one?”


Yu-seok smiled in satisfaction.

Yook Mi-young was a young writer who started her career with three consecutive hits. She was bound to be more useful in the future.

He had secured a favor from such a promising figure, and since he had plans to contact ‘that actor’ anyway, it was like killing two birds with one stone.

It wasn’t a bad deal.


Even after the movie wrapped up, Yoomyeong couldn’t rest.

He had been busy with the post-production recording, and he had been preoccupied with creating his profile and attending the audition immediately after the film.

Finally, Yoomyeong stepped outside for a break. It was short-lived, only lasting for a few days.

It was late August. The sun still shone harshly, showing no signs of abating.

His steps headed towards Daehangno.

He had an appointment with a budding intern writer who recently settled in the area.



Yoomyeong was cooling off at KFC when a familiar figure entered.

“Did the movie shoot wrap up well?”


“When’s the release?”

“Not sure about the distribution schedule, but it’s probably around the end of the year. How did the performance go?”

“Good. The script was changed a lot, but the ‘transformation’ scene is still there, hehe.”

Jun-ho spoke with a mix of embarrassment and pride.

Yoomyeong thought that someone who did what they loved shined. Woo Jun-ho, his friend even from his previous life, looked more lively and energetic.

He wondered if he appeared the same to him.

“Instead of sitting here, do you want to visit the theater with me? Senior Seon-ha told me to bring you there.”

“Really? Am I allowed to go there?”

Following Jun-ho, Yoomyeong headed to Comet Theater.

It was one of the few theater troupes with its own dedicated venue, and rightfully so, since it was currently recognized as the best in the country.

“Oh, Yoomyeong!”

“Hello, senior.”

“You look even better on camera. Do I also need to act in a movie to look as radiant as you?”

“You’re already beautiful enough.”

They exchanged greetings with a mix of light banter and flattery.

Yoomyeong became curious when he heard about how Seon-ha cross-dressed and performed as Richard in ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.’

“Do you have any plans of doing plays again after the movie? You’re perfect for the stage.”

“Well, you might say movies are my calling after seeing the film.”

“Oh? Look at this cocky guy. Doesn’t he look like Hansung?”

“Just kidding. But I’m waiting for the results of an audition right now.”

“Oh… What’s the genre?”

“A drama.”

“A drama?”

Seon-ha’s voice became excited.

“I love dramas. Who are you filming with?”

“Well, I haven’t passed yet… but I heard the leads are Baek Seunghyo and Cha Harin.”

“Baek Seunghyo? Can you get me his autograph?”

Her face reddened like an excited teenager.

“Are you a fan? Haha.”

“Yes. He’s doing well now, but he’ll do even better in the future. He’s charming, and he also acts well. I need to get his autograph before he becomes a top star.”

Lee Seon-ha’s instincts were sharp.

Baek Seunghyo, now in his late twenties, was an actor who would rise to the ranks of top actors in his thirties. He would become the representative actor of Good Entertainment.

Yoomyeong wondered if he had also received the ‘rumored’ offer.


{Did you really go back that day?}

“Well, of course. I changed my clothes and went.”

{Haha. Goodness, no matter how much I think about it, it’s just too funny. You’re amazing.}

“Thank you.”

Three days later, he got a call from the casting director. After briefly mentioning her feedback, the director said:

{Let’s do our best.}


{I didn’t expect you to be chosen, but you’ve outdone yourself with your talent. Congratulations.}

Those words made Yoomyeong’s heart flutter.

Despite sending hundreds of profiles every time a new audition was announced, he had rarely received an invitation to audition.

On the few lucky occasions he was called for a minor role, he never received a positive reply. Even if he passed, the only response would be a general notification text.

Let’s do our best.

Come with us.

Let’s do it again next time.

These words still made Yoomyeong’s heart race.

Despite being in the industry for so long, he had rarely heard those words.

{The first script reading is in two weeks, and shooting will start in mid-September, a week after that. Normally, your agency would handle the details, but since you don’t have one right now, I’ll explain everything.}

Afterward, her explanation, which could either be seen as an announcement or just idle chatter, continued for a while.

{The drama that was originally scheduled for next year was suddenly brought forward, so only the synopsis and the initial parts are available. I’ll email you whenever the script for your part is available so that you can check it immediately and memorize your lines for convenience.}

Given the early stage of production…

{As you already know, the main leads are Baek Seunghyo and Cha Harin. The supporting male lead is Lee Kyu-seong, and the supporting female lead is Jung Junhee. The four of them have the most significant roles, but your role will also be substantial. You will appear in almost every episode, so please try to focus solely on this project.}

And of course, there was the schedule.

{We received the scheduling in early December, and even if we start production smoothly in mid-September, we only have about two and a half months. It would be nice if we could release up to six episodes before the broadcast starts, but that’s a hopeful estimate… It’s always delayed. Do you have a car? There will be a lot of unpredictable call times. We also need to discuss the outfit and hair concepts with our team.}

There was also the necessity of making a concept for the character,

“I know someone who can help with the styling. I’ll ask if they’re available.”

{Sure. If they can help, please leave their contact information with me. You’ll need to sign a contract as well… Anyway, it might be uncomfortable to work alone. Do you have any plans to join an agency? It’s going to be hard for you to manage everything alone, especially if you become more famous.}

And the need for an agency.

“Yes, I’m thinking about it. I’ll keep you updated.”

{Alright, please do that. Take care of yourself.}

With that, the call ended.

Holding the business card given by Yu-seok, Yoomyeong pondered for a while before making a call.


“I’ve been waiting to hear from you.”

The man, impeccably dressed as always, gestured for Yoomyeong to sit down.

They were in a private room of a high-end Japanese restaurant. When Yoomyeong entered, the dishes were already beautifully arranged.

“Really? I thought you’d call me first.”

“I didn’t even have your number, Mr. Shin Yoomyeong.”

“You probably already know it, though.”

“Haha, you’re not easy. You’re right, I do. But if I reach out first, then the deal will become too one-sided, don’t you think?”

With an enigmatic smile, Yu-seok picked up a bottle of liquor.

The ivory flask elegantly tilted, and Yoomyeong raised the glass in front of him with both hands and politely accepted the drink.

“I had fun that day.”

“You attended my audition. What do you think?”

“Exactly as I said – fun. It’s rare for an actor to elicit a feeling of pure enjoyment from me rather than just saying they’re good.”

“That doesn’t sound like a compliment…”

“It’s a huge compliment. I told you, I’ve been waiting to hear from you.”

He downed a shot and picked up a slice of fish from a beautifully set sashimi plate, which was adorned with a phoenix pattern.

“Have some. The sashimi here is pretty good for Seoul.”

At his invitation, Yoomyeong picked up a slice of sashimi with his chopsticks. It looked like translucent fugu sashimi. Had he ever tasted it before?

As he placed the sashimi in his mouth, its thin yet resilient flesh quivered before being cut through.

“How long have you been acting?”

“Well… my actual acting experience is something you probably already know. But if you’re counting how long I’ve practiced in my head and imagined the scenes, then it’s been a very long time.”

Yu-seok seemed slightly taken aback by his response.

“Why didn’t you act before you went to college? Did your parents disapprove of it?”

“No, it’s just that there were some ‘circumstances’ that prevented me from doing it. It’s hard to explain in detail…”

“Circumstances, you say… I’m curious.”

Yu-seok, reminded of something by the word ‘circumstances,’ took another sip of his drink.

“So, have those ‘circumstances’ been resolved now?”

“Yes, for now.”

“It seems like it’s been a while since you decided to become an actor, so why haven’t you auditioned for any agencies?”

“That’s because those circumstances… has been resolved ‘for now.’”

“…What does that mean?”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be able to act freely, so I want to have fun and act as much as possible. But joining an agency would probably hold me down with their restrictions.”

Yoomyeong candidly shared his feelings, sincerely wanting to win the man’s favor.

In response, the man asked with a puzzled expression.

“Are you ill or something?”


“I don’t understand. Is it a secret about your birth?”

“Haha, no.”

He didn’t seem to be lying, and it didn’t seem like he’d answer even if he was pressured to.

Yu-seok observed him from across the table, and Yoomyeong met his gaze evenly.

“To be honest, I do this business as a hobby.”

Yoomyeong knew he wasn’t bluffing.

After all, it was related to the scandal that would erupt around ten years later.

“And I have another true hobby.”

He opened a card wallet and pulled out a distinctly colored card from an inner pocket.

Seeing it, Yoomyeong’s heart raced. Were the rumors true?

“Having only money to my name, I’ve been frivolous with it since I was young. Changing watches and cars only amused me for a while, and even spending on women lost its charm eventually.”

He casually placed the card down and smoothly slid it across the table with two fingers.

“So, I sought another hobby. If I’m going to splurge, might as well make it both fun and beneficial.”

[CEO of Bad Entertainment, Moon Yu-seok]

The business card was black as night with shimmering gold text, resembling the temptation of the devil.

“Don’t get the wrong idea from the name. The criteria for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are based on how they affect ‘me.'”

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