Attack on Titan: Wolfborn

17 - Gambit

Chapter XVII: Gambit

Anja's heart raced as she waited in the small antechamber. The weight of the impending trial pressed down on her, making each breath a conscious effort. She smoothed her uniform for the hundredth time, trying to calm her nerves.

A shadow fell across her. Anja looked up to see a man she didn't recognize approaching. His face was partially obscured by a hood, but she caught a glimpse of light brown hair underneath. He stopped nearby, seeming to hesitate before turning to her.

"Excuse me," he said, his voice low. "You're Anja Wolf, aren't you?"

The man glanced around before leaning in slightly. "I just wanted to thank you for saving us." He leaned in close to shake her hand, his tone suddenly shifted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You should consider your future," he murmured. "Some things are better left unsaid."

Before Anja could respond, the man straightened and melted back into the crowd. Her hand instinctively went to her pocket, fingers brushing against the folded paper within. A chill ran down her spine as she noticed a few onlookers watching the exchange with curious eyes.

"Cadet Wolf," a stern voice called. "You're summoned."

Taking a deep breath, Anja stepped into the courtroom.

The space that greeted her was cavernous and imposing. Anja's footsteps echoed on the stone floor as she entered, drawing the attention of the packed gallery. Representatives from every faction within the walls were present, their faces a mix of curiosity, suspicion, and barely concealed hostility. The black robes of the Wallists stood out starkly against the sea of military uniforms and the fine attires of merchants and nobles.

The courtroom itself bore the scars of recent events. Shattered windows allowed gusts of wind to disturb the heavy atmosphere, and in places, chunks of masonry lay where they had fallen from the damaged ceiling. Above, a partially ruined fresco depicted ancient soldiers locked in battle, their painted faces seeming to watch the proceedings with grim interest.

At the center of it all, elevated above the rest, sat Premier Zachary. The banners of each military regiment flanked his seat, their colors a stark contrast to the somber mood. Zachary's piercing gaze fixed on Anja as she approached, his expression unreadable behind his glasses.

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. Anja caught snippets of whispered conversations: "...the one who fought the Armored Titan..."

As she took her place at the center of the room, Anja's eyes darted from face to face. The Scout Regiment stood to one side, Commander Erwin's expression unreadable. Opposite them, the Military Police wore looks of cool disdain. Commander Nile Dawk's gaze met hers, and suddenly the courtroom faded away in her mind.

She was back in that small, suffocating room.

5 Days Ago

The room felt like a cage, its walls pressing in on Anja as she sat rigid in her chair. Her mind raced, a thousand questions and fears drowning out all else. Two Military Police soldiers flanked the door, they were silent since she was brought in but she could feel their gazes steadily pressing her down in place, a constant reminder of her precarious situation.

The door swung open with a sudden, jarring creak. A man entered - tall and thin, with short black hair and a serious demeanor. Dark circles under his eyes hinted at sleepless nights, while a red medal hung prominently around his neck. His presence filling the small space. Anja's eyes darted over him, taking in his crisp uniform, the hard set of his jaw, the calculating look in his eyes. The soldiers snapped to attention, their salutes sharp and practiced.

"At ease," He said, his voice clipped and authoritative. He took the seat across from Anja, placing a thick folder on the desk between them. With a curt gesture, he dismissed the other soldiers. As they left, Anja started to rise, her body moving on instinct to salute.

"Commander Nile Dawk, head of the Military Police Brigade," he introduced himself, waving her down. "Sit, Cadet Wolf. We have much to discuss, and I'm afraid my time is limited."

Anja sank back into her chair, her heart hammering against her ribs. She could feel sweat beading on her palms, and she resisted the urge to wipe them on her pants.

Nile's eyes scanned the open file before him, his expression unreadable. "Cadet Anja Wolf, 104th Southern Corps. 15 years old, born in 835. Originally from a small town inside Wall Maria, lived in Shiganshina most of her life." He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Parents: Father, partook in the 22nd Scouting Expedition, year 838. Presumed deceased, no survivors from that mission." His gaze flicked to another page on the file. "Mother presumed deceased during the attack on Shiganshina, 845. One sibling, also deceased 845 -former Scout Regiment." He looked up to her, his gaze piercing. "A family history of service and sacrifice, it seems."

Anja's breath caught in her throat. How much did they know?

"Your recent exploits have caused quite a stir, Cadet," Nile continued, his tone neutral but his eyes sharp. "Particularly your encounter with the Armored Titan."

"Sir, I-" Anja began, but Nile held up a hand, silencing her.

"I'll be direct. Yesterday, an accusation was made. Murder of a fellow soldier during battle. One Nac Tius."

The name hit Anja like a physical blow. She felt the blood drain from her face, Nac's terrified eyes flashing in her mind. Had they found him? Maybe that was the reason his body wasn't there. Her mouth went dry, the urge to confess rising like bile in her throat.

"I've decided to close the case," Nile continued, his tone matter-of-fact. "It was an anonymous tip, we swept the area, no body, no weapon to speak of. Three witnesses vouched for you. Seems more like slander than substance."

"I... I don't understand," Anja managed, her voice barely above a whisper. Her mind reeled. The weapon... she had found her blade, but it had no blood on it… And Witnesses? Who? Why?

Nile leaned back, his expression softening slightly. "What's to understand? You're being hailed as a hero, Wolf. Clearly, someone doesn't agree with it. You know, there's even talk of a medal."

The praise felt like ash in Anja's mouth.

"Now," Nile continued, his tone shifting slightly, "there's another matter I wished to discuss personally. As I understand it, you haven't chosen a regiment officially yet."

Anja nodded, uncertain where this was heading.

"Your actions during the recent... incident in Trost have caught our attention," Nile said, leaning forward slightly. "The Military Police Brigade is always interested in exceptional individuals, especially those who've shown their worth."

He paused, studying Anja's reaction. "Normally, entry into our ranks is reserved for the top ten graduates - a bar you didn't quite reach. However, extraordinary circumstances sometimes call for exceptions."

Nile's eyes flickered to the file before him. "I understand you were in close proximity to Eren Jaeger when he was in Titan form near the breach. Not many had such a vantage point. Your perspective on those events could be quite valuable."

"Valuable, sir?" Anja asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"There will be questions in the coming days, Cadet Wolf. Your testimony could be crucial in determining the best course of action for humanity's safety."

He slid an envelope across the desk, bearing the Military Police emblem stamped in green wax. "Consider this an invitation to discuss your future with us. The Brigade offers good pay, the best facilities in the military, the honor of serving the king directly. It's a rare opportunity to make a real difference from within the walls."

Nile stood, gathering his papers. "Of course, any insights you might share about Jaeger and the events in Trost would be... appreciated. Consider it a show of good faith, if you will."

Anja's stomach churned. What did they want with Eren? What would happen to him?

Nile moved towards the door, then paused. "Think it over, Wolf. Opportunities like this don't come often… We value those who can see the bigger picture, who understand what's truly best for humanity's future."

The echo of his words faded, replaced by the hushed murmur of the crowded courtroom. Anja blinked, the present rushing back into focus

"Cadet Wolf," Zachary's voice cut the last wisps of memory, sharp and authoritative. "You stand before this court to testify in a matter of grave importance to humanity. Do you understand the weight of this responsibility?"

Anja swallowed hard. "Yes, sir."

"Then let us proceed," Zachary said, his tone brooking no argument. "Cadet Wolf, describe the events you witnessed during the battle of Trost, particularly those involving Eren Jaeger. We understand you were the first to encounter him after he was reportedly eaten."

Anja took a deep breath, steadying herself. The memories crashed over her - Death, of others her own, chaos, fear. Her voice trembled slightly as she began, "Many of us were out of gas, stranded on rooftops, surrounded by Titans. That's when I saw him - a new Titan, fighting against the others—"

"Objection," Nile Dawk interrupted smoothly. "Cadet Wolf, you say this Titan fought others. Did it display any signs of recognizing or sparing humans?"

Anja hesitated, caught off guard. "I... he didn't attack us, if that's what you're asking. He—"

Nile nodded, his expression neutral but his eyes sharp. "So it acted on pure instinct, unable to distinguish friend from foe. Continue, Cadet."

"That is not what I said," Anja protested, her voice rising. "He saved me from another Titan—"

"A mere coincidence, perhaps?" Nile interjected. "The Titan was simply a larger target. We have reports indicating that Jaeger attempted to attack Cadet Mikasa Ackerman during the operation to retake Trost. That indicates he was acting on pure instinct, with no real control."

Anja frowned, sensing the trap but unsure how to avoid it. "Eren wasn't just acting on instinct," she insisted, her voice stronger now. "He came to his senses. He deliberately moved the boulder towards the breach. That was part of the operation, crucial for its success."

"And during this time," Nile pressed, "were there any instances where Jaeger's actions endangered other human lives?"

"What...? I..." Anja faltered. Suddenly, the chaos of that day overwhelmed her. She saw the deaths of the garrison soldiers defending Eren, heard the confusion in their voices. A blinding flash of lightning, an explosion that left everyone shell-shocked. Eren's fallen Titan form. Then, flashes of red, the savage glee rising within her, followed by a searing pain across her back.

Zachary's voice cut through her spiraling thoughts, impatient now. "Cadet Wolf, you were in close proximity to these events. Can you describe the immediate impact on your fellow soldiers?"

The voices in the courtroom began to fade, drowned out by the memories of death and destruction. Zachary's words echoed, distorted, as if from a great distance. Anja's vision blurred, the faces before her melting into a sea of accusing eyes...

4 Days Ago

Suddenly, she was back there. The acrid stench of smoke and charred flesh filled her nostrils.

Row upon row of bodies stretched before her, each wrapped in blood-stained blankets. The makeshift pyres loomed, a grim monument to their pyrrhic victory. Anja stood among her fellow survivors, their faces gaunt and haunted. Nearby, wounded soldiers leaned on each other for support, their bandages stark white against the grim backdrop.

Captain Woermann's voice rose above the heavy silence. "We gather here to honor those who gave their lives in defense of humanity."

As he read out the names of the fallen, Anja felt each one like a blow. Her heart raced, dreading to hear the names of those she knew. She wanted to cover her ears, a helpless attempt to block out the loss, but she couldn't. She had to listen, had to bear witness.

When Connie's name was called, Sasha's quiet sobs became audible. Anja wanted to reach out, to offer some comfort, but her own guilt held her back. How could she console others when her own hands were stained with blood?

The space beside Sasha, where Connie should have been, yawned like an open wound. Nearby, Ymir and Christa huddled close, their expressions grim as they stared at two blanket-wrapped forms. With a jolt, Anja realized they were Franz and Hannah. Or what was left of them. The sight of the couple, united even in death, sent a chill down her spine.

The flames began to lick at the pyre, sending tendrils of smoke into the overcast sky. Anja's hand trembled as she saluted, her mind churning with the events of the past day. Still no sign of Eren, Mikasa, Armin. Their absence gnawed at her. Had the Military Police taken action? Should she speak up?

The conversation with Nile Dawk replayed in her head. That letter he gave her felt like it was burning a hole in her pocket, a constant reminder of the choice looming before her.

As the flames began to consume the pyre, Anja's eyes drifted across the gathered soldiers. A familiar figure caught her attention - Annie, standing at the edge of the crowd. Her icy blue eyes were fixed on the fire, her expression unreadable. For a moment, Anja felt a flicker of relief, but questions quickly followed. Where had Annie been during the chaos? Why did she look so-

"Cadet Wolf!"

Zachary's sharp voice snapped her out of her stupor. The courtroom swam into focus, every eye fixed upon her, murmurs filling the room. Zachary's expression was one of clear annoyance.

"I will ask you one last time," he said, his tone clipped. "Based on your firsthand observations, do you consider Eren Jaeger to be a threat to humanity?"

Anja's eyes darted across the room, landing briefly on Erwin's face. His expression was unreadable, but he raised an eyebrow slightly. She turned back to Zachary.

"No, sir," she said, her voice stronger than she felt. "Eren used his strength to fight the Titans in Trost. He managed to move a massive boulder towards the breach, which, as you know, was essential to our efforts to seal it. Many of us, myself included, owe our lives to his actions."

Nile Dawk leaned forward, his expression was neutral but his eyes sharp. "We must keep the big picture in consideration," he said, staring directly at Anja.

"The reports clearly show a different truth. Not only did he display aggression towards humans, but he couldn't even complete the mission he was assigned. How can we trust someone who can't fully control such a power?"

Anja faltered for a moment. "It's true that Eren couldn't complete sealing the breach, he couldn't due to the Armored- But sir, it was only his second time using this power. Despite the challenges, he still fought to protect us."

"Cadet Wolf," Zachary interjected, his gaze fixed on Anja. "Your testimony paints Eren Jaeger as a hero. Yet, it is clear many view him as a threat. Have you considered this perspective?"

Murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"He's a monster," someone hissed. "He has to be put down."

The words sent a chill down Anja's spine. She began to fidget, her nervousness visible. "I know Eren," she said, her voice tinged with desperation. "He'd never hurt people, his enemies are the Titans!"

Nile pressed on, his tone more aggressive. "Cadet, are you choosing the word of a Titan over the safety of humanity? Can you truly say that Jaeger poses no threat to us all?"

Anja staggered back a step, the weight of the accusation hitting her like a physical blow. The murmurs in the courtroom grew louder, pressing in on her from all sides.


Suddenly, Annie's words from days ago echoed in her mind: "You can't help everyone, Anja. Sometimes... sometimes you have to put yourself first. It's the only way to survive in this world."

"Annie," Anja breathed, closing the distance between them. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Annie's icy blue eyes met hers, searching Anja's gaze intently for a moment before a flicker of genuine relief passed through them. "Anja... I'm glad you made it too."

As they embraced, Annie's hand brushed over Anja's back, lingering on the charred scar. Her fingers pressed slightly, causing Anja to wince involuntarily.

"Sorry," Annie murmured, her brow furrowing. "You're still hurt?"

Anja nodded, rubbing her back. "Yeah... I don't think it's healing anytime soon."

Annie's eyes dropped to Anja's hands, noting the scars crisscrossing her palms. Did something shift in her expression – relief?

"How are you holding up?" Annie asked, her tone carefully neutral, but her posture noticeably more relaxed.

Anja shook her head, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I... I don't know. Everything's a mess. Have you seen Eren? Or Mikasa, Armin?"

Annie sighed, "They were taken by the Military Police yesterday, Armin went voluntarily..."

Anja's eyes widened. "But why? Where are they being held?"

"I don't know the details," Annie replied, her voice low. "But... Premier Zachary is in the city. There's a rumor spreading... that Eren is a Titan, it will only be a matter of time before the truth is out..." Annie's voice held a hint of worry. "They might still be deciding what to do with him, maybe they'll put him on trial..."

Anja's mind raced. "A trial? For saving us?"

Annie shrugged, her body tense but her expression neutral. "People are scared, Anja. A human turning into a Titan-"

Anja interrupted, her voice laced with urgency as she began to pace back and forth. "I have to do something. Maybe if I talk to someone, explain what happened-"

"Stop," Annie cut her off, grabbing her arm. "You can't get involved in this..." She paused, her tone shifting slightly. "What did the Military Police want with you earlier?"

Anja was caught off guard. "How did you know about that?"

"They came to talk to me," Annie explained. "About Nac."

Anja's eyes dropped to the floor. "So it was you..." she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Why cover for me? I'm guilty, Annie. I killed him. And I just stood there, frozen, too afraid to say anything."

Annie's expression softened. "Don't think that way. You tried to help him. It was chaos out there."

"I didn't want to hurt anyone—" Anja's voice trembled with emotion.

Annie cut her off with a gentle shake of her head. "I know you didn't, but you need to stop dwelling on it. It doesn't accomplish anything Just... forget about it for now. Please."

There was a pause as Anja took a deep breath and collected her thoughts. "…They also offered me a place in the MPs," she finally said, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Annie's eyebrows rose slightly. "Anja, that's... that's a great opportunity."

Anja's expression darkened, she let out a humorless laugh. "Is it?" Her voice was laced with skepticism. "They asked for information about Eren..."

"Did you...tell them anything?"

"Of course not," Anja replied, a hint of offense in her voice.

Annie seemed to relax slightly. "Listen, you probably don't have to say anything. As long as you don't antagonize them, the offer would likely still stand." Her tone grew urgent as she leaned forward, her eyes locked onto Anja's. "The battle of Trost should be a wake-up call. You nearly died out there. Multiple times." She paused as if considering her words, before continuing. "But you survived. That's what matters. Everything else... it's just noise. The MPs would keep you safe, away from the front lines. Away from all of this chaos and danger. Haven't you had enough?"

Anja's hand unconsciously went to her pocket, feeling the weight of Nile's letter. "But what about everyone else? I'd be abandoning them."Her voice was filled with concern.

Annie's expression softened, a flicker of pain and resignation passing through her eyes. For a brief moment, her carefully constructed mask slipped. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, as if to steady herself, before speaking again.

"You can't help everyone, Anja," Annie said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sometimes... sometimes you have to put yourself first. It's the only way to survive in this world."

As Annie's words sank in, Anja felt her resolve wavering. The promise of safety, perhaps an escape from the nightmares that plagued her... it was tempting. So tempting.

But the thought of abandoning her friends, of turning her back on them... it went against everything she believed in, she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

"If that will be all, Cadet," Zachary said, his tone final.

"No—Wait!" Anja's voice cracked, desperation seeping through. "I trust Eren with my life. He's not just a Titan, he's my friend, a comrade who's fought and bled alongside us. He's saved countless lives, including mine. He fought and killed dozens of Titans in battle. If that isn't proof of his commitment to humanity, I don't know what is... We can't turn our backs on him..."

Nile scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Touching words, Cadet, but they change nothing. Sentiment has no place in matters of humanity's survival."

Zachary nodded gravely. "Thank you, Cadet Wolf. If there are no further witnesses..." He gestured for her to go to her seat.

Anja slumped next to Armin, defeat etched on her face.

"You did your best," Armin whispered, but his words offered little comfort.

The Premier cleared his throat. "In light of the evidence presented, I will now summarize the key points of this trial."

As Zachary recounted the arguments, Anja's hope dwindled. The case seemed to lean overwhelmingly towards the Military Police. Nile stood confident, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

Just as Zachary prepared to deliver his verdict, a member of the jury whispered urgently in his ear. Anja's heart sank further.

Her eyes darted around the courtroom, landing on Erwin. To her surprise, someone was leaning close to him, speaking in hushed tones. Even more surprising was the subtle smile that played on Erwin's lips.

"Cadet Wolf," Zachary's voice cut through her observations. "Tell me, has anyone approached you here today?"

The question caught Anja off guard. She noticed Erwin lean forward slightly, his eyes sharp.

Anja swallowed hard, nodding. "Yes, sir. A man spoke to me earlier." The courtroom erupted in shocked whispers.

"And what exactly did this person tell you?" Zachary pressed.

"He... he told me that I should consider my future. That some things are better left unsaid."

Zachary leaned forward, his gaze intense. "These are serious implications. Has any party involved in this trial approached you? Do you have anything else to say that could shed light on this matter?"

Anja's hand unconsciously went to her pocket, fingers brushing against the Military Police's letter. The weight of it seemed to pull her down, drowning out the clamor of the courtroom.

1 Day Ago

Anja stood amidst the rubble, Nile's letter clutched in her hand, she glanced at its seal, still unbroken. Around her, the cleanup efforts continued, a grim reminder of the battle's toll. Occasionally, someone would wave or nod in her direction, a gesture of recognition that made her stomach churn with guilt.

"You've grown taller."

The familiar voice cut through her thoughts. Anja turned to find Captain Levi standing behind her, his steel-gray eyes as piercing as ever. A flicker of something – annoyance, perhaps – crossed his face.

"Captain Levi?" Anja's eyes widened in surprise. It had been years since she'd last seen him, back when she was just a desperate refugee in Trost.

"Didn't think you'd remember me," Levi said, his tone neutral. He glanced at the letter in her hand, then back to her face. "Seems like you've been busy."

Anja nodded, unsure how to respond. "I... yes, sir. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Tch. Where else would I be?" Levi's gaze swept over the cleanup efforts. "This mess isn't going to clean itself."

A moment of awkward silence stretched between them. Anja fidgeted with the letter, a thousand questions on the tip of her tongue.

"So," Levi finally said, "you followed my advice after all. Joined the military."

"I did," Anja replied, a hint of defiance in her voice. "It was the right thing to do."

Levi's expression remained impassive, but there was a glint of... approval? in his eyes. "Big day tomorrow, I hear."

Anja's grip on the letter tightened. "Yeah..."

"Interesting times we're living in," Levi continued, his tone casual but his eyes sharp. "Humans turning into Titans. Or is it the other way around?"

"Eren is not a Titan!" Anja snapped, surprising herself.

Levi raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "You're right. He's a joke. I don't know how that little shit's got people so scared."

Anja opened her mouth, then closed it again. Had he seen him?

Before she could even muster a reply, he was already walking away.

"Are you coming?"

As they walked through the rubble they came about a bustling camp, Levi spoke again. "There's someone who wants to meet you. Been pestering me about it for days."

"Who?" Anja frowned. "And what about Eren? Where is he? Is he okay?"

A hint of amusement crossed Levi's face. "One thing at a time, brat. Do this for me, and maybe you'll get answers. Anything to get her off my back."

They approached a large tent surrounded by armed guards. The canvas walls bulged oddly in places as if something massive was moving inside. Before they could reach it, the flap burst open and a figure practically exploded out, vibrating with excitement.

The woman who emerged was tall and lanky, with messy brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Her glasses glinted in the sunlight as she adjusted them, a manic grin spreading across her face.

"Four Eyes, meet Anja Wolf," Levi said flatly. "Anja, this is Hange."

"The Hero of Trost!" Hange exclaimed, grabbing Anja's hand and shaking it vigorously. Her grip was surprisingly strong. "Section Commander Hange Zöe, It's an honor to finally meet you in the flesh! I've been dying to pick your brain!"

Anja blinked, overwhelmed by Hange's enthusiasm. "I... it's nice to meet you too, Section Commander."

"Oh, please, call me Hange!" She waved a hand dismissively. "Now, tell me everything! I heard you got up close and personal with the Armored Titan. What was its skin like? Did you notice any weak points? How fast could it move? Did it show any signs of intelligence beyond basic instinct?"

The questions came rapid-fire, leaving Anja reeling. She glanced at Levi for help, but he had already taken a step back, a look of long-suffering patience on his face.

"I... well..." Anja stammered, trying to organize her thoughts. "Its skin was hard, like metal I think... I couldn't really damage it with my blades. And it was fast, faster than I expected for something so big."

Hange's eyes lit up. "Fascinating! And its behavior? Did it seem to have a goal beyond simple destruction?"

Before Anja could attempt to answer, a new voice cut through the chaos.

"That's enough for now, Section Commander. Let's not overwhelm our guest."

Anja turned to see a tall, imposing man approaching. His blonde hair was neatly parted, and his blue eyes seemed to pierce right through her.

"Commander Erwin," Hange said. Even Levi seemed to straighten up slightly.

"Anja Wolf," Erwin said, his voice smooth and controlled. "Your actions during the battle have not gone unnoticed. I'd like to speak with you privately, if you don't mind."

Anja glanced at Levi, who gave an almost imperceptible nod.

"Of course, sir," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

As they walked away from the others, Erwin spoke, his tone casual but his eyes calculating. "I understand you've been quite popular lately, Cadet Wolf. The 'Hero of Trost,' they're calling you."

Anja's hand unconsciously went to her pocket, where Nile's letter sat. "I'm no hero, sir..."

Erwin nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Modesty is admirable. Your brother, Heinrik, had a similar quality. He was a fine soldier."

The mention of her brother caught Anja off guard. Before she could respond, Erwin continued, "Tell me, what are your thoughts on Eren Jaeger's situation?"

"Eren?" Anja's voice grew passionate. "He's not dangerous as people say, sir. He's my friend. He saved us." She hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you know where he's being held?"

Erwin nodded, "He is currently being held at the courtroom, where he awaits trial, in the custody of the Military Police. For now, he is safe."

Anja felt a wave of relief wash over her.

"Are you willing to state your views on Eren officially?" Erwin asked.

"Of course. At the trial, if it would help him."

Erwin's lips curved into a small smile. "If you want to help your friend, I'd suggest you speak the truth about what you've seen and what you know of Jaeger. Your words carry weight now, whether you feel like a hero or not."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "It is my belief that Eren Jaeger could be crucial to humanity's survival. But there are those who fear what they don't understand. And they might seek to destroy it."

Anja's brow furrowed. "You mean... the Military Police?"

Erwin's gaze flickered to her pocket. "I couldn't say. But I imagine you have some decisions to make regarding your future."

Anja hesitated, then pulled out the letter. "They... they offered me a position."

"I see," Erwin said, his tone neutral. "May I ask what you plan to do with it?"

"I'm not sure," Anja admitted. "Should I... do you want to see it?"

Erwin shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No need, Cadet. But if I were you, I'd hold onto it. You never know when such things might prove useful."

His tone was light, but there was a gleam in his eye that made Anja pause.

"Bring it with you tomorrow," he added. "Remember, the most powerful weapon in that courtroom will be the truth. All of it."

Anja's fingers closed around the letter in her pocket. With a trembling hand, she withdrew it. "I... I was given this."

The courtroom exploded into chaos. Zachary's gavel banged repeatedly as he called for order. Nile Dawk had half-risen from his seat, his face a mask of shock and anger.

As the noise died down, Zachary held out his hand. "Let me see that letter, Cadet."

Anja approached the bench, handing over the document.

Zachary examined it for a moment then turned back to Anja. "Cadet Wolf, why didn't you mention this letter earlier?"

Anja's voice shook as she replied, "I... I was scared, sir. I didn't know what to do."

Zachary nodded slowly, his eyes moving across the courtroom, lingering on each faction before settling back on Anja. "Cadet Wolf, you may step down. Thank you."

Anja nodded, her legs unsteady as she made her way back to the witness area. She could feel the burning glares from the Military Police section, particularly from Commander Nile Dawk. The weight of what she'd just done hadn't fully sunk in yet.

As Zachary broke the seal and read the letter, his expression grew increasingly grave. He looked up, his gaze settling on Nile. "Commander Dawk, would you care to explain this?"

Nile's composure was visibly shaken. "Premier, this is clearly a misunderstanding. We were merely-"

Erwin interjected smoothly. "Attempting to buy the silence of the Hero of Trost?"

Nile's face reddened. "How dare you insinuate—"

"Enough," Zachary's voice cut through the rising tension. "Commander Smith, you may speak."

Erwin stood, his presence commanding the room. "Premier Zachary, esteemed members of the court. We stand at a crossroads in humanity's history. What we've witnessed here today goes beyond the fate of one soldier.

"Cadet Wolf's testimony paints a clear picture of Eren Jaeger's commitment to humanity. Her account stands in stark contrast to the fears and suspicions leveled against him.

"But more troubling is the apparent attempt to silence this key witness. If certain factions are willing to compromise the integrity of this trial, we must ask: what other truths are they concealing?

"Eren Jaeger represents our first real advantage against the Titans. To squander this opportunity out of fear would betray every life lost in our century-long struggle.

"The Scout Regiment stands ready to harness Jaeger's power for mankind's benefit. We have the experience and resolve to turn this unprecedented situation into humanity's first true hope.

"I once again, urge the court to consider not just our immediate safety, but our future beyond these walls. The choice is clear: we can fear the unknown, or seize this chance to turn the tide in our war."

As Erwin finished, a heavy silence fell over the courtroom. Nile attempted to interject, but Zachary raised his hand, silencing him.

"Thank you, Commander Smith," Zachary said, his tone grave. "I believe I've heard enough to render my decision."

The tension in the room was palpable as Zachary cleared his throat, all eyes fixed upon him.

"Eren Jaeger possesses an ability that, while potentially dangerous, cannot be denied as a strategic advantage in the war against the Titans," Zachary began. "The Military Police's proposal to dissect and terminate Jaeger is short-sighted at best, and at worst, a grave misstep in humanity's fight for survival."

Nile Dawk stood abruptly. "Your Honor, I must protest! The safety of our citizens within the walls-"

"Is precisely why we must take this chance, Commander Dawk," Zachary interrupted firmly. "Your organization's attempt to influence testimony has cast doubt on your motivations and judgment in this matter."

Nile sank back into his seat, his face a mask of barely contained fury.

Zachary continued, "The Scout Regiment, despite the risks involved, has presented a clear plan for utilizing Jaeger's abilities in reclaiming Wall Maria. They have also demonstrated a willingness to take necessary precautions."

He paused, his eyes moving to Erwin and Levi. "Therefore, I am entrusting Eren Jaeger to the custody of the Scout Regiment, and as it was suggested, under the direct supervision of Captain Levi."

A mixture of gasps, cheers, and angry mutters filled the room.

"However," Zachary added, his voice cutting through the noise, "this decision is conditional. The Scout Regiment will be held responsible for Jaeger's actions. Any failure to control him will result in his immediate execution. Is that understood?"

Erwin stood, saluting. "We accept full responsibility."

The backroom was cramped, tension and relief mingling in the air. Eren sat on a rickety chair, his face a mix of exhaustion and disbelief. Hange paced excitedly, while Levi leaned against the wall keeping close watch on Eren, his expression inscrutable as ever.

When Anja entered, Eren's face lit up. "Anja!"

Mikasa and Armin were right behind her. Mikasa immediately went to Eren's side, checking him over for injuries, while Armin smiled at Anja, relief evident in his eyes.

"You were amazing out there," Armin said. "The way you stood up to the MPs..."

Anja managed a shaky smile. "I just did what I thought was right."

Before she could say more, the door opened again, and Commander Erwin strode in, his presence filling the small space.

"Well done, Cadet Wolf," Erwin said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Your testimony was crucial to our success today."

Anja nodded, still processing the whirlwind of events. "Thank you, sir, but I just told the truth I—"

She broke off as another Scout entered the room. Anja's eyes widened in recognition—it was the person who had approached her before the trial, now clad in a Scout Regiment uniform.

Understanding dawned on Anja's face. "It was you," she whispered. "You warned me..."

Erwin's lips curved into a small smile. "I believe some explanation is in order," he said, his voice calm. He gestured to the Scout beside him.

"A calculated move. We needed to plant the idea that the MPs were trying to influence the testimony, it had to be done somewhere he could be seen."

Armin's eyes widened. "So the news could spread and reach to the Premier that Anja had been approached..."

"Yes, combined with the letter, it was enough to cast doubt on the MP's entire case, given the right timing."

Hange, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, spoke up a grin spreading across her face. "It was brilliantly played, Erwin. The MPs never saw it coming."

Levi snorted. "I preferred the other plan. But at least this worked."

"You used me," Anja said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I gave you the opportunity to help your friend." Erwin corrected gently. "If I had told you beforehand the plan wouldn't have been as effective, your reactions had to be genuine."

"What you need to understand is that you exposed the truth about Eren's potential, and about the Scout Regiment's ability to serve humanity's best interests."

Anja paused, letting Erwin's words sink in. She had been a pawn in his game, yes, but a willing one. And the outcome - Eren's freedom and the chance to fight for humanity - made it all worthwhile.

"I understand your position is... precarious, given the MPs' new interest in you," Erwin continued. "Joining the Scouts would provide you with protection and purpose. We could use someone with your courage and integrity."

Anja's heart raced. Join the Scouts? It was what she had always wanted.

"But of course, doing so now wouldn't be advisable. Take some time to consider the offer." He glanced at Eren. "I'm sure you and your friends have much to discuss. We'll give you some privacy."

With that, he left, Hange, Levi and the brown-haired scout following.

As the door closed, Anja turned to her friends, a mix of emotions on her face.

Anja smiled, the weight of the future both daunting and exhilarating. She could see her path again now - it lay with the Scouts, with her friends, with the fight for humanity.

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