Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 78: Day 2 Dinner Meeting

Atlas watched the people as they worked diligently, sorting through the skeletons. The piles of crafting material were building up nicely, a testament to the day's hard work. The sun was starting to dip toward the horizon, signaling that it was almost time for dinner. A sense of anticipation filled the air, as everyone knew that after dinner, there would be a big meeting to discuss something important.

The day's efforts had been pretty good. They had finally gathered everything needed for healing Isabella, got John his arm back, and had stabilized Hank. Though Hank wouldn’t be fit for a fight anytime soon, the knowledge that he’d be back among them was a huge relief. The group had worked tirelessly, and now, with the hardest tasks behind them, it was time to consider their next move. The settlement’s coffers were down to 50 coins. That was a small fortune in these uncertain times.

‘Yeah, last time we were nowhere near 50 coins on the second day,‘ Atlas reflected. ‘I remember just holing up in the shelter, watching the demon dogs build up. That had gone on for at least a week until the day of the massacre.‘ Massacre Day. That was what he had always called it in his head. That day was the result of spending so much time turtling and sending only a minimal amount of people to hunt. He remembered how many of his friends had died that day. ‘A memory I never want to see come true in this life.‘

Atlas knew that how they chose to spend those 50 coins would have significant consequences for their future. Should they invest in more food and water, ensuring their survival in the short term? Or should they spend it on upgrading their defenses and equipment, preparing for the battles that were to come? 

‘I need to keep an eye on these group choices, but I also want to hear everyone's opinions.‘ These were decisions that couldn’t be made lightly, and Atlas wanted the group’s input. After all, everyone had worked hard to earn those coins, and it was only fair that they all had a say in how they were spent. He glanced around at the others, noting the exhaustion on their faces but also the determination in their eyes. They were ready to fight for their survival, and Atlas knew that, together, they could overcome any obstacle.

As the sounds of dinner began to fill the air, Atlas felt a sense of calm wash over him. They had made it through another day, and despite the challenges that lay ahead, they were still standing. Tonight’s meeting would be crucial, but he was confident that, with the right decisions, they could continue to build on the progress they had made. ‘There’s so much potential here,‘ Atlas mused as he thought about the skeletons. ‘Crafting materials, defense upgrades, maybe even some life improvements. The possibilities are endless.‘

It was time to gather everyone for the meal. After that, they’d sit down together and figure out how to best use those 50 coins. Whatever they decided, Atlas knew one thing for sure: they were stronger together, and as long as they kept that in mind, they could face whatever the portals threw at them next.

Atlas took a hefty bite of his Ultra Manly Buff Bar, savoring the odd combination of flavors—Thanksgiving dinner was the description. Across from him, Isabella was slowly working through her banana split-flavored bar. As they ate, he asked the pressing question that had been gnawing at him:

“What should we spend the rest of the coins on? Weapons? Crafting? Food? Water? Beds in a building? More on that mana dome?” he asked, the thoughts swirling in his head despite this being his second run-through. In the first timeline, he hadn’t made many decisions; that had mostly been Clark’s job. Atlas had to begrudgingly admit that he’d let Clark take the lead more often than not. ‘Man, I should have done more planning,‘ he thought to himself, the regret gnawing at the back of his mind.

John stepped up, breaking through Atlas’s self-reproach. “Well, let’s go through them, one by one. Weapons—I think it’s a priority to get everyone set up. But another priority is the beds and buildings. Hell, everything except food seems to be a priority.”

At that, Amber perked up, her eyes locking onto Atlas with a sly smirk. “You know, a bed, buildings with privacy, would be most appreciated,” she said with a hopeful wink. The implication hung in the air, and Atlas couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander. ‘If we do get beds and buildings, that could be the beginning of a very good night,‘ he mused, his mind briefly drifting to a more pleasant scenario.

Isabella, however, wasn’t about to let the conversation veer off course. “Is everybody ignoring armor? We don’t have any armor. The stuff just got shredded last night. Our uniforms are tattered, and we need some.”

Atlas sighed, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on him. Armor was crucial—Isabella was right. But then again, so were weapons, and having a secure place to rest could make all the difference in keeping morale up. It was a delicate balancing act, and with only 50 coins left, every choice mattered.

“What do you think, Isabella?” Atlas asked, trying to gauge her opinion further. She didn’t hesitate.

“We can’t fight if we’re dead, Atlas. Armor should be the first thing on our list. If we keep getting hit without it, no amount of healing is going to save us eventually.”

Amber huffed but didn’t argue, though the hopeful look in her eyes hadn’t completely faded. John nodded in agreement with Isabella but added, “But we can’t forget about weapons and the basics. We need to be able to defend ourselves and make sure we’re not just surviving but thriving.”

Atlas chewed on the inside of his cheek, deep in thought. “Alright,” he said finally. “Let’s focus on armor first, but we’ll also need to set aside enough for some weapons. As for the beds and buildings, we’ll have to see what we can stretch with what’s left.”

Amber’s smirk widened slightly, as if pleased with the compromise, while Isabella seemed relieved that her point had been heard. John looked satisfied, ready to move forward.


Atlas leaned back against the makeshift table, watching Amber as she worked separating some bones for use. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden light over the camp, and for a moment, he let himself just enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. But then Amber caught his eye, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

"So," she began, her voice low and teasing, "I hear you've been working with a lot of bones lately."

Atlas chuckled, recognizing the playful tone she was setting. "You know me, Amber. I’ve always had a knack for... digging up the past."

Amber smirked, taking a step closer. "Well, it’s a good thing you’re so good with bones. Who knows when you'll need to put that skill to use... elsewhere."

He raised an eyebrow, enjoying the banter. "I suppose it’s all about handling them with care. Wouldn’t want to break anything important, right?"

She laughed softly, shaking her head. "You always manage to keep things from getting too... brittle."

Atlas grinned, leaning in just a bit closer. "Well, I like to keep things lively. No one wants to end up in a grave situation."

Amber’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she placed her hand lightly on his arm. "Careful, Atlas. If you keep up with these bone puns, you might find yourself... buried in them."

Atlas met her gaze, a sly smile on his lips. "As long as I’m not buried alone, I think I could handle that. What about you? Think you could keep up?"

She tilted her head, her expression playful. "Oh, I think I could manage. After all, I’ve got a strong backbone. You might even say I’m hard to crack."

Atlas laughed, enjoying the easy back-and-forth. "Good to know. In that case, maybe we should... ‘joint‘ forces. I’m sure we could build something pretty sturdy together."

Amber’s smile turned a little softer as she stepped back, her hand lingering on his arm for just a moment longer. "I like the sound of that, Atlas. Just as long as you remember—when it comes to bones, it’s all about the foundation."

Atlas nodded, his grin widening. "Agreed. And I’ve got a feeling we’re just getting started."

Amber gave him a wink before turning back to her blade, but not before throwing one last comment over her shoulder. "Just don’t let all this bone talk go to your head, Atlas. We’ve got a lot more work to do before we can start... ‘resting in peace.‘"

Atlas chuckled, shaking his head as he watched her walk away. ‘This is going to be an interesting night,‘ he thought to himself, already looking forward to their next round of banter.


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