Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 61: Portal Crusher Finals

The Portal Crushers had done it—they had won the fight.

"Unbelievable! What a performance by the Portal Crushers!" Cotton shouted over the deafening noise of the crowd.

"They’ve earned their place in the championship, Cotton," Bob added, his voice filled with admiration. "This was a fight for the ages, and now they’re one step closer to the title."

As the Portal Crushers gathered in the center of the battlefield, the screen above displayed their victory, the team’s name flashing in bold letters as the crowd chanted. The Portal Crushers had emerged victorious, but the battle wasn’t over yet. The championship awaited, and with it, a chance to prove they were the best of the best.


**Chinesereader:** my mom is asking why I’m kneeling watching this.  

**Atlasfan:** did you see the Fatalities that they racked up? Brutal!  

**Ladyfightersrule:** don’t ignore how Isabella was key at the second spawn.  

**Animenoods555:** follow me for tips on how to bet at  


**Imhungry:** yeah, I almost spilled my beer when she got her first hit.  

**Berlinismycat:** meow meow  

**Atlaswife44:** I told you all, Atlas would win it.  

**Calgarycrusherslive:** 100%.  

**Webchat:** has anyone got the stat sheets from the fight?  

**HelpmeRhinda:** i didn’t notice, are they all super crazy? How do they keep powering through like that?


The chat rooms were lively, unlike in the head office of Sword & Iron.

“What are we going to do for the Championship match?” Mohammed asked.

“Well, we’ve gotten an agreement from Shadow Vipers saying that they’ll join us in attacking the Portal Crushers first.”

“Perfect. And what about our call for enhanced drug/gene testing?”

Genetic drug testing had revolutionized the way to test and detect illegal enhancement drugs in athletes. This advanced method involved analyzing an athlete's DNA to identify genetic markers associated with the use of performance-enhancing substances like steroids. By tracking these markers, the test could determine if an athlete's genetic profile showed signs of manipulation or the presence of specific biomarkers linked to drug use.

Unlike traditional drug tests that rely on detecting drugs or their metabolites in the body, such as urine tests, this method promised greater accuracy, but it was rarely used because of the costs involved.

“Oh yeah. That’s gone through. The SFB was happy to do it, especially since Sword & Iron offered to fund it. They didn’t want any controversy around the championship.”

“Great! There’s no way that Atlas isn’t on some sort of juice. That guy has reflexes and power that doesn’t seem human.”

Mohammed was right. What he didn’t know was that the normal drug tests wouldn't detect anything in Atlas, but the enhanced genetic ones would definitely find something.

And what they found shocked everyone. Atlas had biomarkers that enhanced genetic material. It didn’t indicate any illegal drug use, but it did have biomarkers that showed Atlas was at the peak of what was currently humanly possible. Gene boosters were available in the wasteland and Atlas had taken them.

When this information was released with an all-clear from the laboratory, the chat rooms went wild.

**Billnye:** since when do they use an enhanced genetic drug test? It’s completely illogical. It’s almost like it’s a fantasy story where the author made it up for a plot.  

**Atlasfan:** actually, it’s been in use since 2033. Most major sports only use it because of odd gender questions. The use of it for drugs is really a combination test.  

**Ladyfightersrule:** so does that mean Atlas isn’t human?  

**Animenoods555:** follow me for tips on how to bet at  


**Imhungry:** no, it means he’s almost beyond human.  

**Berlinismycat:** meow meow  

**Atlaswife44:** can he still make babies? I can test it with you, Atlas.  

**Calgarycrusherslive:** wait? Atlas is an alien?  

**Twinksrhot:** probe me, Atlas.  

**Aircon1:** will the Portal Crushers be able to compete?

The SFB noticed the controversy, and the gene/drug test, which was supposed to prevent negative PR, had spiraled into the realm of ridiculousness. They had to get in front of it fast.

So they released an additional statement in conjunction with the National Sports Science Association:

“In the number of body systems that must interact (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.), the performance complex is a variable of genetics. Considering that body morphology, endurance, strength, and power are primary factors underlying athletic performance, we have determined that genetics are a prime factor. In conclusion, while Atlas has been determined to have genetics highly attributable to elite athletic performance, it is in no way outside of human potential.”

With the additional statement made, and the announcement that Atlas was fine, the controversy died down quickly. It did, however, spark a bunch of memes and t-shirts. The most popular one was the “Probe Me Atlas” shirts with his head on an alien body.


With the controversy behind them, the Portal Crushers gathered in their headquarters, celebrating their victory with drinks and laughter. Atlas leaned back in his chair, grinning as Alexander and Isabella flipped through a catalog on their tablets.

"Check this out," Alexander laughed, holding up his tablet. It showed a picture of a shirt featuring Atlas’s face on an alien body with the words *“Probe Me Atlas!”* underneath. "It’s already trending!"

Isabella wiped a tear from her eye, still laughing, “We’ve *got* to get these. Imagine showing up to the championship in these bad boys!”

Wang Bo snorted, "Dragon-Smashing Eternal Heavens approves of this. I’ll take three—no, make it four.”

Even Atlas couldn’t hold back his grin, "Oh, come on, I’m not *that* weird." He chuckled, then added, “But yeah, get me one. Let’s freak everyone out when we walk into the arena.”

"Yeehaw!" Alexander shouted, punching the air. “Portal Crushers and aliens, what a combo!”

They all erupted in laughter, passing around orders for shirts and mocking the ridiculousness of the situation. But beneath the fun, there was a growing determination. The championship was next, and they knew that with their strength—and maybe a little alien power—they were ready to take it all.


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