Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 27: The Portal Chaos

Chaos erupted as the actors launched into their scripted freak-outs. Some rushed up to the recruits, shouting in their faces, while others broke down in tears or stood frozen in shock. The recruits, caught off guard, looked on in confusion, unsure of how to respond.

“Cut!” Atlas yelled, breaking the spell. The actors immediately halted, leaving the room in an eerie silence. “Alright, trainees, look at yourselves. Look at these people. You know what they’re doing? They’re acting. And you, my trainees, are also in this movie. But you’re playing yourselves. What would you do?”

Mel, still trying to process the sudden shift, spoke up. “Okay, I get that, but wow, I was not prepared.”

Atlas nodded, his expression serious. “Do you think you’d be prepared if you got portaled all of a sudden? No. And that’s what I’m talking about.”

He gestured for the actors to take a seat. “Guys, take five.”

Turning back to the trainees, he asked, “What gear are you wearing right now?”

The students looked down at their shiny new uniforms, which were a far cry from the medieval-style tunics they were used to for SFB training. Instead, they were decked out in modern military gear, complete with web harnesses.

Atlas paced in front of them, his tone instructive. “What would you bring if you were portaled in, just wearing what you’re wearing and what you wish you had on hand?”

Wilfredo spoke up first. “Well, I’d want a sword and a shield.”

Alicia quickly ran to grab the standard SFB sword and shield, placing them in Wilfredo’s hands. But Atlas knew better and stopped her. In the Wasteland, Earth-made melee weapons were almost useless. He had seen magic tech obliterate anything crafted on Earth. He had literally seen a knife just snap when hitting a skeleton. “What else would you bring? Ignore weapons.”

Atlas was planning to bring firearms, just in case there was a one-in-a-million chance that they worked. He hadn’t seen them last time. And he had a sneaking suspicion they wouldn’t work. Worst case, if they didn’t work, at least he had a fake intimidation tool.

The suggestions started pouring in—glow sticks, emergency food, flashlights, multitools. Even the actors, during their five-minute break, chimed in with ideas. Alicia, acting as the swift supply runner, fetched each item and handed it off. Soon, the students were overloaded, stuffing items into their pockets, clipping them to their harnesses, and tucking them into their pants.

Atlas watched with approval, noting the practicality of some suggestions he hadn’t even considered, like a journal and pencil. A good journal would have been useful for making plans. After ten minutes of this chaotic preparation, he called for a halt.

“Actors, get ready for the scene. We’re going to start again from the top.”

And with a sharp clap, “Action!”

The room buzzed with nervous energy as the countdown began once more. “Portal initiating. Ten… nine… eight…”

The actors resumed their frenzied performances, and this time the students, armed with their gear, began to react more naturally. They started to role-play, questioning where they were and what was happening, trying to piece together the scenario.

Atlas let the scene play out for a moment before stepping forward. “Alright, everybody, I need you to take notice and pay attention. The next part coming up here is crucial.”

The students and actors, now fully engaged, glanced around in anticipation. *What was coming next?*

Suddenly, a new figure walked in, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. The actress was clad in a shimmering blue leotard with ethereal wings that seemed to glow faintly under the portal lights. She walked to the center of the room from the door and began to speak in a voice that resonated with an otherworldly authority.

“Welcome, travelers,” the actress intoned, her voice echoing as if carried by a mystical wind, thanks to the microphone effects. “You have been chosen to embark on a journey beyond the veil of your world, into a realm where the laws of nature and space are rewritten. You must forge your destiny, armed with only your wits and the tools you carry. The trials ahead will test your courage, your strength, and your resolve.”

One of the actors read from his script, “Where the fuck am I?”

Alicia, ready for this cue, triggered the strobe, and the actor “died” as the fairy pointed her wand at him.

“Now, where was I? Before one of you fucking shits interrupted me!?” snarled the blue fairy.

The room fell into a hushed silence, the weight of the speech sinking in. The students stared at the figure, their expressions a mix of awe and trepidation.

“Ah yes… destiny… mystical world… blah blah… ah fuck it. Here’s some coins.” The fairy handed each of them 4 bronze pennies and a larger gold poker chip.

“Toodleoo, fuckers! My job is done.” The fairy then skipped out of the room.

“Portal Crushers, follow me! To the exits!” yelled Atlas.

He watched them closely, gauging their reactions, seeing who was following him and who wasn’t. This was the real test, the moment when they might begin to understand that this training was more than just drills and sparring.

Putting his director hat back on, he yelled, “Cut!”

“Actors, you guys have done a great job. Alicia has your payments.”

The actors looked pretty grateful. A hundred bucks each for a twenty-minute scene? Yes, please.

Atlas gave a satisfied nod as he looked at the confused Portal Crushers. The message had been delivered. “Guys, you can hit dinner. And think about today’s lessons. See you tomorrow.”

As the recruits filtered out, Atlas allowed himself a moment of reflection. His mind wandered back to the Wasteland, to the red fairy who had wreaked havoc on so many lives. He’d never forget the screams, the blood, the chaos. And now, here he was, directing a scene with a blue fairy, because he couldn’t find a damn red fairy costume in the right size on short notice. *Not that it matters,* he thought, *the message is still clear.*

In those quiet moments, Atlas’s true motivations bubbled to the surface. *I’m making the Portal Crushers stronger,* he mused. *I’m doing it to save good people, to get rid of the bad ones. I’m doing it for revenge, to make sure I’m never betrayed again.* The thought sent a shiver down his spine, but it was the cold truth. He couldn’t afford to be caught off guard. Not ever again.

The actors, still riding the high from their performance, began discussing the potential for future gigs, clearly hoping this wouldn’t be their last. “I could really get used to this,” one actor said with a wide grin. Another added, “Atlas, you think we’ll be needed for more scenes? This was a blast!”

Atlas chuckled, appreciating their enthusiasm. “You all did a fantastic job today. There’s a good chance you’ll be back sooner than you think.”

The actors exchanged excited looks, clearly hoping for more opportunities. For them, this wasn’t just about earning some quick cash—it was a chance to be part of something thrilling, to dive into a world of adventure, even if just for a short while. Atlas could see why they were so eager. After all, who wouldn’t want to step into a world of magic and danger, even if it was all just an act?

With the room starting to clear, Atlas took a moment. The Portal Crushers were improving, but he knew the challenges ahead would only get tougher. Today had been make-believe, but the real dangers they would face were no game.

Just as he was lost in thought, Atlas noticed Liza, one of the actresses from the scene, sauntering over. Liza was in her late twenties, a hot and sexy blonde with long, toned legs that seemed to go on forever. Her perfectly curvy figure was accentuated by the black lingerie she still wore from the scene, leaving little to the imagination. Her face had the kind of beauty that could easily land her a role in Hollywood—a sultry blend of elegance and allure, with sharp blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. There was a magnetic quality about her, something that made her stand out even among a room full of performers. She radiated confidence and poise, making it clear that she was fully aware of the effect she had on people.

Liza gave Atlas a playful, knowing look, her lips curling into a teasing smile. “Did you have some time to discuss the lines, director?” she asked, her voice a smooth, sultry drawl.

Atlas grinned, catching her flirtatious tone. “I’m glad that I’m not in the wasteland right now,” he replied, with his characteristic smile.

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