Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 23: Mental Prep

Atlas’s vow to save more people was one of his earliest commitments upon returning to the past. This promise fueled his drive to build a new empire in the wasteland, determined to ensure that his second chance would bring more hope and safety to those around him.

It was a tall order, but he wasn’t about to back down. To keep that vow alive in his mind, he created a goofy song titled "Atlas Will Get Us Home" and added it to the gym's playlist. It was a ridiculous tune. 

The repetitive, silly lyrics of Atlas’ new song’s had one goal. It was to worm it’s way into the new recruits brain, reinforcing their determination every time it played. It was just one part of his subliminal strategy to keep everyone focused and motivated, even if they were humming along to something more suited for a dance floor than a battlefield.


In the still of the night, under southern stars,

We dream of home, though it feels so far,

Brought here by force, the miles we've roamed,

There's a promise made, Atlas will bring us home.

[Verse 2]

In shadows we whisper, 'bout a world beyond,

Through the fabric of time, and the heart's old song,

No portals to damn, no gates to roam,

Just a path laid clear, Atlas will bring us home.


We'll go back, through fields of golden wheat,

To friends waiting, where our hearts will meet,

From every corner, no matter the stone,

Atlas will bring us home, where we belong.

[Verse 3]

In the face of the dawn, we stand unbowed,

With the hope of return, it's our solemn vow,

Doesn't matter our past, or lands untold,

With every footstep traced, Atlas will bring us home.


We'll go back, through fields of golden wheat,

To friends waiting, where our hearts will meet,

From every corner, no matter the stone,

Atlas will bring us home, where we belong.


Oh, the journey is long, the nights are cold,

But in each other's arms, our stories unfold,

We've crossed every storm, hearts made of chrome,

With Atlas in our souls, we’ll always find home.


The training over the next few days was grueling. No major surprises, but plenty of sweat and bruises. The ups and downs were inevitable—some recruits took hits that left them reeling, forcing them to sit out for a while. But despite the challenges, the team was progressing, slowly but surely. Every blow, every stumble, was a step closer to making sure they were ready for what was coming.

One of the fighters who took a particularly rough hit was Isabella. It had been a mace blow to the fingers that almost crushed them. SFB tech was good, but it wasn’t designed to stop injuries—just to prevent fatalities. This scared the pants off her. She always thought that if she didn’t make it as a fighter, she could still be a chef. Nobody would want to hire a one-handed chef, though. That, coupled with the low-paying standard team contract, made her decide it was time to call it quits.

Before she did, though, she went to her church to pray. Although she was religious, she wasn’t the type to bash or convert others. It was just her faith, something personal and grounding. After an hour in the church, she had made a decision. A decision that had her making a call to Alicia.

Alicia wasn’t thrilled with the call, but she knew there was no changing Isabella’s mind once it was made up. Wishing her well, Alicia passed the news on to Atlas.

“Oh, Isabella left?” Atlas asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

“Yeah, to be honest. I think yesterday’s injury really put the fear of God into her,” Alicia replied. She had no idea how literally accurate that thought was.

“Well, we still have thirteen.” Atlas tried to brush it off, but inside, he was cursing himself. *Fuck! Fuck! Isabella was my bet for one of the  fighters! There goes that... waiiiiiiitttttt... wow, I got all caught up in playing SFB fight manager. It’s all about the portals. P-O-R-T-A-L-S. PORTALS.* 

For real, he didn’t mind if someone wanted to bow out over potentially getting maimed. It’s not like he woke up and ate a box of “Let’s get hurt Wheaties” either. The reality was, this wasn’t just about fighting—it was about survival. And survival meant more than just throwing punches. It meant making the right choices, even if that meant stepping back when things got too intense.

Alicia was surprised at how well Atlas took it. If she knew what was running through his head, she would have been shocked.

But deep down, Atlas couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed to do more. The wasteland was a brutal place, filled with all sorts of horrors. But he knew it didn’t have to be that way. If only he had saved more of the good people and gotten rid of the bad ones earlier on, maybe things wouldn’t be so bad. That thought gnawed at him, fueling his determination to keep going, to do better. 

He wasn’t just fighting for himself or his team anymore. He was fighting for every person out there who didn’t have the strength to fight for themselves. 


And if that meant risking everything, then so be it. Atlas was all in.

The next morning, Atlas and Alicia received some exciting news that balanced out the Isabella bummer: Lily, the set designer, had finished the portal room. They hurried to the warehouse, eager to see the final product. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by a stunning, otherworldly sight.

The room was bathed in bright white light, with sleek, futuristic panels lining the walls. Glowing chevrons adorned the floor, pulsing with energy, and the ceiling was dotted with sci-fi lights that cast an eerie, almost ethereal glow. On one wall, a large screen displayed nonsensical numbers and symbols, flickering like a computer running some incomprehensible program.

The windows showed a ruined medieval landscape outside, a stark contrast to the high-tech interior. Broken castles, twisted trees, and a dark, ominous sky stretched out in every direction, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

“This looks amazing, Lily,” Atlas said, genuinely impressed.

Lily, standing nearby with a self-satisfied grin, replied, “It was fun to do, and I’m excited for your project. What was it called again?”

Atlas blinked, caught off guard. He hadn’t actually thought about a name for his made up project. “Uh, right.  We’re calling it ‘Punch Fighters in the Cosmos.’”

Alicia shot him a look that could only be described as *Are you serious?* Atlas just shrugged, trying to play it off. *It’s not like it’s going to be a real movie,* he thought to himself.

Lily’s face, however, fell slightly at the title. After her experience with “Soy Sauce in Space,” facing another film project with a similarly absurd name, she was wary. The thought of being attached to another potential disaster made her hesitant. “Punch Fighters in the Cosmos? That has Razzies written all over it,” she mused inwardly. Plus, it was obvious to her that Atlas and Alicia weren’t actual movie producers or directors. The warehouse was full of fighters, people training with swords and shields. What did they have to do with portals and space? Nothing, that’s what.

She decided to take a step back. “Hey, Atlas,” Lily began, “I kind of did this job off the books. Do you mind not putting my name on the movie?”

“Are you sure?” Atlas asked. Not that he really cared—it wasn’t a real movie anyway. But he wanted to be polite. He was a good Canadian after all.

“Yeah, I’m absolutely sure,” Lily confirmed, a little too quickly.

Alicia couldn’t help but laugh to herself. She knew exactly why Lily didn’t want her name associated with this “project.”

After paying Lily the remaining balance for her work, Atlas gathered the recruits in the arena. “Hey, today is a big day,” he announced, his tone full of excitement. “Because today, we’re going to do something you’ve never done before.”

John, always curious and a bit mischievous, piped up, “Ooh, what’s that? I’ve done a lot of things, especially in Bangkok.” His tone implied these were stories better left untold.

Atlas smirked. “Today, we’re taking you to a very special place. And we’re going to be doing this every night from now on. So, grab a shower and then meet me back here in the arena.”

The recruits followed his instructions, their curiosity piqued. After freshening up, they gathered like a pack of over-muscled ducklings, trailing after Atlas and Alicia as they led the way to the shiny new sci-fi room. The space was as impressive as they had seen it, with the glowing red portal at its center drawing every eye in the room.

“Alright,” Atlas began once they were all seated, “what we’re going to do here is one of the most important parts of your training to become fighters.” 

*And the next part of me brainwashing you all about how real portals are. Hehehe.*

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