Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC (STUBS NOV. 1)

CHAPTER 11: A Shot at Greatness

Isabella dragged her sweat-drenched body out of the gym, her mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. After a quick, refreshing shower, she jumped on her bike and headed home, the excitement and intensity of the day still thrumming in her veins. As she sped down the road, she couldn’t help but think, *What have I signed myself up for?*

But deep down, she knew the answer. She’d signed up for a shot at greatness, and nothing was going to stop her from giving it everything she had. *Yeah, nothing was going to stop this badass mamacita.*


John groaned as he eased his sore body onto the couch, every muscle screaming in protest. Seriously, when was the last time he had such a brutal workout? The hot water from the shower had helped a little, but it hadn’t done much to dull the ache. He could still feel the sting of the day’s brutal training in every fiber of his being.

Atlas and Alicia were probably still at the gym, hashing out whatever crazy plans Atlas had for the recruits. John knew he wasn’t the strongest, fastest, or even the most skilled out of the bunch, but he was determined to see this through.

The first thing on his mind after leaving the gym was food—real food. He’d been eating alright lately, but tonight he craved something hearty. He thought back to the last time he indulged himself and decided it was long overdue. A thick, juicy steak was exactly what he needed.

He threw a slab of meat onto the frying pan, listening to the sizzle as it hit the hot surface. He added a generous dollop of butter, watching it melt and bubble around the edges. *Fuck the macros,* he muttered to himself, flipping the steak. He’d start worrying about that tomorrow. Tonight, he was treating himself.

As the aroma of seared meat and caramelizing onions filled the small kitchen, John couldn’t help but replay the events of the day in his mind. Yesterday, all of this had been just a joke, a wild idea tossed around among friends. A game about imaginary portals. But today? Today it was real. Atlas had somehow managed to not only convince the gym to let him take charge but had actually gotten them to pay him for it.

John chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "That Atlas is one crazy fucker," he said out loud, grinning to himself. He’d seen the determination in Atlas’s eyes, the way he commanded the room today. There was no denying it—Atlas was serious about this, whatever “this” was. Since when had Atlas become so determined? He remembered when they had been training for the Spartan 5k, but this level of intensity was far beyond it.

As he plated the steak and piled on the fried onions, John’s thoughts turned inward. He knew he was the weakest link in the group. The thought gnawed at him. Out of the twenty recruits, he had ranked dead last. Even that mom with two kids had outperformed him. Seriously, she was a woman, a mom, but looked like someone who would destroy one of those CrossFit workouts.

*Damn, I’m garbage,* he muttered between bites, the perfectly cooked medium-rare steak doing little to soothe his bruised ego. Sure, he was in okay shape, but he wasn’t anywhere near the level of the others. They looked like they were ready to go to war, while he was just a programmer who dabbled in fitness.

*What the hell was I even doing there? Could Atlas really help him catch up? And even if he could, would I ever be good enough to make the team?*

He doubted it, but the thought of being part of something this wild and unpredictable was too tempting to pass up. Atlas had a vision, and John wanted to see it through to the end, even if it meant getting his ass kicked every day. *Seriously, it was a crazy kind of fun.* He didn’t think he’d become a professional fighter, but training like one was a hell of an experience.

After finishing his meal, John cleaned up and headed to his computer, opening some project files he’d been working on. Coding was his comfort zone, a place where he had control and could solve problems without worrying about getting punched in the face—or stabbed with a sword. Repeatedly.

He had just started getting into the flow when he heard the front door open. Footsteps echoed in the hallway, and John turned to see Atlas stepping into the apartment. His friend’s presence filled the room, bringing with it the energy and intensity that had carried them through the day’s trials.

“Hey, Atlas,” John called out, swiveling his chair to face him. “Didn’t expect you to swing by tonight.”

Atlas grinned, looking as if he’d just finished a light jog instead of a grueling day of training. “Thought I’d check in on you,” he said, dropping his bag by the door. “How you holding up?”

John rubbed the back of his neck, wincing slightly. “Sore as hell, but I’ll live. How about you?”

“Not bad,” Atlas replied, walking over and glancing at John’s screen. “Still working, I see.”

“Yeah,” John said, gesturing to the code. “Needed to get my mind off things. Besides, I’m not much good with a sword, but this? This I can handle.”

Atlas nodded, his expression thoughtful. “You did good today, John.”

John scoffed, shaking his head. “Come on, man. I barely made it through. I’m the worst one out of the whole group.”

Atlas sat down on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “You’re being too hard on yourself. It’s not about being the best from the start. It’s about the progress you make. I’ve seen your determination, and that counts for a lot.”

John looked at Atlas, surprised. “You really think so?”

Atlas nodded. “Absolutely. Everyone starts somewhere, and you’ve got the drive. That’s what matters. You’ve got a long way to go, but you’re on the right path.”

John smiled, feeling a bit more encouraged. “Thanks, Atlas. That means a lot.”

Atlas clapped him on the shoulder. “Anytime. Now, let’s see what you’re working on. I’m curious about this coding stuff of yours.”

John laughed, his mood lifting as he showed Atlas his project. For a moment, the weight of the day’s training and his doubts seemed to lift. *Maybe, just maybe, this crazy journey was going to be worth it.*

John and Atlas chatted for another half hour about why Atlas wanted John on the SFB fighting team. There were many reasons, and John had a lot to think about. At the end of their conversation, Atlas said, "I know we've talked about a lot of stuff, buddy, but I hope you have a good night's sleep." He walked out the door.


Atlas walked back to the gym after the conversation with John.

“I have to say, Alicia, I’m impressed,” Atlas said, leaning against the wall as he flipped through some video footage of the days training.

Alicia, who was reviewing some notes, looked up with a nod. 

“We combed through the members for this tryout, and it’s clear we’ve got some real talent here,” said Alicia. “Yeah, they exceeded my expectations. I mean, I knew we had some strong candidates, but seeing them in action—especially with the level of intensity you put them through—was something else.”

Atlas chuckled. “It’s something I’ve learned from experience. You can’t just go through the motions. You’ve got to push people to their limits to really see what they’re made of.”

Alicia raised an eyebrow. “And what do you think about the ones who are struggling a bit?”

Atlas’s gaze turned thoughtful. “Everyone’s on their own journey. Training is hard, and not everyone is going to hit the ground running. But if they’ve got the right attitude and the drive to improve, I’m willing to work with them. That’s what counts.”

Alicia smiled, clearly appreciating Atlas’s perspective. “I agree. It’s about potential and progress. We’ve got some recruits who might need a bit more time to catch up, but I think they’re worth investing in.”

Atlas nodded. “Exactly. It’s like John. He’s been struggling, but he’s got heart. That’s something you can’t teach. We just need to channel that energy in the right direction.”

Alicia tilted her head. “Speaking of John, you had quite a conversation with him earlier. What did you say to lift his spirits?”

Atlas grinned. “Just reminded him that not everyone starts out as a prodigy. It’s about the journey, not just the destination. I’m happy to have him with me on this path. It’s his determination that matters, and if he keeps at it, he’ll improve.”

Alicia’s eyes softened with understanding. “I think that’s exactly the kind of leadership we need. Encouraging people to push through their limits while understanding their individual journeys.”

Atlas straightened up, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “And that’s why we’re building this team. We’re not just training fighters; we’re shaping people who can rise to any challenge.”

Atlas thought, *When I say ready for any challenge, I mean any challenge on Earth AND in the wasteland apocalypse. Getting this team up to speed is my number one goal.*

Alicia laughed softly. “Well, if today’s performance is any indication, we’re off to a great start. Can’t wait to see how these recruits develop.”

Atlas smiled. “Me too. Let’s keep pushing forward. There’s a lot of work ahead, but if today is anything to go by, we’re on the right track.”

As they wrapped up their discussion, Atlas and Alicia both felt a renewed sense of purpose. They had seen glimpses of greatness in their recruits and were excited to see where their training would lead. For now, though, the day’s work was done, and they could look forward to another day of shaping the future of their team.

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