Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

Chapter 69: The Sand Man And His Indiscriminate Killings

As the four figures approached, they were met with a disheartening sight: no trace of any survivors.

Before them lay a vast crater, remnants of a recent explosion, surrounded by a devastated landscape. The forest smoldered with lingering flames, and the ground was littered with the corpses of giant bees.

Exchanging grim looks, the group unanimously decided to find a place to hide. They concealed themselves behind the sturdy trunks of trees, their breathing slowed, becoming one with the forest.

Time ticked by, every second feeling like an eternity. Footsteps echoed from all directions, converging on the massive crater, but no one made the first move. More and more people gathered, their various illumination devices piercing through the darkness, casting eerie shadows. War badges on the players' uniforms glowed with the colors of their factions, blue and red lights intermingling.

Unconsciously, the crowd divided into two factions, blue and red, each group huddled together.

Silence reigned, but it was soon broken by a sneering voice.

"You dogs, gathered here to see your daddy, huh?"

The speaker was a man clad in green, his hair slicked back in a flamboyant style. He had been a prominent figure from the beginning, his arrogance backed by his abilities. His lower body appeared like a mass of sand and mud—a result of his unique skill to transform into a sandy form. He had been a formidable presence since the onset of the regional battle, notorious for betraying allies, ranking fourth with this overpowered skill.

"Damn you!"

A middle-aged woman, exuding an air of dominance, retorted fiercely. She wielded a large machete, resting one foot on a nearby rock, her weapon pointed at the man. She was known as the [ Landlady ], ranked second in their ranks.

"Karma will get bite at you!"

"Not a soul will mourn the death of the idiot from Region 004!"

Her sharp words cut through the tension, and restraint snapped. The sand-man, known for betraying allies, merged with the ground, swiftly tunneling through the dirt, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.

The rest took up their weapons, murder in their eyes, each determined to eliminate the opposing factions. Despite the immediate threat, both sides tacitly agreed to first eliminate members from other regions while some spectating from the safe distance.

The air grew taut, ready to snap at any moment. Unlike their initial, hesitant skirmishes, this battle was driven by unbridled fury and adrenaline. They fought with unrestrained ferocity, their war cries and the clash of blades filling the air. Blood spattered, but it only fueled their madness.

The sand-man's treacherous attacks were relentless. Emerging unpredictably from the ground, he skewered unsuspecting players with sandy spikes, stealing their war badges upon their deaths. His success was undeniable, but it did not go unnoticed. The other players, realizing the threat he posed, began to strategize, planning to take him down first.

Immersed in his ruthless spree, the sand-man disregarded their tactics. As he prepared another backstab, three enemies lunged at him from behind. Forced to abandon his target, he tunneled back into the ground, only to find himself surrounded. Weapons pierced the earth, forming a tightening circle around him.

Cursing under his breath, the sand-man aimed for a weaker opponent. He emerged in a burst of spikes, sharp and resilient while showing his most eerily smile he could muster, defying any elemental damage.

Just as he believed he was breaking through the encirclement, the [ Landlady ] flipped into the fray, her seemingly sharp machete gleaming.

"Running away? Weren’t you just bragging? Coward!" She taunted, her grin mocking his futile efforts.

Ignoring her, the sand-man retaliated by transforming into a sandstorm, attempting to engulf her in a makeshift sand wall. The bystanders including the spectators beyond watched with cold detachment, their animosity towards the sand-man growing. His indiscriminate attacks had claimed lives from both Regions 003 and 004, leaving him isolated.

Yet, the Landlady and the sand-man seemed evenly matched, locked in a vicious stalemate. Gradually, the Landlady gained the upper hand, prompting unease among the spectators. If she killed the sand-man, the balance of power would shift, and she could lead Region 004 in a devastating assault.

Finally, someone made a move, aiming to disrupt the encirclement around the sand-man. However, both combatants unexpectedly turned their blades against these interlopers, momentarily ceasing their own conflict.

The sudden betrayal left the would-be rescuers in shock, their faces twisted in disbelief as they fell. The sand-man and the Landlady stood in a tense truce, recognizing the peril of mutual destruction amidst the hostile crowd.

They began to probe each other's defenses, searching for weaknesses, yet neither could land a fatal blow. Both knew that acting recklessly could make them easy prey for the others lurking around like wolves.

Aware of a third presence yet to reveal itself, the crowd started to back away, creating space for the two fighters. The battlefield was strewn with the corpses of around twenty players, victims of such cruel war.

The Landlady remained calm, collecting fallen war badges and integrating them into her own. The sand-man, lacking patience, yelled into the darkness, "Hey! Ranked seventh, 'Big Dream,' why not rename yourself to 'Gutter Rat?' Suits you better!"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha!" His laughter rang out, oddly jarring in the grim setting.

Athena, having just dealt with four hidden adversaries, heard the sand-man’s taunt echo through the battlefield.

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