Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

0032 – Earth Wall And The Black Phosphorus Snake

The elite-level monster, Athena had experienced the opponent's difficulty. Dealing with the speed of the fire leopard and its claw attacks was quite troublesome.

Through this tower defense, she realized the importance of the battlefield. She should move the battlefield away from her own house.

There were too many limitations to fighting in the courtyard. Except for the special circumstances of the first tower defense, the respawn range of the second tower defense teleportation array was directly at the courtyard gate.

She had obtained a similar item when she returned from Sun City before.

[ Moving Earth Wall ]
Category: Special Item
Quality: Excellent (Damaged)
Description: A reduced version of the gift from Sun City, it comes with the attribute of daylight and can be placed outside the shelter range without being eroded when darkness falls. Once placed, it merges with the land within that range and can change protrusions according to the user's will.

Arriving outside the courtyard, Athena placed the blueprint of the moving earth wall on the ground. The simple parchment emitted a faint glow and quickly merged into the ground.

[ Moving Earth Wall ] placed successfully!

Athena attempted to use it, and a wall of earth instantly rose from the ground.

Under her control, more walls of earth emerged, gradually forming a small maze. Trying to control the transformation again, Athena felt a sharp pain in her head, but it was within an acceptable range.

She tentatively erected another wall of earth, and the pain in her head intensified instantly, accompanied by dizziness.

Insufficient Mental Strength!
Current mental strength can only control normally for 1 minute.

Athena released control, and the earth wall instantly melted into the ground, but the dizziness didn't fade until a while later.

Although she could only control it for 1 minute, it was undoubtedly a powerful tool. Because it was a reduced version, the wall's height was only three and a half meters, which was sufficient for early use.

There was no possibility of climbing, and the wall was very smooth.

What disappointed her somewhat was that there had to be a distance between the earth walls, so no matter how she controlled them, she couldn't tighten them, and the transformation of the earth walls also took time.

This shattered her idea of directly crushing the monsters into meatloaf.

It was understandable. If she could directly crush the monsters inside the wall, there would have been no need to send them into the wall to fight earlier.

However, with the moving earth wall, not only could she change the monsters' travel routes and shift the battlefield, but she could also limit their speed, which was a considerable blow to the next wave's fire leopards.

The other arrow tower she obtained was placed at the outermost periphery of the courtyard by Athena, used to kill monsters escaping from the maze. There was no need to worry about the temporary use of the double-headed cannon and arrow tower inside the courtyard.

She wanted to place the arrow tower outside the courtyard, but ordinary arrow towers and other items did not have the attribute of daylight, so if placed outside, they would disappear when darkness fell. Thus, the defense system of the shelter was basically formed.

Athena looked up at the sky, "The defense system in the air is still missing."

But she also knew that this matter couldn't be rushed, mainly because there was no way to rush it.

She went to check the purple dream buds that had been transplanted earlier. Because of several days of heavy snow, their somewhat sluggish state had begun to improve.

Back in her own cabin, she began her physical training. Without professional guidance and without much professional knowledge herself, she could only do some basic exercises like push-ups and sit-ups.

"1, 2..."

"Meow!" A light slap landed on Mikmik's body, and Mikmik, who was still happily chewing grass, staggered, but still managed to swallow the grass under immense pressure.

The black phosphorus snake lurking in the tree stared greedily at them below. It hissed, seeking the right moment.

Mikmik, sensing danger, bristled its fur and cautiously moved away from the tree, followed by Paopao, who also sensed something and left.

Seeing its ambush fail, the black phosphorus snake leaped from the tree to launch its attack.

A section of its tail was missing, chopped off by Athena earlier and hadn't grown back yet. It raised its head proudly, spitting out red venom.

"Boom!" Paopao's sudden enlargement startled the black phosphorus snake, but its huge size also made it somewhat afraid. However, the close proximity of its prey made it reluctant to give up.

Mikmik showed its sharp claws and quietly blended into the shadows.

With its red eyes glaring, it was angry at the black phosphorus snake's condescending behavior, searching for rocks around.

"1... 2... 3..." Just as Athena was starting her workout, she heard the commotion outside. The increasingly loud meows couldn't be ignored.

Casually wiping the sweat off her forehead, she opened the door to see Mikmik rolling out of the mud as if from a swamp.

Prince and Princess had been diligently guarding the door, not letting it in, considering it too dirty all over. Even Athena was taken aback by its appearance. She remembered how Mikmik, when eating grilled meat before, would meticulously groom itself even if a little grease stuck to its fur, especially cleanliness.

Upon closer inspection, she found a little blood on its fur, furrowing her brow instantly. Upon checking, she found that Mikmik wasn't injured, just accidentally stained. At this moment, Mikmik couldn't care less about its dirty appearance, meowing incessantly at Athena, urging her to follow.

With every step, she glanced back anxiously.

Athena had not seen Paopao and Witty for a while. Could it be that they came back seeking her help? With this thought in mind, her steps involuntarily quickened, gesturing for Mikmik to lead the way.

Just as she reached the courtyard gate, she sensed something amiss with the thorn vines.

There was something hiding behind.

Athena's muscles tensed, instantly sharpening her focus. She watched as Mikmik made a turn and jumped behind a low stone wall.

"Meow!" A slightly mournful meow sounded.

"Ah." Athena felt a bit helpless. If there were really enemies behind, the thorn vines would have attacked already, not remaining so quiet.

Now thinking back to when she was petting the little ones earlier, the mischievous gleam in their eyes was unmistakable. They were just playing with her.

It seemed the black phosphorus snake had fallen for it this time.

But Athena had no intention of playing along. She boldly approached the wall where the creatures were hiding and peeked out.

Looking down, she saw the three little ones crouching in the corner, pressed against the wall, too scared to make a sound. Only Mikmik occasionally let out a pitiful meow.

Seeing Athena didn't come over for a long time, they were considering turning back to take another look. But as they raised their heads, they were met with Athena's gaze from above, startling them. Their fur stood on end in fright.

Satisfied with her little prank, Athena then turned her gaze to the black phosphorus snake lying unconscious on the ground.

Seeing Mikmik's back soaked with blood, it must have been the one who brought it back. The little one was indeed strong.

Seeing their trick exposed, Mikmik calmly raised its front paw, wanting to lick its fur, but was deterred by the mud on it, silently retracting it.

Paopao and Mikmik were nudging each other, eventually turning their attention to Mikmik.

Mikmik looked at them with some frustration, staring at them as if asking for something. The other two also mimicked the same action.

"I won't forget what I promised you. You'll get an extra meal tonight," Athena said with a tug at the corner of her mouth. Could she really deceive them?

Seeing the motionless black phosphorus snake on the ground, Athena still felt a bit queasy, but she was trying her best to endure it.

The reason she called them three to try to capture it alive was to test an experiment that had failed on the iron beetles before.

The black phosphorus snake neither belonged to the category of tower-attacking monsters specified by the system nor liked to die. Perhaps there was indeed a chance.

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