Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 3 (4)

Great Holy Land (2nd)

[Sophia-chan’s point of view]

We established our base in one of the many inns that caters to commoners in the Great Holy Land. It was of a medium size and fairly nice considering it’s meant for commoners.

I’ve felt pretty useless up until now, so having a chance to finally contribute felt nice. I was putting the gold I received from the King during the dragon subjugation to good use.

I was able to cover the costs of three people for an entire week’s stay.

With this covered, we can now fully concentrate on searching for the Elf-san.

However, for today, after buying clothes for the Goggoru-san, it’s time for us to rest. It was already late when we arrived here and the Goggoru-san and Dragon-san decided we’d resume our search tomorrow.

Me being nothing more than a simple maid, left me no choice but to go along with what they wanted.

Which is why I’m now lying in bed.


Even though I can’t sleep.

How am I supposed to sleep? I feel like I should be out looking for the Elf-san. Thoughts of what have happened to her kept swirling around my mind. I know it’s best to try to sleep tonight so I can be fully rested for the search tomorrow, but my body refuses to sleep.

However, it’s not as if I can do anything on my own. It would take me all night to get back to the area we lost her. Without the Dragon-san as my ride, all I can do is sleep. I feel sorry for the Elf-san.


Lying in bed in complete silence with nothing but my own thoughts began to make me feel groggy.

This lasted for almost a half an hour before sleep finally came to me. Riding around on the back of the Dragon-san may not be physically tiring, but it sure is mentally. My eyes slowly closed and the little sound reaching my ears faded into the distance.

Just as my last bit of consciousness was beginning to fade away, a voice from the bed beside me cut through the silence.

『…is she finally asleep?』


The voice was little more than a whisper; maybe someone speaking in their sleep.

I wasn’t sure whether to reply or not.

My mind was still foggy.



The futon I slept on was warm and welcoming. I didn’t want to get up, but I felt like I should reply.

Maybe she’s not talking to me.

Lost in my confusion, I missed the chance to reply.

My lack of reaction seemed to confirm to the Dragon-san that I was fully asleep.

『Time to go….』

I could hear sheets moving and the floorboards creaking as the Dragon-san stood from the bed.

The sound of her footsteps crossed the room before it sounded like the door opened.

Is she going somewhere? Maybe use the toilet? I was still pretending to be asleep. I’m worried what she might do if she found out I was pretending to be asleep.

I thought about what the creaking could be as I silently laid in bed.

Then, I heard the Goggoru-san’s voice coming from the nearby window.

“…we should hurry up and go.”

『Mu, w-when did you get there!? Are you following me!?』

“Not really….”

The creaking I heard before was actually the window being opened. I was convinced it was the door.

『O-Oi! S-Stay back! Don’t come any closer!』

“Too bad.”

『You’re a horrible little creature….』

I opened my eyes just enough so I could see what was happening.

Just as I thought, I could see the window open and the Goggoru-san floating in the night sky outside of it. Due to her mind reading ability, we were forced to get a separate room for her. The Dragon-san refused to share a room with her.

I feel terrible thinking it, but I was glad that she was in a different room.

“I already know that.”

『…do you have to be so snarky?』

“Only with the dragon that defended me.”

『I’m going to torture you until you forgot all about that? Haa!?』

“If you keep yelling like that, you’ll wake up Sophia.”


“I’m leaving now…. I don’t want to waste anymore time while Edita is still missing.”

“Gururururu, I know already! I was planning on leaving before you even got here!”

The Dragon-san stepped onto the windowsill and launched herself into the sky.

The pair quickly faded away into the night sky.


I guess the two of them decided to stay at the inn to accommodate me.

I also don’t think that the two of them had made a prior arrangement to leave to continue the search for Edita-san as I slept. I think they both decided on their own to continue the search and the Goggoru-san knew the Dragon-san would leave eventually. No wonder the Dragon-san didn’t complain after hearing the Goggoru-san’s suggestion.


I kind of feel ashamed for even falling asleep.

I’m useless.

I’ve felt this way many times before.

“…any chance I had of sleeping is gone now.”

I can at least try to help.

There’s a chance the Elf-san managed to find her way here. She’s a commoner like me, so travelling to a town like this is more likely than finding her in the last place we looked. That area was a resort town specifically catering to the nobility and royalty of the world.

There’s still something I can do, even if it isn’t as much as I’d like.

I’ll start with something simple like asking around town about her.


On the second day of my stay in the Great Holy Land, Drill-chan was back to doing Drill-chan things.

“…good morning.”

She was sitting down on my abdomen as I woke up. She was mounting me in a bicycle position with her legs on either side of me and her butt on my stomach. The pressure on my stomach was unpleasant when I was asleep, but now it’s pure bliss.

“Why aren’t you up yet?”

“I can’t get up with you on top of me.”

“To think that a slave would talk back to his master like this.”

“…a slave?”

“We’ve already been over this, haven’t we? You are my slave for as long as we are on vacation.”

“Right, and this is still part of our vacation?”

“It isn’t?”


The slave battle is set to continue.

I’m up for the challenge.

That’s what I originally thought, but I also realized that Edita Sensei is here. I can’t show her that side of me. I think when I reunite with Goggoru-chan, it will be pleasurable to have her read everything that happened, but I think it’s best to avoid Sensei seeing it with her own eyes.

I don’t want her to be disgusted with me.


“Is something wrong?”

“It’s just that Baron Tanaka is here on official work.”

“That’s fine if you need to do that. Of course, I won’t be able to give you the recipe.”


I forgot about that.

The original reason I agreed to be her slave was so that I could get the recipe for hair regrowth pills from her. The punishment had turned into the reward while the original reward was entirely forgotten. I’ve steadily been losing hair each day. I can’t give up on the hair regrowth recipe. Women focus on men’s hair more than most men think.

Take for example: B-kun. B-kun was an attractive salesman who looked good in his expensive suit and got a high-paying job the same year he graduated. However, once his thirtieth birthday came around, his hair began falling out. His rising career flamed out in no time. Within sixth months, he quit his job after developing a mental illness. His girlfriend of four years dumped him after they had promised to marry. According to a few rumours going around, he moved back in with his parents and now spends his time playing with his lightsaber.

“…I get it.”

I can’t give up.

Baldness can even be a deadly disease.

“Then you know what you must do, don’t you?”


It’s alright.

Just stick to the mantra of “ku” and it’ll be fine.

I don’t know why, but I have this strange feeling that this slave play will escalate into involving Edita Sensei before evolving into a form of bondage play.

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