Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 3 (1)

Great Holy Land (2nd)

My audience with the Saint had ended and now my destination was an estate located not far from the castle that the Saint calls home. A nun acted as our guide and she explained to me as we walked that this estate is used to host foreign dignitaries that visit the Great Holy Land.

An estate of this size would be a generous offering to any noble no matter what their rank. It’s easily comparable to the noble mage’s house I visited before back in Kalis. It would even be fair to call it a castle rather than just a mansion. The front walkway was flanked by a meticulously maintained garden. The main gate leading to the entryway is intended for use by horse-drawn carriages and its size is bigger than the main gate to Zōjō-ji temple.

Once we entered the main property,

“O-Oi, what is this…?”

“Ara~n? Haven’t we been through this already?”

Lined up on either side of the pathway were butlers and maids waiting to greet us.

Both groups appeared to be lined up by age. The first group of maids along the path was in their mid-teens, the second in their teens, and the third was in their mid-twenties. The maids’ breast sizes would satisfy any man, ranging from completely flat to obscenely large. The styles of the maids also varied. Some could be described as simple small town girls to experienced mature women.

The group of butlers were arranged in a similar manner. They were all handsome ikemen to the level that almost made me sick. The youngest of the butlers looked to be in his pre-teens while the oldest was in his mid-twenties. Their physiques also varied greatly. There were thin, feminine men and also masho guys with muscular bodies.

“Welcome, Baron Tanaka.”

One of the older butlers stepped forward from the group as if he were their representatives and offered me a greeting.

There was something familiar about him.

But I might just be imagining things.

“I wasn’t expecting a welcome like this.”

“The Great Saint asked me to act as your aid during your stay with us.”

“Ah, thank you for your service.”

I’m sure he’s here to show me to my room.

He gestured for me to follow and as I did, the maids and butlers formed two lines behind us and followed. It was almost identical to what happened when I arrived at the resort. Both times I felt like an important celebrity or VIP.

However, Edita Sensei looked uncomfortable.

“O-O-Oi, I can’t afford to stay in an expensive place like this….”

Edita Sensei stood at my side as we walked. She had been worrying about her finances ever since we passed through the front gate.

I wonder if Sensei is doing okay. Financially speaking.

She’d glance at an expensive looking statute and tremble then lock her eyes on some gaudy decoration and tremble. She looked like a small animal surrounded by predators.

“You don’t have to pay for anything here. There’s nothing for you to be worried about.”

“But, this place is so…. And this country is so….”

“Our benevolent Saint has generously offered to cover all of your costs during your stay.”


Even after the butler explained everything to her, she still seemed nervous.

It might just be my own selfish desires, but Edita Sensei’s demeanor suggests to me that she’s a woman that’s not used to people buying things for her. A woman that’s used to having drinks bought for her at a bar would never worry as Sensei is. This thought made Sensei seem cuter than normal. Overwhelmingly cute.

Drill-chan was almost the exact opposite.

“Fu~n? This seems acceptable.”

“Yes, I think such a magnificent estate is satisfactory for my Master to enjoy her vacation.”

She’s technically not even a noble and she wasn’t even invited here. Yet, she’s strolling around like this is her home. The part that really bothers me is that I can’t even be mad at her. This woman is surrounded by extravagant decorations and furniture that costs as much as some people’s homes and she fits in perfectly. Her own luxurious appearance and beautiful drills belong in a place like this. Anything less and she would look out of place.

Living life to the fullest probably looks a lot like how Drill-chan lives her life. Even the Kimoronge looks happier than usual. I’m sure it’s due to him seeing his master in such high spirits. Now that I think about it, these two are a sadistic master and a masochist slave, and yet, I can’t recall seeing them engaging in any S&M activities, aside from back at the resort, since the conflict between the Penny Empire and the Pussy Republic.

“Your promise carries over to here, correct? All of our expenses will be covered?”

Despite her luxurious appearance, she still has her purse on her mind.

Maybe the root cause of this is similar to Edita Sensei.

I was told that I was free to spend as I pleased, but I’m still worried that spending too much might have a negative impact on any negotiations with the Saint that occur later on. However, I am indebted to Drill-chan, so I should pay her back as soon as possible.

“Yes, just as I promised you.”

“Fu~n? I suppose a change in venue isn’t the worst thing in the world.”

“Please, be mindful of your expenses.”

I hate that I ever thought she might be cuter than Sensei.

We continued following our guide as he explained where each room could be located. Eventually we rounded a corner that ended at an extravagant door.

“This is where you will be staying.”

The elderly butler spoke once more.

This is it. The double doors swung open and a luxurious room was revealed.

It was larger than the master bedroom back at the resort.

When I imagined what the standard of living would be in a religious state, I had pictured something much simpler. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It was just as extravagant as the Penny Empire. As always, the beds were massive with a canopy over top. The bedrooms were so large that they had a mini living room inside. Several sofas, plush chairs, and a bar were situated in the corner.

Even tree-star hotels in fancy resorts don’t match this quality.

“Don’t hesitate to use these bells if you have any need for our services.”

“Thank you.”

He handed me two small bells that surprised me with their weight.

As with everything else here, they looked expensive.

“The silver bill can be used to summon a maid while the gold bell is for the butlers.”

“I see.”


A bell to summon either a man or a woman.

Essentially, it’s a bell to summon whichever sex you want for sex.

I wonder if he gave me the butler bell because Edita Sensei is here.

Ah, no, I don’t even want to imagine that. I’d be depressed. She’d leave for an undetermined amount of time before returning to the master bedroom looking happier than I’ve ever seen her. I couldn’t stay here anymore. Forget the King and the Saint. I’d abandoned everything and run away with Goggoru-chan.

“Please, enjoy your time here with us.”

“Thank you.”

I gave the butler a small nod before he turned and walked away.

The remaining butlers and maids stayed behind. I suppose he’s the head butler who only appears to greet guests and in case of one of his underlings messing up.

They were lined up against the wall just inside the main door.

I noticed that the butlers all seemed to be closely eyeing Edita Sensei and Drill-chan while all of the maids were watching the Kimoronge. This left me feeling an indescribable sadness. I’m sure this is what it feels like somehow finding yourself at a swinger’s party when you weren’t invited.

After being left to wallow in my sadness, one of the maids approached me.

“Would you care for a drink?”

“Eh? Ah, sure….”

“What would you like?”

A few other maids walked toward the bar as the first maid waited in front of me.

There were several bottles lined up on shelves behind the bar and a counter in the front that the maids stood at. There were only two small chairs positioned in front of the chairs which made me think the person that designed this place imagined most people would be seated on the sofas and lounge chairs.

“Do you have any recommendations for common drinks from your country?”

“I’d like the same thing as him.”

I asked for something that seemed appropriate for my mission of experiencing the culture of this country and Drill-chan asked for a drink as well.

This girl really loves alcohol.

“I’ll have the same as my Master.”

I wasn’t surprised to see the Kimoronge follow after Drill-chan.

It was only Edita Sensei that remained silent.

“Eh? Ah, I-I-I’ll have, umm, well I don’t really drink that often….”

“Of course, madam. We have freshly squeezed juice we can offer you.”

“S-Sure…thank you.”

The strange expression on her face may be due to her feeling like she’s not part of the group. There was a warmth that filled my heart seeing the difficult expression on Sensei’s face. Someday, I hope that I can have sex with her when she’s blackout drunk.

Having taken everyone’s orders, the maids began making our drinks.

There was a certain moment that caught my attention. One of the maids needed a utensil that was located on a lower shelf. To get this utensil, the maid went at the waist without bending her knees.

Naturally, the short skirt of the maid’s uniform began to lift and her butt slowly became exposed.

My eyes were locked on target and waiting for the full reveal when….


Wait a minute. Is she not wearing –?

“O-Oi, what are you looking at!?”

Just before the great divide was revealed to me, Edita Sensei noticed where I was looking and called me out.

I quickly averted my eyes and as I did, I briefly saw Sensei’s face filled with anger. She must have followed my eyes and noticed exactly what I was hoping to see.

I messed up.

I need to find an excuse.

“They have so many different types of liquor that I’ve never seen before.”

“Eh? Ah, t-that’s what you were looking at?”

“Yes, I’m excited to try something new.”

Don’t show any signs of embarrassment.

Just speak calmly and act natural. I casually turned my eyes back to the bar and, of course, the maid was no longer bending over. I wanted to watch until the end so I could confirm my suspicions with my own eyes.

“S-Still, you should be more careful! It l-looked like you were staring at her!”

“I see what you mean, Edita-san, and you have a good point.”


Barely safe.

I did my best to inject just enough doubt to make it believable.

And just as I thought I had gotten away with it, a single small sentence from Drill-chan brought me back into the danger zone. She turned her attention to the maids and looked toward the hem of their skirts before saying,

“The maids here sure wear daring outfits.”


“I wonder if you prefer the maids we had before.”

What is daring about these outfits?

I want to know.

But now the golden prize is out of view and Edita Sensei is paying more attention to what I’m looking at.

Is she really not wearing any panties?

I need to confirm it with my own eyes.

She bent down pretty far and exposed a good amount, but there was no sign of any fabric beneath her skirt.

All I need is a moment, Sensei! Please, just look away!

“O-Oi, let’s take a seat over there.”

“Sure. They might be a while.”

I swallowed my regret and sat down on a nearby sofa.

Sensei ran across the room and sat down across from me. Her face was red and after she sat down, she crossed her legs in a way that made her skirt rise higher than usual. The panty shop is open today and they’re having a clearance sale.

Despite this, I couldn’t pull my attention away from what the maid might not be wearing.

The Saint wasn’t lying about the hospitality of the Great Holy Land.


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