Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 2 (6)

Great Holy Land (1st)

[Sophia-chan’s point of view]

This maid is currently soaring through the sky.

The speed at which I’m traveling can’t even compare to the speed the airship Tanaka-san brought me on a few days ago. All of the passing trees and ground are complete blurs as they flash by me.


I couldn’t stop a scream from escaping my mouth.

This is so scary.

I’m terrified.

I’ve rode on the Dragon-san’s back before, but today is a little different. Previously, when I rode on her back, there would be someone in front of me that would block the more terrifying view. However, now I’m in front and there’s nothing that can block my vision or wrap my arms around to feel more secure.

The Elf-san had the better seat directly behind me and she had her arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I’m sure others have experienced this same feeling from me previously.Her arms were wrapped around me so tightly that it was starting to hurt my stomach.

The death grip she had on me also made me realize that I wasn’t the only one scared.

I have to do my best and endure this so the Elf-san can feel reassured. I looked down at her thin arms beneath my chest and felt inspired to do my best.

[Oi, are you sure we’re going the right way?]

“…I’m sure.”

 [Gununu, then why aren’t we there yet…?]

The Goggoru-san was flying just ahead of the Dragon-san.

The Goggoru-san read Tanaka-san’s mind last night and found out his destination. Even though the Dragon-san lost sight of him, the Dragon-san is still flying at a tremendous speed following after the Goggoru-san.

That’s what she told us anyway.

“It’s probably around here.”



[Could it be that you only have a rough idea of where that man was going?]



“I’m not the one that lost sight of him.”

[That was your fault! Y-You kept saying how you knew exactly where he was going, but you said we shouldn’t get too close to avoid being spotted, so I intentionally allowed him to get further from us! Now you’re saying probably, probably, probably! W-W-What are we supposed to do now!?]

The two were in a heated argument.

I just listened to them in silence.

“…I said that?”

Ah, Goggoru-san, you shouldn’t have said that.

The Dragon-san started thrashing her arms about in a tantrum, but didn’t slow down at all as she continued her flight.

[W-Who else would say it!?]

Shortly following her words, a large mass of swirling flames shot out from her mouth at Goggoru-san. It’s the same type of magic that Tanaka-san likes to use. He calls it ‘Fireball.’ The Dragon-san’s Fireball was larger than my parents’ house back in the capital.

[Just die already!]


The Goggoru-san managed to move out of the way just in time. It looked like she kicked off some invisible platform in the air and leapt out of range of the flames. Despite being so high up in the sky, she’s very dexterous.

This seemed to push the Dragon-san past her limits.

[You…you…you little….]


Fireballs were shot out in rapid succession.

It became a struggle to stay on the Dragon-san’s back for the Elf-san and me. She swung her arms frantically and tilted her body to the sides. The Goggoru-san was doing whatever she could to avoid the attacks. She’d move from one side to the other, fly below or above the Dragon-san, and circle around her. The Dragon-san tried to match her movements, making our task next to impossible.



All we could do was scream.

I bent forward and wrapped my arms around the Dragon-san’s neck. It was all I could do to stay on her back. Without something to hold onto, I surely would fall off. If I fall, death is the only outcome. I’m a simple mage incapable of using magic.

“Ahiiii~, p-please, stop this!”

I held onto her neck as tightly as I could.

I’m sorry, Dragon-san, but there’s nothing else to grab onto.

[O-Oi, get your hands off my neck!]

“But, I-I’m about to fall off….”


The Dragon-san suddenly stopped thrashing and righted herself after flipping upside down at some point.

She’s actually listening to me. Thank you. Thank you so much. You’ve spared my life.

“Th…Thank you.”

[…if you, the Elf, or that Goggoru get hurt, that guy will scold me.]

She looked away from me while pouting.

Tanaka-san has given me a chance to live. Then again, if I had never met him, I would also never have met the Dragon-san, but maybe it’s best not to think about that too much.

The Dragon-san’s rampage had subsided. Seeing that it was now safe, the Goggoru-san returned to her place just ahead of us. It was around the length of a spear, which Tanaka-san said was the distance the Goggoru-chan’s mind reading ability can reach.

After we flew in silence for a little while, the Goggoru-chan said,

“…I’m sorry.”

It was a surprise, but also cute that she apologized.

I don’t know why, but the person that received the apology looked disappointed.

[…let’s just find him already!]

“Okay, we can try to search for him down there.”

Goggoru-chan glanced down at a gathering of buildings along a seashore. They stood out from all of the other small settlements we had flown over before. Each building was more lavishly decorated than the last.

It looked like a resort.

It seems like a likely place to find Tanaka-san. However, it would be a challenge to find a single person in a large area like that. There are similarly luxurious buildings spread out all along the shore.

[That will take all day to search.]


I think it would be best if we just gave up and returned to the capital.

I don’t think either of them are even considering that.

As I was hoping one of them may suggest it, I noticed something was different. The pressure on my stomach was gone entirely. I looked down and noticed the Elf-san’s arms were no longer wrapped around me. 

Maybe she’s not as nervous now.

I turned around and saw…


The Elf-san is gone.

There’s no sign of her.

[Haa? What’s wrong now?]

In response to the strange sound I made, the Dragon-san looked back at me over her shoulder. Naturally, I was blocking any view she may have of the Elf-san The fact that the Elf-san fell off of the Dragon-san’s back should be no surprise to anyone that saw what just happened.

“…the Elf fell?”

Goggoru-chan spoke in a whisper.



I recall hearing a terrible scream when the Dragon-san was rolling around.

It was a scream that no woman would make under normal circumstances.

“U-U-Um, the Elf-san has…uh, fallen….”

What am I going to do?

What am I going to do!?

The Elf-san can fly, right?

But I don’t see anything around us.

“…did we enter into a barrier against flight magic?”


“If she fell from here, she would be seriously injured….”

[L-Let’s just split up so we can find her! Okay!? H-Hurry up!] 


The decision was made to change our search target to the Elf-san.

The Dragon-san and the Goggoru-san nodded and then plunged straight to the ground. Thanks to this, I was also hurtling toward the ground. I didn’t even have time to scream. I just grabbed onto the Dragon-san and closed my eyes while hoping for the best.

I don’t think we’ve going to find Tanaka-san anytime soon.

Please, Elf-san, please, be safe.

Ah, I was wondering when this was going to happen.

insert pee sound effect here


It was tedious, but I’ve finally parted ways with the Heroes’ parties without much incident.

I left them with the maids and asked them to show them around the place and explain everything available to them. This left me with little to do, so I quickly became bored. I decided to leave the reception room and headed back to my living room.

When I arrived, I spotted Drill-chan relaxing on the sofa. The Kimoronge was near his master, holding a cup in his hand. Despite the fact that Drill-chan had her legs crossed, I was unable to see her panties due to her long skirt.

She likes to drink. Maybe there’s a chance she’ll drunkenly assault me someday.

“Doris-san, I’ll be leaving for the Great Holy Land in a few days.”

I think it’s important to keep her informed.

Even if it’s likely that she’ll react with a punishment I might not enjoy.

“Eh? What happened?”

I told her that I received a message from the Great Holy Land requesting my presence. The Heroes of the East and West asked me to return with them. I explained everything to her, but after laying everything out, I realized how ridiculous it was.

Our lengthy vacation was now being turned into just a three day weekend.

It’s not like I have much choice though. This is a request from someone I know nothing about, but I understand that she must hold tremendous power. The Saint. I don’t know what the consequences would be if I were to refuse. I know little about her, but based on what the Hero said, she must hold power equal or maybe even greater than His Majesty.

“…is that so?”

“Yes, that’s what I was told.”


The Ohohohojou-sama showed a surprising amount of consideration when I explained my situation to her.

“If so, I’d like to come with you.”

“Why would you want that?”

“I am your master after all.”

“…of course you are.”

I was wondering if she’d try to keep the master-slave relationship going even after we left the resort. The thought of it continuing sent a tingle running down my spine. Continued harassment by a big-breasted loli with an intact hymen, amazing.

“Then, let’s just hurry up and get it over with.”

“What do you mean?”

“It sounds annoying, but it would be best if we got it over with so we could fully enjoy our vacation. Besides, don’t you find it annoying having to share this place with a group of strangers?”

“I guess that’s true.”

Drill-chan has the same mindset as me.

I was always the type of student that would finish any summer school work early.

“Let’s do that then.”

“Yeah? I’m glad we feel the same.”

It would be good for all involved if we acted quickly. The Hero of the East was concerned we weren’t acting fast enough. It would probably improve his opinion of me if I went along with Drill-chan’s proposal.

“I told them to relax while they’re here, but we shouldn’t waste any time getting in contact with the Heroes.”

I stood from the sofa and started to make my way to the guest room.

At that very moment, there was a loud crash from outside.

The sound came from just outside the window where I could see a terrace with a large pillar of water shooting out of a pool. The window pane was quickly covered in water as if it was storming outside.

Something fell from the sky and landed in the pool.

“What was that?”

“I-I wonder what it’s going to be now.”

I’m ready for anything after that assassin maid.

It looked as if Drill-chan was expecting the same. Her face turned serious and she stood from the sofa. The Kimoronge swiftly moved in between her and the window and got ready to protect his master.

We waited for several seconds, but there was no sign of any threat from the pool.

What could it be?

Maybe a meteorite fell from the sky?

“…I’m going to check.”

“Y-Yes, go see what it was.”

I walked toward the window and opened it before poking my head outside.

That can’t be…



Edita Sensei is unconscious lying face down in the pool of water.

Her arms and legs were splayed out wide as she floated in the water. It created a pitiful image. She was floating on her stomach and showed no sign of movement. Her thin white dress was soaked and clinging tightly to her skin. The lines of her body were clearly visible and even her butt could be seen through the dress.

How did she even get here?


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