Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 1 (2)

Ordinary Day

I left behind the slums and headed straight toward the mayor’s home.

When I landed, I headed straight for my room, my feet moving quickly as I half-ran through the halls.

The utter devastation that befell my slums has left me exhausted.

I need to take a nap.

I only needed to turn down two more halls before I would arrive at my room. After taking the first turn, I noticed the sound of running footsteps. Who could that be? Ahead of me, a maid turned the corner to face me. It was Sophia-chan.

“Ah, Tanaka-san!”

“What’s going on that’s got you in such a hurry, Sophia-san?”

Her heavy breathing was surprisingly erotic.

My eyes were instantly drawn to the heaving of her chest beneath her maid uniform. There was sweat covering her forehead as well as, obviously, her armpits. I’ve noticed that Sophia-chan has been especially wet recently. It’s kind of nice. I like the idea of hugging her and our skin sticking together due to her sweat.

“A visitor has arrived! Ester-sama’s father….”

“Richard-san is here?”


She was in a rush to find me. She probably went straight to my room to find me and was heading back after seeing I wasn’t there. This is surprisingly good timing.

I wonder what brings Papa-san all the way out here.

Actually, I think I have a good guess.

The ominous tower the loligon built that looms over the entire city.

“I understand. I’ll head down to meet him right away.”

“He’s waiting in the drawing room!”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

Now then, how do I explain this?

I made my way down the same hall I had just come from while trying to think of an excuse. The hallways quickly passed before I entered the main hall and arrived at the door to the drawing room. Still unable to think of an excuse, I knocked on the door before entering the room.

Waiting for me in the drawing room, just as Sophia-chan had said, was the head of the FitzClarence faction, Richard-san.

I gave him a slight nod as a greeting before taking a seat on the sofa opposite him.

“It’s been a while, Richard-san. I thought you’d be waiting for my return back in the capital. I’m sorry you had to make the long journey all the way out here. Is there an urgent matter you need to discuss?”

“…I’m just going to speak bluntly: what’s with that ridiculously tall tower?”

“It’s a new landmark in the city that was recently finished.”


His eyes locked on mine and I met his stern gaze.

I can’t cede any ground on this matter. If he demands it be torn down, the future of Dragon City and the entire Penny Empire may be in peril. I can easily imagine the loligon going on a rampage that only ends with the destruction of the entire country after having her prized creation destroyed.

Ah, that’s right, I told her I’d stop by to pick her up in the morning.

Crap, it’s already too late now.

It slipped my mind entirely after Gon-chan asked me to see him.

Then I had my fun in the slums.

“It’s an impressive building, Baron Tanaka. It’s even possible to see the tower stretching high into the clouds from Kalis. I can admire the spire piercing through the clouds from the terrace at my home.”

“You are a man of distinguished taste, Duke FitzClarence.”

“The capital has decided to send out an inquiry team to investigate the tower that appears to have sprung from the earth overnight. The team will consist of 150 people primarily made up of members of the Imperial Knights and the Imperial Magic Knights. The group will gather over the coming days and should set out for your territory within a few days.”


This has already become a bigger deal than I wanted.

Can’t this world give me a break for a single day?

“What are you going to do, Baron Tanaka?”

Richard spoke plainly with his normal smile showing.

His eyes were straight lines at this point.

I’d like to have a plan before they arrive.

“Let’s see….”

I tried to find an excuse that would satisfy the capital but nothing came to mind.

What should I do?

Just as I was beginning to realize the trouble I was really in, there was a knock on the door.

“Pardon me.”

The door was flung open and the noble mage entered the room. It had been some time since I had last seen him. I thought he left Dragon City a while ago. He must have been holed up in some room researching teleportation magic.

His beard and hair were both grown out and unkempt which reaffirmed my suspicion. Even so, an ikemen is an ikemen even if he stops caring for his appearance. The bags under his eyes just added to the dandy look he already had. If I were to let my hair and beard grow out, I’d have to stop people from giving me money after thinking I’m homeless.

“Oh, Fahren-san.”

“Today was the first day I had gone outside in a while and I was met with the sight of that extraordinary tower. Is that your work? The spire can’t even be seen through the layer of clouds. If you don’t mind, I’d like to travel to the top with you.”

He was clearly tired, but his curiosity was as strong as always.

This curiosity gave me an idea.

“I’d like to discuss something with you, Fahren-san.”

“And what’s that?”

I’ll use the excuse that the tower is part of the noble mage’s experiment.

Nobody can complain if they think he’s the one that built the tower.

I invited the noble mage to take a seat and explained the situation to him. I told him that the capital was sending a group to look into the tower and that the loligon was the one that built him. I asked if my plan was okay with him and it didn’t take long for the magic obsessed ossan to agree.

“I understand. I’ll gladly lend my name.”

“Thank you. I’m sure Christina will be delighted to hear it.”

Of course, using the loligon’s name would help make his decision.

I’m sorry for taking advantage of his love for the loligon.

“It’s such an impressive building. One that I will not allow to be destroyed by those with such little understanding of the incredible magic that has gone into creating it. I, the magic obsessed noble, swear to protect that tower from the hands of the ignorant government. Especially when I have yet to step foot in the structure.”

“I’m relieved to hear that, Fahren-san.”

That’s good.

Now I can enjoy the next few days of my mini-vacation.

I placed my hand on my chest and let out a sigh of relief before Richard spoke once more.

“You’ve done well again, Tanaka-san. I never expected that Lord Fahren would be staying here. I fully expected you to rely on me for help, but now I see rushing to the airship to get here quickly was unnecessary.”

His tone gave off a feeling of him being surprised but disappointed.

I knew he had an ulterior motive for coming here.

It’s just like him.

Thankfully, the noble mage appeared at just the right time.

Having low LUC doesn’t mean I have no hope.

“If the Penny Empire were to do anything to the tower, it would be the end of this country. In response to the tower’s destruction, I could see her laying waste to the capital of Kalis. I request that only those that have received her approval be allowed inside the tower.”

“Yes, that’s no problem.”

The noble mage gave me a large nod which reaffirmed in my mind that I could rely on him.

“I had a similar thought as well. An Ancient Dragon, correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Richard’s main reason for flying here was to offer me a lifeline that would put me in debt to him. Well, if the inquiry team had come to my territory without the noble mage being here, I would have been in trouble. Maybe he had some concern for what would happen to me.

“Incidentally, Tanaka-san, what are your plans now that you’ve returned…?”

“I was planning on returning to the capital to report to His Majesty.”

“If that’s the case, allow Lord Fahren and I to handle things here.”

“I’ll gladly impose on you.”

“Feel free to continue using the airship as you please.”

“Ah, regarding that, the airship you loaned me is of a quality I failed to understand when you first offered it to me. I’d like to properly thank you when I have more time later.”

“No, no, there’s no need to thank me.”

“I gave the gifts you left with me to Professor Journal.”

“…is that right?”

“Yes, he mentioned he wanted to thank you, so he may get in contact with you later. I apologize if that’s an inconvenience to you.”

“I’m surprised that stubborn old man would accept anything from me.”

“We’ve had several opportunities to interact in the past.”

“Interact…I see. Well, let’s leave it at that.”

“Of course.”

This should complete my report to Richard. I thought I’d have to wait until I returned to the capital, but this should cover everything he’d be interested in knowing. I still need to bring Allen and Ester-chan back to the capital while keeping them hidden from Papa-san. If I can do that, everything will work out perfectly.”


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