Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 6 (6)

Aufschnaiter Family

After we disembarked from the airship, our first stop was the office located in the mayor’s house.

“Oh, it’s been so long! I’m happy to see you.”

Gon-chan, Sophia-chan, and Neumann were all present when we arrived. Gon-chan was the first to greet me with a big smile on his face. That look of genuine happiness made the pain in my chest hurt that much more.

“It’s been a while, Gonzalez-san.”

“I hear you’ve been busy over in Academy City.”

He’s as much an ikemen as ever.

His masculine face perfectly suited his macho body, but the innocent smile on his face made me think of a schoolboy.

“That’s right. I’m surprised you’ve already heard.”

“That Neumann guy has contacts in the Centre over there.”

“I see.”

Neumann hasn’t been slacking in my absence.

Seeing him reminds me that I wanted to hold a welcome party for him that I still have yet to do. I still haven’t properly welcomed him here and now the territory he’s helping manage is facing a crisis. I need to do something for him even if it’s my last act as Baron Tanaka.

“How’d things go over there? It seems like you brought back some new faces.”

Gon-chan’s eyes fell on the JC.

The shock was evident on his face. Both being members of the Aufschnaiter family, they must be familiar with each other to some extent. It’s possible they even lived together in their family’s mansion.

“Do you two know each other?”

“Are you really here? I never thought I’d see a member of my family again. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you of all people would allow this reunion. Is this what they call fate?”

“I’m not sure I’d go that far.”

I admire Gon-chan’s ability to casually spout out such cool speeches. A busamen like me could never use the word ‘fate’ like that without being laughed at. But this reaction confirms they know each other.

The JC is a member of the Aufschnaiter family.

“You’ve changed so much since I last saw you. I almost didn’t recognize you…..”


The JC’s sudden cry caught Gon-chan by surprise as he fell silent.

She screamed his name as if she were afraid of what he might say next.

Her checkered miniskirt fluttered with the sudden movement of her body.

“What’s wrong? Are you that excited to see me?”

“Who would be excited to see that face!?”

“What’s with you? You always had a bit of a tomboy look, but this….”

W-Wait, stop! Don’t say anything else! I’m sure just like me, you’ve been through a lot since our house was destroyed! I was almost killed just for being an Auschnaiter! It’s been so h-h-hard!”


I can’t tell if they are close or not.

It’s impossible for me to know what their relationship was like before they found themselves in their current positions. The JC is also a closed off person, so she may be holding back with so many people around.

Whatever the reason, I have my own problems to focus on. I can’t let the JC tell Gon-chan about what I did to her brother. I have to be the one to tell him. It might not seem like much, but I think Gon-chan is the type of person to put weight on something like that.

“Gonzalez-san, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Hn? What about? Your face has been so serious since you came back.”

“It’s something I think we should talk about in private.”

“Why does that sound so foreboding?”

“That feeling isn’t too far off.”

This room is filled with people that have no involvement with and, therefore, no need to know about the death of a member of the Aufschnaiter family. Drill-chan is seated on the sofa with Ester-chan talking about this and that. The Kimoronge is standing beside his master with an almost amused look on his face as he watches me.

Edita Sensei was sitting at the desk alongside Sophia-chan and Neumann. They were all poring over the papers laid out before them. In the furthest corner of the room, Goggoru-chan had taken her usual position. Her eyes were locked on me. Her unwavering stare made me feel as if she forgot to blink.

Everyone had a cup of tea in front of them that was prepared by Sophia-chan. I walked over to the pot and poured myself a cup before drinking it down in one gulp. The tea was still hot but I needed something to help with my dry throat. My nerves are really getting to me.

A cup of Sophia-chan’s tea was just what I needed. She uses the same tea leaves as me, but her’s always has a unique taste to it.

“What is it? Is it something concerning the others?”

“No, that’s not it.”

We should probably head outside.

Luckily, we were close to the door so we could make our exit without attracting much attention.

“Sorry, it’d be best if we went somewhere more private….”

This is what I wanted, but….

“Are the two of you close?”

Gon-chan cut me off before nodding toward the JC and asking this.

My ex-girlfriend was still standing by my side. Dragon City is a strange place to anyone, but for her, she’s just travelled across multiple countries, so she has no one else to cling to.

“Yes, we became close friends while I was over there.”

“I’m guessing you’re aware of how we’re related?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I guess I don’t understand why you’d bring that person to Dragon City. It was safe to be studying out of the country in Academy City. It’s dangerous for any member of the Aufschnaiter family here in the Penny Empire.”

“I can answer all of your questions once we leave here.”

“Were more of the Aufschnaiters killed and you were left to take that one in out of obligation?”

“We should….”

I was still urging him to leave the room so I could explain everything to him. However, he asked something that was almost exactly what I wanted to tell him, but the details were slightly off.

Gon-chan’s intuition will never cease to amaze me.

“What’s the matter? Tanaka-san, you don’t look well.”

Gon-chan was still smiling but the usual joy was absent.

It was a smile that reminded me of Richard’s.

Does he know what happened? No, that’s impossible. Everything happened outside of the Penny Empire and when we passed over the wreckage, it looked like the wreckage had lie there for days undisturbed. Gon-chan is unlikely to have left Dragon City since I was last here, so there’s no way for him to know.

“….that’s right. It’s just as you said, Gonzalez-san.”

He’s right, but I can’t lie to him.

I need him to know everything.

I have to lay everything bare.

“How do you always find yourself in these situations?”

“Gonzalez-san, I’m afraid there’s more to it than that.”

I just need to get it out.

No more lies.

“The person that was killed was her brother, another member of the Aufschnaiter family. I killed him.”


My words were loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the room. Ester-chan, Sophia-chan, Drill-chan, and Neumann all turned their eyes to me. The only one that remained the same was Goggoru-chan who was already watching me.

The subtle noise of everyday chatter faded away.

“Now I get why you’ve seemed so strange since arriving.”


We silently stared at each other.

The usual sparkle in Gon-chan’s eyes was gone.

I’ve never been more scared than this.

My heart feels like it might pound right out of my chest.

“Why would you bring that person here? Was your guilt towards the Aufschnaiter family so great? Did you think bringing us together would make the murder of our family member easier to swallow?”

“No, I felt no guilt when I killed him.”

“That’s quite the thing to say to his family.”

“The Aufschnaiter that I killed was the captain of a sky pirate ship. I killed everyone on board without a second thought. If I did nothing, my own ship would have been shot out of the sky. Now, that’s not to say destroying their ship was the only option. I could have taken other actions so neither of our ships would be destroyed.”

“Sometimes, Tanaka-san, the truth is best kept secret.”

“I only found out about what I did after I met her.”

I glanced over at the JC.

I’m desperate.

I need everything to be in the open.

My throat is bone dry but my anxiety is causing excess saliva to fill my mouth.

“I originally intended on reuniting the only two members of the Aufschnaiter family that I was aware of, Gonzalez-san. By chance, on our journey back to Dragon City, she told me there was a different member of your family that I was unaware of. I learned his name and the description matched the captain I had killed.”

Ah, I can’t forget about my ex-girlfriend. Her family has been exiled from the Penny Empire and she can’t stay here if she’s not by my side. I’ve learned all of this from Gon-chan.

“The reason I brought her here is to give you a chance to reunite, but I understand the dangers. Once you two have had a chance to speak, I will bring her back to Academy City. I’ll escort her personally using the most advanced airship in the Penny Empire.”

Then, the JC interjected herself for the first time.

“Gonzalez! I-I don’t want you to misunderstand! I asked him to bring me here! I wanted to be with the man I love! I won’t go back to Academy City! The ossan has already accepted my love!”

Is this really happening?

I’m the same flat yellow faced man that killed her brother.


Suddenly, Gon-chan’s expression suddenly changed.

The fake smile he had been showing faded and his cheeks puffed out. It reminded me of a Jizō statue that might be found in a bathroom. Maybe he cares so much for his younger sister that hit hurts to look her in the eye.

“It’s just as he said! Rock onii-chan was a sky pirate that attacked him! He was always a delinquent and he chose to run away from our home even before our house was destroyed! The ossan was the victim of an attack and he defended himself!”

“I-It’s true? Well, umm, I-I don’t know what….”

I didn’t think my ex-girlfriend would defend me. I don’t even know if I deserve it.

It makes me so happy that I can feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I never understood how much she actually loved me. I always assumed it was a passing feeling. A young girl that’s attracted to an older man because she doesn’t know any better.

This fleeting love was enough for me.

Thank you so much. Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

“No, it doesn’t matter the reason. I killed your brother.”

“But a couple days ago, I met a weird noble from the Pussy Republic….”

I won’t allow my ex-girlfriend to shoulder any of my burden.

She tried to find an explanation that would satisfy Gon-chan, but I stopped her.

“I’m sorry, Aufschnaiter-san, but can you take out that pendant?”


The JC took out the pendant I found among the wreckage of the sky pirate airship. It looked well taken care of. Minus a few scratches it most likely suffered during the crash, I could still see the room we were in reflected on its surface.

“Here, G-Gonzalez….”

“This pendant, do you recognize it?”

Gon-chan took the pendant from the JC and traced his finger across the crest. The pendant was still split in half from yesterday and the Aufschnaiter family crest was clearly visible.

“I’m sure it belonged to my family. I think I remember seeing it in the past.”

“Thank you. That’s all I needed.”


I told him everything that happened and why I chose to act the way I did. I expected him to be upset, but the myriad of emotions that swept across his face took me off guard. He was at first surprised, but this surprise slowly changed into confusion. He took a step back from me almost out of disgust.


I was expecting him to hit me. I was ready for it and did nothing to avoid it.

The sudden shock of it all must have made it difficult for him to process his emotions. I’m lucky that he’s such a good man that cares deeply for his friends. The confusion between wanting to console his friend and the rage from having a relative killed are battling inside him. I wonder which will win.

I waited for whatever the outcome would be; the nervousness and regret building inside me.

I wanted to end it all and become an emotionless machine that exists only to lift up Edita Sensei’s skirt.

“I realize I’m being selfish, but I think it would be best for everyone if we took some time to speak in private….”

“Wait, please, wait a second, Tanaka-san.”

“…what is it?”

“I was actually planning a surprise for you, but never expected to be the one surprised. Not to mention I never expected you to be interested in Ash of all people.”

“A surprise?”

What’s he talking about?”

As I wondered about this, Gon-chan called to someone outside the room.

“Oi, it’s about time you came in! This has gone on too long!”


In response to his shout, the door leading out to the hallway opened up.

Everyone turned their attention to the lone person that stood there.

Oi, that’s impossible.


“…I never expected the town I sought help in would be ruled by the same man that destroyed my ship.”

The hook guy was standing in the hallway.

His distinctive appearance made it impossible for me to mistake him for anyone else.

“I haven’t seen Rock in a few years, but after he lost his ship, he showed up in town seeking shelter. I asked him about the attack and there was only one man that came to mind capable of such an attack. I thought it was too ridiculous to be true until now.”


This wasn’t how I expected this to turn out.

“How do you want to handle this? If his attack on your ship caused any damage or you lost something that belonged to your faction leader, you have the right to kill him where he stands. Rock was the one that attacked and there is no one else to blame. Actions demand consequences; I won’t deny that.”

Gon-chan stared straight into my eyes. Any hint of joy, fake or otherwise, was absent from his face.

“All that I ask is that if your faction leader has lost nothing that he will miss, I beg you to forgive him. If there is any world that exists where you can forgive him, please, do so. If there’s something I can do to earn your forgiveness, I’ll do it no matter what it is. Please, I’m begging you, please, forgive him.”

Gon-chan got down on his knees and without a moment’s hesitation he slammed his head down on the floor.

It was the first time I’d ever seen a man slam his forehead down on the ground so hard that it created a noticeable sound.

“Gonzalez-san, that’s not necessary. Please, lift your head.”

I doubt there’s a less fitting pose for a man like Gon-chan to make.

“I beg you.”

“I’ll spare his life if you raise your head.”

“You can do whatever you want with me. My life for his.”

I hate seeing him like this. A man like Gon-chan should always look dignified and cool. Kneeling like that and begging for forgiveness is more suited for someone like me or Mercedes-chan. I guess I’d be doing the begging while the imperial lesbian would be stepping on the back of my head.

“I told you to lift your head if you want me to spare his life. If you don’t then I won’t forgive him.”


“There was no damage on our end in the fight. Don’t underestimate, Baron Tanaka.”

“….t-thanks. Thank you.”

“That’s my line.”

I avoided another moment in my already full black history.

Gon-chan looked at me quizzically as I turned to Hook.

“Thank you for being alive.”

Hook stiffened and was taken aback by my sudden thank you.

I extended my hand and offered him a greeting.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Tanaka.”

“Y-You’re serious? You’ll forgive me? A nobleman of the Penny Empire is willing to forgive me, a member of the disgraced Aufschnaiter family? And isn’t that girl there a member of the FitzClarence family? Not to mention the girl sitting next to her looks like a high-ranking noble as well….”

None of that matters to me when you’re from the same family as Gon-chan.

He even looks more feminine than JC who’s actually a woman.

“So, have you decided whether or not you’ll accept my forgiveness?”

“I-I’m sorry. I graciously accept your mercy. I am Gonzalez’s brother, Rock Aufschnaiter. I regret that our first encounter was when I was acting as a sky pirate, but from this day forth, I swear to you that I will never return to that life.”

Not only are they from the same house, he is Gon-chan’s brother.

Gon-chan is vouching for him, so it’s unlikely he’ll cause any trouble. I can’t see any way that demanding punishment would benefit me.

“I believe you.”

There are still so many thoughts running through my head, but I’m happy.

I’m so happy.

Thank you for still being alive.

Any chance at a happy relationship with the JC may now be out of the question. I did everything I could to put myself in a place to be hated by her. However, with this, I am able to at least relieve the pain I caused her. As an ex-boyfriend, there’s no better outcome.

At least now I’m capable of using the word ‘ex-girlfriend’ in my life.

I’m not as devastated as I expected.

Whenever I’d hear a colleague or one of my juniors refer to an ex-girlfriend of theirs, I’d always feel a twinge of regret about how I’d wasted my youth. Even if the relationship only lasted a few days, an ex-girlfriend is an ex-girlfriend. I can openly use the term now and not be lying to myself or others.


Speaking of my ex-girlfriend.

She took a step past me and leapt face first into the chest of Hook. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. I couldn’t help but feel jealous.

Damn, I want to be hugged by a cute little sister. I’ve always wanted a little sister. A cute, lewd little sister with an intact hymen who’d happily spread her legs for her onii-chan.


“I’m so happy! I’m so happy that you’re alive!”

“Yeah, I am too and I’m glad that you’re doing okay.”

A brother and sister in a warm embrace.

Why am I feeling so stressed?

I wonder if there’s any more liquor left on the ship.


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