Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 6 (3)

Aufschnaiter Family

Just as Goggoru-chan instructed, I hurriedly made my way to the upper deck.

There was a similar ship flying alongside us. The two ships remained mostly parallel and, naturally, maintained a distance from each other to avoid an accidental collision. However, we were still close enough that we could hear each other if we raised our voices.

“What did you need me for?”

I was worried they had spotted a danger ahead. Maybe something like a pack of wyverns similar to the ones we encounter during the dragon extermination. If so, I need to take care of them quickly. This airship was loaned to me as a favour by Richard-san. I can’t let anything happen to it.

The one to speak was Drill-chan.

“I think it would make more sense if we travelled on the same ship!”


“I was wondering if I could move to your ship!”

I don’t see a problem with that.

“I don’t mind, but you’ll need to pay for your own expenses while onboard.”


“Is something wrong?”

“I-It’s nothing. Everything’s fine.”

She must have been planning to eat and drink on the FitzClarence’s coin.

Drill-chan is more clever than her appearance might suggest.

There’s also every chance she’s plotting something more devious which makes me hesitant to allow her across. She can come off as an airheaded princess, but she can be surprisingly quick-witted when it stands to benefit her. This is one of the things I admire about the big-breasted loli with a hymen, but it’s also something I always need to be mindful of.

“If that’s what you want, please, come aboard.”

My throat is already starting to hurt from yelling so much, so I just want to get this over with. The simplest solution is to just invite her across. Beside the big-breasted loli, the masochistic demon was staring dagger at me and looked like he wanted to start an argument. Ester-chan was also visible, but I couldn’t perceive her intentions based on her expression alone.

“O-Okay, then, pardon the intrusion.”

Drill-chan nodded as her body floated into the air using flight magic. Her voluptuous chest heaved with the subtle adjustments she made in the air. It was a tremendous sight. I hope to be sandwiched between those boobs at least once in my life.

Ah, again with this. I need to stop.

My girlfriend is flat which means I have to live by the rule of ‘flat is justice’ going forward.

Following Drill-chan’s lead the others levitated into the air and across the gap between our ships. It’s nice that we don’t have to land to transport a few people across.

Now that they’re here, I want them to enjoy the trip as my guests.


We left the deck and walked to something resembling a reception room aboard Richard’s airship.

This room and the cabin that I had given my beautiful girlfriend for the return trip could easily make up a suite in a luxury hotel and not seem out of place. Everyone was lounging around in this room, mostly keeping to themselves.

Across from me, on one sofa, Ester-chan and Drill-chan sat staring back at me. The masochist demon stood beside Drill-chan. I was seated on the sofa opposite them alongside Edita Sensei. Goggoru-chan, as always, was seated in a distant corner with her legs crossed on the floor.

Wait a second. Where is Allen? I saw him standing alongside everyone else when I was talking to Drill-chan. I thought maybe he was trying to be considerate of me, but it’s probably just due to him being the only one that can’t use flight magic.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I recall him looking disappointed when everyone else started levitating.

“The airships of the Penny Empire are certainly impressive.”

Drill-chan was glancing around the room and seemed particularly interested in the construction of the ship. She looked over every inch of the room and seemed fidgety which made me wonder if she was up to something.

“Everything here has been provided to me by the head of the FItzClarence family.”

“Fu~n? You’re still close with Liz’s father?”

“Yes, Richard and I are closer than ever.”

Drill-chan was casually making inquiries into the inner workings of the Penny Empire.

A loli that falls deeply in love with you is nice, but there’s also something attractive about a loli that’s constantly plotting to act against you at a moment’s notice.

“Is it alright if I pour myself a drink?”

“Absolutely, feel free to take whatever you want.”

The reception area had a wine cellar attached. I know next to nothing about the alcohol available in this world, but given who the wine is being stocked for, I’d imagine every bottle is among the most rare and expensive available.

I’ll need to be sure that Richard knows it was Drill-chan that drank some and to charge her appropriately.

“Ara~? Are there no servants on your ship?”

“This wasn’t meant to be a luxury cruise.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

She’s ready to let loose.

Drill-chan stood from the sofa and made her way over to the shelf holding all of the liquor bottles. She grinned as she looked over the bottles on display. I’m going to open a bottle for myself later and claim that Drill-chan drank it.

“Hey, did Papa really let you borrow this airship?”

As I was happily watching Drill-chan’s soft butt beneath her dress, Ester-chan asked me this.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“…and you’re sure it was Papa himself that said it was alright?”

“I spoke with Ricahrd-san directly before being sent to Academy City.”

“I see….”

What’s this about now?

“I was given a task by His Majesty and Richard-san saw it as a good opportunity. I’m sure Richard-san would assist anyone that was given an assignment by the King, Fitzclarence-sama.”

I doubt that Richard would ever lend something of this value to a man he knows almost nothing about. However, I don’t think telling Ester-chan the truth would lead to anything good.

“This particular airship is a new model. It’s probably the fastest ship we have.”

“…I had no idea.”

“We have several other airships available that are less valuable or of a smaller size, and yet….”

“I’ll need to be sure to thank Richard-san when we get back to the capital.”

I genuinely knew nothing about this.

Thankfully, Ester-chan told me, even if she didn’t fully understand what she was doing. Richard lent me something of incredible value. I don’t want to be so heavily indebted to him. Given everything I know about Richard, I wouldn’t doubt the sky pirates we encountered on the way to Academy City weren’t hired by Richard as a ploy to get me further indebted to him.

“Gerosu, grab me a glass! I’ve made my decision!”


Drill-chan was still enjoying herself to the fullest.

Now I want to get a drink too.

“Would you care to join us, FitzClarence-sama? Richard-san told me that I’m free to make use of the accommodations aboard this ship however I please. I’m sure Richard-san would be happy to hear that you are enjoying yourself.”

“Hey, could you stop calling me ‘FitzClarence-sama?’”


“You can just call me Elizabeth. It gets annoying hearing ‘sama’ over and over.”

“It’s annoying?”

What is she doing?

Didn’t she just tell me to always use ‘sama’ when referring to her not that long ago?

She also said never to use her first name.

“Just hurry up and t-tell me you understand!”

“If that’s what you want, I don’t have a problem with it, Elizabeth-san.”


“What is it?”

“…well, I suppose that will work.”

“Thank you.”

Asking me to use her first name is strange enough, but even before she lost her memory, I still used ‘san’ with it. If Allen was to overhear this, I’m sure he’d be suspicious of me.

“Oi, you’re making your girlfriend jealous.”


Edita Sensei elbowed me in the side as I was talking with the lolibitch.

I followed her gaze and spotted the JC peaking into the room through a crack in the door. Despite being my girlfriend, she looked like an outsider observing a group she didn’t belong to.

“What’s wrong, Aufschnaiter-san?”

I stood up from the couch, walked over to the door, and opened it to confront my girlfriend.

It’s a boyfriend’s duty to look out for his girlfriend when she feels uneasy.

“I-I wasn’t able to get comfortable in that big room by myself. I started walking around asking the sailors and maids where you were. They told me you were in this room, so I came to find you and….”

She looked up at me before looking at the others behind me. Each of them were wearing clothing fitting of their noble rank. I guess it might be hard to feel like she belongs here.

“I’m sorry for leaving you alone. If you’d like, would you care to join us? I can have some sweets brought in for you. Do you like tea? I actually brought some of my favourite tea leaves along on the journey.”

“Eh? Ah, no, I-I….”

The JC looked unsure of how to respond.

She’s always been rather brash so this is a refreshing change.

I’ve been waiting for this my entire life. A life with a girlfriend who I can take care of.

“What’s with your change in attitude? You treat her completely differently than you treat me.”

Drill-chan barked this out as she returned from the wine cellar to the sofa.

The masochist demon stood at her side while holding a cup.

“I wonder why.”

“Kii~, it’s so frustrating. I think I’ll drink all of the alcohol onboard.”

“Feel free, but you’re going to pay for it all.”


She started casually chatting with Gerosu while sipping away at her cup. She’s going to finish that glass in no time. I wonder how well she holds her liquor? It’s easy to get excited just by looking at girls that enjoy drinking.

“Why is there a student from Academy City on your ship?”

Ester-chan asked an understandable question.

She glanced at the JC and tilted her head.

“Umm, w-well I’m with the ossan, so….”

The JC and Ester-chan don’t have the best relationship. They had a confrontation in a hallway back in Academy City and Ester-chan helped out the JC’s bullies. Ester-chan is also a powerful noble from the Penny Empire and the JC has seemed uncomfortable around her since they first met. I need to offer her a lifeline.”

“I brought her along to meet with another member of the Aufschnaiter family.”

“Eh? I didn’t know there were any other surviving members.”

“Yes, there’s at least one that I met relatively recently.”

The lolibitch forgot about Gon-chan too. That’s a shame. She’s probably forgotten about the others as well which means her relationship with Sophia-chan has returned to that of commoner and noble.

“…t-that’s good to hear.”

“Yes, I was happy to learn of it as well.”

It’s always nice having family around that you can rely on. When you’re the JC’s age, it’s important to have someone to help you get through the day-to-day. Given the situation of the Aufchsnaiter family, it’s easy to imagine there will be a lot of financial and social struggles in her future. I’d happily assist her in whatever way possible, but it’s a delicate situation that I think is best remedied by those with familial ties to her.

And there’s no doubt in my mind that Gon-chan is capable. He’s the manliest of men.

“Please, take a seat over here.”

I guided her to the spot on the sofa I was sitting in moments prior and made sure to brush the dust off the seat before she sat down.

I’m sorry that you have to feel the heat from an ossan transmitted to you by the leather.

“Um, t-there’s actually something….”

“What is it?”

The JC stood beside the sofa without sitting down. She was grabbing onto the hem of her skirt and fidgeting; it was clear there was something weighing on her mind. This overall timid demeanor combined with her mini-skirt scored a critical hit on my heart.

Maybe she’s bothered by Goggoru-han over in the corner. I hope not. Goggoru-chan is a good girl and I hope the two of them can get along. She’s always looking at me, but there’s nothing to worry about there.

“I actually found this in my room.”


The JC held out her hand and showed me a pendant.

It was something I salvaged from the wreckage of the sky pirates airship that I shot down on the way to Academy City. I also found a magic stone in the wreckage which was being stored in the hold of the ship. I didn’t think much of the pendant and set it on the bedside table. I forgot all about it until now.

“The member of the Aufschnaiter family that you know, i-it must be my brother, Rock!”


“This pendant belongs to my brother Rock!”


Uh, wait a second. What is she saying?

Who is this ‘Rock’ she’s talking about?

This old man’s mind is having trouble keeping up.

“Look at this! If you do this, the pendant will….”

The JC did something to the pendant causing the main crest to open up. In between these two pieces was a small indentation that looked like a coat of arms. Maybe that’s the Aufschnaiter family crest.

The FitzClarence family crest is painted on the side of the airship we’re on.


“The crest of the Aufschnaiter family.”

Ester-chan looked over the JC’s shoulder and answered the question I had yet to ask.

Right, the family crest of the Aufcshnaiter family.

What a coincidence.

My new girlfriend is a member of the Aufschnaiter family.

“Thank you so much, ossan! I’m so grateful! I’ll get to see my brother Rock again! I’ve missed him for so long and I’ve wished to see him again some day! He was always the kindest brother and he treated me so well! I honestly thought I’d never get to see him again in my life….”

“Sorry, your brother is named Rock….?”

My girlfriend was so overcome with emotion that she didn’t even hear my question as tears filled her eyes.

She was happy and relieved.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. I should have known he survived because he left before our house was destroyed, but I’d heard rumours about him becoming some famous one-eyed S-ranked adventurer. I looked up to him and he was my inspiration for attending Academy City!”

“…I see.”

I may not have heard of those rumors, but I have seen him.

Not only does he have one eye, but he also has a hook for a hand. Or, had a hook for a hand.

“Thank you so much, ossan! I don’t know if I’ve ever been this happy….”

What should I do?

No, seriously, what am I going to do?

I killed my girlfriend’s brother.

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