Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 6 (10)

Aufschnaiter Family

Early in the morning the following day, I received a message from Gon-chan requesting a meeting in his room.

I couldn’t help but feel a certain level of apprehension as I made my way to his room. The thought that the shotachinpo may want some sort of revenge and was planning on using his older brother was at the forefront of my thoughts.

When I arrived, the shotachinpo was nowhere to be seen, but Hook was waiting as well. Gon-chan asked me to take a seat on a nearby sofa so he could explain.

“You want him to join us?”


“I destroyed his airship and nearly killed him….”

The reason for this meeting was Gon-chan wished for Hook to become a companion.

Airships are akin to private jets in this world. The sky pirates probably didn’t obtain theirs by legal means, but that doesn’t make it any less irreplaceable. It would be strange for the captain of that airship to ask to join up with the person who destroyed it. I couldn’t help but think he was planning something.

“It wasn’t my idea. He can tell you himself.”

“O-Oi, Gonzalez.”

“Don’t mistake my intentions. I only agreed to make an introduction.”


“You’re gonna need to speak for yourself.”

He must be suffering some aftereffects from the crash. Gon-chan’s cold treatment toward him caused a brief look of impatience to flash across his face. As his older brother took a step to the side, Hook turned to face me in a fluster.

“I’m sorry that our first interaction was such an inauspicious affair.”

“I’m a nobleman that holds land in the Penny Empire. You should view me as nothing more than an enemy.”

“Believe me, I’m well aware of your position.”

“Then what reason could you have?”

I feel like I’m interviewing Hook for a job.

“I wasn’t the only one on that airship. There are close friends of mine that follow me wherever I go. I don’t want to lead them to an early death due to their devotion to me. Aside from that, Gonzalez is also here.”

“I see.”

If this were an interview, it would be at this point that I’d expect to hear him say he enjoys the corporate culture of our company or that he appreciates our company’s dedication to it’s business, rather than a vague reason. However, he had other legitimate reasons for wanting to stay.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to stay here. Work me to the bone, force me into slavery; I’ll do anything if it mean my friends and I will be allowed to stay here! That’s everything!”

Hook gave me a deep bow as he finished.

Even so, it’s hard to give him an answer now.

This decision involves people other than myself.

“It’s difficult to give you an answer.”


I doubt I was the first person he attacked.

An S-ranked adventurer that belonged to the Aufschnaiter family became a sky pirate. I’m sure he’s taken down plenty of noble airships in the Penny Empire. He may even be wanted and for a simple baron like me to take him in could lead to trouble further down the line.

“I also have a duty to protect those close to me.”

“I promise, I am done with the sky pirate life!”

“So you say….”

What is the right decision here?

I want to find a solution that will satisfy Gon-chan.

“I have an idea.”

“W-What is it?”

“The sky pirate Rock Aufschnaiter and his crew were all killed when their airship crashed. From this point on, you are just ‘Rock.’ You can never again use the name Aufschnaiter in association with yourself here or in public. How does that sound to you?”

Is this decision too harsh? They all seem like a family that places a strong importance on their heritage.

But, I need to consider myself here. A rumour spreading throughout the kingdom that Baron Tanaka is harboring a sky pirate would jeopardize not only my life but also Richard’s.

“If you’re willing to accept this, I can accept you.”

“…is that all?”

“You’ll have to abandon your past altogether.”

“I haven’t led a life worth remembering. It’s no less than what I deserve.”

“I see.”

If he’s okay with it, I suppose there’s nothing else to say.

It’s clear that he’s done terrible things in his life, but Richard and the other nobles are far from innocent. When I think about who is worse, I believe the latter has hurt more people.

The most important fact is that he’s related to Gon-chan.

“I understand. If you’re sure of your decision, I’ll allow you and your friends to stay.”

“…you’re sure?”

“Are you sure you can keep your promise?”

“Y-Yeah, of course!”

It was a simpler negotiation than I expected. The swiftness seemed to surprise even Gon-chan whose expression shifted with the surprise. The tattoos on his face danced as his facial muscles tensed.

“Excuse me for asking, but are you sure you’re okay with this, Master?”

“Him being a member of your family played a huge part in my decision.”

“That makes me feel like you’ve been forced to do something you don’t want.”

“I’ve only reached this point because of you Gonzalez-san. This is a small price to pay.”

It’s called a two-way street, I believe.

“Sorry about this, but I appreciate what you’re doing. I’ll take him into my care and take full responsibility for him. He won’t cause any issues for you, Master Tanaka. I swear on the Aufschnaiter name.”

“Thank you. It eases my mind hearing you say that.”

The negotiations came to a swift conclusion.

It might be better to give that thing I found in the wreckage back to him. It’s a difficult decision knowing the price I could sell it for, but it would be a nice gesture to work toward a better relationship with him.

It’s like investing money rather than spending it now.

“Gonzalez-san, would you please take Rock-san to Warehouse 3 in the West District whenever you have the time, even if it isn’t today. It holds something valuable to him that I would like to return.”

“Warehouse 3 in the West District….o-oi, oi, you can’t be serious.”

“I’m just returning what was his.”

“That might be true but he’s the one that chose a fight with you and lost. Everything that survived the crash is rightfully yours. You even have the right to sell off him and his crew as slaves if you wish. That is where Rock’s choices have led him. That is the price for being a thief.”

“I have no use for it other than selling it.”

“You’re sure? You aren’t going to tell me how much you regret it later, are you?”

“I won’t. I can make money in other ways.”

“…you never change.”

Hook curiously tilted his head as Gon-chan stared off into space. I’m not lying either. Thinking back, the Red Dragon I defeated not long ago or the teleportation device of the Kimoronge that allows me to instantly travel to the Dark Continent gives me plenty of options to make money.

“Ah, right, I wanted to fix your eye and arm.”

Pain, pain, go away.

I activated my recovery magic on Hook. His arm began to grow out starting at the elbow before his hand slowly started to reform. His prosthetic hook fell to the ground with a loud thud. It wasn’t just the hook that was made of metal.

I can’t see beneath his eye patch, but I’m sure it’s healed as well.


“Those would easily identify you as Hook Aufschnaiter. You can remove the eye patch too.”

“W-wait, my arm or eye never responded to any recovery magic, no matter how powerful, since I lost them to the demons! I never managed to heal anything more than a thin layer of skin! H-How is it possible that you can heal everything in only a matter of seconds without even chanting….”

“Just say thank you and move on. This is the type of person he is.”


Maybe it was cursed by the demons and was resistant to normal recovery magic.

The image of Edita Sensei’s exposed lower half when she was in the large glass chamber came to mind.

A wound that cannot be healed. I’ll never forget that image.

“It should be fine, but if you notice anything odd, I’ll gladly help you again. There’s a chance a curse may have been placed on both your arm and eye. This curse may cause them to degrade again and may require additional measures to fully heal. I hope that isn’t the case and there’s every chance they will be fine.”

“I-I see….”

I’m not certain about any of this. Maybe it’s something other than a curse or maybe the recovery magic he tried previously just wasn’t a high enough level to heal him. I could try checking with the Kimoronge to see if there is any curse he knows of that might cause that.

“Gonzalez-san, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

“Alright, I’ll handle it.”

Now, I suppose I just have to wait and see what the newly reborn Hook makes of his life.

“I’ll be heading out now.”

With the conclusion of the conversation, this busamen left Gon-chan alone with his brother.


Some time had passed since I left Gon-chan’s room.

I was walking down the hall back to my room when I overheard voices nearby. There were two voices, both familiar to me, coming from just around the corner ahead of me.

One belonged to my loli sensei and the other to the shotachinpo.

Back in Academy City, the two of them had many opportunities to interact due to the competition involving the report. It’s not surprising to find them interacting in Dragon City. However, the conversation I overheard was strange.

“Sex change pills?”

“T-That’s right. I heard of something like that in Academy City!”

“I’m not saying they don’t exist, but….”

Dear god.

The shotachinpo hasn’t given up and has come up with a horrible plan.

“D-Do you know a recipe for them!? Please!”

“Why do you want them?”

“The only way I’ll be able to marry the ossan is if I’m a w-woman….”


Of course.

I should make some noise before turning the corner and act like I haven’t heard anything while simultaneously breaking up this conversation. I think I remember reading about something similar in Edita Sensei’s book, My Ex-Boyfriend. Apparently, her ex-boyfriend took these sex change pills and began living a life in a brothel where he could enjoy the pleasures of being a woman.

Alchemy is scary.

“…I can’t. Even if I knew of one, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“I’ll do anything! Whatever you ask of me! Just, please, tell me what you want me to do!”

“If you want a recipe, I can find one for you. However, if you want that man to accept you, you’ll have to find a recipe and make them on your own. Without putting in the effort, I doubt he’d ever accept you.”


Wow, I never expected Sensei to refuse.

She maintained a serious gaze as she met eyes with the shotachinpo. Her eyes were both dour but gentle. The look of a teacher. Wonderful. I can happily pretend I never heard anything and save that look of Sensei’s to my memory.

“Do you understand?”

“…yes. Y-You’re right…absolutely right.”

“Is that all you needed? I’ve got somewhere else I need to be.”

“Yeah, thank you. You’ve given me my motivation!”

“I-I did? That’s great.”

He doesn’t need more motivation.

Since everything that happened with Pi-chan, he’s developed a more positive outlook. Sometimes giving up is a valid option and key to living a meaningful life.

“Thank you!”

A bright smile flashed across the shotachinpo’s face as he turned and ran down the hall, his twintails streaming out behind him. The checkered miniskirt he wore fluttered from the wind. My eyes were naturally drawn down to the hem before I caught myself and looked away.

It was more so out of reflex than anything.

Never underestimate a virgin’s sexual desire.

Sensei looked downcast as she spoke to herself,

“Damn it, just as I thought there was one less person, he returns to the race….”

That line made me curious.

However, I’ve already stayed too long.

I’m going to leave now before she finds out I was eavesdropping on her.

End of Volume 6

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