Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 4 (2)


The noble mage guided me to his office located within the school. It seems that the professors’ offices in the academy have the highest level of soundproofing of any room. This noble mage hasn’t been studying the highest levels of magic for nothing. We’ll be using this room to discuss the noble mage’s love interest.

This doesn’t seem like a fitting action for a member of a great noble family to be taking.

“So then, umm, what do you want to know? I’m not really sure where to start….”

The layout of his office was similar to the dorm rooms.

There were several doors lined up down a corridor with each door leading to a different professor’s office. Within the door to the noble mage’s office, there were several doors on either side of the entry hall leading to unknown rooms.

Currently, we’re in a room close to the entrance sitting on a sofa.

“First of all, I’d like to know exactly what you like about her.”

“Hmm…t-that’s, well….”

I need to know to give him proper advice.

And I’d be lying if I said I’m not curious.

“Well, it’s hard to put into words. Even if you were to force me to tell you, I’d only be able to give a meaningless answer. All I can say is that when I stand next to her I get a strange, unbearable tingling sensation all over my body.”

So he gets nervous when they’re together.

I can understand that. When I think about her loli body, I can’t sleep at night.

“Also, she’s intelligent and is someone that I could have an intellectual conversation with. To be honest, I’m worried that she’s already seen through me and knows how I feel. There are also so many other things that I love about her.”

“I see….”

It’s a bit unexpected but there’s no doubt that the noble mage truly understands the powerful charms of the dragon loli.

“Have you considered telling her your feelings directly?”

“T-Tell her directly?”

“Yes. This is just entirely my own assumption, but she strongly desires a sense of approval.”

“I see….”

“By the way, where is she?”

“She’s still living in my mansion.”

Still, I wonder if the dragon loli will even accept a human.



After thinking about it for a moment, I had no answer.

However, if he doesn’t tell her his feelings directly, he’ll never get anywhere. She’s not stupid nor is she dense, but she’s not going to notice his feelings without him telling her. On top of that, I’m not even sure how a relationship between a dragon and a human would work. It’s like an elephant trying to be with an ant. I guess he could try doing it with her but that would be like throwing a hotdog into the Grand Canyon.

For this to work out for the noble mage, there are other things to consider besides conveying his feeling.

“W-What’s wrong? You suddenly went quiet.”

“There are also racial differences that I’ve been thinking about.”

“…so it’s about that?”

“Have you thought about it as well?”

“Yeah, I realize how ridiculous a relationship between a dragon and a human sounds, so I’ve put some thought into how I can make it work.”

“If that’s the case, you should definitely tell her. There’s no point in hesitating.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

As expected of the noble mage, he seems to already have a plan. Then, the reason he came to visit me is probably to receive that last push to make him go for it.

This guy is strange. He’s acting like a young, pure girl.

“So, what exactly is your plan?”

“Well, actually….”

It was just as the noble mage was about to speak that we heard a knocking on the door.

“Hmm, a visitor….”

“Is someone else here?’

“No, that sound came from the door leading out to the main corridor.”

“Really? I swear that sounded like it came from the door here.”

“You’re not wrong. It would be inconvenient if you couldn’t hear someone knocking if you’re deep in the office. There’s a magical enchantment on every door within the office. Whenever someone knocks on the entry door, it sounds as if they’re knocking on the door you’re closest to.”

“I see.”

It’s a rather trivial thing but also incredibly useful. I wonder if he designed that himself.

I’m impressed.

I feel like this man could start an industrial revolution all on his own.

“I’m sure it’s someone that wishes to discuss the academic conference. This is actually rather convenient. I wished to talk to you about that as well. I’ll be back shortly.”

“All right, I understand.”

The noble mage said this before leaving the room.

I leaned back on the sofa and waited for his return.


After waiting for a short while, the noble mage returned with someone.


I know her.

The alchemy teacher Lydia, whom I assume is married. I believe her full name is Lydia Nannuzzi. She appears to be in her mid-thirties and gives off a mature older woman feel. She has distinctive gentle eyes.

She was wearing a luxurious robe so I assume she’s a nobleman. She was also wearing a grey cloak with gold embroidery. Her loose brown hair was brought forward over her shoulder as it flowed down into her ample cleavage. It was as if she styled her hair like this so people’s eyes would be drawn to her chest.

Recently, I’ve been seeing more of an appeal in adultery.

It’s a somewhat similar appeal to wanting to have sex with your attractive blood-related sister.

“Fahren-sama, t-that person there….”

She noticed my presence and raised her voice.

Is it because she’s surprised that her voice is so high?

“I’m considering inviting him to my VIP seat at the Academic Conference. His name is Tanaka.”

“Hello, thank you for caring for me in class, Lydia Sensei.”

“Eh!? Y-Your VIP seat!?”

Lydia Sensei didn’t even greet me as she was shocked to hear the noble mage’s words.

She probably wasn’t expecting there to be other guests here.

It seems that she and the noble mage are acquaintances meeting in a faculty area after classes have ended. It’s only natural for her to be surprised to see a student here. I can’t believe a lolicon noble like him has risen so high in this academy.

“Do you two know each other?”

“Yes, she’s the teacher for one of the classes I take.”

“Hou~, is that so?”


I never expected to see her here either.

She still looked surprised when she responded to the noble mage.

“Umm, i-is it really okay to give him your VIP seat?”

“I stand by my word. He became a student after I vouched for him, but he is someone that can stand as my equal. The Academic Conference will be a good chance for him to learn more about our academy.”

“H-He’s equal to you, F-Fahren-sama!?”

“That’s right.”

“That can’t be….”

Lydia was shocked again.

I don’t need the noble mage praising me in front of her.

I want him to do that when Sophia’s around.

“I’m sorry to ask a member of the executive committee this but I’d like a few more seats this year than usual. I’ll confirm the final number needed on the day of the conference, but be sure to include a seat for his maid as well.”

“Yes, I’ll request additional seats for you. I understand.”

“Good. Also, prepare a lot of sweet snacks.”

“Y-Yes! I’ll make sure there are plenty of sweets!”

Lydia’s face was looking gaunt as she nodded once more. The noble mage is like Lydia Sensei’s strict boss.


I see.

I understand now. He told her to add extra seats. If there’s someone else coming besides me, it’s most likely the loli dragon.

The sweets are just something to lure her there.

Is he trying to bring her to a place where he can show off his skills? That’s not a bad idea. She’s interested in powerful magic, so this should be a perfect opportunity for them to find common ground.

“And what business did you have with me?”

“Right. We needed to make preparations for the staff meeting tomorrow….”

“Ah, is it that time already?”

The noble mage furrowed his brow.

It seems like he has other business to take care of.

“I understand you have a very busy schedule but we need you in the meeting room.”

“I understand.”

The noble mage nodded.

Does this mean our first love meeting is over?

“If it’s okay with you, I’ll excuse myself for today.”

“Sure. Sorry for making you come all the way here just for a short visit.”

“No, it’s really no problem.”

“I’ll send a carriage to pick you up tomorrow morning. There’s nothing, in particular, you’ll need to bring. The Academic Conference is for those wishing to follow along the path to become a mage. I’m sure you’ll like it. Also, I don’t mind if you’d like to bring anyone with.”

“Okay, then I’ll take my leave.”

“Of course.”

I stood up from the sofa and left the room after bowing to each of them.

I don’t know the exact details, but it seems my schedule for tomorrow has been set.

I remember hearing about this Academic Conference before.

It’s some type of scholarly event that the teachers from the academy take part in. It was explained to me a few days ago by the Deputy Director. If I remember correctly, most of the teachers disliked the event, but the noble mage seemed excited by it.

It’s similar to the differences in experience between someone that attends a festival and someone that helps set one up.


I arrived back at the dormitory after leaving the noble mage’s office.

I entered the living room and saw Sophia-chan lying on the sofa reading a book. On a table next to her, there was tea and snacks prepared. Occasionally, she’d reach one hand out and grab the tea before gulping it down while still reading her book.

She’d make a good full-time housewife. Especially with that sexy maid outfit.

Seeing her completely relaxed like this warms my heart. It makes me think of us as a couple that’s been married for many years. She’d sometimes scratch her right calf with her left foot. I got a little excited at the chance to study a girl in her natural state.

“What are you reading?”

“Wha –!?”

She nearly screamed after I called out to her.

She seemed incredibly surprised as her entire body started to tremble.


I guess she didn’t hear me come in.

“I’m sorry I disturbed you. You can go back to what you were doing.”

“I’m — I-I-I-I’m very sorry! I’ll prepare your tea right away!”

She stood up and ran to the kitchen as if she were trying to escape from me.

Was she really that shocked?

It looked like she was fleeing from some type of monster.

I’d rather she ran and jumped in my arms before wrapping her legs around me. Every virgin wishes to experience that once in their life. I’m confident that if she were ever to do that, I wouldn’t let go of her.


No, this isn’t the time for me to my delusions.

I have to know.

The time that Sophia-chan spent alone with Allen.

What happened on those few days they were alone together after I left?


But I can’t just ask her whether or not she’s still a virgin.

What should I do?

As I was agonizing over how to go about asking her, a lively voice could be heard coming from the entrance.

“I-It’s me! Ester! I’m coming in!”

You don’t have to announce who you are. It’s clear by your voice.

I could hear her footsteps running down the hall without waiting for my reply.

The loli bitch has entered my home without permission.

I should be sure to lock the door from now on.

After a brief moment, the living room door was thrown open and the beautiful blonde loli ran into the room. She wasn’t in her normal school uniform, but rather the men’s clothing I had seen her wear in Tricklis. I guess she must’ve had business outside of the school.

I decided to make a preemptive attack once she spotted me.

“Good afternoon, Ester-chan.”

“Yes, it’s a great afternoon! The weather is so nice today!”

While looking a little nervous, the loli bitch stared at me.

Just as she said, the weather is nice today.

“Oh, is Sophia not here today?”

She looked around the room as she asked this.

“She’s in the kitchen.”

“Oh, really? Then I’ll go say hi.”

The blonde loli ran to the kitchen. It’s like she treats Sophia as her own maid. Well, it’s nice if they’re close to each other.

They’re kind of like the noble mage and me.


I’m a little worried.

What do they talk about?

Recently, Ester-chan has acting rashly at almost every opportunity. I’m afraid she’ll be a bad influence on Sophia-chan. It’s the master’s duty to look after the maid that looks after him. Naturally, this is my duty to take care of her. Yeah, it’s natural.

I quietly followed after Ester-chan and made my way to the kitchen.

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