Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 3 (8)


It was now the following day after solving the events of the jailbreak.

A visitor I never would’ve expected woke me up in the morning.

“Oi! Get up!”

While I was still drowsy, I could hear a loud voice calling out to me.

I could tell who it was before even opening my eyes. My eyelids slowly opened and I saw Mercedes-chan’s face followed by her huge chest. She had one hand placed on the side of the bed and the other on my shoulder, shaking me and the bed.

“Get up! Tanaka!”


Oh, this isn’t so bad.

It’s a completely different feeling than when Sophia-chan wakes me up. Her powerful grasp on my shoulder shaking me awake gave me more energy than usual in the morning. As my body shook, the feeling was transmitted to my morning wood, increasing its hardness.

“Are you going to get up!? We have preparations to make, get up already!”

“Preparations? What are you talking about…?”

“Just get up already! It’s about the serious problem both you and I are facing!”

Her expression was serious.

This caused me to finally wake up completely.

Outside of my room, I could see a certain maid looking in on us.

“I understand. Please, give me a moment so I can get ready.”

“Hurry up!”

As soon as she confirmed I was getting out of bed, Mercedes-chan left my bedroom. Once the door had closed, I got up and quickly got ready.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and took care of everything else I thought I needed to.

After exiting my room and heading to the living room, I spotted the Imperial Lesbian sitting on the sofa. Sophia-chan was sitting next to her and they were close enough that their thighs were touching. Mercedes-chan’s arm was going behind Sophia-chan and I could tell that she was currently rubbing her butt.

“You’re ready!”

Mercedes-chan said this with a serious face while still rubbing Sophia-chan’s butt.

She really is living her life to the best of her ability.

This is the correct way to use one’s power.

“So what are we doing?”

“We’re going out into the city! Come on!”

“I’d at least like to know why we need to do that.”

The Imperial Lesbian suddenly stood up and removed her hand from Sophia-chan’s skirt. I’d be forever grateful if she thrust that same hand into my mouth.

“It’s about what happened yesterday! Just come on!”

“…I see.”

I guess she doesn’t want Sophia-chan to hear.

If that’s the case, I should just obediently follow after her.

“Let’s go!”

“Okay, let’s get going.”

Still sitting on the sofa, Sophia-chan’s face had become bright red and she was starting to tear up. It looks like Mercedes-chan was doing more than just rubbing her butt. Even though Mercedes-chan had removed her hand, Sophia-chan was rubbing her hands in between her thighs.

“I’m sorry but I’ll be going out for a little while.


After telling her this, we left the dormitory.


The Imperial Lesbian took me to the town square in the centre of the city.

The square was packed with people hurrying through the city. Despite how early it is, there were a surprisingly large amount of people gathered here. All of them were focused on the several execution stands positioned in the centre of the square. There was also a roaring bonfire located between these stands.


Mercedes-chan scoffed at the sight set out before us.

I fully understood why she reacted like this.

“This doesn’t look good….”

On the way here, Mercedes-chan told me that the execution of the leaders of the escapees is to be carried out this morning. I just met with one of the leaders yesterday and now they’ve all been captured, I doubt that it’s a coincidence.

Mercedes-chan used her connections within the Imperial Knights to find this out.

Last night, several teachers from the Royal Academy collaborated and started a large-scale investigation on their own.

I have no idea why the teachers suddenly decided to act on their own.

Anyway, as a result of their investigation, most of the escapees and their leaders were caught in the slums and turned over to the Central Order. The higher ups of this country want to use the escapees as an example and set the date of their execution on the same day they were captured.

The teachers at the academy are impressive.

“After speaking with a few knights from the Order, it doesn’t seem like they’ve said anything about us.”

“Is that so?”

“But it’s only a matter of time.”

“…I think so as well.”

Considering the fact that a few of them know our faces, it would be dangerous for us to move closer to the execution site. Mercedes-chan is very recognizable and I don’t think anyone else in this empire has a face quite like my own. We need to avoid being spotted by any of the escapees.

“Let’s get up on the roof of that building.”

“All right!”

We moved to the building the Imperial Lesbian pointed at.

The building was the tallest one in the square. I moved from building to building using my flight magic. I did my best to ensure no one saw me before finally making it to the top.

I waited for a few moments as the Imperial Lesbian skillfully climbed up the side of the building. Her physical ability is as impressive as always. I kind of regret not coming up behind her so I could look up her skirt.

Just as she reached the top, we could hear a booming voice coming from the centre of the square.

“Look upon the faces of the fools that wished to cause unrest upon our great city!”

The source of the voice was a government official that was standing beside the bonfire.

He was pointing at a woman that had been tied to a cross and crucified. There’s no way I could forget the face of the woman I just met yesterday. It was the robed woman with the great figure that offered me her body free of charge.

Both of her hands were nailed to the cross and her eyes had been removed. It was a sight I recognized from when I first saw her in the prison. It made me wonder just how dangerous she’s considered to be.

Also, on top of the execution stands surrounding the bonfire, there were several other criminals positioned. Among them, I could see the Great Thief that opened all of the cell doors when we escaped.

“Today, for these people that have caused harm and spread fear throughout out citizens, we sentence them to death!”

The official was attempting to whip the crowd into a frenzy.

However, the majority of the gathered crowd didn’t seem happy.

I’d assume that the execution of criminals would be great entertainment for a medieval crowd like this. It’s possible that they’re all upset that such a loud commotion is happening outside their homes so early in the morning. Coming to this execution could be like coming outside to look at construction.

Mercedes-chan muttered something as I thought this.

“What is it?”

I wondered if she noticed the confusion on my face.

“It’s nothing much but don’t the people in the crowd seem upset about what’s happening?”

“I wonder.”

“Do you know something?”

“Most of the people on the execution stands are benevolent thieves. Take the Great Thief hard for example. She gave out most of the gold she got from fencing the goods she stole from that nobleman’s house.”

“Ah, I see.”

I already knew that about the Great Thief, but many of the other criminals seemed to be similar to her.

But I’m sure most citizens know about them.

“Most of them? Does that include the woman we spoke with yesterday?”

“That witch is a powerful woman. Although I can’t say I know her reasons, it seems most days she takes down domestic and foreign slave traders. She sets all of the slaves she finds free. Well, younger men that have certain interests usually follow her.”


This helped me understand our conversation from yesterday a little better.


“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just thinking.”

That woman was actually a good person.

This is unfair.

“…what could you be thinking about at a time like this?”

Mercedes-chan was carefully examining me.

“I can’t leave things like this.”


She offered to have sex with an ugly man like me. Free of charge no less. I can’t let her die like this. What kind of man would I be if I let a beautiful woman that’s willing to have sex with me just die without trying to save her?

Even if I declined, it was the most amazing offer I’ve ever had.

“Stop! There are Royal Knights surrounding the square! There are also mages among the knights as well. No matter how impressive of a mage you are, it would be impossible to rescue those people without being seen by someone in the crowd!”

I completely disregarded the Imperial Lesbian’s words.

Don’t look down on the heart of a virgin that was offered sex free of charge.

This is all about timing.

If I don’t make any mistakes and have good timing, I can definitely do it.

And I can do it alone.

“Purify this wicked witch with flames!”

The official roared.

At the same time, a large flame appeared out of nowhere. Its target was the robed woman nailed to the cross. Is that a fireball? I was worried, but when the flames reached their target, there was no explosion.

I’m not sure whether she and the cross were coated in oil or if it was due to magic, but the moment the flames connected with her, the entire cross was engulfed in a raging inferno.

Within the blink of an eye, the robed woman was covered in flames.


An inhuman scream erupted from her.

The attention of everyone in the square was focused on the burning woman. The heat from the flames was so intense that the clothing she wore was burned away in seconds. Her voluptuous body was revealed to all before her skin was quickly burned away as well.

Her pale skin disappeared and the red meat below was exposed.

I have to go. It’s now or never.


With all of my power, I shot out a beam of my invincible healing magic.

The target was no one else but the robed woman.

Pain, pain, go away.

“O-Oi, stop it!”

Despite Mercedes-chan’s cries, a magic circle formed beneath the cross. A pale light emitted by the circle slowly enveloped her damaged body. In the same moment, her burnt body slowly regained its original form, despite the flames still encasing her.

The blackened meat of her body slowly changed back to its original red colour. Her muscles began to weave themselves back together. Finally, her pale skin seemed to regrow from nothing until she was back to her original, glossy figure.

Furthermore, her eyes that were completely removed and now regrown. Our eyes met as she began to understand what was happening. All of the pain she had been previously feeling was now gone. The shotacon remained motionless in the flames as she looked up at me.

[Click here for the NSFW image that goes here]

I’ve been spotted.

For her to be able to locate the source of the magic in her situation, no wonder she’s called the witch.

Some of the knights surrounding the cross slowly started approaching her.

I gave her a friendly nod.

“Please, take care of them.”

I doubt she could hear my words.

However, she responded with a slight nod of her own.

The witch then broke free of the course.


She then let out a powerful roar.

And her counterattack started.

While still naked and covered in flames, she suddenly whipped around. She kicked off of the stone floor and launched herself in the direction of the execution stands.

She lifted her hand and pointed it at the line of stands.

A multi-coloured beam was emitted from her palm and it tore apart the iron bands holding the prisoners in place.

After seeing this, the Knights of the Order in the square began to panic. Several of the knights took a swing at her with her blade, but they never had any chance of hitting her. Just like with the iron bands, the knights crumpled to the ground when the multi-coloured beam ripped through them.

The mage knights met the same fate. From all around the robed woman, flames and pillars of ice shot forward at her. However, she nimbly dodged all of their attacks before launching her multi-coloured beam at them.

The way she danced around the flames was really cool.

It could only be made better if there was semen dripping down her thighs.

The way she dodged all of their attacks reminded me of a stage drama. She danced around the flames with complete disregard for the fact that she was naked, and slaughtered the remaining knights.

Before long, all of the knights that stood to oppose her were annihilated.

She then released the remaining criminals.

Finally, she held her hand above her head before bringing it down in one swift motion.

The flames covering her bodies disappeared in an instant.


While still in the middle of the square, she gave a brief bow as if this was the end of the show.

I’m not sure what to say.

The Imperial Lesbian was just as speechless as me. I then explained myself to Mercedes-chan.

“The witch displayed her true power. Even though she was set ablaze, she never gave up and fought for the lives of her comrades. Don’t you think this would make an amazing story?”

“…w-well, I guess so. It’s not a bad tale.”

“Thank you.”

When I looked back to the square, I could see the criminals all looking excited that they were all safe. However, this only lasted for a short moment. The citizens quickly sent off the criminals before more guards or knights could arrive.

This may be the last we ever see of them in the capital.


I quickly returned to the dorm after the matter in the square was taken care of.

“Ah! T-There you are!”

I ran into Ester-chan.

“Ah, what are you doing up so early?”

“I just heard about this in the school! The escaped criminals are going to be executed in the town square!”

“I see.”

“It seems that the Deputy Director told all of the staff that if they played a big part in capturing the escaped criminals they’d be exempt from having to participate in the academic conference. Most of the teachers at the academy volunteered and captured them last night!”


So that woman was behind it.

It seems to me like she didn’t have confidence in her staff to do well at the conference.

On the other hand, I’m genuinely impressed by the power of the faculty. I really didn’t expect them capable of that.

“S-So t-that’s why I thought we could go and see….”

Her gaze slowly moved between me and Mercedes-chan.

Then, surprisingly, the Imperial Lesbian actually seemed capable of reading the atmosphere.

“I’ll be leaving then. If anything else comes up, I’d ask for your cooperation.”

“Yeah, sounds good.”

After a proper goodbye, the Imperial Lesbian left.

Good job.

“Eh? D-Did something happen?”

“No, it’s nothing like that.”

It’s something I can’t really talk with Ester-chan about. I feel bad keeping secrets from her, but this is something that only Mercedes-chan and I can know about. However, with this, the investigation into the escaped criminals is now complete.

I’m glad it ended safely.

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