Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 3 (2)


We returned to the dormitory after our meal.

After opening the door, a maid came rushing towards us. Sweat ran down her brow and she looked flustered. It was my personal maid, Sophia. She looked really tired and was holding out something with both of her hands.

“Umm, Tanaka-san, a letter arrived for you….”

“For me?”

Y-Yes. It’s from the deputy director of the school.”

I grabbed the letter from her hands. The words ‘deputy director’ had caused her body to stiffen.

She wasn’t the only one feeling nervous. I remembered the conversation I overheard in the restaurant and the fact that I had made myself known amongst several powerful people in this country.

“Thank you.”

I broke the wax seal on the back of the envelope and removed the paper from inside. As Sophia-chan and Ester-chan looked on, I scanned through the contents of the letter.


The letter’s text was straightforward.

A large jailbreak had occurred at a prison in the capital city of Kalis. The government is currently recruiting people from all across the country to help capture the escapees. The school had received an order from the government requesting the aid of only those exceptionally skilled in magic. They were requesting the aid of Tanaka-san and Fahren-sama.

The last line told me that I should visit the Deputy Director’s office the moment I got the letter.

What a timely letter.

“What does it say?”

Ester-chan tried to peer over my shoulder to get a look at the letter.

But this soy sauce faced guy won’t allow that. I took a small step away from her.

“I’m sorry but I’ll be leaving for a while.

“Eh…? Ah, sure….”

“W-Wait, where are you going!?”

This letter is truly a godsend.

If any of the escapees were caught, it wouldn’t be long before they started talking about this one-of-a-kind soy sauce face. This would be the end of my peaceful life living with Sophia-chan.

I can’t just sit on the sidelines.

I should do whatever I can to keep an eye on how the investigation is progressing.

“I will return soon. I’m sorry, but, please, wait for my return.”

“T-Then, I’ll join you! I-I can come with!”

“I’m sorry, but I need to do this alone.”

“Eh, but….”

“If you’ll excuse me.”

I left Ester-chan in the room and ran down the corridor to the Deputy Director’s office.


I arrived at the corner of one of the buildings filled with offices of the academy’s most important people.

I stopped abruptly to catch my breath in front of one of the office doors. I took a few deep breaths to settle my nerves. I can’t mess up here. I must protect my life with Sophia-chan.

“…all right.”

I prepared myself and knocked on the door.


A flat sound echoed through the corridor.

After only a brief moment, I could hear a voice inside.

“Who is it?”

It was a woman’s voice.

The voice was dignified. It made me think of a career woman in her mid-thirties. She was accepted to a good university, went straight to work after graduating, and knew nothing but work for most of her life. She must have a mature body that’s never felt the touch of a man.

Eventually, she gave up on the idea of ever finding a man and now feels that no man would actually look at her as a woman.

How nice.

I could become a gold digger.

“It’s Tanaka.”


“Yes. Pardon my intrusion.”

I opened the door as instructed and entered the office.

There were already several people inside the ten tatami mat sized room. There was an equal split between men and women and their ages ranged between the early twenties and middle-aged. It was most likely the faculty of the academy. They all stood lined up in front of the Deputy Director’s desk.

Everyone’s attention was focused on me.

I’m already very nervous.

“You’ve got great timing, Tanaka-dono.”

The only person sitting was a woman on the opposite side of the desk. Based on the voice, there’s no doubt that it’s the same person that called out to me when I was outside. She was in her mid-thirties just as I expected. Her slightly long hair looked beautiful and her eyes had a sharp look about them.

She must be the deputy director that wrote to me.

“I came here after receiving your letter….”

I held out the letter I had received from Sophia-chan.

“Yes. We were actually just discussing that matter.”

“I see.”

I see what she meant by ‘great timing.’

She really is a beautiful woman. I bowed to the woman that was carefully studying me. I then bowed to each member of the staff.

Once she confirmed that I was finished, she spoke again.

“Because you weren’t here for our earlier discussions, I’ll briefly go over everything once more.”

Apparently, she was going to repeat herself just for this soy sauce face.

What a nice person.

“As you already know, the great thief managed to break everyone out of the capital city prison. Most of the escapees were already infamous throughout the country. The average soldier wouldn’t be capable of capturing these prisoners. It seems the government has decided to recruit from the academy once again.”

This was all covered in the letter already.

I waited for her next words as my heartbeat increased.

“The Royal Academy was asked to provide assistance to this investigation. However, our students aren’t mercenaries, much less military. After holding negotiations with those involved, I was able to get them to allow us to investigate on our own.”

Oh, as expected of the deputy director.

She’s able to start her own investigation now.

How much trust must the government have in her?

“For those willing to assist in what I consider to be an honourable endeavour, please step forward.”

The mature woman declared this loudly.

What should I do?

I’m at a loss.

If I step forward, in a sense, I won’t be able to act freely. If I consider my social status and position as a student, it’s possible she might send someone to investigate with me.

I had planned on investigating on my own without drawing attention to myself. However, by agreeing to help, I’ll gain position within the academy, but I don’t want to put myself in a disadvantageous spot.

However, the others in the room didn’t allow me much time to consider what I should do.

The sound of several people taking a step sounded in the room.

Once I heard this, I looked around at the others. Wait, what happened? When did they all move back? Without moving a muscle, I was now the only one standing forward.

“Oh, are you feeling up to it, Tanaka-dono?”



I didn’t expect to see such a classic action like that in this world.

These people are good.

And the Deputy Director seemed perfectly fine with the result.

“I’ve heard many good things about you from Fahren-sama.”


“On your own with no weapon, you were able to stand against a dragon. I’m confident that you’d be able to handle any criminal, no matter how strong, with your abilities.”


Apparently, the noble mage has told her all about me.

However, it didn’t look as if the Deputy Director believed her own words. I looked at the others in the room to see that they all had the same looks on their faces. Thanks to the pointless flattery by the noble mage, these people don’t seem to have the best opinion of me.

Is everyone here a member of the aristocracy? They’re all wearing fine clothing. There’s a good chance that they’ve already heard about me potentially becoming a baron. I’m getting an overwhelming feeling of jealousy and disgust coming from them.

“So? What will it be?”

The Deputy Director gave me a look that said I couldn’t refuse.

“I accept….”

If nobody else has accepted, it’s virtually the same as working on my own.

Since I don’t have to worry about someone accompanying me, I can look into this without anyone getting suspicious. I’m just acting on behalf of the academy to apprehend the escapees.

It’s easier if I just accept obediently.

As I thought about this, I heard a familiar voice.

“Wait a moment!”

The office door was slammed open with a loud bang!

The person that appeared was none other than the loli bitch.

Based on her timing, there’s no doubt she followed me and has been listening since I entered.


The Deputy Director, who had remained seated in front of everyone else, stood straight up with a look of astonishment on her face. The rest of her staff showed similar expressions.

The power of the FitzClarence family really is amazing.

Why did she come in though?

“Is what you just said true?”

She went straight towards the director’s desk before saying this. The other nobles and members of staff moved out of her way as she walked.

“FitzClarence-sama, students are banned from entering here.”

“I asked if what you just said was true.”

The Deputy Director regained her composure and tried to avoid Ester-chan’s question.

But Ester-chan just looked annoyed.

She’s not even half the Deputy Director’s age.

And yet, it’s the Deputy Director that appears on the verge of cowering.

“…as I mentioned earlier.”

The Deputy Director started talking, assuming Ester-chan had been listening through the door.

I’m sure she was.


The blonde lolita walked around the room, carefully examining each of the staff.

“You’re all teachers at the Royal Academy, aren’t you? How pathetic.”

I felt like I could feel the temperature in the room drop.

Their expressions all changed. Some were scared, others looked angry, and one even looked pleased.

As expected of a duke’s daughter.

She gave one last look over the staff before turning to face the Deputy Director. I can’t imagine anything good coming from this. There’s something wrong with this loli bitch.

“FitzClarence-sama, I’m sorry but you need to go….”

The Deputy Director repeated herself once more.

But Ester-chan didn’t stop. She marched forward until she stood in front of the desk next to me. She’s standing so close to me. Her shoulder is rubbing up against my arm.

And she made a declaration with a loud voice.

“I’ll go with him!”

She didn’t appear at all concerned about the consequences her words would have.

The others in the room looked terrified.

But the Deputy Director persisted.

“FitzClarence-sama, are you sure you haven’t misunderstood what I’m asking of him? I’ve asked him to go out and capture dangerous criminals. It’s not like he’ll be going on a relaxing trip or to an evening party. If you think this will be like your other casual outings, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I will not allow a student like you to take on such a dangerous task. Something like this should only be handled by faculty and staff. Please, leave immediately and return to your dorm.”

“You’ve been asking a student to do this the entire time. Isn’t he a student just like me? But you already knew that. The staff of the school is prohibited from allowing politics to influence decisions they make. Don’t even pretend like this wasn’t your intention, Deputy Director.”


Ester-chan’s profile as she said this awe-inspiring.

If she were a virgin, I would’ve dropped to my knee and proposed to her right here.

Why don’t you still have your hymen?

“H-He’s special. Fahren-sama himself has vouched for Tanaka-dono’s skill.”

“How exactly is he special?”

“…well, he’s very skilled with magic.”

“Are you trying to say the staff here aren’t skilled with magic?”


Today’s loli bitch is shining.

She’s sparkling.

However, the Deputy Director desperately tried to resist.

“With the academic conference right around the corner, it’s hard for the school to spare any members of staff. As you know, every member of staff is obligated to participate in the conference. I’m sure even taking the time to come here today has been detrimental to their work….”

“If they study seriously on a regular basis, they shouldn’t have any problems. Isn’t that what every teacher says to the students before exams? I don’t think anyone that can’t follow their own words is fit to be a teacher at this academy.”


But the loli bitch didn’t care for her words.

There would be no more effective attack than for a student to throw a teacher’s words back at them. I know how seriously Ester-chan takes her studies. I think it had a considerable effect on the teachers in the room.

I didn’t envy the position the Deputy Director had got herself into. After everything Ester-chan has said, it would be hard for her to refuse, but if Ester-chan were to suffer a single scratch while investigating for the Deputy Director, she could expect to lose her job or even worse.

Thinking back to the assassination attempt on Ester-chan, most of that family was executed.

I should keep that in mind if I wish to continue my peaceful school life.

“Deputy Director, may I ask something?”

“…what is it, Tanaka-dono?”

“I’d just like to ask about one thing. What is this academic conference?”

“You’re a student at this school but you don’t know about that?”

“It’s a little embarrassing, but I really haven’t spent much time in this school since joining.”

“It’s not a big deal. It’s a very prestigious conference held by the Royal Academy of the Penny Empire that many countries from around the world participate in. Some say our academic conference is even comparable to those held by the Academic City.”

“I-I see.”

I’m still not sure what it is but it seems like an amazing event is coming up soon.

The teachers of this academy seemed to be preoccupied with preparing for this conference.

“For teachers like us, taking part in the academic conference is the highlight of the year. For a brief period of time, the teachers, not the students, take centre stage and present their years-long research for all to see.”

“I see.”

I guess it’s some kind of mass presentation.

“While this academy is a place for students to learn, it’s also a place for the faculty to conduct research. The academic conference is similar to the finals for the students. The faculty will present their research and their evaluations will be based on this.”

“That’s right. I think it’s a wonderful event.”

“Exactly. It’s our pride.”

Originally, I thought this was all happening due to some type of political corruption at the school. However, it seems like their reluctance to join the investigation was due to the passion they all have for their research and their desire to impress at this conference.

“However, there are some teachers that are opposed to this method of evaluation. They’ve even grown to resent the Deputy Director.”

The Deputy Director glanced over at the teacher that said this.

“It’s a difficult position for all, but those select few do have my sympathy.”

I’m starting to think it would be in my best interest to accept. If I refuse, it could lead to a teacher losing a job and I don’t need anyone holding a grudge against me. Besides, they all have a lot of work to do while I have nothing but free time.

I can understand why all of the teachers here don’t want to volunteer.

“How about it, Tanaka-dono?”

“Yes, if that’s the situation, I’ll accept….”

Before I could accept, I was interrupted by several voices coming from the hallway.

“As expected of FitzClarence-sama! Please let me come with you!” “I-I want to come too!” “Ah, wait, that’s not fair! I also want to come, FitzClarence-sama!” “I w-will definitely be the one to help FitzClarence-sama!”

Everyone in the room looked towards the door.

There were several students packed into the doorway leading out into the corridor. Now that their leader had entered the room, they decided to follow suit. I recognized several of their faces.

It was Ester-chan’s entourage.

“Y-You all! Students are prohibited from entering here!”

As soon as she regained her composure, the Deputy Director shouted this.

But the FitzClarence entourage didn’t listen.

“FitzClarence-sama, please allow us to accompany you!” “You won’t even need to lift a finger! Allow us to catch the criminals!” “That’s right! A great dragon slayer like you doesn’t need to be bothered with such a trivial matter! Let us offer you our strength!” “Please! Please, let us join you!” “I have a little knowledge of recovery magic!”

The Deputy Director has been completely ignored.

Besides, one of those criminals they’re trying to capture is right in front of them.

“H-Hey! Be quiet! Students aren’t allowed in this area!”

The Deputy Director’s age combined with her panicking expression is cute. However, considering her age, there’s little chance she still has her hymen. Well, I’m sure there’s some world where she could still have it.

Ester-chan used her entourage to push her point even further.

“Isn’t this school wonderful? There are so many amazing students.”

She showed a bright smile.

But her eyes weren’t smiling.


The Deputy Director was left speechless.

She clenched her teeth.

I’m worried about what she’ll do. If she starts to dislike me, I’ll have no chance of enjoying a peaceful school life. Wait, isn’t this actually a great opportunity for me?

“Deputy Director, I have a suggestion.”

“What is it, Tanaka-dono?”

“Allow me to take control of the investigation.”


The Deputy Director looked at me with eyes filled with disgust and frustration. The FitzClarence name holds the ability to cause intense hatred and joy.

After a brief moment of silence, she cleared her throat, ready to address the room. Everyone in the room and Ester-chan’s entourage in the hallway turned their attention to her.

“…then, I’ll leave it to you, Tanaka-dono.”

“Yes. You can count on me.”

Just barely safe.

This loli bitch seems intent on making my life difficult.

Love is pain.


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