Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 2 (6)

Conflict 4

As she continued, she made an incredibly bold statement.

She’s doing something similar to what Allen did but I wonder if she’s aware of how serious that claim was.

“M-My Lord, I’m not sure if you understand….”

I tried to get her to take back her statement but my voice was quickly cut off by the surrounding crowd.

“Lady FitzClarence has gone mad!” “Does Elizabeth-sama intend on becoming a nun!?” “No way, don’t tell me she’s fallen in love with such an ugly man!?” “What do you think will happen when word reaches the capital!?” “Ah, I have a feeling life in Tricklis will soon become troublesome.” “I wish I held position in the imperial court.” “What else can you expect when such a young girl is given such a powerful position?”

They’re completely underestimating Ester-chan. 

There’s no way people like this would ever give respect to a teenage girl.


Regardless of their reactions, Ester-chan continued. 

She turned her attention to Gonzalez and Sophia-chan.

“Now then, I will move on to the rewards for the Twilight Company and this girl.”

It seems she’s trying to forcefully get everything back on track.

And now that the attention of the gathered nobles was on Sophia-chan, she was trembling even more. 

She’s cute when she’s nervous.

“To the young maid who informed Lord Fahren of the crisis facing Tricklis, I reward her with ten gold coins.”

It seems that she was the one that got the noble mage to come here.

Which, I assume, is also why Christina is here. She must have visited again after her first surprise visit to Kalis.

So that would make Sophia-chan the MVP of this conflict.

It’s regrettable to admit, but the hostilities between Ester-chan and Drill-chan were ended due to Christina’s attack on the castle. I doubt that I would’ve been able to handle both the long-haired man and Drill-chan if I were alone.

“Next, the Twilight Company!”


It was now the macho man’s turn.

Gonzalez has waited patiently in his spot. Unlike Sophia-chan, it seems like he’s more accustomed to situations like this. It’s not surprising that a man capable of leading hundreds of men into battle wouldn’t be intimidated by a group of nobles.

This guy always looks cool.

“You’re the eldest son of the Aufschnaiter family, are you not?”

“I’m now just an adventurer. The leader of the Twilight Company, Gonzalez.”

“…I see.”

What’s she saying? Does Gonzalez belong to a noble family? No, based on her words, he’s a former noble.

“If you wish it, you will be allowed to take a position at the Central Order in the capital.”

“I’ll have to refuse that promotion.”

“Oh, is that so? Don’t you wish to rebuild your house?”

“My clan is my home. For me to return to the capital, I’d have to throw away everyone and everything I care about here. If I absolutely can’t refuse, then I’d suggest Tanaka-san take my place.”

“I see….”

When my name was mentioned, Ester-chan’s eyebrows quivered.

I hope this doesn’t cause some strange misunderstandings.

There were a few nobles conversing quietly when one decided to speak up and cause several others to follow suit.

“Y-You insolent…. Your house is crumbling and yet you refuse this gracious offering from FitzClarence-sama!”

“How rude! Do you not understand your place!?”

“Just like your parents, you don’t understand when to respect your betters!”

The nobles all focused their wrath on Gonzalez this time.

They’re acting exactly how Gonzalez described the type of nobility that he hates.

I kind of enjoy not being the focus of their attacks.

“Be quiet!”

Each time Ester-chan speaks, it seems she needs to yell at the room to be quiet.

“Then, if there is something you want, say it!”


Gonzalez nodded deeply before raising his head.

“This success was due to everyone in my clan working together. I’d like for everyone in my clan to receive a reward. If it’s a monetary reward, then I’d be fine with everyone receiving an equal share.”

The macho guy said this without any hesitation.

However, he’s basically asking for a lowered reward. He was offered a position in one of the most powerful organizations in this country.

It appears that he’s cut ties with his family and his past noble life. I’m sure he still holds bitter memories about the nobility, so I can understand why he wouldn’t wish to return to that life. But I still feel like he should be given a reward deserving of his efforts.

“…oh, how benevolent of you.”

“It’s nothing more than what my men would expect from me.”

“I’ve heard similar words before.”


“And you won’t just receive a reward from a local lord. I’ll make request of His Majesty to see that you and all of your men are rewarded properly.”

“…Lord FitzClarence?”

“This should be reward enough for your services. I’ll give the Twilight Company 100 gold coins.”


Gonzalez was lost for words.

The reward might seem impressive but Ester-chan stands to make more than that after selling the supplies Drill-chan will need to rebuild her castle.

Clever bitch.

“Are you still dissatisfied?”

“N-No, it’s nothing like that….”

“If there are no problems, this shall be the Twilight Company’s reward.”


Gonzalez didn’t like her before purely because she was a nobleman. But after fighting with her on the battlefield, and now this audience with her, it seems like his attitude towards her is changing.

“Is there anything else you’d like to ask?”

Ester-chan looked at each of us once more.

But nobody spoke up.

The group of nobles were still talking amongst one another.

“Then, this audience is finished.”

After saying this, she got off the throne.

She left through a door in the back of the hall. The noble mage stood in the corner of the room, quietly watching her as she left. His harem was continuing to grow without any effort on his part. What a waste.

But, will this really be okay?

I think the task she’s set out for herself will be challenging.

Is she seriously planning on returning to the capital?


We were still in the castle but had left the great hall and were now in a certain room.

The room we had moved to was like a luxurious living room. I was relieved to be able to rest on the sofa. After receiving our rewards, Ester-chan summoned everyone here.

Apart from Ester-chan and I the noble mage, Sophia-chan, and the loli dragon are here.

“Richard’s daughter, it was foolish of you to say something like that.”

“I know.”

The noble mage briefly glanced over at me.

“I doubt your father will allow you to go through with this.”

“My father is overprotective, but it doesn’t matter what he wants.”

“…I see.”

Basically, this is a strategy meeting.

What kind of strategy meeting? It’s about everything concerning this soy sauce faced guy.

Thanks to this, I can’t help but feel a little sorry.

“Um, Ester-san. You don’t need to do this for me….”

“I-It’s not like I’m doing this just for you!”


“Of course! I-I just want to give everyone a reward deserving of their efforts during this conflict! It’s the duty of a lord to do this!”

“Even so, I’d rather you not have to risk everything you have….”

I don’t want her to be punished just so I can receive a reward. Well, I somewhat understand why she wants to make me a nobleman, but I hope she can see that it’s not making me happy.

In the first place, the nobility in this country would never accept a common foreigner into their ranks. No matter how hard Ester-chan tries, I don’t believe they’ll ever accept me as a noble.

If so, it may be good to let her try.

As she continues to struggle, she’ll begin to see how pointless it is and her passion for this will eventually cool down.

“I will make you a nobleman! This is my decision!”

“…I see.”

She’s as noisy as ever.

Well, please, do your best.

By the way, the Baron from the Pussy Republic is enjoying some time alone with the long-haired man in her room. This is according to what Sophia-chan told us after she went to get her. This is his reward for everything he did for her during the conflict.

Remember this long-haired man, someday, I will steal your master from you.

I’ve decided on the humiliation route for them.

For most perverts, their life force is equivalent to the number of perverted acts they commit.

“Does that mean you’ll be leaving Tricklis soon?”

“Yes, preparations are already being made for my departure.”

“I see.”

Ester-chan and the noble mage continued talking about her future schedule. It was an elegant exchange between two great nobles. In order to avoid disturbing them, this busamen decided to speak with the other people in the room.

“Christina-san, do you have a moment?”

“…what do you want?”

She looked like an innocent young girl sitting on a sofa eating something that resembled a cake. There was creme covering her cheeks. Is she even trying to aim for her mouth?

The way this cute look perfectly suits her loli form makes me feel sick.

“How long are you planning on staying here?”

“That’s something that doesn’t concern you.”

Christina turned to me, stuck out her tongue, and then turned her attention back to the cake.

She’s nothing but an oversized reptile yet she’s able to skillfully use the fork to stuff as much cake into her mouth at once.

“No, I think it does.”

I don’t want such a dangerous thing staying around me any longer.

She could split a human open with her claws as easily as I could pop a water balloon. If there were another option besides this, I’d hope she’d choose it, but she is a lizard after all. She doesn’t have the common sense of a human.

Someone other than me would never be able to withstand her anger.

“…what? Don’t tell me, are you upset that you’re inferior to my wings?”

She grinned after misunderstanding me.

It’s seriously disgusting.

“That’s not it. I’m worried that you’ll harm someone. Unfortunately, the creatures known as dragons aren’t known for their ability to live peacefully with other species.”

“Naturally. I can barely stand being among this many humans.”

“Exactly. The way to form a good relationship between two parties is for each of them to be considerate of each other. If either party is unable to do that, it can lead to a strain in their relationship and eventually to conflict. Don’t you think it would be better for everyone if you returned to Mount Pepe?”


The loli dragon’s body began to tremble.

I’ve felt this way for a while now, but she’s even a threat to me. She possesses instant kill magic that even I wouldn’t be able to withstand. I’m used to being stronger than most of my opponents so this is a strange feeling for me.

“Y-You’re afraid I’ll actually hurt someone because I can’t control myself?”

“Yes. To be completely honest, your presence here puts everyone on edge.”

And of course, there’s a high possibility that you’ll end up killing someone that did something that mildly annoys you.


The loli dragon frowned.

The expression of regret mixed with embarrassment on such a young girl’s face caused me to second guess myself.

But it doesn’t matter. What would I do if she were to lose her temper and hurt Sophia-chan or Ester-chan? That’s why the cause of this fear should be removed before this can ever come true.

Don’t be mistaken. Prudence and cowardice are very different things.

“You’re incredibly strong. You could kill scores of humans with minimal effort on your part. Do you think the people in this castle wish for such a creature to live with them? I don’t. So the only options for them to feel like they can live in peace is for you to be killed or for you to go far enough away that you’re no longer of concern to them.”

“So, what are you trying to say? Huh?”

“Do you want to be killed?”

“Then, the first option doesn’t sound so bad…. If you think you can kill me, then try.”

“…I understand.”

If she’s taken it to this point, there’s nothing else I can do.

Maybe after this, I can convince her to leave on her own.

My level has finally reached the triple digits, so I believe I’ll be able to do more than just stay on the defensive this time.

“O-Oi, what are you saying….”

The noble mage rose from his seat.

There’s no stopping this now.

“Let’s have a match, Christina-san.”

“Aah? You want to do it? Ah? Aaaaah? Y-You really want to do it?”

Am I mistaken or does the loli dragon look nervous?

She looks like a poor salaryman that inadvertently picked a fight with the yakuza.


I’ll make her realize it was a mistake to refuse to leave.

“I will decide exactly what our match will be.”

“That’s fine. Whatever you choose, I’ll be the victor.”

“Then, Christina-san, our match shall be….”

I had planned on proposing something that would be advantageous for me. However, my words were interrupted when the door suddenly opened. From across the room where we were sitting, someone called into the room.

“Ester-sama, the preparations for your departure are ready.”

The fact that the preparations are already done means that Ester-chan must’ve started them before the audience was even held. Proposing that this soy sauce faced guy be made a noble was her plan from the start.

“I understand. We’ll be leaving right away.”

“Yes! We’ll be waiting!”

Whoever was beyond the door exited before I could see his face. I could hear his footsteps echoing through the hall. Within a few seconds, they faded away. He seems like a diligent person.

“H-Ha! It’s regrettable but it looks like we’ve lost our chance!”

“…it seems so.”

The loli dragon seemed relieved.

Her confidence seems to be a fragile thing.

Whatever. Let’s get on our way to the capital.


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