Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 2 (3)

Conflict 4

[Sophia-chan’s point of view]

This is war. A war has started.

I looked down from my hill as soldiers collided with soldiers in the meadow. It’s clear that the Pussy Republic holds the superior numbers. According to Tanaka-san’s explanation, the Penny Empire’s army is made up entirely of one clan.

“…t-this is amazing.”

The numbers the enemy army holds is overwhelming.

It may be my first time witnessing such a battle, but even I can tell that if these two armies were to meet under normal circumstances, this fight would be over before I could finish preparing breakfast.

However, I can tell that this is no normal battle.

“W-Why are they all getting back up…?”

The moment one enemy seemed to be defeated, he’d stand back up and appear reenergized. This must be due to Tanaka-san’s magic. He’s not only targeting allies but also the enemy.

I could only see a few soldiers, allies or enemies, that had been killed.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of the soldiers were caked in blood, very few of them appeared wounded. Tanaka-san said that he would send recovery magic out at regular intervals in order to keep all of the soldiers alive. As long as they weren’t killed instantly, or killed in between these intervals, none of them should die.


Tanaka-san is amazing.

He’s incredible.

However, Tanaka-san’s magic isn’t perfect. I have a strange feeling that he knew this would happen, but even though his magic can perfectly heal any wound, the armour that is damaged by that same attack won’t be repaired.

Therefore, this battle has created a stimulating situation —

A young maiden like me can’t help but feel excited looking at this scene.

“A man’s body is more amazing than I imagined…. Their rippling muscles…amazing.”

It’s almost unbearable.

There’s so much great eye candy to look at.

I can feel a strange feeling welling up inside me.

I don’t think I can decide which of them I like most.

I want to get a closer look. Due to the low number of our allies, almost all of them have lost the majority of their armour, and some of them are completely naked.

Their hard abs and strong arms…. I’m in love.

These type of men would take a maiden like me by force.

“…definitely. They wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

A gentle prince is good but wild men like them are nice too.

And if several of them were to take me at once….


It’s a scary thought but it also excites me.

I know they’d be able to satisfy me as a woman.

But I guess it would be the same if the situation were flipped. If a man were in my situation and if all of the enemy soldiers were attractive women, he’d be just as excited as me. He wouldn’t be able to control himself in front of a sea of scantily clad women.

So I shouldn’t feel bad for being this excited.



It can’t be helped.


It seems that there aren’t just men on the battlefield.

There was a single female soldier I could see that was running through the battlefield, completely naked.

Based on the direction she’s running, she must be a member of the Pussy Republic. She was a beautiful blonde woman with long hair that appeared to be a little older than me. This beautiful woman was running through the battlefield with her breasts out for all to see. And it wasn’t just her chest that was exposed; her lower body was completely uncovered as well.

She was fighting on the frontline using a staff to defend herself.


What is she thinking right now?

And, more importantly, what is she doing?

“…is she opening her legs?”

She can use magic, but she’s moved to the frontlines. Is she planning on fighting at the front now that she’s lost all of her armour? That doesn’t make any sense. However, all of the men standing around her have stopped fighting and are now looking at her confused.


Confronted with a fully nude female soldier, all of the soldiers were unsure of what to do.

But that’s to be expected.

Because I’m a woman, I know exactly what they must all be thinking about her. They’re all fantasizing about what they’d like to do to her. Something like this happening is a once in a lifetime event. It will never happen again. And they’re fantasies are amplified by the fact that they don’t even have to imagine what she looks like naked.


But, seriously, why is she spreading her legs?

Oh, several soldiers were distracted and she blew them up with her magic.

Tanaka-san’s magic quickly healed them though.

And even when the fighters of the Penny Empire were healed, they stood back up and were once again focused on the blonde woman’s voluptuous body.

This cycle was repeated several times.

Maybe they should all take a break to masturbate so they can focus on the fighting.


I’ve sent out more than one hundred waves of healing energy. Almost half an hour has passed since the battle started.

The exhaustion is starting to set in.

However, unlike the fight against Christina, I haven’t let a single drop of urine escape my body. I want to applaud my bladder’s ability. But I don’t know how much longer it can hold on. If I were still young, I could probably hold out for another hour, but due to my age, I’m at my limit. I never expected to be reminded of my age in a way like this.


My throat has started to hurt from all the roaring I’ve been doing.

I wish Sophia-chan was here to moisten my throat with her urine.

I swear that someday I’ll learn the taste of her pee.

“You’re looking pale! Y-You need to rest….”

Ester-chan said this with a worried look on her face.

She was floating in the air not far from me.

If she had met me before Allen, I may feel differently about her. But she met him first. And I met Sophia-chan. And Ester-chan has been with Allen. Therefore, I want to taste Sophia-chan’s urine.

“I’m fine! If it’s just this much, I can continue for a while longer!”

“But –!”

She’s still helping manage the barrier above our army.

She and the other members managing the barrier were sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

Ester-chan looks sexy when she sweats. Once again, I’m envious of Allen.

“I’m more worried about you, Ester-san. Fahren-san has told me how tiresome long-term use of flight magic can be. Please, take a break. Geros-san can maintain the barrier on his own.”

The noble mage told me this earlier.

It seems that an average person can’t use flight magic long term. Apparently, most people could use it for one hour comfortably. Since Ester-chan is using her flight magic to hold herself in one place in the air, she must be considerably more tired. It may sound strange, but flying through the air is easier than holding yourself in place.

It’s somewhat similar to an older generation helicopter trying to hover without moving up or down.

Though, I’ve never piloted a helicopter.

“Not long ago, you weren’t even capable of flying….”

Back when we were on the airship during the dragon extermination, Ester-chan lost her grip and almost fell from the ship.

Thanks to this, I was able to grope all over her loli body.

“I-I’ve been practicing! I’m capable of doing at least this much now!”

“Amazing, Ester-san. You’re as impressive as always.”


Her face turned bright red when I praised her.

I wonder if one’s ability to use flight magic for an extended period of time has more to do with their INT and MP. Christina is able to fly for seemingly as long as she wishes in her loli form without growing tired, so clearly the physical body of the user has little to do with their ability to fly.

Considering how long it’s been since the battle started, I have to assume that, despite what she’s saying, she must be nearing her limit. Even the noble mage has stopped to take a break. I’m worried about her. She’s turning pale and starting to look like she may collapse at any moment.

“Like I said, I-I can handle this much!”

“You’re turning pale. If you keep pushing yourself, Rebecca-san will get angry with you.”

I’ll use the name of her maid this time. I’m afraid if I use Allen’s name she’ll just get mad.

However, this loli girl is as stubborn as always.

“I don’t need her permission to act selfishly!”

“I promised you that I’d always support you in any situation. Please, don’t make me go back on that promise. If you’re just worried about me, please worry more about yourself.”


“I’m worried about you, Ester-san.”


Ester-chan’s face turned crimson.

Her feelings are really easy to manipulate.

Which is actually why she proposed to a busamen like me.

But, thanks to this, I was able to deliver a cool line and feel like an ikemen for once in my life. I could feel a baseless sense of superiority well up inside me. If I get used to this feeling, I could see myself becoming the type of ikemen that I hate.

“F-Fine, I understand….”

“Thank you.”

The blonde loli’s ear’s turned a deep shade of scarlet and she turned away from the barrier.

“But, I-I’ll be right back!”

“No, take your time and rest.”

“Absolutely not!”

“I’m serious. Don’t force yourself.”

Ester-chan turned away and flew off into the distance.

Her destination was the hill Sophia-chan was waiting at.

Now that she’s safe, I can focus solely on my healing efforts.

Even with Ester-chan gone, I’m confident that the long-haired man can maintain the barrier on his own. His level is in the triple digits. His flight magic and barrier magic is also perfect. He’s also motivated to maintain the barrier since it’s protecting Drill-chan.

“Geros-san, was it?”

“…I’m sorry, but I don’t intend on speaking with anyone other than my master.”


His personality is a little difficult though.

Well, he’s a powerful ally for the time being and I plan on putting him to good use.


I focused my attention on the ground once more and sent another healing pulse out.

Due to me continuously firing off waves of healing magic, the ground itself appears to be starting to glow. I shouldn’t be concerned about the ground right now. I’m sorry if I’m causing permanent damage to the ground, but I have more important things to worry about.


“…is he really a human?”

I could feel the cold stare of the long-haired man lingering on me.

“Did you say something?”

“It was nothing….”

“Is that so.”

Then, don’t talk to me.

That’s probably the first time in my life that I wasn’t the one being told that.

“…your master doesn’t seem like she knows what she’s doing.”

I looked over at Drill-chan as she was still yelling out to her soldiers, in the hopes of getting them to stop fighting. Each of her yells would end with her patented ‘Ohohoho~’ I wonder how many hours she must have spent mastering that laugh.

Some of the soldiers on the battlefield seemed to hear her voice but very few listened to her words.

“My master has only recently taken up her position and is still growing accustomed to what her new title demands of her.”

“Still, there’s a chance one or two of the enemy soldiers may listen to her words.”


How much longer will I need to keep this up?

I’m not sure I can keep going for that long.

To be more specific, I need to poop.

If I do that, all of the people below me will be in for a surprise.

I looked down into the sea of soldiers in the hopes of finding a female enemy fighter.

“Nuuooooo~! Everyone, keep pushing! The enemy is weakening!”

However, all I could see were muscular bastards. The man that just yelled was actually Gonzalez. Just as I’d expect of a macho guy like him, he’s looking fired up.

And just like he said, the Twilight Company appears to be turning the tide of battle.

Somehow, as if following a script of a movie, the massively outnumbered force was able to overcome their disadvantageous situation due to strong leadership and teamwork. Our plan appears to be working well. Considering the number of casualties is still only in the single digits, it’s actually going better than I expected.

I had expected closer to one hundred casualties in total.

If we can keep the casualties low, Ester-chan will be able to avoid paying heavy reparations.

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