At the same time, travel through all realms and change the fate of passers-by

Chapter 232

In the bustling city, Wu Si woke up again in the maze hotel.

Looking at the game name floating above his head, Wu Si's eyes were full of confusion.

"Street Fighter?" Wu Si was a little confused,"Which generation?"

Shaking his head, Wu Si walked outside without staying for too long.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Linda waiting at the door:"Chief!"

Wu Si nodded and asked:"What's going on in the city recently?"

Linda handed over a document respectfully:"In order to improve the quality of Shadow, we have launched the World Fighting Championship to attract masters from all over the world, but our reputation is not high enough worldwide, and we have only attracted these 12 people to come! Please take a look, Chief!"

Wusi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that because of this city, he would become the organizer of the Street Fighter competition.

As for Linda and the others holding this kind of competition without reporting it, Wu Si had no choice, because this was a game world. Before this whole world was completely transformed into reality, he had to accept this kind of confusing rules.

Moreover, maybe he agreed to this matter in the setting, otherwise, how could Linda and the others dare to be so bold. He lowered his head and flipped through the documents in his hand, which were all the files of the twelve contestants.

These twelve contestants came from five countries, Long, Li, and Ji from Japan, Ken, Joe, and Mike from the United States, Li and Yuan from China, Birdie and Eagle from the United Kingdom, and Atun and Sagat from Thailand.

However, looking at the names on it, Wu Si He felt extremely confused, because except for a limited number of people, the other Wu Si were completely unfamiliar.

This made him feel a little at a loss. After all, with the memory of Urban Wu Si as a foundation, he felt that he should be familiar with these games, but now there appeared game characters that he didn't know.

Is this really Street Fighter?

After noticing that there were characters he didn't know in the game, Wu Si put away his contempt and hurriedly flipped through the files in his hands. After all, when the game cannot be used as a reference, all other information is very important.

Soon, Wu Si finished reading the information of these contestants.

Japan's Ryu and the United States' Ken are not much different from what he remembers in the game. They were both taught the ultimate karate"Wave Flow 743" by their master Gangquan since childhood. The special move is the long-distance qigong that is fired from both palms."Hadoken".

And Rei is actually the eldest disciple of Steel Fist, a fallen monk from Japan. However, he is not famous for karate, but is proficient in Shaolin boxing. This is incredible.

Ji is a ninjutsu master from Japan. He is good at various ninjutsu and likes to use shuriken to deal with the enemy. In addition, he also has the superpower of teleportation and can move instantly. His weapon is the iron claw on his right hand.

Joe from the United States is a fighter, an underground fighting competition champion, a military martial artist, known as the leader of the American military martial arts, and is best at footwork.

Mike is a black heavyweight boxer who learned boxing in prison.

He is a gifted guy.

He is kind and after he was released from prison, he raised funds to help the poor, contributed to his community, and taught children how to get started with boxing.

This time he participated in the competition to make money to help the sick.

Sister receives better treatment.

After Wu Si saw this information, he asked Linda to win over this person, who is currently the easiest person to win over.

Li from China is a martial artist who wears old-fashioned clothes and looks like he has traveled from the late 19th century. He is a master of"Bajiquan". He has devoted his life to studying the boxing of various schools. He will accept any challenge, but will not guarantee the safety of the challenger's life. He is a very radical person.

This radical fighting style is obviously not in line with Chinese martial arts. Although Bajiquan is fierce, it is not impossible to control it freely. The opponent has been boxing for a lifetime and cannot guarantee the strength of his fists. It is enough to see that it is just a facade.

Not worth mentioning!

Next is Yuan, who is also from China. Wu Si is familiar with this person. After all, he has appeared in several generations of games. He is the owner of a Chinese restaurant and a rare killer who can use assassination fists. He is proficient in traditional Chinese medicine and is known as a martial arts master who fights blood and fights hundreds of battles. He is almost a semi-legendary figure.

It's just that he is now seriously ill and hopes to end his life in a battle with others, so as to achieve the highest death realm in martial arts,"Death Combination".

He is a true martial arts master, integrating various boxing techniques of Chinese martial arts, and created martial arts schools called"Sangliu" and"Jiliu". In battle, his moves are varied and hard to defend.

Moreover, one of his moves,"Yuanchuan Assassination Kick", was taught to Chunli through Chunli's father, and became"Xuanyuan Killing Kick".

However, although this old guy wanted to die, according to the timeline known to Wu Si, he still lived for a long time without dying. After all, he was proficient in medicine, so the disease might not be a big problem.

Wu Si had some impression of Birdy from the UK, but not much. The file records that he was originally a performing wrestler, but because of his overly cruel and despicable methods, he was exiled from the fighting world and was an out-and-out villain.

His strength was not strong enough to attract Wu Si's attention.

Eagle from the UK is another guy that Wu Si does not know. He uses double sticks as weapons and is a professional bodyguard of a British noble family... Well, it's a very bad background, so I'll skip it.

Atun and Sagat from Thailand are two people that Wu Si knows. They are master and apprentice. However, what Wu Si did not expect is that Sagat is actually called the"Emperor"!

No, it is a bit too bold for a marginal character like you to call yourself that.

Since then, Wu Si has gotten to know these twelve players. Generally speaking, apart from Long, the cheating guy, the one that Wu Si needs to care about the most is Yuan, the living half-legend.

Moreover, in this World Fighting Championship, Wu Si's identity is very special. As the organizer, he has to become a player in the form of a suppressed force. In the final, he will fight his opponent as the final BOSS. It's a wonderful arrangement, but it is completely in line with Wu Si's current identity as the underground king of this city.

"Okay, they're here already."

"Yes, Chief!"

"Then, let the game officially begin!"

With that, Wu Si, under the leadership of Linda, went to the competition venue this time.

When they came to a spacious street with few people, Wu Si smiled. It was really a street fighter!

He looked at his panel and found that there was no change since he left last time, which means that his ultimate move was still the"Dragon Tail Storm Kick" taught by Billy last time.

But the last easter egg made Wu Si gain a lot, so he felt that his identity as the behind-the-scenes BOSS might have greater benefits to be tapped.

As the leader of the Shadow, did he really hold this World Fighting Championship to expand the strength and influence of the Shadow?

Can't he be like Rugal from the next door King of Fighters, and comprehend their moves when fighting them, and use them for his own purposes!

The more he thought about this possibility, the brighter Wu Si's eyes became, because this was not impossible!

As Wu Si became more and more certain of the convenience brought by his identity, a skill quietly appeared on Wu Si's panel.

【Quick comprehension: By fighting with the opponent, quickly master the opponent's moves and skills and use them for your own benefit. The speed of comprehension depends on the difficulty and adaptability of the moves and skills.】

【Restriction: If you are stronger than your opponent, you need to lower your own strength to the same level as your opponent before you can use this skill.

Wu Si widened his eyes. There really is this easter egg!

However, this is the first time Wu Si has seen a skill with restrictions, which means that this skill is very unusual, but the effect is also amazing!

At this moment, Wu Si's heart was pounding, and there was only one idea in his mind!

After the level is cleared, this skill must be kept!

Even if there are no other rewards, this skill must be kept!

With excitement, Wu Si took a deep breath and slowly walked into the competition venue.

Although this place is simple, everyone who comes to participate in the competition is a strong person, so they all stared at others sharply.

As Wu Si arrived, the host immediately appeared in the middle of the venue:"Please pay attention, fighters, the competition system of this World Fighting Championship is a points system.

Each of you will compete with other players one by one.

The winner will get 1 point, and the loser will not get any points.

In the end, the player with the highest points will become the champion of this competition and have the opportunity to challenge the organizer of this competition, the leader of the shadow!


"Now that the thirteen contestants are here, let’s start the official competition!"

"The first group of players were...Iger from the UK and Wu Si from China!"

With the host's high-spirited tone, Iger, holding two sticks, and Wu Si, with a calm face, slowly walked to the empty seat in the middle.

Both sides had sharp eyes. Iger looked at Wu Si sarcastically, while Wu Si had a calm expression and didn't take the other party seriously at all!

""The battle... begins!"

With a command, Eagle immediately swung his two sticks towards Wu Si, and the two sticks left a trail of afterimages, with overwhelming power that was frightening!

However, facing Eagle's attack, Wu Si's eyes were like lightning, because he was suppressed to the same level as Eagle, and he could only rely on his strong fighting qualities to defeat the opponent.

At the same time,"Quick Comprehension" was also activated. With just one glance at Eagle's simple and crude stick technique, Wu Si had already understood everything.

"Even if he uses the same strength as you, his skills are at an insurmountable level!"

Wu Si sneered. Since he had already mastered Eagle's skills, there was no need for him to keep him.

Finding the blind spot of the stick shadows, Wu Si punched out quickly:"Ah Da!"

With a weird cry, Eagle came quickly and left quickly.

As for why Wu Si suddenly screamed so strangely, as the behind-the-scenes BOSS, there must be some special points to distinguish himself from the suppressed power.

It happened that he had Jeet Kune Do in his skills, so he didn't think about it and just screamed out like this.

However, although Eagle was knocked away by a punch, the opponent was still not defeated. After all, this is a game world after all. Before the opponent's blood is exhausted, the battle will not be decided.

Sure enough, Eagle climbed up from the ground intact and continued to attack Wu Si angrily.

However, Wu Si easily defeated Eagle with three punches and two kicks, and the opponent was bruised and swollen and could not get up again.

""Wu Si, wins! One point!"

Afterwards, Wu Si defeated Li, Lie, Qiao and Mike in succession, accumulating a total of five points.

When the sixth player came on stage, Wu Si's enemies finally began to increase in difficulty, Thailand's Atun!

With the appearance of Atun, Wu Si also felt that his strength had increased a little. Obviously, Atun was not comparable to the previous five people.

Atun raised his head proudly:"Your strength is not bad, but when you come to me, you will face your own failure!"

Wu Si curled his lips:"Don't talk nonsense, you will know whether it is a mule or a horse by taking it out for a walk!"


Atun was very unhappy with Wu Si's attitude, so after the referee announced the start of the fight, he rushed towards Wu Si like a gust of wind without any hesitation.

A straight kick locked Wu Si's abdomen. Wu Si turned his body to the side and pressed his palm down. Atun's feet instantly touched the ground, and his body leaned forward at the same time.

Startled, Atun quickly bent his arms and smashed his elbow towards Wu Si.

Wu Si did not dodge, but faced the challenge. His other hand hit Atun's chin through the gap of his elbow, and instantly pushed him away with a palm!

Wu Si's series of reactions made the eyes of other masters around him light up. They have determined that Wu Si must be a rare master. He just suppresses his strength to the same level as the opponent when facing every opponent!

Atun... Atun felt the power from Wu Si, and he was puzzled. Why did the other party have the same power and speed as himself?

This is unscientific!

Wu Si didn't care about Atun's thoughts. He just waved at Atun and provoked him. Atun's moves had not yet been understood, and Wu Si would not miss any possibility of improving himself.

Atun was ridiculed by Wu Si, and he attacked Wu Si again in anger. This time Wu Si did not counterattack, but mainly dodged and blocked.

Soon, Atun's moves were mastered by Wu Si. This Thai boxing style based on speed and leg strikes can be regarded as a strange move.

However, Atun was useless!

Wu Si watched Atun hit him with another"rotating leopard thrust". Wu Si went around behind him and punched him:"Lie down!" As

Atun fell into a coma, the referee went on the court and announced:"Wu Si, win! One point! Next game, Wu Si VS Ji!".

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