At The Beginning Of The Three Thousand Dao Scriptures, I Became A Saint

Chapter 53


Chapter 53 Merit and Virtue Consolidation

The complexion changed for a long time, Jiang Chen suddenly flicked his sleeves, turned and flew into the distance .

No matter who the person hiding in the dark is, he should have nothing to do with Jiang Chen at this time, otherwise, he would not be hiding in the dark and peeping, but would take the initiative to kill Jiang Chen, or expel him.

He didn’t show up on his own initiative, and Jiang Chen couldn’t force him to devote himself. In this case, Jiang Chen simply didn’t care about him, he just wanted to find life with peace of mind.

If there is life here, the rest of the County City should also be born. After all, the big city of Qi State was basically destroyed, and only the small city in the peripheral zone was spared.

Especially the imperial city is located in the center of the natural disaster. Heavenly Fire falls from the sky and directly turns it into a fire sea. Ordinary people, aristocrats and nobles, are all buried in the fire sea. One escaped.

The imperial city is the capital of Qi State and the largest city in Qi State. It claims to have millions of people. There will be more dead energy and stronger vitality.

Jiang Chen is now going to the imperial capital of Qi State to take away the life that was born there.

The treasures from Heavenly Dragon and Heavenly God are precious, but Jiang Chen simply cannot find them. But the vitality is different. Jiang Chen has seen the Qi State map. As long as he has the heart, he will soon be able to find the location of the Qi State city and take away the vitality nurtured in it.

The benefit of getting it is the real benefit. No matter how strong Heavenly Dragon Heavenly God’s relic is, Jiang Chen is useless if he can’t find it. If you have this time, it is better to look for vitality.



After completing the Golden Core Realm, Jiang Chen’s speed is even faster, and he can travel thousands of miles in one hour.

Under Jiang Chen’s full-strength flight, he soon arrived at the next County City in the Qi State. Divine Sense swept away and found the vitality of manifestation.

It was a withered weed that looked so rotten and lifeless. But in Jiang Chen’s perception, this dead grass is like a newborn sun, and it contains strong vitality, no worse than the dead trees he found earlier.

This is Qi State, which is shrouded in a strange thick fog, and all living beings are extinct. Otherwise, Jiang Chen has no doubt that the withered grass in his hand will transform into a natural elf. .

This kind of pure vitality is the spiritual embryo of Heaven and Earth, and it is too suitable to give birth to life. Once it interacts with Heaven and Earth, it will immediately take shape.

It’s a pity that it was born in the wrong place, let alone Heaven and Earth here, not even Spiritual Qi.

It is the spiritual embryo of Heaven and Earth, and it cannot survive without Spiritual Qi, so it is stillborn when it is born, and there is no possibility of transformation.

If it weren’t for this, it wouldn’t be cheap Jiang Chen. Heaven and Earth’s spiritual fetus is blessed by Heaven and Earth. If it wasn’t a stillbirth, how could it be easily found?

After taking the Life Source, Jiang Chen sat on the ground as usual, recited the Salvation Scripture, and began to resolve the resentment entrenched here.

A few hours later, the grievances in this place were fully resolved by Jiang Chen, and the feeling of being peeped came back again, but this time, Jiang Chen didn’t have time to pay attention to him, but instead Gather your mind and look into the Sea of Consciousness.

Sea of Consciousness is mostly gray, just like the chaotic scene when Heaven and Earth are not open, and Jiang Chen is no exception.

However, at this moment, the center of his Sea of Consciousness, where Yin God is located, is bursting with brilliant golden light, as if a big sun has risen, illuminating his Sea of Consciousness. A piece of golden.

This is the golden light of merit, showing a proven yellow color, exuding a sacred and peaceful atmosphere.

“It’s really fascinating rays of light!” It’s not the first time Jiang Chen has seen the golden light of merit, but every time he sees the golden light of merit, he will be fascinated by the bright yellow light. attracted.

In the golden light of merit, it seems to contain all the mystery between Heaven and Earth, which is fascinating.

Xuanhuang, Heaven and Earth also, golden light of merit, is the transformation of Heaven and Earth Source, saying that it contains all the mysterious between Heaven and Earth, there is no problem.

“What happened, why did the mutation of merit golden light happen?”

until now, merit golden light is all obediently and honestly staying in Jiang Chen’s Sea of Consciousness, unless It was he who encountered some danger, otherwise, there would never be any change.

However, just now, after Jiang Chen settled the resentment entrenched here, the golden light of merit suddenly became restless, and bright radiance bloomed.

Noticing the change of the golden light of merit, Jiang Chen hurriedly concentrated one’s mind to look at the Sea of Consciousness, only to see the golden light of merit vibrating, sometimes clumping together, sometimes dispersing into one piece, not knowing. what are you doing.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to watch silently and let the golden light evolve on its own.

It is not a method without condensing merit in the memory of the past life, but it is the way of the True Immortal. Although it can live forever, it has no combat power at all. Jiang Chen is not interested in nature. Eyes do not look.

He wants revenge, and what he needs most is strength, and the path of True Immortal is obviously not suitable for him.

But at this time, Jiang Chen regretted it a little bit. If he had read the classics in this regard before, he wouldn’t have no idea why the mutation of the golden light of merit occurred.

Time has passed minute by minute, the golden light of merit is still changing, but it is no longer scattered, but condensed into a group, constantly changing its shape, or becoming a bell, or It is a tower shape…

“This is the accumulation of merit and virtue to a certain extent, and it has spontaneously formed.”

After watching it for a long time, Jiang Chen gradually figured out how this happened. something happened. This is because he has too much merit, and he has reached the realm that can be condensed and formed.

When the merit is small, it will be presented in the image of golden light. After that, as the merits accumulate, the golden light will become more and more bright. When the golden light is bright to the extreme, it will change and become some kind of utensil to carry the rules between Heaven and Earth.

Jiang Chen has a lot of merit and virtue, and with the popularization of food seeds, more and more people will benefit, and he will get more merit, which will increase every day.

This is not a one-shot deal. As long as sentient beings are still eating the food that Jiang Chen has researched, they will always have merit.

As of now, Jiang Chen’s merits have long reached a terrifying level. And now, he is here to save his resentment and get the merit of saving. Finally, the quantitative change led to the qualitative change, so that the golden light of his merits began to change, turning towards artifacts.

This is the origin of the golden light mutation of merit. It is about to evolve and become stronger, which is a good thing, not a bad thing.

“Is it because I haven’t made a choice for the reason why the instrument of merit has been delayed?”

The golden light of merit has transformed into an instrument for carrying the path, although it is carried out spontaneously, but also not it has nothing to do with the owner. At the very least, it is up to the owner to decide what kind of utensil the golden light will eventually turn into.

The object transformed by the golden light of merit is called Spirit Treasure of merit.

Yes, Spirit Treasure!

Once the golden light of merit is completed, it is the start of Grade 3, and it is still the strongest Grade 3 Spirit Treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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