Astraea: The Journey of Magic

Chapter 7: Compliance

While Kuroki was busy getting rest and finally decompressing, and both he and Akano were finally getting the clothes they needed. the two friends who already got clothes and got together were busy riding in a carriage towards the city of Ruthil.

The two had ended up joining a merchant caravan. They had ended up paying for a discount on their ride though in exchange for the wolf corpses, which the merchants were able to butcher and sell at the city they were heading to. There were four carriages in all. Two for cargo, one for the merchants, and one for their escorts and passangers. At the moment, they were staying in the passanger one. Reiji was sitting inside near the exit, while Juno was sitting on the outside, swinging his legs back and forth while humming some tune from an anime song.

Incidentally, the cliche were people were captivated by an otherworlder's song and it became popular did not happen at all. At least not yet. They just thought it was the hummings of a young child. Juno looked younger then he used to, although from what they had overheard, Cat Beastkin, particularly males, were often shorter and scrawnier then humans on average. However, the merchants were all Dwarves, so to them anyone below 40 was considered young, and anyone below 20 was a young child. It was even more for Elves incidentally. So Juno actually could still pass for fifteen in this world because he was now a Cat Beastkin.

The only thing that caught them by surprise was that there was no segregated bathing between males and females, that nudity was far more normal, especially for children since it helped reduce laundry and limited the amount of clothes people needed to buy for children, and that despite the apparent time period of this world, cleanliness and hygine were taken very seriously. Reiji and Juno had been forced to experience that first hand when they, especially Juno, were vigorously bathed when it was realized they still had some blood on them from the wolves.

But they had adapted well. It probably helped their mental health had not been constantly tested over the past few days like Kuroki's was, and that they were able to get a better night's sleep.

They had also learned some other things else. For one thing, both of them had ended up developing just a bit of magic. It wasn't quite at the level of a proper mage, but it seemed that they might be able to do some things with their respective roles. For Juno, that was his archery and stealth, and for Reiji, his shield and likely even his sword as well.

However, during the last few days, they had learned something else of critical note.

"Still not tired, Juno?"

" butt is getting a bit sore from the carriage, but no issues. I need to rest when I push myself, but that is about it".

Juno had found that his was always alert and aware. Reiji had expected there might be some unintended results of their wishes and desires, as well as just their personal likes. Juno had always wanted to be more aware of his friend's plights. That was why he ended up looking younger and shorter. But he also wanted to be more alert in general. And it seemed that had the unintentional effect of causing Juno to not need sleep. So long as he did not exert himself, just staying awake and being passive, like riding in carriages and reading books, would not drain his energy. Of course, if he was active, he could rest. And sleep was the most efficient way to do that. If he really tried he could sort of force himself asleep, at least for a bit, also. But he no longer needed it.

Within the past four or five days, Juno had slept only one single time, and that was after he asked for guidance and training from an adventurer. Otherwise no matter how much he was resting, he was always aware and awake. He would need to be really pushed and exhausted, like he was after that training, to really be able to sleep. And even then, he would usually remain aware and when he woke up would remember everything he heard and smelled during that time.

That said, although they were unwilling to try this right now, they suspected that given they lacked any other cheat abilities, with the exception of maybe Juno's archery/Kyudo, it likely was not all powerful. And they were reasonably sure Juno's archery skill was only because the gifts, rather then setting things to say a certain level, added to what they already had. Juno was already talented at archery, so while the gift on its own was likely nothing overwhelming, if it added to that, it would explain a lot.

Even the adventurers when they saw him practice mentioned they had nothing they could teach him regarding archery, so they trained him with his daggers and how to evade and avoid attacks.

Reiji meanwhile had taken some lessons on how to handle shields. Although he lacked training, apparently he seemed to possess some natural talent, and his build was really good for it as well. Reiji and Juno's abilities complimented each other nicely, though they lacked a support or multipurpose role. Someone to help adapt to unexpected circumstances, which would be hard with just the two of them.

Back to Juno's awareness, it was very likely that if he was drugged or knocked unconscious, he likely wouldn't be able to wake up immediately or be aware of what happened during that time. Naturally, they had no way to be sure, but neither of them intended to test it.

It did make them feel a bit better when traveling with these strangers though. Especially Juno, who right now was wary of one of the two adventurer's groups with them. The first party, who called themselves "The Rising Dawn", seemed to be a pretty decent group. Their leader was a bit idealistic and young, a blonde haired man who was perhaps twenty or so. His name was Kaira. The second in command was the Great Shielder, Sally, who seemed to possess the most strength in her group and wore heavy armor and a heavy shield. They wondered how she endured hte heat, but apparently the armor was enchanted to reduce the strain. Also apparently she was half dwarf. The mage of their party was a thirteen year old elf boy named Ciel, while they had a rogue named Jack who appeared about the same age. There was also a dark skinned nineteen year old whose parents hailed from a foreign land, but apparently was born in the same city as the rest of them and they were all good friends. His name was X'ram, and he was apparently something that could be loosely considered a priest. Really more of a healer. And then finally, there was the swordswoman Reina. She was seventeen like Sally, and apparently was a fast strike sort of swordfighter.

This group had so far been okay, and the two of them had taken the time to chat with them and get to know them. However, the other party were straining Juno's mental health. It was a party of all women, and they had nearly tried something rather despicable one night. When Juno went off to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, they had ended up following him and surrounding him. They spoke far enough away and kept to the shadows to avoid being detected, but Juno's sight was better then even a normal Cat Beastkin's, and his ears were quite more accute then normal as well. Apparently, they planned to ambush him, restrain him, and then "give him a wonderful, free education of woman intimacy". Apparently they believed that he wouldn't put up much of a fight, and they were confident that no one would believe some random beastkin kid over grown human women like themselves. Juno was already away from the others however, and his pants and underwear were already around his ankles when he heard this, as he was in the middle of doing his business. He hadn't taken his weapons with him, so things were looking grim for him.

But that was when Reiji and Kaira came over. The women sneaked away, so instead it was these two who came and saw him in this position. Embarrassing, but hardly the first time. When they were in the woods for a school trip and no toilet was nearby, they had asked Reiji to be their wall before. Admittedly he volunteered the first time and said it was okay to ask him in the future as well, which helped a lot.

Kaira was relieved when he saw Juno, but then gave him a rather stern scolding.

"Juno, listen. You shouldn't go off on your own like this okay? Its incredibly dangerous! If you forget again, I will give you a spanking so you remember!"

Apparently, that was commonly done to get a child to really remember and reflect when he did something wrong in this world. Although that was the only physical punishment that was considered acceptable for children. Anywhere else then a bare butt, and the guards very likely would arrest someone. So it made Juno and Reiji's opinions of this world increase, as they remembered a certain shitty father.

Unfortunately for Juno, he did get that punishment anyways because he questioned why. Kaira was not afraid to back up his words it seemed, so over the knee Juno went. After he was thoroughly made to reflect, and was allowed to finish his business, Kaira explained why he had to do it.

"Being out in the forest is dangerous".

"Because of monsters? Even though we are so close to the city?"

Kaira glared at him, and Juno quickly covered his rump.

"Not just that, but closer to the city has its own dangers. Such as criminal groups, especially kidnappers. Thanks to the actions of a certain foolish hero, while the groups targeting girls and women were dismantled and have only started growing back, those that target men, and especially boys, were able to flourish. Now, its not like they are getting kidnapped off the street or out in the woods every day I admit. But, especially someone like you, a Cat Beastkin who looks so young and cute, would be a prime target".

In addition, they learned a number of monsters were nocturnal and got more active at night.

Juno had actually nearly had been assaulted just moments ago too, so he was forced to consider it seriously and understand that he had worried them needlessly about his safety by doing something so stupid. Apparently, not knowing such a thing was considered a very airheaded and foolish thing, which was why Kaira had punished him. It was a question that normally a five year old might ask, not a question for a fifteen year old, so it also sounded like backtalk. As for Reiji, he had also been concerned about his friend not being able to sleep, so he had already been up and looking for him as well.

In any case, they soon made it to the city as the morning sun began to drift overhead. The adventurers were able to get in without a toll, and the merchants paid for themselves and their passangers. Juno and Reiji still had a good deal of money from the psycho Juno got these clothes from, and from the ruined caravan Reiji got his clothes from, but they needed to save as much as possible since they were unfamiliar with the area and didn't know what they needed. Naturally, joining the adventurer's guild seemed like their best option, given their combat abilities. Combat abilities that came from their desire to fight Kuroki's dad and beat him up and such, not to mention the bullies they have had to deal with.

Once they were inside the city, Kaira recommended an inn for them. It wasn't luxurious or anything, but while it didn't have a bath itself, it was close to a bathhouse and close to the adventurer's guild. It got a bit rowdy, but the food was decent. Nothing special, but decent. Of course, the bathhouse would cost them a few coppers, but the inn itself would be fairly cheap as a result provided they shared a room. Even more if they shared a single bed room.

Juno and Reiji had decided to do that. While they might have liked having their own beds, they couldn't be stingy, and they had along with Kuroki and Akano all scooted close together when they had gone camping or on field trips, or even when they had sleepovers sometimes.

Admittedly, it was also because neither of them wanted to be alone right now. Especially Juno, who was still coming to terms with what happened the night before.

"You okay Juno?"

Juno nodded. "Yeah. Just...I guess I am not used to how dangerous this world is yet".

"Huh. You just seemed a lot more compliant then before, but I guess that would explain it. Struggling to adapt the best we can after going through something so odd and strange".

Reiji accepted the logic, but something was nagging him. Although not forced to endure such things to strengthen it like Kuroki, Juno could be rather defiant. It wasn't just about the time he brought that box of stray kittens to school, after being scolded for a previous time he did it. He stood up to the peer pressure that was placed on him so long ago, when many classmates were picking on Kuroki. When Reiji's desk had "Giant" scrawled on it, it had mysteriously been moved elsewhere with a new desk in its place. The bullies ended up commenting on it before realizing what happened, and it seemed Juno looped the teacher in for that class, so they got in major trouble. Even when he got grabbed by those bullies who were furious with him, and did some things like taking his clothes and covering him in beetles to make him talk, he ended up never saying a thing. Incidentally, that got a few of them suspended from school.

Juno had been normal height in their previous world, so often bullies tried to pressure him into mocking Kuroki, Akano, and Reiji. Especially Kuroki and Reiji, since both were abnormalities in their own way. Reiji was taller then some year 3 high schoolers who were about to graduate, while Kuroki looked so out of place in a middle school on his first day a few teachers tried to take him to the elementary school thinking he had made a mistake. Juno lived in the same Neighborhood was Reiji, and Kuroki lived only a few blocks away from him. Akano was the furthest away, but in the end it would take only about ten to fifteen minutes for any of them to walk to his house. Less if they rode their bikes or ran.

But because of this, the bullies saw him as an easy mark to get information from about them. Someone who was probably weak like them, but since he was "normal", it made him someone they though would sympathise with them and make him pliable. They were wrong about that.

Reiji had difficulty believing the normally strong willed Juno would just accept a punishment like that.

"Juno, Kaira is rather nice you know. Unlike those women you told us about. Don't just secretly plot revenge like that, okay?"

"Eh? I am not though?"

"You do remember I know all about your defiant nature in our previous world right?"

"Well yeah, but those guys were wrong. Kaira...he was right. He was worried about me, and he was right".

"...have you grown from this whole situation?"


The two laughed off that reaction a bit, but then Juno bit his lip. He did that when he got frustrated with something he didn't know how to handle.

" was weird of me, wasn't it?"

"It was. Honestly, the fact you even let anyone else bathe you was also surprising, but I was also in shock at the same so I cant say too much on that".

"Yeah...hmm. I dont think it might be a bad thing, considering our situation, seems like we are being a bit more compliant then normal".

Reiji froze for a bit at that word.

"Wait hold on. Juno, was that the first word that came to your head?"

"Hm? Yeah, it was".

" was for mine as well".

The two stood there for a moment, letting that sink in.

"...the mental fortitude, could there be a compliance effect?"

"It must be a low level one. We realized it fast, and I dont think we have done something we would have never done at all".

"It probably has helped us adapt to this world, so I want to say its beneificial...but I kind of doubt that".

Juno took Reiji's reasoning to the next level. "Whoever caused this, whoever brought us to this world. They wanted us to be malleable. Compliant. Moldable. At least a bit, unless its just weakening".

"But if that was the case, why were we scattered across this region?"

Juno had to admit Reiji brought up a good point.

"Okay, lets theorize wildly then. At least lets think of three options".

"Option one, the spell messed up, and instead of bringing us to one place, it scattered us around".

Juno nodded with Reiji's idea, and then brought up his own.

"Option two, the spell succeeded, but then someone else interfered and scattered us instead".

Reiji had to admit, Juno brought up a good point. If someone was going through all the trouble of summoning tens of thousands of people, they probably were trying to reinforce their position. Which means that their opposition acted against them and scattered us. Assuming this was artificially done".

"I think it has to be. If this was a natural thing that happened, I think more cities or towns would have had their people disappear".

"Fair enough. Okay, then do you have an idea for an option three?"

"Yeah. Everyone was brought to this world was just a side effect, of them trying to bring a few people specifically".

Hearing that, Reiji frowned.

"The Hero Summoning..."

"We can't rule it out. We can't even say any of these options are the correct one. There might be something we missed or don't know, and we might be wrong about it not being natural, as unlikely as that is. But at least, it would explain the Compliance. As useful as it is to help us adapt to this world and challenge our comfort zones, I doubt that is its main purpose".

Reiji nodded, agreeing. It appears the "muscle bound idiot gorilla" trope did not apply to him, as both he and Juno had shown themselves to be quite good at discussing and trying to figure things out.

Still, they had a long way to go, as the sun reached further into the sky.

Kuroki nestled into the warmth, hugging his pillow close as he began to stir. Light was pouring in from the nearby window, and he had been carefully placed under some sheets. Even as he was coming to awareness, his consciousness was foggy. The byproduct of having spent several nights sleeping outside, only to now finally have a nice and warm bed. He was probably too used to the outside as well.

Furthermore, the fact that he was finally safe in a city, and was able to relax and unwind in a hot and proper bath, had caused him to relax and ease his tension. This had allowed him to be lulled into a long and blissful sleep, recovering from the fatigue which may have possibly contributed to some of his delayed reactions of the past few days. He would like to say it was the first time, wasn't.

It wasn't even the first time doing so naked. Courtesy of his shitty father.

One time, Kuroki had tried to be openly defiant and even tell on him. Unfortunately many of the officers were his friends, and apparently he had mentioned about how Kuroki frequently seemed to act out and tell tall tales ever since his mother left him. In the end, not only did nothing happen, but Kuroki was stripped, a dog collar locked around his neck, and then chained to an old dog house outside in their rather isolated yard, and was treated like a dog for a few days for trying to embarrass his father.

That was yet another trigger for the increased relationship deterioration in the past year or two.

It was humiliating and awful, and if it wasn't for his friends, he wasn't sure what might have happened with his mind.

But now he was very, very far away from that person. He felt safer and better than he had in a long time.

He even had this wonderful pillow that...

Wait hold on...

As awareness was coming back to him and he finally opened his eyes, he saw that the pillow his limbs were wrapped around in comfort...was Kaede.

Also, Kaede appeared to be awake herself now, although rather groggily.

"...good morning Kuroki" she said.

"...good morning, Kaede" he replied.

In truth, she was wrapped around him in a similar manner. They remembered that, as the bath had melted away their tension and reserves, it also finally had them open up about their emotions. They talked about so many things last night, but then eventually got emotional again and then held each other tight as they cried. Apparently they had cried themselves to sleep in the bath, so Ellie must have come in at some point, removed them from the baths, and then dried them. Then they were placed into the same bed together, as light was pouring into the room.

Both of them had roughly processed the details up to this point, and both of them got rather embarrassed. That said, neither felt absolutely abhorred or against being seen naked by the other at this point. Part of this was the mental fortitude all Starfallen recieved when they came to this world, as well as the natural enhancement to adapt to its culture. However, they were also two people who experienced something mind boggling and scary. They endured together, and then they cried their hearts out together. As a result, psychologically they had sought a strong bond of friendship with each other as a coping mechanism. This had caused an admittedly rapid forming friendship to happen, so they held a certain closeness. That said...

"...this light is rather high for morning".

"Thats because you both slept till noon" Ellie said, pulling the sheet off as she stood there. She exuded an aura of sternness and authority, which caused the two to untangle from each other and jump to their feet, backs straight. Kaede had essentially no development up top, but Kuroki tried to cover himself, only to be whacked with her cane and made to keep his arms at his side.

"You have nothing to hide or be ashamed from as little kids, so you should have more confidence in yourselves and your bodies. And no playing with yourself, so hands at your side! In any case, you both slept till noon. Your clothes should both be ready by end of business day, but as punishment for this situation, Kaede's punishment will be extended an extra half day, and Kuroki, you will help her for the remainder of the day. Unless you want to walk all the way to Amyris' place with your bare butt. Now, get into the kitchen! You have not eaten yet today, and I must make sure you have adequate cooking skills. I would like to know in advance if either of you are the second coming of that loathsome individual!"

"Which individual?" Kaede asked, not sure on who was being talked about. Kuroki however, had a good idea.

"Perhaps Kuroki there has already heard of her. Anna. She too stayed with me, although I will say she was far different then both of you. Except in size of course, she was a perfect fit for you both. Now that I think about it, some of the clothes I made for her probably would fit you quite well..."

"Wait, you mean you have clothes our size waiting for us?" Kuroki said, building up hope.

"Yes. Dresses and panties".

"Nah nevermind, I am good" Kuroki said. He felt like he might have unnecessary proved something for his father if he accepted that. He was a boy, and he liked magic. Magic was for boys too. He knew wearing a dress wouldn't automatically make him a girl, pretty much covering himself in that cloak the last few days was basically wearing a dress. But his grudge against his father was influencing him for a part of it. And for better or worse, if it was at least inside and with someone who sort of felt like a mom to him, and Kaede who he already formed a strong bond with, he might be okay as is right now. Its not like his face wasn't red and he was full of embarrassment right now, but Kaede was already far from a stranger, and Ellie was sort of like a mom.

Perhaps his lack of a maternal figure was screwing with his perception a bit, but that was a debate for another time.

Kaede of course, was being punished, so the offer wasn't for her at all. In truth Ellie knew Kuroki wouldn't accept it anyways for Kaede's sake, so she wasn't the only one at the front desk like that. They bond was just too freshly forged and strong for that sort of thing.

Kaede meanwhile seemed puzzled. "Why do you still have them then?"

"Because that brat was far more happy running around bare ass naked then wearing girly clothes. In fact, her orders were always very practical or clearly centered on looking cool or awesome or epic rather then pretty. Even her underwear, she always wanted boxers. She claimed it was easier to move around and be sporty in, and a few times when I tried to force the issue, she didn't even get dressed again, but just picked up her clothes into a bundle in her arms and ran back home like that. Really now, that girl..."

Anna had no sense of shame...

Kuroki remembered Amyris' words. However, Ellie wasn't done.

"Not only that, but from what I saw and heard, she was not proficient, or just not willing, to do housework, although I think it might have been both. Apparently her room was a mess, with its more organized state being piles of clean laundry on the floor, and piles of dirty laundry. Her underwear just scattered about, with no one but her being able to tell what she had or hadn't worn yet that week. Furthermore, she often only did her laundry when she was completely out of clothes, which was especially problematic for Amyris when the clothesline blew away and Anna chased after it. When she dusted or swept, she somehow got more dust everywhere. She was at least able to bathe herself and clean her sword just fine, but often Amyris needed to help her with the finishing touches".

It sounded like Anna was an absolute nightmare when it came to chores.

"But the worst part of all was her cooking".

"Her cooking?"

"She could make two things and that was it. Eggs and meat. Anything else, always turned out horribly. She could roast meat and make scrambled eggs, but that was it. She quite literally once gave Amyris a double dose of problems when she tried to do something nice and new when he brought home the captain of the guard, some guards, and a knight for a celebration".

"...I am almost afraid to ask..." Kaede mumbled.

"First of all, she was a very free spirited and rather...unrestrained person. Even when she was here, not only did she tend the front counter completely naked for a week after causing me so much trouble, she wasn't even embarrassed by it. She was like that at Amyris' home too. When they all arrived, she was in the kitchen, bare as can be, cooking for them all. This caused Amyris to field many questions and a lot of teasing. However, to get back at them, Anna went and sat down with them at the table after serving them, mentioning that if bad rumors spread about her Master, it would about them as well. Course, that ended up happening anyways since she had to call for a healer and apply emergency treatment after giving them all food poisoning".

Kuroki felt there was a lot to unpack there, but there was one detail in specific that caught his eye.

"Food poisoning shouldn't happen that quickly".

"No, it shouldn't" Ellie confirmed.

"...I see".

Kuroki was actually rather happy now, because he could in fact actually cook and do chores. He felt a sense of victory over Anna.

"Anyways, so now you know. Its part of why Amyr is so sensitive about his reputation, although I think he also says that as a sort of pet phrase to joke around with. Anna resulted in a lot of bad rumors about him, like he was into kids or such. Ha! That would require him being able to be into anyone. It was all crock. Such comments are so stupid anyways. The entire reason so many kids your age run around and play in the nude is because there is nothing sexual about you lot, you are all just too innocent anyways".

With that, she then looked at the window.

"Ah, you both, I told you to get into the kitchen! I will have to teach you to waste time like this! I still need to punish you for yesterday after all!"

"Wait what?!"

"You were the one that rambled though!"

Kuroki and Kaede both held objections, but she brought each one over her knee anyways. Kuroki was first, and once he was over her knee she began to spank him relentlessly. He cried out for mercy and pain, squirming.


Each strike burned and hurt, although he thought he felt mana within each strike as well. It was painful and tough, and his arms seemed to be pinned at his sides for some reason as this happened, causing him to squirm more. Still, this was hardly the first time, but hopefully in this new world, it would be the last.

Once it was over, his butt was bright red. Kaede was made to endure next, until she had an equally red butt.

"Now, remember this. Do not fall asleep in a bath! Say it with me!"



Wait, was that the reason for all this?!

Ellie then proceeded to give them another minute of spanking each.

"Now, say it with me. Do not fall asleep in a bath!"

"Do not fall asleep in a bath!"

"Why do you not fall asleep in a bath?"

"Because we might drown!"

"If you get sleeping in a bath, what do you do?"

"Get out of the bath!"


"And call Ellie!"

"Very good. Glad to see you two learned".

Kuroki and Kaede meanwhile were conflicted. Both had a strong stinging rear, but now they understood the true motivation. Their tardiness to the kitchen made her remember, but that wasn't the cause for this, nor their back talk. Although it might have contributed.

They very likely could have died last night. This fact hit them hard. And it wasn't even from monsters, it was from drowning cause they fell asleep in the bath.

The only reason they hadn't drowned had likely been their posture. That or Ellie had been monitoring them the whole time and saw when they fell asleep and saved them. Which was why she was very angry with them. They had done something unbelievably stupid and dangerous.

Still, the two of them didn't just stand around and reflect. On the off chance they were wrong, or at least not totally right, they didn't want another round and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast...or perhaps lunch was the better word. Either way, they both learned not to take stupid risks.

But with all their distractions, neither of them noticed Ellie take out a locket and look at the photo with a mix of love, and sorrow.

Ellie had ended up rating their lunch as "Passable", which apparently meant it was severely better then Anna's attempts. Kaede only had some experience in the kitchen, while Kuroki had some but was no professional chef, so that was probably all they could ask for. Apparently, Anna would always either over season or under season the meat, even with salt.

The two were now standing behind the front counter, leaning on it as neither wanted to risk a chair right now. It still stung after all.

"I gotta say, I am surprised we can stand here behind this counter without our feet getting worn out",

"Ah, she mentioned this to me yesterday. Apparently, the floor is enchanted to reduce any strain on feet, even if they are in magically protected shoes".

"So you can stand for a lot without getting worn out? That makes sense".

"Still, it would be nice to sit...I need to stop acting like such a brat" Kaede mumbled.

"Probably the same for me as well" Kuroki let out a sigh. "To think I let myself fall asleep in the bath. What a little kid move".

Both of them bemoaned their own actions. Had the old Kuroki seen the current one, he probably would have mentioned something like "don't blame yourself, thats unhealthy, what has gotten into you?!".

Ellie gazed at their backs for a bit. Both had perfectly clean and healthy backs, and normally there would be no reason for Ellie to stare unless she was checking out their health. Which was exactly that.

Kaede had noticed this as well, but while not visible to an untrained eye, there were clear signs of abuse on Kuroki's back. It appears solid and unharmed at first glance, no scars or signs of injury. A very beautiful back for a beautiful boy. However, the truth was that they could see the minor hints and traces of it. And yet, while they both already knew this, Ellie was able to take her observations to a level beyond Kaede's.

The spine was purposefully avoided in all of these beatings. Should I praise them for not causing serious harm to such a vital part of the body, or hate them for clearly still having control over their actions when they did this? Perhaps both. No matter, I will have to treat them properly.

"I am going to be making the finishing touches and get your clothes finished now. The two of you, handle any customer that comes in. It shouldn't be long now".


"Yes yes!"

Both of them were casually standing next to each other naked at this point, but that didn't mean they wanted to just stay like this the whole time. Still, perhaps a testament to their mental strengthening, or perhaps their own personalities. But they both seemed rather compliant.

With how they blamed themselves there, almost too complaint. Which is strange, because given what I heard from Amyris, Kuroki is defiant enough to overcome his father's threats and pressence. Kaede is younger, so perhaps that made her more flexible, but would kids really blame themselves so easily when they get spanked? Or maybe...could the psychological damage of their pasts be more then either of us realized?

Either way, she doubted she would learn much more from keeping them naked. At this point, she figured they needed them out and about and interacting with people, under observation of course. It would also help them adapt to the culture of this world, and get them active and focused on some activities.

The enchantment magic she had placed on them earlier was also running its course, analyzing their souls for the details of their modifications. She had maintain contact for quite awhile, and even needed to boost it a bit.

When Ellie did something, there was often quite a few reasons for it. She was the type of person who liked to multi-task after all.

Incidentally, as Amyris had told him, they had not had a single customer walk in today. In fact, the two had gotten so bored at one point, they actually played a game for a bit where they opened the door slightly and saw who was more willing to get further away from the door and into the open. Naturally, there was always the potential risk of some passerby seeing them, but that risk was the thrill. This of course happened after about five hours of just standing there ready for someone to come in. And naturally, what was outside of the door was not a busy street but actually an alley that was off a side street, which made it possible.

Well, in the end they were still children, and they didn't always make the best judgements. Especially when bored. They forgot about the eccentricities of the door, and had to bang on it a bit in a panic before Ellie was able to let them back in, making sure to scold them in the process for "acting too much like Anna".

However, it couldn't be helped. Especially since it was a punishment, so she had taken away all the books they might read and Kuroki was forbidden to practice magic.

Still, right when the sun was starting to set, and their clothes was just about ready, did something happen. The door slammed open, and a man wearing armor that appeared golden entered. Kuroki saw two knights standing outside, guarding the entrance, while a man who was more lean and waring robes entered with the golden armored man.

He looked at the two kids and smirked, sending chills down their spine.

"Where is Elizabeth. I need to speak with her at once!"

"She is busy in the back right now" Kuroki replied while Kaede flinched.

"Let me guess, with your orders? What a cute bunch of kids".

Once again, their spines felt as if a cool breeze washed over it. Something about this guy gave him the creeps. It was the first time he had felt this way in this world. It felt similar to how his father looked at him sometimes, when he wasn't full of rage. Like Kuroki was some possession of his to do with as he pleased.

This gaze felt like that.

"Do you have an appointment? Who referred you?" Kaede asked, having recovered thanks to Kuroki taking the heat for her. She opened her books.

"My name is Count Valiance. I am the one who manages the knights of this region, and do not need referrals".

The robed man glared at them.

"You should both prostrate yourselves, commoners!"

With his voice, a magical energy was released. It felt like they had to comply, as something forced them to their hands and knees.

"Oooh, Ellie might be my bride, but you two will make good playthings for me as well. Samson, tie them up and take them with us".

Samson, the robed man, nodded as rope flew out of his sleeves and circled around them, binding their arms and torsos together, as well as their wrists and ankles. In a moment, both had been captured. Furthermore, the rope even attached to the ceiling and extended into the air, pulling their limbs in all four directions while suspended into the air.

"Finally, I can relieve some stress after all this bullshit I have had to endure".

"By bullshit, do you mean how you were punished for your crimes in a rather lighthearted manner, and have yet to learn your place?"

A woman's frosty voice echoed that, as suddenly the robes were slashed to pieces. No one saw what did it at first, but then a large piece of cloth wrapped around the mage, binding him and disabiling his ability to speak. The mana in it overwhelmed his own, leaving him unable to cast spells.

The man in the golden armor meanwhile cut through the air, and two pieces of cloth fell to the ground. However, another got him from behind and wrapped around him, before throwing him out of the shop. Samson was soon deposited with him.

“I keep telling you, I am not interested”.

”Do you really think you can deny a noble? You should be grateful. Besides, I am sure there are ways to convince you” he said, eyeing the children.

She just shook her head. “I wouldn’t if I were you Especially since Amyris has taken a liking to them”.

”And nobility like you should be ashamed of your actions” another, youthful voice said. Ellie, Kuroki, and Kaede all looked out the door and around the corner, and saw a blonde haired boy there. At first glance he appeared like an average commoner, but then out of nowhere a sword that looked like it could be larger than himself was drawn out of the air and was in his hands. In an instant, the knights guarding the noble who had drawn their blades backed off, scared.

“You may manage the Regional garrisons, Valliance, but you do not manage the knights of the Kingdom. And certainly not the Royal Knights, noble”.

The boy smiled coyly as he readied his sword. Kuroki could tell he was no mere rookie. His sword was readied in a way that almost resembled Kuroki’s father, but it felt both warmer and even more refined.

“Riza Luminar. What the hell do you want, old man?”

Kuroki wondered about that comment, but the blonde haired boy just smiled.

“Well, I need to get my new apprentice some formal wear of his own, as well as just some good every day clothes, so I came to see my old friend and see if she had anything in stock. Also, I much prefer forever thirteen then old man”.

”People who are forever thirteen don’t have kids, let alone grandkids” Ellie retorted humorously. “You could bring those grandkids to visit you know?”

”Haha, no thanks. You are insanely kind but an incredibly strict worry wart. The only ones allowed to punish my grandkids are me and my kids, got it?”

”Oh come on, you had it coming. What if that bush had been poisonous?”

Riza scowled at her, before looking at the other two.

”Abd what about them? Left out something they might trip on?”

”Fell asleep in the bath tub, together, along with back talk, and being way too uptight when their lives were at risk and needing to be more open and adaptable”.

”…I see. I’m not sure about the rest, but I suppose I can’t argue with those first two. They could have drowned after all. But all that resistance…are they…”

Ellie nodded, and then Riza let out a sigh.

“Alright you lot, are you going to back off, or do we have a problem?”

Valliance growled as Riza returned his attention to him.

”You have no right to interfere with the affairs of nobles, Commoner”.

”Ex-Commoner. Funny how you always forget that. You wife is probably rolling in her grave at this display…or did you not even give her that?”

”How dare you accuse me?!”

It was clear this was not friendly banter, but barbed words of two people who hated each other. Valliance seemed to be on the losing side, especially given mud from the alley had soiled his lovely golden armor.

Riza meanwhile never lost control of the situation once.

“So I guess, if you don’t plan to run away, I will have to intervene since you are disgracing nobility with your antics. As a fellow count his majesty personally praised and annointed for my years and decades of service, I guess it’s up to me?”

Valliance seemed to seethe at that last comment. Riza, like Kuroki, was older than he appeared. Kuroki hoped that he would at least grow more than Riza did, although he suspected that it might not be totally natural. Or rather, if he is a grandpa, no way that form is legitimately natural. Not even Kuroki would be like that. At least he hoped not, since Riza was only 147cm roughly.

Realizing he was disadvantaged, it seemed Valiance decided to turn away at this moment. Or rather, it was a retreat. A full retreat that he just phrased that way to save his dignity.

”Now then, with the interruption done, and with your work day done, how about we get you both dressed in your new clothes”.

Hearing that, the two became elated and raced back in. Riza smiled a bit and came in with them, as Ellie, despite seemingly not having moved at all, was standing there in the dressing room when the two arrived.

”And now for the customary dressing of the new outfit. Kaede came first, so she goes first for her first outfit”.

Kaede was beckoned to stand on a box in the middle of the room, where she got confused. “Wait, aren’t I going to do this myself?”

”Nope” Rosa answered. “That proves you are a Starfallen though who is not used to our culture. Any new outfit, you get dressed by the tailors”.

Kaede just went “Oh”. She got a bit red, but not by much. Just a sign that after the last few days, and especially the last twenty four hours, she wasn’t phased as much by this anymore. She was just compliantly adapting to the world at this point, as was Kuroki. She didn’t even mind that some new unfamiliar person was here. Granted that boy slash supposed grandpa was sitting in a chair innocently swinging his legs, and had just defended them from a major creep.

Kaede was soon dressed in pink underwear with a bunny face design on the back, followed by a pair of brown shorts with purple flower designs on them. There was a skirt to go with it, although it was shorter than the shorts. It was light purple. Meanwhile, she had a darker purple shirt, as well as black sneakerboots with pink butterflies designed on the sides, and pink socks. It very much suited Kaede as a whole, and looked way more modern then Kuroki expected. That said, it certainly couldn’t be called a one to one modern.

What was waiting for him was a red short sleeve shirt with sleeves that just reached a bit beyond his elbows, and black shorts that went three fourths of the way to his knee from his waist. ANd upon his feet were sort of black half-boots. They appeared to be almost like sneakers at first glance, except far more simple without all the various designs of actual snakers of course, but also the rim was a bit higher, more like a boot's. It could be said to be a sneakerboot, one could say. Or maybe it was just a shoeboot, and Kuroki was too used to sneakers.

But the most notable thing of all was a blue cloak, identical to the one his master gave him. Around the top of the cloak that kept it secured around him was a sort of emblem that acted as a fasten, an oval shaped one that had rays of magic eminating from the center, where a lightning bolt was. Going across it was a wand as well. It was a beautiful blue cloak, although it appeared slightly resized. It now went down to just past his knees in terms of length, and its sleeves were shorter.

"Woah, is that?"

"Yes, its the same one. He had his own favorites anyways and a spare of that one, but he asked me to modify it and attune it to your magical energy".

"Wait, attune? When did you do that?"

"When I was punishing you for nearly drowning in the bath".


"He said I should surprise you after all".

Ellie was clearly a master at multi-tasking. However, she had a mischevous smile on her face.

"That said, your master went to prepare something big for you. Honestly, you might love it even more then those clothes. I am working on a few more things that I will have delivered to you later as well, such as your formal mage's robes. Thankfully you dont need those things to register with the Mage's Guild".

Kuroki was very happy to hear that. He had gotten weirdly used to no pants, but as expected, he wasn't like Anna. This was preferable.

"Ah, I recognize that look. Yeah, Anna wasn't a member of the Mage's Guild".

"Wait, she wasn't?"

"To be exact, she technically was. She got kicked out for awhile after a dispute with the corrupt leader at the time, but then he got taken down later when it was revealed he sold out the city to evil mages who wanted to sacrifice all people in the city for a ritual. THen she got let back in, but she barely ever went there, if she did at its hard to say what her status was with them".


"Well, she also picked a fight with a number of the other members too".


"She got bored, wanted to see their skills, then crushed them a bit too much, so she kinda got a bad rep there".


Ellie sighed.

"If I find out, I will let you know".

In any case, as the day was closing out, Amyris finally arrived. Kaede gave Kuroki a hug goodbye, and the two promised to live healthily and properly as they search for what they need. And now, it was time for Kuroki to acquire a Magician's Arcanium.

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