Astraea: The Journey of Magic

Chapter 23: The Looming Conflict

Despite Ozlo's initial worries, no attacks came from the sewers for the rest of that day. Perhaps it was because E and D Ranks swarmed the Sewers and forests, however Ozlo had some doubts about that. If anything, he was becoming even more anxious. After all, they had taken unexpected damage twice that day, through a twist that Ozlo had to admit was incredibly clever by their enemies.

"Trolls? The closest ones are in the Burbank mountains to the north, and the Corrupted Forest to the southeast. But you found one in one of the larger chambers of the sewers?"

"Yes, that is correct" the adventurer replied, as Ozlo was resting in his office. He was wearing just a longshirt, his work clothes folded on the nightstand next to him. There was bedding on the floor of the room, which was where he had been laying. Normally he wouldn't wear a nightshirt when it was this warm, but he needed to be decent enough to handle any emergency work that came in. Ozlo was still sitting up in his bedding, but when he went to stand up, the adventurer, a B-Rank by the name of Kylia, had him stop. He was a twenty eight year old human male who appeared a mix of charming and rough, and had a sword sheathed at his waist and a shield slung across his back. Both looked incredibly well made, and Ozlo could sense a faint trace of magic from them.

He was an incredibly talented person, but then again anyone who made it to B-Rank was. He acted as something of an aide to Ozlo at times, along with a few other veterans.

"I really should get up and show some respect..." Ozlo muttered, but Kylia stopped him.

"No. If anything, you can take off that shirt if you want. You are still a child yourself you know?"

"Haha, yeah I know its not cold enough, but I never know when someone might come. Especially a noble, that would invite a huge amount of issues. And even moreso if its Valiance. I would rather not deal with those eyes gazing on my body".

"If a noble tries to barge in, we can easily stall him long enough for you to get dressed, so why not sleep a bit more comfortably? As for Valiance, the Guildmaster will descend himself if that asshole steps foot. He is still pissed that they tried to make the adventurers work for free, or make the guild pay for it ourselves. But you need as best sleep as you can. You are already running on fumes aren't you? When was the last time you slept properly? You worked an all nighter last night dealing with Valiance's harassment, plus the night before. You had to attend several meetings with nobles and deal with their unreasonable demands, and you also need to meticulously plan things out every night based on the reports you get during the day. And now tomorrow, you will essentially be the general for the united adventurer forces right?"

"Yeah. Managing to wrestle that away from Valiance was tough work, but I cant trust him with the city defense. Especially when he would probably use it to try and go after those kids again even if it meant risking damage to the defense efforts".

"So please. Do what you can to rest properly".

"...I will consider it. But before I do, I do need to draft a change. So I do need to get up".

Ozlo shifted the covers off of him and made it to the desk. There were various maps and papers everywhere, and he had to look at them all. He even had various copies of these maps, which he was able to write on even, a sign of the resources he had available to him. Scribes created new maps for him every day, so he could plan things out better and see his chain of thought.

There were also papers detailing their strategy and work. The room was warded beyond measure, so it was safe to have such documents in here. Still...

"In the end, I think my theory will be right...I just hope it's enough".

"Theory, sir?"

"Just some thoughts I had on the situation. Still, it means dealing with an unknown variable...but maybe that is for the best".

Ozlo had some thoughts, but he didn't seem to wish to elaborate, so Kylia didn't press the details.

"Too bad the shitty guildmaster couldn't be more competent with paperwork. Well, he is, he just doesn't want to deal with it, so he dumps it on me".

This city was pretty far from the capital and bordered various monster territory along with several other cities, so it was essentially considered the frontier. And of them, they were one of the deeper ones. This was always said to be the reason why so many eccentrics gathered here, although Ozlo knew from his time in the Royal Academy that there were eccentrics everywhere. He could deal with most of them, but when women thirty years older than him started declaring their love for him and proposing, he got creeped out a lot. He had only been ten after all, so it was really disturbing.

Ozlo then looked towards a crystal ball on his desk.

"Well, you have anything to say?"

"Ah, you realized I connected?" a voice from the crystal said. It sounded to be a young boy's, perhaps the same age as Ozlo or younger, perhaps twelve or thirteen.

"Yeah. So, you have any insights into what is going on?"

"Well, about that first probably won't encounter too many trolls during the actual fighting. if Goblins did somehow get them, even as a gift from another power, they wouldn't be able to manage more then a few, and most not on the same battlefield as their own troops. The Goblin leader seems decently competent, so I doubt he will want to risk destroying his own forces. Still, the number of cursed weapons you found concerns me".

"Same. No way Goblins just happened to find all these in the ruins first. Someone must be supplying them".

"So it's that Devil then, Ozlo?"

"Almost certainly. I don't suppose you will be able to make it to the city in time?"

"Unfortunately not. Even if I rushed back, it would probably take me a week at minimum, provided I encountered no interruptions. Besides, although it seems like there are no more of those people who have not made it to a city or town yet in this region, I did still find a single person yesterday. No match to the list of names you had, but they did say they knew one of them...apparently, they were in a book club with that Akano's mother".

"I see. So there is still a chance then?"

"A slim chance. But at the very least, the Demons and Devils of this region won't be a problem. I was able to eliminate their hit teams around the city of Zalris. So their operations should be hobbled in this region".

"Sir?" Kylia asked.

Ozlo shot him back a look. "Don't ask. And do not mention a single thing you heard about this outside this room, no matter what. You never know who might be listening, okay?"


Meanwhile, the voice with the orb spoke up again.

"Ozlo, be careful. The Devil that you will face is no ordinary devil. She is top ranking at least. And...beware, House Caliace seems to be aware of those people and have made their moves. And those guys could even make Valiance look like a saint, depending on the day. Lady Farzek is not to be taken lightly, understood? She may follow her desires, but unlike Valiance, she can be far more sneaky and wields the power and influence of a ducal house".

"Understood. I doubt we will encounter them any time soon, but I will add it to my overloaded work schedule. Also, its far sneakier".

"Whatever. In any case, I look forward to meeting these newbies! Make sure they don't die before I meet them, okay Ozlo?"

"Make sure you don't die yourself from one of your experiments".

"Haha. I will do my best!"

The connection was then cut off. Kylia looked at Ozlo.

"Who was..."

"Best not".

"Understood, sir. In any case, if you are done working on that paperwork, go to bed".

During that whole conversation, Ozlo had made the necessary adjustments on the maps and papers.

"I should probably do a bit more" Ozlo said, reaching for a pen. Kylia grabbed his wrist.


"...fair enough. I will need my sanity to listen to Valiance's whining. If anyone shows up, send them to the Vice Guildmaster".

"Go to bed".

" mom set you up to do this, didn't she?"

"No sir".

"Ah, so my dad then".

"Yes sir".

"Fine. Good luck, Kylia".

"I think you need it more then me, sir".

Ozlo nodded, as he got back into bed. Kylia snuffed out the lamps as he left, letting Ozlo go to bed properly and rest for the next day.

At the same time, within the darkness of the forest in an old ruin, a large gathering of Goblins had gathered. Though most of them knew nothing of human tongues, they spoke goblin perfectly, so that was what they communicated in.

There were all sorts of goblins then. Normal goblins with just loincloths or nothing, wearing clubs. Goblin Soldiers, wearing bits of scavenged armor. Goblin archers and mages, wielding crude bows and staffs respectively. And even Hobgoblins, who had some armor and padding as well. While the smaller goblins were just small, green, humanoidish beings, although given the way they stood and moved, it was clear their bone structure had quite a few differences. Also noticably they had a small tail like protrusion coming out of the back of their rears, although it was basically just a pointed stub.

Hobgoblins meanwhile were larger. While Goblins would just barely reach a meter tall, Hobgoblins were taller by a lot. They could be anywhere between 150-200cm tall, and were a bit more humanlike in their posture, unlike normal goblins which appeared to be hunched over naturally. They did still look partially hunched over though, but it seemed more like habit then bone structure limitation. Their green skin was also a bit darker, and their eyes were a bit more bright. They were generally better clothed, better armored, and better equipped.

While there were thousands of Goblins outside the room and the tower itself, inside it was just a few dozen. One sat in a throne, having taken a position above all other Goblins. It appeared to be a Hob of sorts, but perhaps even higher and more advanced. It was dressed in a more flashy manner, with rings and pendents, and wore what appeared to be a crudely made crown.

And there was also another that was in this room. Except unlike the rest of them, she was not a goblin. Instead, she had red skin and red horns from her head, and her eyes were similar to those of a snake in appearance. She wore a cloak covering most of her features, and she did not at all look out of place in terms of behavior or body language. Instead, she stood next to the Goblin Lord.

"So the attack will proceed as expected then, despite this hiccup?" she asked curiously.

"Yes. That brat with the dragons is in the way however. Can you deal with him already?"

"Hmmm. Yes he is rather annoying. Typically defenses don't mean much against my magic, but he seemed totally unaffected. I can only assume he is using some sort of advanced defense. Perhaps it interfered with my very perception, and had me target empty air instead. Or perhaps his entire body was one big illusion. Maybe that wasn't even his real body. No matter, if I touch him physically, that will be the end of it. But he always has people around him. Which is why you will need to cause as much damage from the start, to scatter everyone and draw them away. The main battle will be at the plains and the forest, but the secondary battle will be in the city itself. He will likely be located in the fields. I have scattered enough Dragonsbane around that by this time tomorrow, his dragons will start feeling weaker when they are out. As a summoner and a mage, he should be a lot easier to deal with. Just in case, I have prepared a number of Wyverns to provide air support. Some will be used around the battlefield, forcing him to scatter his dragon familiars, and the others will join me for the attack on Ozlo, the Dragon Caller. I am sure he will be expecting as much and keep at least one dragon in reserve. He may even never have used his full power in the past year or two, just to trick people for emergencies like this. He may not be my main target, but he is an eyesore that we should get rid of, a threat even greater than the Starfallen".

Her targets were the new Starfallen, especially the ones who Amyris had taken under his wing. That Elven Mage had been a long time target of theirs, and she had personally seen to turning his previous Starfallen apprentice, Anna, against them all, and forced her out of commission. Although they had broken her own mind altering curse some time ago, Anna had petrified herself to avoid causing anyone damage. That was still in play, and a self inflicted curse like that would be incredibly difficult to break. Even if Amyris had chipped away at it, she had the Gifts of a Starfallen, so it shouldn't be easy. Especially after all this time.

Although the Devil, Chianthias, did think it would be better to finish her off, she had been secured in the one building even she could not sneak into. Besides, right now her focus was on the other Starfallen. Them, and Ozlo, whose potential had yet to peak she felt. The fact that he had ranked up faster then even his grandfather was concerning, despite the fact he should be a normal person. Sometimes it happened, geniuses who seemed to know and understand things beyond their years and this world, despite being children. Ozlo was certainly a genius. And given his connections, he was also a threat.

The moment she even tried to make a move on the Starfallen, Ozlo would drop out of the sky, Amyris would teleport with Ellie, Karzen would charge at inhumane speeds, and Riza would probably pop out of the ground somehow. That was her impression. But Karzen, while his lifespan had clearly been extended, was still aging and getting on in years. Riza would eventually be forced elsewhere by his duties, and wasn't all that clever as he made himself seem. Karzen was probably the slowest among them, and after her last attempt, decided to go after him last. Ozlo was actually the weakest of the five, but only right now, if she didn't snuff him out soon.

Still, they had made countless plans with the Goblins, and formed quite a few surprises. In truth, she expected the Goblins would likely lose. She did not inform them of that of course, she wanted them to go in with zeal, not despair. She wanted them to have high morale so they would fight for longer. That said, given the surprises she had planned, they had a chance, and would certainly deal plenty of damage. In the end, if she could get rid of at least one of her targets, and deal plenty of damage to the city, she would consider this a success. Of all her targets, the one she had set her sights on was a young ten year old boy who went by the name Kuroki. It was unnerving how fast he was taking to magic. In terms of combat talent, Anna was greatly superior to him when it came to fighting. But when it came to a talent in magic, Kuroki seemed to be far greater. His ability to come up with new spells and use new techniques was startling.

I even felt a chill run down my spine when I saw his Exploding Electric Water Ball. That spell would barely even scratch me, but it still would scratch me. In terms of this world, he is basically not even two weeks old! Out of all the Starfallen I have witnessed, not one would have been capable of that so early. I will need to eliminate him before he can actually gain in power. Unfortunately, taking control of their minds isn't so easy. I especially shouldn't try to do it near that blacksmith's shop, how did he even notice me?! He wasn't that strong!

Devils tended to place a great deal of importance on strength, so when someone who was clearly weaker then them was somehow able to surpass them, even if it did not require strength or tactics or cleverness, or especially when it involved none of them, it baffled them. The idea that a weaker creature could be so much more perceptive wasn't a concept they were familiar with. As such, she harbored doubts that he was actually that weak.

"Today, we will finally show great service to the Demon King, and the Evil God. And you will all get to feast and pillage. To that end, I have brought you a present".

She snapped her fingers, and then the doors burst open. Two demons came in, dragging a human into the room. He had been stripped completely naked, and was battered and beaten. The demons tossed him before the Goblin Lord onto the ground, forcing him into a kneeling position.

"We have finished our interrogations of this man, and passed the information to the strategists. They will use it to refine the invasion plan. As such, we give him to you. Use him to your pleasure, whether it be using him to produce more goblins, or using him to feed the goblins you already have".

The goblins giggled and became jubilant, as Chianthias decided to take her leave.

"Just make sure not to enjoy yourselves too much and not be ready. We attack at first light".

"Yes. Don't worry, we will finish our fun in time for them" he replied, as she closed the doors behind her.

Now then, I should prepare a failsafe plan. Ah yes, I know. I will utilize that Criminal Organization and have them target those Starfallen as well. That should be a nice backup plan, should this invasion somehow fail.

She mused on those thoughts, as she left the old keep. Her dark schemes continuing forward and onward.

At the same time, within the walls of a large and luxurious manor, the young Gathik Valiance schemed and plotted. He and his father had unusual more ambition then the rest of the house, but most attributed to the growing ambition that had been in their house for generations. However, it was twisting the two of them even more than others, and he had even pushed his own siblings out, who had been too soft to take up the mantle. Some had even fled.

They would get everything they wanted. That was what they knew, that would be their path. No one would get in their way, and anyone who would help them, whether they wanted to or not, would do so, even if it was merely to relieve their stress.

Gathik looked at the men he was assembling, when a woman entered in through the back. She was clad in dark robes, that made it difficult to tell her features and traits, and she seemed to possess a mysterious air about her that dissuaded looking too deeply at her.

"I hear you would wish to place another Order, young lord" she said, a bemused tone in her voice.

"Yes. Considering the beast we faced another day, I will need finer weapons. And, I need a situation set up so we can finally take what is ours, and get revenge on that miserable brat, Ozlo".

"Ah yes, the young nuissance from your school days. You made quite a number of interesting Orders then too".

"Anything to make him submit and for people to recognize who the true great one is".

"Why, anyone could obviously tell that would be you, Young Lord. Are these still people who doubt this?"

She feigned shock, rather badly at that. She clearly did not put too much effort into it, but Valiance didn't seem to care.

"So do you think we will have what we need to execute the plan in time?"

"I had predicted you might need more Product, so I made sure to acquire quite a good number. After all, we only deal with the best, so we need to provide our best service to match".

"As expected, you are as reliable as my father said".

"Thank you for the flattery".

Valiance almost seemed different when interacting with her, not that he ever noticed such a thing.

"Now, how does the optics look?"

"We likely wont have any issues. No one will be able to trace this back to us. But be warned, this means they wont be able to use your authority as protection either. And it all depends on how well the other side acted".

"That brat just gets lucky. He isn't that smart".

"Considering his workload, I wonder if that is good luck, or bad".

While she mused upon such things, Valiance took up a glass of wine and enjoyed it. He was just standing there basically, watching others work hard. A contrast from Ozlo, who worked hard himself to make things easier on others and get his work done on time, and the Goblin Lord, who had fought to earn his position as well as indulging in things like Valiance did.

Still, there was something that weighed on the woman's mind.

"This...escalation seems quite sudden though. I dare not question too much about it, but I do have to wonder if this is the ideal time. Was this your own idea for moving out now?"

"Yes. Using the goblin crisis as cover means everyone will be distracted. No one will notice what is going on elsewhere, and that means that our plans will go unnoticed. Besides, it might help us to power the Relic. You are the one who told me it needed the blood of those 'touched by the stars'. And you were unclear on that exact meaning, but it is not likely these potential Starfallen are the answer?"

"I see...I do wish to see the Relic Opened. Every day risks its discovery. If these Starfallen are truly real, then utilizing them would be in our best interest. Just remember to be cautious, and do not let our ambitions bring us to ruin. Your enemies will use any chance they get, the vulturous scum they are".

"Certainly. Do you plan to head out to make final arrangements?"

The woman nodded. "Yes. Especially given this latest order, I need to prepare for a grand party. Especially if the Dragon Caller or Dragon Vanquisher intent to get involved. The latter seems like a fool, but he can be annoyingly sharp at times. Furthermore, I have lost sight on him today alone at six different occasions. Despite the utilization of various familiars too. It is quite vexing".

"Wait, he was able to evade even you?"

"Yes. Never underestimate that one. It was no coincidence he gained his unaging body at just thirteen years old, nor that he became an S-Rank adventurer. I suspect he is hiding a great many secrets, so do not underestimate him at all".

"Do you know where he pulls his swords out from?"

"I have a theory. I cant get close enough to confirm, but I believe there is a slight of hand element. That said, its possible those swords are manifested with magic, so it could be a deception employed by him as well. I know his bracelets are probably connected to the swords however".

"I see..."

"Well then, I shall be off. I must report to the Investors".


With this, she slid out of the room, and then smiled slightly.

"Starfallen huh...the information has been contained for now, but other nobles will come for them sooner or later. After all, they are connected with Amyris, and grew up in a world that let them grow up without being injured easily. I am sure I can find quite a few buyers for that sort of merchandise".

She then looked up to the ceiling, as if gazing beyond it to the night sky.

"I wonder what the future will hold now".

However, this night did not simply end here. After all, there was one more mastermind.

The Oracle sat within his Ivory Tower, gazing out the window and looking at the moon. He had a wonderful and lavish feast, sent to him by the various members of the church who either were pretending not to know or did not know his circumstances.

And yet as he gazed at the moon, he saw his own reflection in the window. He reached out his hand, and touched the reflection as he pressed it against the glass.

And yet then the glass shattered, and a pair of black wings emerged through the window, wrapping up The Oracle. He could not see anything, but he felt as if he was being thrown about. It was only for a few moments, before he was tossed onto the ground. The city was gone now, the Ivory Tower no where in sight. Instead he was in a forest, kneeling in murky waters as he quickly got up, his bare feet into the water at ankle high.

"I this is a dream is it? Or rather, a vision?"

"No" a bellowing voice said, as a dark cloaked figure stood behind him. He appeared as a young boy of perhaps ten, but so did the Oracle so he put no faith. Besides, this was not reality, although it could have implications for it.

"I must say, this is the first time I have had my mind invaded. And by a dragon no less" the Oracle said. "But tell me, where are you?"

At those words, the trees rustled and shook. The entire forest seemed to part, as if the ground itself split in half. A brown dragon, gargantuan in size, appeared in front of him. Its legs and arms were thick and strong, its wings folded into its back. His green eyes met with the oracle's, and at last they felt connected.

"I am Gronkilius, the Continental Lord".

"I am the Oracle".

"Do not add a title without a name, human".

"Unfortunately, my name was erased long ago. I am just The Oracle now, as annoying as it is" he said, as he pulled his high collar away and revealed the collar around his neck. "And for some reason, the sadist who made this thing ensured I would be incapable of remembering it or giving myself a new name".

"I see. They seek to strip you of your very identity. Such a foolish thing. Certainly it will enhance your powers, but no such tool would work forever, and it would only build resentment. This explains why you keep slipping out in spirit form, the enchantment is already weakening is it not?"

"Part of that, but I also found ways around it. It appears the tool its etched into my brain, but not so much my soul. Or at least, my soul can wiggle free of it".

"Ha. Clever boy. Still, I have concerns about recent events. I am sure you are aware of the events of the world".

"Do you mean the revival of the Demon King? The Starfallen? Or you mean The Hidden?"

"The Demon King revives every fifty years, and dies every fifty years. Although he did go after a few dragon eggs a few hundred years ago, we dragons are bound by our Pact of the World. We must let the mortals handle things, or the lesser dragons at least. As for The Hidden, they never make such disruptions. But you knew fully well I meant the Starfallen from the start".

"No, actually with your lifespans, for all I knew you thought fifty years ago was recent".

"I see. The Hidden did stir up quite a bit then. To think that foolish hero would even put the HIdden, who do their best, at risk".

"So, what do you wish to know about the Starfallen?"

"You seem to be keep interfering with the south. Why are you interfering with those Starfallen so much? You keep having your magic pass through my domain, so I noticed it a lot, but are there others you are helping just as much?"

"Yes. There is a Starfallen named Sai up in the north. If I do not guide him carefully, he will have a bad encounter with the Cardinal Calamity of the North, and it could have ripple effects that cause chaos across the world. I need to keep my eye on the Isles of Mysthall as well, because if I can get him to stop a plot happening there, it will have a ripple effect that will play a critical role in avoiding the destruction of a good chunk of naval ships needed to combat the threats. The Continent to the south has always had a way of being difficult to percieve, but the Starfallen there seem to be letting my vision to cut through in bits and pieces finally, so I am hoping to keep them alive long enough to get a good picture. As for the group you speak of, they seem to have gotten in the middle of events. The four friends quest to find each other, and their tragic pasts of being bullied, make them naturally inclined to take down scum who try to exploit and abuse others. Their actions can directly lead to the takedown of countless people, looks like complete success across the board may be impossible. So I am trying to limit how much any failures happen, and the damage caused from them. These four, and the friends they make along the way, will have a huge impact. Furthermore, one of them is the biological relative in terms of being the one who recieved biological material related to his creation and birth from one of the Cardinal Calamities".

"...that last bit was an interesting way of wording things".

"Well, look into the memories, pasts, and futures I have seen".

"Hmmm....ah, I see. Certainly, it is hard to call that a father son relationship".


"But you know, you shouldn't lie. Thats not the real reason you are helping him out so. Its because his own treatment minds you of your situation".

"...guilty as charged. I suppose one of the Great Dragons can see through to the truth at an instant. I dont suppose you know how to escape?"

"Hmmmm. It is unfortunate, but there is no way for you to escape".

"...then can you just kill me now? I thought I saw potential in some of them admittedly, to release me...".

"Oh no, make no mistake, you will eventually be free. However, it is not your actions that will precipitate it. There is a future in which you can leave the Ivory Tower. But rather then an escape, it is different. The human makes it difficult to explain...but rather, you will be escaped? Possibly by your friend there".

"Wait, the black cloaked boy? Wasn't he your friend?"

"No no. I created a projection of someone who is of great importance to you. Someone who you love most, to bring you to me for this meeting as a gesture of peace".

"...but I have never seen him before".

"Interesting. Then perhaps...he is your soulmate?"

The Oracle looked a bit confused, although his cheeks did turn a bit red.

"I dont think I have any hope with romance".

"I think you may have more hope then you think. Are you not a princess locked away in a tower who needs rescuing?"

The Oracle did not answer that question, so then the Dragon hit him with another.

"Now, what is your name?"

"I still don't know it".

"I believe your happiness will not come until you can. Until you can reclaim yourself. Oracle, as the one who always guides others, shut up and be guided yourself for once".

The Dragon certainly had a way of getting directly to the point.

"Whether your release is death, or from the shattering of your prison, know this. The moment is coming. And you will need to choose what you do when it does. You may be immune to curses with all the divine energy housed inside of you, but emotions and memories can be their own curse, their own prison. And losing even those memories, can make it impossible to find the key".

"Thank you for the advice, honored Dragon".

"Hmmf. I look forward to seeing what fun things you have in store next. Personally speaking, I want to see that entire tower shatter. Wouldn't that be amusing!"

And then, The Oracle found himself whisked away once more, as he awoke in bed.

The next day had come.

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