Astraea: The Journey of Magic

Chapter 2: A Matter of Perspective

The Elven Mage, Amyris Vaelia, currently had quite a few major problems he was trying to deal with.

However, not just the current problems, but most of the problems he had dealt with his entire life did not enrage him more than the one right in front of him.

Right now, he was staring at the body of a sleeping child. Normally he would never do such a thing, especially since such a child was naked thanks to his absolute terrible sleeping posture right now. He seemed to toss and turn at any moment, and was an incredibly rough and active sleeper. This had caused the cloak that the Elven Mage had covered him with twice now to fall by the wayside. Amyris was complaining internally, as to not to wake the boy named Kuroki, that he wished for him to fix that so that if a wanderer or adventurer came by, his reputation would not be damaged.

Then again, when it came to learning magic, its not like such a scene was uncommon. Although he suspected Kuroki might have an easier time with it then most.

Such magical energy within the think I would meet another Starfallen. Still, given what I know, I had best to take things slow and properly with this one. Especially given what happened with Anna. Clearly, the stars that guided him here must have granted some wish of his, considering how he was clearly interested in magic. Perhaps it was a way of balancing the scales, considering...

The elf clenched his fists when he looked at the boy, eyeing his body. To anyone else, the boy's body would seem quite lanky and small, but in healthy and good condition. Especially if they learned his actual age, then short might be considered an understatement. He would certainly appear weak at first glance.

However, a seasoned eye would be able to realize he had gone through hell. He had clearly been put under harsh training, likely too harsh for someone his age (or the age people often mistook him to be). Although it seems to have not done all that much for his physical strength, those who realized this much would be certain the boy had far more stamina and pain tolerance then the average individual, as well as a much sturdier and harder to break mind as well.

And yet, even those would be incapable of seeing what the Elf saw. Some of the magic he specialized in was sensory magic. It was a spell he was so good at it was often unconsciously active at all times now. And with it, what he could see was far more then even those with seasoned eyes could see. His eyes could see the history of wounds upon this boy's body, down to exact details. His ears could hear the minute trembles in his voice, about how even when excited the boy was wary of him. But also how he kept the conversation going, as if to avoid talking about himself. The only time he did was about his friends, but not his family. From his nose, he got a good idea of the damaged cells and their rate of damage and healing. From when he was checking the boy's body by squeezing the various areas of his body, he learned the full extent of the damage done upon him. And from the taste of one of the healed wounds, it had not been taken to any healer or doctor, or at least treated properly by them.

When he had made the boy stop suddenly, it was because his magic had his senses pick up traces of those wounds. He did in fact check the boy's magic as well, since it was an entirely effective way to do so, even more then those machines at the guild actually. Especially since that information had a tendency to remain on file and be leaked. what happened with Anna...

So although he hated how it might damage his reputation given what it required, it was his preferred way of determining someone's magic. Especially since it also allowed him to examine them physically as well. And thanks to his memory, it would be personally saved within his brain to use as reference, which could help him treat the boy more accurately in the future.

However, there was far more then just that which he got from his examination and conversation with Kuroki.

He brought up his friends, but not his family. From what I could tell, they were not even an afterthought when he realized he had been transported to another world. He was strangely reserved at first, clearly embarrassed, but he always maintained a defensive stance. It wasn't just that he was forgetting to cover himself from the shock, his body was far too used to being on guard to notice. For a brief moment, he even directed bloodlust at me, not that he noticed himself. The way he clearly showed interest in magic to forget both caution and embarrassment though shows large desire...shackled desire that was set free. As if something, no, someone had been making him hold back so much before now. A looming shadow that is no longer there.

The elf quitely walked over, but froze suddenly when he saw Kuroki's fist clench and arm move across his chest. Protecting his vitals instinctively.

Considering everything, its clear the boy was regularly beaten and abused. However, while admittedly I did avoid any thorough investigation of those areas so I suppose I really cant be one hundred percent sure, I am reasonably certain it wasn't sexual abuse. He was however beaten even while completely naked, and regularly. The fact that he can sleep so soundly while naked in an open forest, even with the benefit of a campfire, likely means many of those beatings caused him to fall unconscious in some way, or left him without the strength or will to move. But in an open, yet enclosed area. A dojo then? Most likely.

The Elf took note of the injuries themselves, none of which were visible to the naked eye.

The way they were hidden clearly shows a martial arts background, reinforcing the dojo idea. But this, no decent martial artist would do this to a child. Not even their own apprentices...nor their children. Certainly, stripping a child bare and spanking them till their butt turns red even is one thing. I don't know about his previous world, but it would certainly be acceptable here for a naughty child. But this goes so far beyond that, leagues beyond. They purposefully used techniques that would not show any visible wounds, but cause great pain for the one hit. Even just ten percent of this would be more than necessary. And the fact that Kuroki even puts his guard up in his sleep, and could sense my footsteps...means he was likely living with his abuser, the one who beat him regularly.

The elf took special interest in the size of the fists necessary for the damage spread.

An adult male. A very large adult male. So not a brother then most likely. No, considering everything, clearly it was done by his father. His father, a highly trained martial artist, probably over two meters tall, repeatedly beat, abused, and humiliated his own son. Thats...sick. If I ever find this bastard...he should never be allowed to be near his child ever again. I am sure I can think of plenty of ways to erase him. Of course, considering Kuroki is a Starfallen, I would like to think they will never be in the same dimension ever again, but...

Amyris Vaelia remembered what he saw earlier that night, right before tracing the path of the fallen star closest to him and finding Kuroki, naked and unconscious in the woods.

There had been thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of stars shooting through the sky. If they all came from where Kuroki lived, all from the same town or city...

Well, there was a very unpleasant possibility that he had been brought to this world like Kuroki. Normally, there would only be a handful of Starfallen at any given time. It was especially rare for them to appear when a Hero Summoning Ritual was done. He would need to ask Kuroki about the specifics of what happened later, and hope the boy opened up about it.

He certainly did get a lot more open when I said I would teach him, so it probably wont be too much of an issue. Still though, to think I would be there to personally find two Starfallen myself within my lifetime. Then again, legends do say that Starfallen tend to drop near where people can help them or where they will be able to find clothes and supplies they need for themselves. After all, they cant bring any physical possessions with them. Well, its because of that which makes kingdoms rely on Hero Summoning Rituals rather then trying to summon those legendary weapons Heroes sometime mention, such as Tanks or Nukes or Airplanes. Probably for the best.

He had reservations about randomly yoinking people to this world to solve their problems, the ritual did make sure to target only those who would accept and benefit from it. Or who otherwise would want to leave their old world behind. But given what Anna told him about those weapons, he did think this world was better off without things like "guns" and "nukes" and "land mines", even if he could think of a few magical equivalents for some of them.

Still though, I suppose even if he still gets quite embarrassed by it, he at least seems to be capable of doing things while naked. Its a few days to town, so it might be worth it to at least test him out a bit. After all, one of the important tests and milestones to becoming a mage is by becoming one with mana. Its not just meditation and understanding, but other factors as well. Considering his water element, perhaps a waterfall would be good. He could use a shower anyways. Still, I would rather not delay ourselves either. Even with my cloak, he is still basically completely naked, and it would harm my reputation for sure. And even if children his age still run around like that all the time, I doubt its pleasant for him either. I guess we will have to see what happens and what we encounter along the way.

Incidentally, he sometimes recommended that his students also learn some martial weapons or hand to hand to be safe, but given what he had uncovered about the history of Kuroki's body, he would not do that.

Kuroki must get stronger only using magic. Too many bad memories I am sure. ANd I refuse to allow his father even the slightest bit of justification, the slightest bit of silver linings like "I told you it was necessary" or such. Thats exactly what a shitty dad like that would say. No, I wont allow just statements that might even remotely justify what was done to this little boy. Especially for the amount of years it was done.

While thinking of such things, Kuroki shivered from the cold. Amyris got up and laid down next to him, wrapping him within the cloak again as he had the boy huddled within him for warmth, his only exposed side facing the campfire.

Now I really need to hope no one comes by and misunderstands things. Still, I wonder...where are his friends right now? It would be nice if he could see them again.

At the same time, Akano was just waking up himself. The cold wind ran up his naked body, making him shiver as he came to his senses. He could hear the various tweeting of birds, although none he recognized. Then again he wasn't a professional bird expert. The sheets and bedding he had was rather unusual, different then what he was used to and not really as good. However, all of that didn't matter as much as other details in his situation.

"...what the hell?"

Akano wondered that as he looked around, quickly becoming aware of things. It appeared he was laying on some sort of bed, looking at an unfamiliar ceiling. He started to move around, and found that he was able to do so. Still, waking up in a strange, unfamiliar bed completely naked was rather disorienting and confusing. Especially since the last thing he could remember was walking home with Kuroki, Reiji, and Juno, when suddenly there was a downpour. And then...

And then the weather got really weird.

And then after that, everything went white.

He woke up here after that. No idea what happened inbetween, but this did not look like a hospital room. He didn't see any signs of electricity or modern power either, yet for some reason he didn't feel all that surprised. In fact, it was as if on some level he was expecting it. He was still confused however, but only confused and disoriented. Was it perhaps too much shock, or something else?

However, where he was or what was going on did not matter. Not even his lack of clothing mattered. He went out the door, not even bothering to cover up. Although he was not as short as Kuroki, he was short enough that people typically thought he was younger. If they thought Kuroki was still a little boy, perhaps around 10 or so, they typically thought Akano was 13, two years younger than the truth.

However, while he found other adjacent rooms with beds, he couldn't find any of his three friends. He was especially worried about Kuroki, given he was the smallest and therefore most likely to be targeted by some creep or criminal.

"Oh, I see you are finally awake, little boy" a woman's voice said from behind. He turned to face it and saw someone who appeared to be a nun, with a rather pretty face. She had to be at least twenty years old, and she was looking right at Akano, making him incredibly self-conscious. He looked for anything to cover himself up, but couldn't find a thing.

"Ah, sorry little boy. I am afraid we didn't have any clothes ready for you off hand, or any spare cloth to even make you a tunic. Unfortunately, recently the kingdom requisitioned a lot of it. I sent out Merry, the girl who found you naked in that crater, to go to town and get some clothes for you, but it will probably take three or four days for her to return".

So they quite literally had nothing for him?

"You don't have any backup clothes?"

"None for travelers. We are not permitted to allow anyone but nuns to wear our own attire here, as is the rules of the Church. They are religous outfits after all. If you had come just a few days ago it might have been different, we could have at least made a basic tunic by now..."

"Wait, it was taken in the last few days?"

"Yes. The oracle received a divine prediction, saying that cloth and clothing would soon be needed, so the kingdom began emergency preparations. It was already sparse enough, but now even the limited amount of secondhand clothes one might have had at a tailor's shop or general store or church was taken. To think they would misinterpret such an event as Starfallen and actually move things away, how foolish".

"Wait, what do you mean? And what is a Starfallen?"

"A Starfallen is those like you, people who fall from the stars. Usually with some level of ability or abilities, often including magic. Typically a Starfallen only arrives a few at a time in any given decade, but last night had over ten thousand shooting stars at least. If they were all Starfallen like yourself, then...its very likely the Oracle was said to help prepare the kingdom for them. However, Starfallen tend to end up being spread out over a wide area, and in this case, probably the entire world. But they went and monopolized all the spare cloth and clothing, so it makes it harder to provide for you. Quite ironic, truly".

In other words, he was not the only one here.

"Wait, does this mean you saw others? My friends for instance?"

"Unfortunately, you alone were in that crater, little boy. I do think there are other Starfallen who arrived in this area, but most of you were scattered about. Even if your friends also arrived, they would be at closest on the other side of the forest, or in the town Merry went to, and you most certainly cant go into town as a naked little boy".

"...would you mind not calling me little boy? I am thirteen you know".

"And I am 142 years old. So you are most certainly a little boy, especially to me. Besides, I have helped give birth to, provide countless medical checkups to, and punished plenty of little boys like yourself".

Akano certainly had no remark to that immediately. Although it explained why he didn't feel all that concerned about covering up around her. She lookedl ike a beautiful twenty year old, but as it turned out she was older then his great grandmother. And they had similar personalities as well.

However, he wasn't letting this go so easily.

"My name is Akano, so at least call me that instead".

"We will see, little boy".

Akano had a feeling it would be a long three to four days.

A bit later, at early dawn, Reiji was just coming to as well. However, unlike Kuroki or Akano, he woke up and gained awareness almost immediately.

"Why am I naked in a crater?"

Unlike those two however, he was waking up where he had landed, and he noticed there was no one around either. Not any of his friends, nor any trace of them or his belongings.

Furthermore, it was clear he was in a forest right now. He considered himself happy that nothing tried to eat him while he was asleep.

That said, there was something he noticed nearby. It appeared to be a broken down wagon. It wasn't that old though, but it appeared to have crashed into a tree.

"A wagon? Is this off some old, long abandoned trail? No...somehow I suspect its more complicated then that".

He remembered the strange weather, and what happened there.

"...without a doubt, this is an isekai situation" Reiji determined, deducing the truth instantly. "it explains my lack of clothes too. It's probably because they cant bring physical objects over, probably just souls and the bodies themselves. Although, I feel like my capabilities have increased by quite a bit somehow".

As he started to climb out of the crater, he heard what sounded like growling. As he got out of the crater, he turned around to see three wolves, stalking him and inching ever closer.

Reiji growled at them in return, unleashing a thunderous roar. He had once used that same roar to intimidate bullies who went after Kuroki and Akano, but it seemed the beasts were braver then the bullies. The wolves only froze for a moment, while the bullies when they heard it and then saw him, had peed themselves and ran away.

He noticed a large sword and shield on the ground by the carriage, as well as some clothes that looked like they would fit him very well. Unfortunately, there way no way he could put them on in this current situation. He wasn't a big fan of battling white butt naked, but the wolves clearly would not give him the choice.

And yet, the moment one lunged at him, an arrow struck its neck. Another wolf tried the same, but the archer got him as well. Reiji was able to use the shield to block the last, and then stabbed the wolf through the neck. He felt weird for a moment, but then it passed. It was strange, as if his mental fortitude had increased suddenly. Especially since Reiji had expected to be hit by the shock of killing something with his past world's sensibilities.

"Whew, real glad I made it on time" a familiar voice spoke out to Reiji, causing him to turn and see Juno. Unlike Reiji though, Juno was fully dressed, although the clothes did look a bit loose on him. That said, Reiji thought for a moment that Juno might be just a bit shorter at well, and perhaps just a bit younger. Reiji shelved such thoughts for now. Juno appeared to be wearing a hooded light vest, a sleeveless shirt, and shorts that only just reached the top of the knee. He also had a bow on his back.

However, the biggest change of all for Juno was his cat ears that were on top of his head, and a cat tail coming out from behind. As Kuroki might say, there is a lot to unpack here, but first off...

"Juno. Ah, before we catch up, mind keeping guard while I get dressed?"

"Sure. I think I spotted a caraven passing by this location soon, so it would be best to hurry".


"Yeah. It feels really weird without my glasses, so I might pick up a pair, seems like I don't need them anymore?"

Juno originally wore glasses, but now he didn't. Furthermore, he was now a crack shot with a bow. Then again, given that Juno was in the Kyudo club, so that would actually track. However, despite not having glasses, it seemed like his skills, which were already among the best of middle schoolers in the region, had only gotten better. Reiji couldn't help but notice that Juno had often lamented that whenever his glasses got stolen or missing. Probably as much as he lamented being the ordinary one in the group in terms of height, making it harder to console Akano, and especially Kuroki. And yet, his new self seemed much closer to those.

Meanwhile, Reiji had noticed that he felt more robust and mentally strong. He had often had the desire to be the shield for them. He didn't mind being so tall, even if people did make fun of him for it as well by calling him giant. But he wanted the strength and mentality to weather anything, not just for himself, but for his friends.

So, when we came here, did we gain what we desired as compensation for dragging us to a new world? That said...

"Juno, that was some good shooting, but tell me...did you gain any abilities one might refer to as cheats or overpowered?"

"Nah. I was only able to find you because it seems of the four of us, I landed first, and I was able to just glance at others while the rest of you were falling".

"...wait, you woke up immediately? Before you even landed?"

He was always worried about his awareness of the rest of our plights. Honestly, we always told him he was too hard on himself. Still, I wonder if this was reflected by his ability to be instantly awake? It must be.

While thinking of such things, Juno responded.

"Yeah. Then some guy tried to murderstab me all of a sudden, but then tripped and fell down the crater, breaking his neck on a rock. As compensation for trying to kill me, I took his clothes and his daggers and bow and arrows, and then raced off towards you, since you were the only one who landed even relatively close to me. I will say I am much faster then I was in the previous world, but...certainly not absurdly fast. I was able to climb trees really well, but..."

"You were the second best tree climber of our group, and Akano basically had cheat level tree climbing skills in our world, so that means nothing really".

"Yeah basically".

"So that explains how you found me so fast. We were closeby then. And the other two?"

"Honestly we really lucked out. I think most of us landed quite far away from each other. I think the distance between us was the shortest between any of us. That said, a large part of what took me so long to reach you was the fact I had to get used to my own body. That said, I did spot them. They headed a bit further away, but considering others, I would say they are in the same region. At the very least, with a dedicated search, if we spent all our time searching, we should be able to find them in a few weeks unless they keep moving in the opposite direction of us".

Reiji frowned.

"Thats not very realistic. We need food and water, and other supplies. We need to learn more about this world. We need money as well I am sure".

"Yeah. Thats the problem. Still, I think the odds are good they wont be completely screwed".

"Why is that Juno?"

"Because what are the odds some psychomurderer trips and falls to death right in front of me, with a build that has his clothes fit me...almost perfectly? I admit they might be a bit too big, but not enough to matter too much. I will grow into them".

Reiji frowned.

"What? You don't think I will grow?"

"Well, for one thing, you asked for that size, so..."

"Ah, fair point. Well, I always enjoyed slightly oversized clothes anyways".

"Yeah, but there is also a second reason. That all depends on how this wish granting stuff works though".

"What do you...wait, do you mean...oh. Well, I guess that just means Kuroki wont always be the shortest, which will cheer him up right?"

Reiji had an awkward smile.

Unfortunately, you didn't quite understand what I meant.

Reiji remembered the promise they all made to each other, that they made every New Year, every Christmas, every birthday, after every major test. Yes, there was one problem with what Juno said. And it all depended on how the wish granting worked.

Kuroki woke up to a rather unusual situation. Rather then an unfamiliar ceiling, he was looking at an unfamiliar sky. It seemed he had been rewrapped in a cloak, but he was also being sheltered/craddled by the elven mage he had met yesterday. And then he remembered everything he said and did yesterday, and his face went red. He was thankful that just learning about the flow of mana within his own body was sufficient enough to get him to pass out yesterday, or else he might have been even more embarrassing.

He completely acted like a little kid after all! He was fifteen years old! Even if it was an amazing thing to learn, he really had to weight it in.

Incidentally, he felt like he hadn't really experienced the shock, fear, or other such things he always thought were strangely missing from isekai stories. He could vaguely feel a strange pressence fortifying his mind, so he thought that might be it. Although it clearly wasn't perfect since he still felt it to a degree, and it didn't stop his mortifying display last night.

Soon after he was awake, Master woke up as well.

"Good morning, Master" he said cheerfully with a smile, as he remembered learning magic and got a stupid grin on his face.

However, Master scowled something fierce.

"I thought you were calling me sensei".

"But you are so much more then that! Master makes so much more sense!"

"Please, spare my reputation and my feelings. At the very least, wait until you are fully clothed before calling me Master".

"Are you sure master?"

"Yes, yes I am!"

"Alright ma...err, I mean sensei".

The elf let out a sigh of relief, happy with the outcome. He really didn't want someone to see some naked boy calling him master. Although Kuroki was starting to suspect he was perhaps a bit *too* self conscious of these things.

Perhaps a bad experience with a previous student? I probably shouldn't ask Master yet, its far too soon and we only just met, but later. I suspect I will be here for awhile, and the trip back to town will take a few days apparently. Probably because I am kind of dead weight for him.

Although Kuroki had only learned to sense mana within himself, he could feel bits of it all around. And he could feel two huge sources of it. One of them was the elf in front of him, Master, who radiated so much he could feel it despite not learning mana sense yet. And the other was an even bigger amount of mana, settled behind them. Deeper in the woods. Every instinct in his body told him to run away from it when he sensed it. Whatever was in that forest, Kuroki had no intention of ever going that way. At least not any time soon.

Perhaps if he knew that was the same direction Reiji and Juno were in, he would change his mind. Now that his body was wrapped in the cloak fully, Master proceeded to make them breakfast before they would head out for the day, and Kuroki would begin his journey of magic.

Of course, little did either of them know that while some of their current worries might soon be satiated, others would soon take their place.

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