Astraea: The Journey of Magic

Chapter 18: Mana and Magic

In magic, there were generally three ways to invoke it.

The first is to directly manipulate mana into what you wish it to be, not using any incantations or glyph equations. This is considered one of the fastest and subtlest methods, but also the weakest. You really cant do much more beyond creating fireballs or fire tornados, lightning bolts or perhaps if you are talented at control, a bird shaped lightning attack. Ice spikes and waves of water, earth pillars shooting up from the ground, that sort of thing. All incredibly basic magic, and also the most inefficient way to use magic.

Then there is spell invocation. This is the method Kuroki has been primarily taught by Amyris. It involves manipulating mana directly a bit still, but only to keep it contained as your invocation forms it into the spell you desire. With invocations, word choice matters. The desired effect will depend on what words you choose, what words you repeat, and the choice of adjectives and verbs matter just as much as the nouns do. In addition, how you speak it is another matter. Generally, choppy spells wont work as well as ones that flow well, although there are instances where exceptions can be had, especially depending on the type of spell you are invoking. Amyris and Kuroki's style has invocations sound like poems or nursery rhymes. Others might actually sing the invocations, while others might make it sound like a captivating book. Others might just incant normally but focus on speaking clearly instead, to give each word more meaning and power. Invocations can also add various special effects to spells beyond what direct manipulation can do. It can create a flock of magically created birds to attack, both as manifested creatures or as elemental projectiles. For example, creating a hundred snakes of fire that fly through and coil around targets, evading and slipping through defenses to incinerate someone with maximum coverage possible. One could also create chains of ice that drain the very stamina and lifeforce of those who touch them, although as was seen before, if not done right could be used against you. Some might even be able to "split the world in two" and provide a sanctuary in the middle of battle.

Finally, there are Glyph Equations. They involve projecting Glyphs through mana, all interconnected and forming them into specific patterns. One might also call them Spell Arrays. In truth, this method can actually be used alongside incantations, though invoking both methods at once can be extremely difficult. By creating these Glyph Equations and Arrays, one can invoke advanced magic spells like invocations, but without the vocal element. However, these are much harder to control and if you are unskilled and unpracticed in it, it could result in even slower then long invocations. It takes a lot of practice to figure out which ones work best for you and then execute them in battle.

Amyris told Kuroki that his best chance in this world was to master all three techniques. He had some degree of talent with Direct Manipulation, but not only was it the weakest, but he was far from mastering it. Like Dia had told him, he wasn't able to bring out the full ability of his Water Puppetry Technique. If he had, he would have decisively beaten those drunks much sooner.

Meanwhile, he had some invocations, but he couldn't be sure if they were optimized and polished enough. He probably needed to rework a number of his spells still. Furthermore, he had only really come up with water and ice spells so far. Enhanced Echomap utilized water and storm, but he was still lacking in usable spells. And that was his affinities. Amyris told Kuroki that he should also have spells outside of his affinity, and multiples of various types.

Incidentally, Glyph Equations were his weakest so far. In theory, he was skilled at it, but he had so far focused on the other two and was not sure yet how to make use of them. So far, his only usable GLyph Equation spell was a bouncy barrier that would help repel enemies that got too close to him. He could invoke it quickly, and it was highly versatile and usable. But in terms of barrier spells, it was still rather simple. Reliable, but simple. An enemy spellcaster would be able to defeat it soundly.

There were actually three forms of mana as well. Primed Mana, Expended Mana, and Natural Mana. The one that caused Mana Intoxication mainly was the second, Expended Mana. Mana that was utilized to use magic and spells. Even though its expended, its still there but in a more dormant state. It can't be utilized, but it can be absorbed still, and it's considered to be a higher density and more unpleasant then the other two types. It naturally dissipates and turns into Natural Mana over time, but this can take days to weeks. It's also the type that can cause natural undead to appear as well, which is why battlefields that are not tended to properly can propagate undead like crazy, unless you somehow don't have a single mage use any spell at all during that battle. But thats rather unrealistic.

Primed Mana is the mana in one's own body, or that in mana potions. Its in a state that makes it easier for someone to use. That said, if you deplete it rapidly and then try to drink too many mana potions at once to replenish it, that sudden rise can also cause mana intoxication. This is why mages cant just guzzle mana potions to continuously use spells non-stop. Eventually they would get sick, and even possibly die. Furthermore, Primed Mana can still cause mana intoxication if built up too fast, although it's not as fast or easy as it being caused by Expended Mana.

Natural Mana was mana that was harmless, all around them in the air. Well, basically harmless. In theory it could cause mana intoxication if a number of other factors went wrong or if it got supercompressed and forced down one's throat, but there is not a single case of this happening in tens of thousands of years, and Kuroki was certainly not going to be the first.

At the moment he was working on his spell equations. He was wearing a different set of clothes then before. Water mages and fire mages either practiced in something light that was easy to take off, or nude. While it would certainly take awhile, practicing in water drenched clothes would certainly eventually cause mana intoxication, although it might take hours if you were training seriously that whole time and drinking mana potions, and days if you just kept those same clothes on repeatedly that whole time. You would have to bathe in it, wipe a cloth wet with it, or drink it, for water created by or manipulated by mana to give you mana intoxication. Terrible for baths or even wiping oneself down, and even moreso for drinking, but taking a single waterball to the face was not going to cause it. Even taking about one hundred water balls to the face wouldn't really do it, cause one would typically wipe it away immediately and it wasn't being pressed into the skin, absorbed throughout all your skin, or being consumed directly. And aside from that last one, it generally had to be overtime. You wouldn't get it for just a few seconds, and if it was hostile magic, Kuroki and gang's clothes would actually protect them from the hostile mana to a degree. It only worked for mana from hostile entities though, and no one would ever take a bath wearing a full set of gear that would then be unusable for a few days if they did.

If it was that easy to get mana intoxication, water mages would be scarily lethal after all. It was incovnient sure, but it wasn't even guarenteed to be lethal. It could just make you from any range of sick feelings, from mild to extremely unpleasant, and so on.

That said, mages practicing fire magic had it worse. They actually did have to do all their early practice and training in the nude. Especially those with poor control. Typically teachers wouldn't shell out for fireproof clothes until they have proved themselves to a degree, so unless the apprentice earned it themselves, they wouldn't get any.

Thankfully, Kuroki was focusing on his strong suits first. By the time he would touch fire magic, his control would be to the point where such concerns would be unnecessary. In truth, they might already be, although he was having trouble with his current spell.

He formed the Glyph Equation, also known as a Glyph Formation, a Spell Array, or a Spell Formation, in front of him. Amyris said it had been called many things throughout the millennia, and various regions and dialects had their own preferences, so it was best to use them all and switch between them to remember better.

He formed a sphere of water in front of him, and was trying to get it to work the way he wanted...when the giant sphere exploded, the water launching Kuroki off the training mat and onto his back.

"Well, that didn't work" Kuroki muttered, as Riku came in and passed him a juice. He was also wearing some around the house clothes now, clearly inferior in quality to his usual stuff, but that stuff was now being washed and dried overnight.

"Still working on that spell?"

"Yeah. I have the form right, and I have made it so it doesn't go plop, but it keeps exploding on me. The 'container' has been perfected, but it seems 'alterations' are more difficult".

Riku nodded. "I have been working on something new as well. I realized it in the fight against the Rabbits, but I take too many steps. I tend to go '1, 2, 3, 4', but I need to find a way to condense my actions so they are faster".

"Sounds rough".

"Extremely. Why do you think it keeps exploding anyways?"

"Probably too much pressure...I might need to reinforce the container, but that might cause a rip again. Still, I think its the best option. If I reinforce it, then alter it, I might be able to pull it off".

Riku looked at the target dummies on the other end, which seemed to be mocking them.

"Yeah, but if you do pull it off, it will be quite the decoy wont it?"

"At the very least, it will really throw people for a loop. I doubt many of them understand the science I am trying to apply to the magic through magic, but it should be quite a force to be reckoned with. Also, I think I am almost ready to use my next storm spell. The only issue is that I need better adjective choices. The nouns and verbs should all be good, but the adjectives...I cant just repeat the same one over and over again, but its hard to get good adjectives for lightning you know?"

"Ooh. Yeah that might be tough. Its bright, but I doubt that would help with your spell. Fast...but thats probably more into the verbs I am guessing?"

Kuroki nodded at Riku's question. "It is an adjective, but based on how it works, it seems to operate more like an adverb for some reason. I have no idea why, maybe its something to do with the language of this world which is automatically translated for us".

"I think it's less automatically translated and more a perception filter..." Riku mumbled, but Kuroki caught the words he said.

"Perception Filter...I was unaware you watched that show..."

"Given how long its been on, it's gotta be good right? So I started it, and became a fan. Think you can make a magic device like that? Maybe I will call mine...the Riku Wrench!"

"Ha. I will see what I can do".

Riku giggled a bit, before turning towards his blade, which lay against the wall. "I have to say. Fighting, killing was easier then I expected".

"You noticed that too?"

"Is it another effect of the compliance? Or is it the Adaptation?"

Kuroki pondered a bit, unsure of how to answer at first. But eventually he came to a decision.

"I think...its probably both".

"Both huh..."

"Yeah. Adaptation so we would be able to survive against the monsters of this world, and Compliance to make it easier for us to kill".

Riku grimaced. "So, you think we were summoned to be someone's soldiers? Someone's pawns?"

"I do. Do you have a different theory?"

"Not so much a theory, but a contradiction. We all got scattered about. Now, I know we said we think two forces were conflicting over the Fate of the Starfallen...but, does any one nation in this world have the power to summon that many Starfallen? At least, from what I have read, they do not".

Kuroki had to nod to that.

"Yes. I admit it is a contradiction. But it explains the Compliance. They would want their soldiers compliant after all. Otherwise, all we have left is that someone wanted us all here for our power, or to cause chaos. The first is...probably gruesome, and the second doesn't make much sense. Not unless the mastermind is insane".

"And yet, both are still possible. Even if they have contradictions of their own".

At the moment, any theory they came up with for "Why" was having issues. They couldn't help but think about it of course, given their situation. How could they not think about the why of things? An entire city worth of people was brought here, to this world. It was a riddle that would plague their brains until they got their answers, but unfortunately for them, they were not aware of anyone who knew. Even if they did know of the Oracle, there was no way for them to reliably reach or communicate with him, given he was trapped within the Ivory Tower.

That meant that he was forced to ponder it from time to time, but otherwise could not progress it, so all of them would have to sideline those thoughts as best they could.

Still, Kuroki could see some pieces and fragments of the plan. Whoever or whatever brought so many Starfallen to this world, they had intended to make them obedient. Not exactly a great indicator of their intentions...but not actually compelling enough to say they had evil intentions either.

Kuroki looked at the history book that was on the side, opening it up and flipping through a few pages with Riku as they sat on the training arena floor.

"Thanks to this idiot, we cant even say if this compliance was truly malicious" Kuroki muttered, pointing to a specific section.

"Ah yes, the previous hero. The one of fifty years ago".

"Yeah. Considering all the issues this guy caused, it might have been added as a safeguard to prevent future issues".

The previous hero had ended up creating a harem, which invited various domestic and foreign issues. That wasn't to say nobles and royalty didn't have multiple wives or husbands themselves, but at most it was two or three, and their long-standing history helped with that. Furthermore, they didn't take a whole bunch from such varied backgrounds that caused such internal and external strife. If it had been that alone, maybe he might not have been executed...although given the reports, that seemed like it was impossible to avoid.

No, he attempted to completely subvert the culture of this world with the culture of their old world. He probably came from the same country as Kuroki, going by some of the content. However, it seemed like it was possible the time he was taken was from their old world was sometime in the last decade, while he had been summoned fifty years ago.

Either way, it was clear he tried to introduce technology haphazardly and also tried to subvert culture in pretty much every aspect of this world. Most of it didn't even take off, since the royal family wasn't willing to back him on this, but the culinary one was especially bad. It had resulted in several merchants going bankrupt because people tend to only enjoy foreign food occasionally, but much prefer their own original cuisine of their region, or in this case their world, that they are used to. As a result, these merchants were driven into losing everything, or were forced to turn to less legal measures, which resulted in a booming resurgance of criminal organizations.

He had even tried to introduce swimwear, which gained zero traction, as everyone was already long used to swimming in the nude here. It was a basic part of culture, since perhaps due to the lack of division or segregation between sexes when it came to public facilities, not to mention just how their culture developed, the naked body was not considered inherently sexual. This was especially true for children's bodies, who were shown off more to show their healthy growth and promote them as future marriage partners. Kuroki figured it was perhaps a sign there were not as many perverts in this world, although he couldn't help but remember the disgusting comments from both Valiances. Still, whenever passing guards or others had seen him naked, they seemed to always make comments about his health, even if they were embarrassing sometimes, especially at the start. Although Kuroki was far more used to it now.

In any case, because he did this and so many other taboos, he was considered an outsider by many of the people. Despite defeating the Demon King, most people didn't have a good impression of him, and thanks to his tendency to take so many wives and female companions, and the fact he only everr targeted criminal organizations that went after girls and women, apparently not capable of understanding there were those that targeted boys and men specifically as well, their impression of him plummeted further. So when he sparked all those big incidents, he ended up being executed despite having killed the Demon King.

A few other of his taboos included always insisting boys should be the one to do the physical and messy work, which angered everyone, but especially many women who were already quite capable, and especially female dwarves. He also had implied at various times that women were better in the kitchen then men, which upset the culinary world immensely. He even seemed to always indicate that people shouldn't argue and point out when girls were wrong, accepting all the blame themselves, which upset everyone. Not just guys, but also any female with a sense of honor and responsibility hated that. He even implied that swords were a guy thing and magic was a girl thing, which made Kuroki's opinion of him plummet to unbelievably low levels.

He had actually tried to introduce farming techniques, but the farmers already had them as well as their own and were far more knowledgeable about it. Probably because they have had farmers for millennia, while the hero never farmed once.

He had tried to get extra funds by creating various board games and such, however they either already existed or the people had their own they preferred more. In terms of the former reason, it was likely some previous Starfallen had introduced them, but it seems the ones that originated in this world were far more popular.

And Kuroki had already pointed out the condiments/cooking fiasco earlier.

He actually tried to bring guns into creation, but cannons and such already existed, and they were so expensive, difficult to create, and impossible to enchant properly. After all, since people would imbue trace amounts of mana when they handmade things, anything handmade in this world always turned out better then if they would use factory methods, and without those, it seemed they wouldn't catch on as well. That, and people were worried about the loud bangs, which would attract monsters. Plus, as it turns out, he didn't know enough about how they were constructed, like most people in their previous world.

Kuroki had lamented at this before, but this world was not so easy you could gimmick everything and just ignore the culture of the world. He had to deal with embarrassment and hardship regularly. Since they had no family and not enough connections, and since they needed to become strong enough to look for their friends and family, they joined the adventurer's guild. And they had quite the massive debt to Amyris, Kaede to Ellie, and Ryuu to Riza. Of course, it was a very lax debt, and they were still unaware the three of them had left a lot of things out. So actually, despite the fact he had to bathe outside, often with other people, and the fact he had to work hard to make money, Kuroki was actually having it easier then other Starfallen. In fact, despite all these past issues and embarrassing moments he had, they were pretty much on easy mode right now.

Considering what they did know, in truth all the members of Silver Storm were starting to understand that. Still, although they were changing abnormally fast thanks to Adaptation and Compliance, they were still used to their old world in many ways. But it was because of these events, that might be why they had Compliance. Or possibly even both.

"No matter how you look at it, given all that chaos, Compliance might have been deemed necessary by someone with altruistic motives".

"Yeah...I still have concerns about it, but it might be making our lives easier also, so we cant deny its not being beneficial right now. Still, given that moment at the tent...I just can't be sure".

"You mean when we felt complied to adhere to authority, despite us hating the person it came from?"


"Yeah...if we didn't have all this support, who knows what might have happened. Honestly, its hard to think about right now...but every time I realize just how much we are being helped out of the goodness of people's hearts, I cant help but admit Ellie is right to call us spoiled brats whenever we make a fuss or get embarrassed".

Riku had been a bit...feisty and bashful with Ellie before, so he had gotten punished a bit. Actually it ended up being all three of them, but that was digressing. Riki had thought of that since and realized they had been very lucky so far.

These people weren't their parents, but they were trying to fill those roles as well as the roles of being their guardians for them. Even if they made them pay for the expensive clothes and some other things, they gave them food and shelter for free, took care of their health for free, used their influence to try and ward off problematic people for free, taught them how to use magic and defend themselves for mostly free, and gave them peace of mind for free.

It proved just how valuable starting with an ally was over just starting with clothes and supplies that were easy to find. Kuroki, Riku, Kaede, Ryuu, and also Akano were having a much easier time then Juno and Reiji were.

Kuroki closed the book, content with the history lesson and returning back to magic.

"So, Riku, what are your thoughts on mana?"

" kind of reminds me of what we learned in school. About the weather. The precipitation cycle. Primed Mana is like the water in the sky and clouds, ready to be used. The rain is like the expended mana, not really usable and more of a nuisance at times, although personally I love rain myself. And then, natural mana is like the water from rivers and oceans".

"I don't think that's quite a perfect analysis, since people can make use of rainwater as well, but I suppose otherwise its accurate. It is an easy to understand comparison".

Riku nodded. "It is kind of like recycling as well. I wonder though if anyone has ever thought about trying to use Natural Mana directly".

"They have. Didn't really work the way they wanted it to. Apparently its incredibly unwieldy and unpredictable, unlike Primed Mana within one's body".

"Ah, that is a shame".

The two boys stood up, and looked back at the target dummies.

"Hmm...Kuroki, I showed you that scroll right?"

"Yeah, you know that. Why are you asking now? By the way, Amyris freaked out about that. Apparently its a scroll made from a production method the Great Demon King specifically targeted to destroy due to its threat hundreds of years ago. But again, why bring it up now?"

"Well, I was wondering. If speed is an issue, what if you tried to use Flare Enchant to create the bubble faster? You still wont be able to surprise attack with it, but its not like you need to make a shell for long right?"

Kuroki's eyes widened. He grabbed Riku and kissed him a few times all over on the face, including once on the lips, and then hugged him. "Thank you thank you thank you! That it! I think I know how to finish both spells now! If I break down that technique, and use that...yes, I should be able to...lets try it out now!"

"Wait wait, no! Kuroki calm down! Sempai! Niichan! Don't cast again while..."

Riku's pleas fell on deaf ears as suddenly Kuroki created a huge blob of water in front of him. Riku quickly raised his arms, and right then it exploded even more violently then before, causing a huge wave that knocked them both to the ground, and both of them were now soaked.

" we have to have these clothes dried and dry ourselves off with a towel, again, before we can go to bed now" Riku muttered. "Please stop casting when you get giddy like that".

"...sorry. As the older one, I should probably set a better example".

"Age has nothing to do with it right now!"


And so, the two boys had to take off their clothes and add them to the clotheslines again, before crawling into bed and going to sleep. As punishment, Riku clung to Kuroki as they slept and partially used him as a pillow. It was still just chilly enough at night that even with all the skin contact, only a single layer of sheets was needed for extra warmth. Not as if they had any sleepwear anyways yet, since sleeping in the nude was also normal, especially for children since most were commoners in this world who couldn't use extra money just to spend on sleepwear they would outgrow in a few years, instead typically just piling on more blankets.

The next day, Kuroki and Riku woke up, had a large and filling breakfast, before heading out to meet up with Kaede and Ryuu and then join the second day of the large scale hunt. Technically it was day two and a half, but the day they got the assignments barely counted since they were mostly just organizing and reviewing with everyone regarding the plan and placements of the camps.

On this day, Kuroki's team would again help clear the meadows on the way to the forest, so that the more experienced F-Ranks and E-Ranks could use less stamina and operate more in the forest. Given this operation was unclear in how much time it would take, they had to preserve their stamina and assign roles accordingly. Even though they were skilled and had the Starfallen Gifts, yesterday proved they lacked experience.

"Today, we are going to not let those rabbits get the better of us!" Kuroki declared as they walked through the fields, shooting his fist up into the sky. Everyone else followed suit, and replied with a hearty Yeah.

Yesterday, while they had hunted Goblins decently enough, Horned Rabbits which were less powerful had been more difficult for them to hit and hunt. Especially with their speed, but even moreso with that strange Martial Arts Rabbit that kicked all their asses, or rather, their faces, and made a mockery of them before they defeated it.

Today, they were ready for that speed. Or at least, they believed they were. The only issue was the grass again. Kuroki was fifteen but was incredibly short, about the same height as the ten year olds Riku and Kaede. And Ryuu was even younger, being only around eight. The grass went up to or past their waists mostly, with only some areas being shorter.

The fact the grass was this tall did help the Horned Rabbits. Considering this was their home turf, it did make sense that they had adapted to or chosen a place to make use of their talents and size to avoid being caught by predators. Which in this case, was Kuroki's group.

"So what is the word on large area magic Kuroki?" Kaede asked.

"Best to avoid using it. When I used it yesterday, I could feel the drain. If I use it every time to deal with every rabbit, I will drain myself. However, if another martial artist rabbit shows up...I will use it then".

Kaede nodded. "Alright".

Ryuu looked enthusiastic meanwhile. "Sounds good. That means we can all have our revenge match!"

"Just remember to enjoy it while we can. Ozlo also said he wants us to report back around noon so he can redeploy us as needed" Riku added, sounding a bit more reliable than in the past.

The group nodded, as they looked out towards the fields. As they took a step further however, Kuroki raised his hand and had all his fingers up, signaling them to stop.


"Something weird is happening. I can sense some, but...others flickered out suddenly".

"They did what?"

"Yeah. Its...ambush!"

Kuroki suddenly raised an ice wall in front of him, as two Horned Rabbits suddenly charged right into it. Their horns got stuck in the ice, but one came from behind, digging itself out of the ground and stabbing Kuroki in the back of his left leg, before pulling it out and stabbing a few more times. Kuroki cried out in pain, but Riku quickly cut through it. The moment he swung however a horned rabbit also emerged from the ground and stabbed him in the back of the legs as well.

They are trying to limit our mobility?!

Blood was coming out of all his wounds, so Kuroki quickly took a healing potion. Expensive admittedly, but it would take time for Kaede and Riku to heal and bandage the wound. The rabbits emerged from the grass, and Riku turned towards Kuroki.

"Do it now!"


Kuroki slammed his foot into the ground, with special force on his heel. The moment he did, the magic he charged into it was released, and the ground became coated in ice. Their shoes and pants were charmed ahead of time to resist it, as well as the gloves they now had on their hands. The rabbits meanwhile were left helpless or trapped underground, so the group quickly began getting rid of them before they became a nuissance.

Kuroki gave Riku a bit of his healing potion. Unlike in games or in many novels he had read, potions were not a single use all or nothing thing. In fact, downing a whole potion was likely to make you sick, or even induce mana intoxication depending on the potion. This let Riku heal his wounds with a dose from the same potion Kuroki used, before sealing it again as there was still some left.

"What the hell, why did the rabbits organize?!" Riku asked.

"Seriously. I never thought I would have to deal with this again" Kuroki complained.


"A bully back in elementary school. It wasn't as severe as this, but he dug some rather crude traps in the ground by the rabbit cases when I was assigned duty. Although that wasn't as bad as...the other things he did".

"Oh...I heard about this. He locked you inside of the rabbit cages, sometimes naked, since he thought you were small like them".

Kuroki winced at the memories. It wasn't even the only situation like that he encountered, as he suffered something similar in middle school. Apparently, people loved to treat him like a small animal, especially sociopaths who were deranged enough to enjoy tormenting small animals. Akano sometimes stopped it...but sometimes was also forced to join him as well. The principal at their school was a sort of politician type who tried to hide all these incidents rather then deal with them.

"Yeah. Even locked a collar around my neck sometimes. They would always squish me in with Flappy too, the rabbit they mistreated and made it hate me. My shitty dad even called it a 'good growing moment' for me, saying that rather than being focused on a fantasy like magic, I should dedicate to martial arts like 'a real man'".

"Don't you think you got bullied way too much?"

"I was shorter than everyone else in my grade, and even everyone in the grade under me. It wasn't as bad back then, the difference, but it was still bad. No, it only got worse the worse my shitty dad treated me".

"...pretty sure that was why it got worse. I heard people can suffer growth deficiencies due to trauma and an abusive home life" Riku muttered.

"Anyways, enough about that. Lets talk about something more why did these rabbits ambush us?"

"There were no martial arts rabbits, but...that was quite clearly tactics right? They set up an actual ambush and tried to take out our mobility?"

If the group lost their mobility, they would absolutely be unable to deal with Horned Rabbits, which were much too fast for them. And they didn't even want to think what would happen if they encountered a martial artist rabbit.

"...Flappy huh. So he was around in your time" Kaede muttered.

"Hmm? Is Flappy still around? I suppose its not that strange. He was only a few years old when I was there, and its only been five years since then".

"Yeah. I really loved the rabbits, so I tried to look after him, but...he was always more bitter than the other ones. Do you know why his ear is burned by the way?"

Kuroki looked away. "...yes. Its not a pleasant story".

"Ah...sorry. We can talk about it later, if you want to at all".


The group then once more turned their attention to the rabbits in front of them.

Their behavior was strange. They showed none of that group coordination yesterday, and certainly not these condensed numbers.

"Hmmm. Its an hour or so early, but lets go report to Ozlo. This could cause serious issues, especially for G-Ranks".

The group decided to alert the others that they had to pull back using the whistle, and then headed right for Ozlo's tent. When they arrived, a familiar party was there with them. The E-Rank Adventurers, Deep Dashers, were already there making a report. It was already mostly over, but they were able to hear the end of it.

"The appearance of magic wielding goblins isn't outside of our expectations, but these numbers are still could imply something, or it could not. But I want to be safe. Deep Dashers, would you mind running around a bit more proactively and hunting the higher numbered goblin groups?"

"In addition to our normal duties?"

"Yes. I have concerns about what might happen if we just leave it be".


"That said, please wait. It appears another urgent report is here" Ozlo said, as he motioned for Kuroki's group to enter. Once they were all in, Ozlo looked at them fully. "What is the situation".

"Horned Rabbits organized themselves into an ambush while we were patrolling the meadows. In addition, they buried themselves underground and ambushed us that way. They targeted our legs to hamper our mobility, and somehow were able to hide themselves from my detection spells".

Ozlo looked at them puzzled.

"...what? Horned Rabbits did this?"


"Well shit. We will need to pull back all G-Rank parties and have them double up. That is serious. It must be some sort of unique mutation leading the group. At the same time as the Goblins though, really? How annoying".

"Could there be a link between the Rabbits and the Goblins?"

"Horned Rabbits are corrupted animals turned into mosnters, while Goblins were always monsters. There shouldn't be any link or coordination between them, but I will admit the timing is odd. I will need to consider all possibilities. Hmmm....I want you go to back and switch out with the party I have assigned the forest area, including the forest ruins you were at before. You guys seem to do better against Goblins then Rabbits, so I will have those guys who have more experience with Horned Rabbits then you deal with this. However, I want you all to remain cautious okay?".

"Understood. Is there anything else?"

"Yes. Tomorrow, I will have you operate in the sewers instead. With these changes, I cant afford to waste E-Ranks in the sewers, and there are only Goblins down there right now, although occasionally slimes sneak in so keep an eye out. We need to adapt so that we can minimize any damage from further unexpected developments".

"Understood. We will deploy to the forest then, and the sewers tomorrow".

"Yes. I will have Soaring Shields join you in your area as well. While they perform well, I want them closeby in the city to gather more easily so I can use them against an emerging horde, and it would be bad to keep leaving the frontline to them".

With those orders, they began to move out, when suddenly a rather obnoxious and familiar voice rang out.

"Now hold on a moment..."

It seems their meeting was not over yet.

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