Astraea: The Journey of Magic

Chapter 10: The Two Guildmasters

As the group turned to look at the bellowing voice, Kuroki and Riku suddenly felt an overwhelmingly powerful force. This went beyond anything they had felt before, even the feeling they got back when the rain stopped in mid air wasn't like this. It was as if they could feel it instinctively, someone dangerous and powerful was coming. They felt forced to look right at the figure coming out of the door in the back.

It was a large, muscular man. His face had been shaven to a degree, but it still looked a bit wild. He possessed a handlebar mustache too, and a thick head of brown hair. He appeared to be about 50 or 60 years old, but he still looked quite healthy and athletic. He was also quite tall, probably just a bit under two Kurokis tall. On his back he carried a large double bladed axe, and at his waist was two swords. His clothes looked rather fine, but also clearly durable and easy to move around in. His boots especially looked to be the most durable and finest things he owned. His shirt had no sleeves, allowing him to display his large and powerful muscles.

Kuroki felt just the slightest bit of bloodlust escape him, due to who he was reminded of, but the guildmaster still reacted and looked at him, flashing a stupid smile across his face.

He then looked around to the fallen adventurers, who others were moving to the storage closet so they would be out of the way until they regained consciousness. However, the guildmaster got a good look at them first.

"You two, don't put that one in the closet" he said, pointing to the one Riku had knocked out in the very beginning. The one the two boys had believed to still be retaining most of their sensibilities. "Put him in an interrogation room, and then call a doctor to treat him. Get Elsa to question him to, so we are guarenteed to get answers".



"Understood, Guildmaster" the man said, running off while two others carried the guy into the back.

"Now then..." he said, going and looking back at the two boys. Suddenly the two felt even more naked then when they had first arrived here, naked and cold. They could be tossed into a freezing blizzard naked, with everyone watching them and streaming them across the world for everyone to see, and it wouldn't feel as cold or unpleasant as right now. It was like he was seen through at every level, poked and prodded. Like he was being sized up and examined on a massive level.

Amyris sighed, stepping inbetween the two boys and the guildmaster.

"Krazel, what the hell are you doing?"

"I heard two interesting rookies got a double promotion on the first day they registered, and that they were both young as well. Still, to think both would be martial artists as well. That was unexpected, especially given how many problematic ones have appeared recently".

"You clearly got it wrong. Only one is a warrior, the other is a pure mage" Amyris said.

"He may have a Grimoire and appear rather short and weak, but..."

Suddenly, the Guildmaster was no longer in front of Amyris, but rather in front of Kuroki. But even stranger, Kuroki had only seen his face for a second when his shirt and cloak were pulled straight up and off, revealing his upper torso. It was too fast for him to see, and his nose could smell the foul stench of booze. It seemed he was only slightly buzzed though, since he was able to shout commands clearly to other members of the guild. And it seemed he possessed reason, even if he seemed to be incapable of showing restraint at the moment.

"Oh wow, thats some brutality here" the Guildmaster commented, seeing through the abuse easily. "Still though, with this sort of development, you are actually fifteen huh? And clearly you were made to endure some harsh training for martial arts".

The Guildmaster carelessly spoke.

"Furthermore, even your legs are like that, and you seem quite developed down there, despite the lack of it elsewhere. No body hair at all either? Fifteen, but with a strange growth pattern? Ah, perhaps a large amount of magical growth then? Still, overall its still quite healthy".

When did he?!

Suddenly, Riza, Amyris, and Riku all got in his way. Riku quickly started to help Kuroki fix all of his clothes, when suddenly he felt his own pants fall right down and his vision obstructed by his shirt.

"You are certainly ten though. Not anywhere as trained as the other boy, but also not as much brutality inflicted upon you either. Yet it seems to have taken better on you. These are some damn fine muscles. Although you should probably get some underwear soon and dont rely on suspenders underneath your shirt".

Somehow the Guildmaster got past Riza and Amyris, who turned around shocked. Riza attacked him immediately, his sword having appeared in his hand, while Amyris invoked a spell that made the wood twist and bend out of the ground, restaining the guildmaster while Riza knocked him to the ground. Riku and Kuroki quickly fixed everything, not even embarrassed so much as confused. No matter what they did, they couldn't follow his moves at all. He surpassed them all. A sort of monster. One that was buzzed and was lacking proper sense.

"Don't harass guild members" Amyris said coldly.

"Stop causing trouble, old man!" Riza growled at him passionately.

Incidentally, Riza's playful and aloof nature, which had remained consistent throughout almost the whole night, were nowhere to be seen anymore. His eyes, which typically darted around playfully, were now fully focused on the guildmaster.

"BUt they are children you know? And very capable ones. As an adult, its my job to give them thorough health checks and see if they will make good sparring partners".

"Consider the time and place, you combat obsessed freak".

"I swear, why don't you just croak and die already, you hundred year old fossil who is obsessed with muscles".

"But you know, Amyris, you were the one who told me all about that boy, Kuroki. So it was something I did need to confirm myself, plus I wanted to check on the development of their muscles".

It was becoming painfully clear that this guild master was a weirdo, although it seemed his interest was purely in their combat ability, as well as whatever Amyris had told him. Amyris glared at Krazel. Kuroki meanwhile glared at both of them. He had the feeling there was more to this though.

"What do you mean? Why were you talking about me?"

Amyris looked away. "Not here. If we need to talk about this more, lets go to a private room".

The two boys looked at the Guildmaster warily. His aura still felt oppresive too, like they couldn't deny him.

However, in an instant that aura disappeared completely as a new one appeared behind the guildmaster. It was Ozlo.

"Guildmaster, do I need to talk to your wife again?"

"I gotta do what I gotta do..."

"No more okay?"

"...I will keep it within reason".

"Good. Because I will be handling any necessary checkups myself. We can't have the boss do that after all. Also, I will be taking away your alcohol".


Before the guildmaster could get another word out, Ozlo silenced him with a glare and a smile that screamed darkness and malice.


"Glad you understand. Please make sure to be sober the next time you interact with them and apologize properly as well. Now everyone, lets go into the back so the guildmaster can apologize profusely for his idiocy now as well".

"I have to apologize twice?!"

Seemingly dragging the Guildmaster with him, Ozlo guided them all through a door in the back and down a few halls, until they reached a large empty room with a table and many chairs and stools scattered around. Once everyone was inside, he closed the door, and then looked at Amyris.

"Now, explain to Kuroki what caused all this".

"First of all, Kuroki...sorry. I wanted to wait until you were comfortable and okay telling me, but...I already know. Maybe not everything, but...a lot".

Kuroki stiffened.

"...when you say everything".

"When I did that examination on your mana, it also doubled as an extensive physical examination. In the first place, one of my specialties is magic that lets me gather more information through my senses to an unnatural degree. When I found you naked and saw you, especially when I had you freeze there and stop moving and then did my examination, I knew you had been abused".

Kuroki felt a bit stiff and afraid, but nodded. "I admit...I had a feeling, but I wasn't sure how much".

"After you called me dad, I knew there was something more going on, something bigger. From the fist size and the way you only asked about your friends, never your parents, I figured at least your father was probably an abusive parent. But that moment proved there was probably some really harsh psychological trauma or at least pressure involved. You had not seen a father figure in so long. Your brain was probably too used to your parent's fathers to recognize them as your own, so you instead latched to an unknown and unconsciously considered me your father. At that point I knew this wasn't something I could overlook, so I...I used a spell that let me experience your memories".

"Wait, you read his mind?! Isn't that kind of a big violation there?!" Riku asked, shocked.

"Certainly, I never do it unless necessary, or when its on those who have done horrible and great misdeeds. But its not so much that I read them, but that I experienced them. Including every bit of sensory information".

Kuroki paled. He understood what Amyris meant immediately. His cheeks also went a bit red, because that probably meant he knew about all the times Kuroki had been made to wet himself due to his father's cruelty. He likely knew about the time Kuroki had been stripped and locked up in the yard like a dog, the time he and his friends had all been easily taken out, and the times he cried himself to sleep. And it meant he knew about all the bullying he had experienced at school as well, some of which was just as bad sometimes. And that meant...he also knew of the Elite Class.

"...I see".

"So let me be clear Guildmaster. Kuroki is a mage, and if you even so much as think about calling him a warrior or martial artist, I will end you".

Kuroki had not expected that next line.


"What you saying? If he went through all that violence there, why not make use of it anyways?"

"Because we cannot allow a single moment of justification for what he went through" Amyris replied. Kuroki didn't expect that answer, but it moved something in him deep inside.

Riku nodded as well.

"Yeah. Leave the warrior stuff to me, Kuroki. I am sure Reiji-nii will help fill that role as well when we find him".

"If I am around, I can see what I can do, but as a much higher ranking adventurer, I cant actually go with you on requests" Riza said. "After all, part of mentoring is letting you all fight on your own, even if it means risking your deaths, so you can learn and grow properly".

If Riza went on requests as them, it might void any accomplishments they hoped to make.

The Guildmaster looked at the three of them.

" seems like such a waste though. I am sure he would make an excellent warrior".

It seemed a large reason of why the Guildmaster examined them was to measure their worth as warriors. Still, he was incredibly pushy and thickheaded. He probably did it in the heat of the moment, without thinking at all of what it could be seen as or how it would obviously bother them.

Ozlo then pinched his ear, and it hurt him like hell.

"It would be fruit from the poisonous tree, I think is the right saying. And it wouldn't be right, especially when its not what Kuroki wants either. Right?"

Attention went back to Kuroki, and he nodded. He agreed completely. He did not want to use it, as he did not want to justify a single horrible thing his father made him endure. The only reason he had hope and still has light in his eyes was thanks to his friends and their families. Not to mention others like Riku, and a few teachers.

The guildmaster sighed, apparently giving up. Although he did sulk a little.

"...why is the guildmaster such a freak?" Riku asked.

"Ah, well he certainly got more excitable then normal today, but he is a sort of battle maniac. He loves to fight" Ozlo explained, letting out his own sigh. "Honestly its such a headache. The reason he did all that was probably because he wanted to size you up and spar with you right there on the spot".

"Its more then just that" the Guildmaster stated. "After what I heard from Amyris, I needed to check myself and we need to do proper documentation. Even if you came from another world, the laws of this kingdom still apply. We can easily charge your father with several crimes regardless on if it happened on our soil or not. However, to do that...we do need you to strip so we can document the injuries".

"Wait, then what about me?!"

Riku asked a fair question.

"You two seemed to know each other, so I thought I would check you as well. And so that Kuroki didn't feel so alone as well".

" bastard".

Riku clearly did not like the idea, but he also seemed to not reject it either.

"Oi, language. Do I need to give you a spanking?"

"THe only one who needs one is you, sir" Ozlo retorted. "Still, he is right about the documentation. If you go through with it, if we ever find him, we could have formal charges pressed and thrown into jail".

Riku looked confused. "Wait, is it so easy? Even though you threatened spanking like it was so natural?"

"It is natural. Spanking is a limited thing against one of the most padded areas of the body. However, Kuroki suffered from broken bones, countless bruises, and who knows how it could have affected his brain. Anything like that is completely unacceptable. Some people are even executed for such crimes against children".

Riku didn't really get the difference, but he supposed he understood enough. He compliantly accepted it being the culture of a different world and all.

"I that shitty asshole can be charged".

"Yes. The only issue is that it might be difficult to have the guards of the kingdom actively look for him, but if he ever gets arrested or caught for even a minor thing by any guard of the kingdom, they should be able to find it out easily and levy charges against him. Especially those in this region of the kingdom. Think of it like a sort of buffer or shield at least".

Ozlo provided some information of the perks, but he also explained it reasonably. While a crime that can even be punished with death in some cases, it would be difficult to get the guards to actively look for him on it, so it was by no means fullproof.

"I guess we can only get Kuroki's father on that too" Riku grumbled.

"Yes. Why, is there others?"

"Yeah. People who shared the same ideals and twisted nature of Kuroki's father. His Elite Class. Even I ended up on their bad side a few times".

Kuroki shivered a bit.

"I hadn't thought about them at all".

"Yeah, because your shitty dad is an overwhelming threat by comparison. But make no mistake, those guys will cause trouble too. And probably come for you to earn your father's favor. Besides, they are envious of you".

To the Elite Class, Kuroki was a detestable existence. He was the son of a highly capable and great martial artist, but in their eyes he disrespected his father and refused to listen to his parents, and did so constantly. That he denied inheriting his father's legacy. Envy and jealousy, as well as wrath.

The Guildmaster then spoke up. "Thats another reason we need to examine you both. In truth, the past few days, various reports of young highly skilled martial arts seemingly arriving out of nowhere with no one knowing who they are have been coming in. The reason I know of them is because many had problematic personalties or caused trouble, although none of them had comitted a crime yet. It is only a matter of time however".

Kuroki did not like the sound of that.

"To be honest, other problematic people have appeared and caused other issues as well. Since they seemed to appear from nowhere and yet seem strangely capable and skilled, it's actually been a huge problem for us. Not to mention the strange marks they had on their chest, at least some of them were seen to have them".

"Strange marks?"

The guildmaster took out a piece of paper and showed it to them. The two recognized it instantly, after all it was the very name of the dojo itself, and the symbol used as its logo.

"Tsk. I dont remember them having that, but its certainly them".

"Great. I hope they all stay really far away".

"There is more news however..." the guildmaster said, a bit hesitantly. "We have yet to get accurate readings, but from an appears over one thousand Starfallen that we know for sure are Starfallen have died in the five or so days since you all arrived".

This hit them big. One thousand deaths within the first five days? Even if you consider accidents and really stupid actions, that seemed high. Starfallen didn't get super powerful abilities, but they did get some power and ability. Enough that they are probably more powerful then actual F-Ranked Adventurers, provided any desire they had could be applied to combat abilities. Adults did get less power though it seemed, according to Riza's observations.

But still, that was just the ones they had confirmed themselves.

"What scale of information do we have?"

Amyris asked an important question.

"We can only confirm cases well around our own kingdom, and only about six hundred of them. As for other parts of the world, naturally that is harder, but some of these confirmations did come from guildmasters I know from other countries, such as the Delathid Empire and the States. However, if we take what we do know and consider the world at large....I would say that if 600 is the average per nation, we could be looking at around 15000 casualties at least by now, provided the enemy was able to perfectly space out all their forces and they all worked with the same level of efficiency. It might be the group in our nation has been more effective then others...or less. However, for every crater we find a corpse in or near, we find another crater that is empty. And a few that had Demon corpses".

Kuroki and Riku paled at that. From that, they could be sure now. Their city wasn't all that large, it was like halfway between a city and a town. But the population should have been over 30 thousand total. Probalbly closer to 40 thousand. In other words, nearly half the people from their city had already died.

This sudden news hit them hard. It wasn't what they had originally come here to talk about, but it was an incredibly boon of information.

And also a dark omen.

"This is abnormal" Amyris muttered.

"Agreed" Riza added.

"What? Demons have grudges against Heroes, its not too odd is it?"

"No, what is abnormal is how organized they are. Whoever hired them clearly knew the Starfallen were coming. However, they seem to want to kill the Starfallen rather then capture them, so it means that even if they knew it was happening, it seems unlikely they were behind it. Not unless something went so horribly wrong they changed their plans".

"More then that" Riku butted in. "It means our entire city was brought here for sure".

Children seemed to get more power and favorable positions, so it was likely their classmates were fine. After all, in any place, most of a population is adults. However...

"I have a question" Kuroki asked.


"Have any of them been babies or toddlers?"

The Guildmaster nodded. "Good question. They have not. Not a single Starfallen has been under seven years old".

"I see...thats generally the age when they really have more of a sense of self developed and start showing more differences. If I recall correctly, around six is some sort of brain development milestone. At least, if I remember correctly. I might be wrong on some details".

It also meant that there was no horrific loss of young life.

"If I had to guess, they probably got excluded from the summoning, although that could cause issues in its own way" Riku added. "But if they got left behind, wouldn't that be problematic as well? Wait, if physical objects got left behind, I wonder what happened to all those airliners at the airport. We had one overhead when the transference happened".

"Well, we cant do anything about them. We can only hope that first responders got to the city in time. I doubt it took long for people to go, an entire city disappearing would get noticed rather quickly, especially if an airplane fell from the sky".

They got a bit more off topic then they should have.

"Anyways. Thats why I wanted to check you both out. With everything going on, and with you displaying an ability some of them had as well, we needed to know if you were part of that group. But you are rather young. Still though, as I am always looking for more apprentices, figured it wouldn't hurt to multi-task. Especially since I will need all the assistance I can get".

He looked back at Kuroki and Riku, only for Riza's sword to end up at his neck.

"You shouldn't bother people for your own amusement".

"Oi. I have altruistic reasons".

"Yes. And you also tend to be rude and inconsiderate. How many times have me and the rest of the guild staff had to carry you home when you were plastered exactly. Even now you are drunk. I will be taking away your alcohol again".

"Listen, okay. About a hundred of the cases so far have had to deal with curses, so we do need to check them for those as well. And you know curses are my specialty".

Amyris looked at Ozlo.

"Ozlo, is this true?"

"Regrettably, yes. I mean, the man has been cursed over a hundred times now, so I suppose it can't be helped" Ozlo said, looking away for a change.

Riza sighed. "Ozlo, really?"

"You try working in the same building as him".

"Ahahaha. Hard pass".

"If you encounter him sober, it would be a lot better. Incidentally, I will try and have you deal with the Vice-Guildmaster or myself in the future. We rarely if ever drink after all, and the Vice Guildmaster prefers wine anyways".

"Well thankfully, I am quite skilled at detecting curses too. So I can look them over at my house, at home, and none of the rest of you are invited. Besides, I need to at least start Riku's and Kuroki's laundry, unless they want to parade around naked all day tomorrow".

"No thank you! I have things I need to do!"

"I would rather not".

Riku and Kuroki only had one set of clothes, and as Kuroki had discovered, the set of clothes Riku did find did not come with underwear. So they would need to take him to Ellie's anyways.

She was still making some more casual wear sets for Kuroki and Kaede, so this should work well. Plus then it would let him see Kaede.

The guildmaster started to speak again, but then Ozlo hit him with some sort of magic that made him writhe in pain for a moment.

"What is that?"

"I reached my theoretical limit and used a personal magic of mine that sobers someone up".

"He looks to be in incredible pain".

"Indeed. If he wasn't an S-Ranker and so tough, he would probably eventually die if I kept it applied. Magic that so finely deals with the body is difficult after all. I would have used it sooner, but he gets very irritated and I wasn't sure we would have a productive conversation this way".

"...the sobering magic can kill people?"

"Yes. Thats why I am its only user. I also created it".

The two confirmed Ozlo was very scary. After a few moments, it seemed the Guildmaster returned to his senses.

"I wasn't that drunk you dumbass!"

"You were drunk enough that you harassed two kids in public just to check for marks, check their muscles, and do your own examination. In other words, for pure curiosity".

"But I was clear headed enough to call Else in to interrogate that one guy! And to hold this whole conversation! I should be praised, not punished! And why doesn't your sobering magic also remove hangovers?!"

"Because its an unnecessary feature for you. If I ever develop a version that does also avoid the hangover, I will make sure everyone else aside from you benefits from it though".


"I can't believe you have such authority Ozlo" Riku muttered.

"Ah, well. Despite my youth, I am the Sub-Guildmaster of this guild".

"Is that different from a Vice-guildmaster?"

"Yes. It means that in terms of authority, I am ranked third in this entire guild. The Vice Guildmaster is second, and then the Guildmaster should be number one but is too irresponsible so we boss him around instead".

"Ahh...I see".

With that, the group decided to leave. Ozlo and the Guildmaster decided to see them out, as they were done for today anyways and had their own homes to return to. But right as they made it to the street, that was when they had another encounter.

"Well now, if it isn't Amyris and Riza. And a few others as well".

Talking in a rather haughty voice, they turned and looked over at a man wearing large green robes. He had long black hair and amethyst eyes. His hair even went all the way down past his shoulders, and his cloak and robes covered him from head to toe, and yet just barely avoided touching the ground. He had a few other people behind him, clearly all mages as well.

Amyris scowled. "Well now, if it isn't Guildmaster Sebas of the Mage's Guild. What brings you to this part of town?"

"Why, I was just enjoying the nighttime air of course. By the way, I heard you finally cleared your troubles with the Guild the other day and even registered an Apprentice. How wonderful. Would this little boy be the one in question?"

Kuroki glared at him, but when he tried to speak, he felt a suffocating amount of mana appear around him. It even plunged into his mouth, into his throat.

"Y-yes, I am that little boy".

The words came from Kuroki's mouth, even though he did not say them. Or rather, he had no intention of replying like that.

"Are you a cute, adorable, very little boy?"

"Y-yes, I am a cute, adorable, very little boy".

"Sebas!" Amyris shouted, a wave of mana coming out of him that erased the feeling that Kuroki suffered from. He collapsed to the ground and gasped for air.

"Kuroki! What the hell did you do to him, you bastard!"

Riku went for his sword, when suddenly he felt a huge amount of mana stuff down his throat as well.

"Oh, sorry, I am such a foolish, innocent, cute little boy as well that I made such a terrible mistake against a great and powerful person like yourself, my lord".

Riku's mouth said words, but it was not Riku that said them. Amyris pushed back again, and Riku joined Kuroki on the ground, panting as if he had nearly been suffocated.

"Well now, since he admitted what he said to me, a noble, was wrong, how should I punish you?"

Amyris glared, and the mages raised their staffs. However, it was not any of them that reacted next, but the guildmaster.

"You done messing around, Sebas?"

Sebas' aura retreated further, as Krazel stepped forward. Fully sober now, he seemed a lot more dignified and respectable. His mere presence made Sebas' mana retreat.

"I thought I would say hello" Sebas muttered with a smile. "After all, Amyris rushed out with his apprentice before I got the chance to meet them. That was quite rude".

Was that why he rushed us out of there at the end? To avoid this guy?

Notably, even Riza found it hard to move. He coughed a bit, but he at least remained on his two feet. However, a sword had appeared in his hand, shimmering in the moonlight along with a single bracelet around his wrist which seemed to glow with magical energy.

Ozlo had ended up down on one knee as well, and this was someone who could summon dragons. Even if they were small, Kuroki was sure that was no minor feat.

Sebas' hair fluttered in the wind, revealing a pair of elf ears. As well as a scar across his neck and by the side of his face. It was hidden by the hair and robes normally, but Kuroki was able to get a glimpse at it.

Whoever this Sebas was, he was able to control mana to such a degree. Although it was basic, not even real spellcraft, it was absurdly strong. It seemed to pair with his arrogance, as he could force people to say what he wanted them to say, and to kneel before him. That was his power. The pressure was as if they were on the bottom of hte ocean. Still, it seemed like a powerful enough pressence by one's side was enough to push it back. What was of particular note however was that the Guildmaster was able to do it even better then Amyris, who seemed to be about equal to Sebas.

"Still though, he seems quite weak. To think he would succumb so easily to my mana".

Riza's sword then appeared at his neck, which alarmed even Sebas. His mages didn't even react, only now noticing.

"Lets not pretend that your actively focusing your mana on them just to make them do that. After all, it only hit them one at a time did it not? Then again, I suppose thats the only way you can feel important about yourself. Bullying children".

Sebas glared at Riza.

"Oh, you think you can take me on?"

"Take? What do you mean? Legally, when you stuffed your mana down those kids throats, you basically committed assault. I could perhaps charge you with attempted murder".

"You really want to get into a such a fight when I have yet to so much as lift a finger?"

"And yet, you are speaking out of place. You came to my guild, and picked a fight with me and my people, and then continued to act arrogant in front of so many witnesses. Countless people saw you blatently flaunt your mana, and you have so far done nothing but speak disrespectfully towards those here. You sure you want to get into such a fight?"

"I think that you underestimate my greatness" he said, as he took out a wand.

"Ara ara, are you sure about that" a female voice said from behind. Sebas quickly turned around and made some distance, as a blonde haired women now stood there. Suddenly the mages fell down one by one, as she walked towards Sebas. "Don't you think its about time to end such a farce? It's time to let them go along with their journey, you know?"

Krazel then nodded at her. "Else, I am glad you arrived".

"Yes, I can see the Mage's Guildmaster is being such a pain, and after you were specifically warned by the Council not to act in such a way and to become more approachable and kind" Else mentioned. "I will be reporting this infraction".

Now Sebas seemed a bit panicked.

"Tsk. We will see about that. We are going, everyone!"

Sebas took one last look at Kuroki, sending a shiver down the boy's spine. Sebas and his henchmen seemed to walk off, making distance between them.

"I don't like him at...damnit!"

Kuroki suddenly dodged to the left as a roof tile slipped from a nearby roof and nearly hit him in the head.

"Phew, that was close. Did he do that?"

"As expected sempai, you have the greatest ability to sense danger of us all".

"Alright, now lets get home before some demons spot us" Amyris mentioned.

"Right!" the two replied, as they quickly ditched the others. Riza chased after them though.

"Oi, I am not done enjoying my time with you guys yet! Lets go to a tavern next!"

And so that was how they spent their night.

Back in the office of the Adventurer's Guild Master, Krazel and Ozlo were sitting there, drinking some tea.

"I gotta say Ozlo, you are a tricky one. Shouldn't you trust people better?"

"Now now, compared to what actually happened, I only planned a small portion of it" Ozlo said. "Grandpa probably knew even more about what would happen then I did. Although I will say he should have warned me about the Mage's Guildmaster. Honestly, I hate dealing with that asshole. Besides, we only reacted to the drunk drugged people. Neither of us lured them in, we just let Kuroki and Riku fight them to test their abilities, and get them promoted faster".

In order to get to F-Rank, it required quite a bit of demonstration of combat experience. However, special exceptions can exist. For example, clearly defeating a bunch of hoodlums like they did.

"Furthermore, what was really scary was that they both identified the fact this was a group being manipulated by one of their own members, although he too was being manipulated by others. He was in the back, but they took him out first so that way the mob could not be organied against them. Honestly, that was kinda scary. Normal kids are not capable of that".

"Says one who is even more abnormal, Mr. 'I made B-Rank at Age 10'".

"Well, I cant deny that. In any case, their abilities are probably about....D-Rank, maybe occasionally dipping into C-Rank. Especially Kuroki's defense. He was warding multiple attacks and using a magic technique I have not witnessed yet. It looked like unstructured magic, but I have never seen it be so fluid".

Unstructured Magic was what people referred to as just using mana itself, while Structured was utilizing mana within a frame of an incantation, or with glyphs or symbollic equations. Incantations or Glyph Equations were always a stronger way to use magic, while mana was a faster and more instinctive way.

Which just goes to show how powerful Sebas was, who could take control of someone's voice with just their mana. That said...

"Sebas relies far too much on his overabundence of mana by exchange. His technique is rather crap, but he used his mana and status to keep climbing the ranks. That, and quite a few suspicious deaths. Kuroki meanwhile doesn't have godly levels of mana, but his technique might as well be godly. I thought Starfallen didn't get any absurd skills?"

"No, thats probably just a reflection of his intellectual ability. Without a doubt, he is the type who can think things through quickly and come up with clever ideas".

Kuroki's mana control had made it appear as if he was dancing around the room, while his enemies were forced to endure someone else's attacks.

"I suppose that means we will have to get them ranked up fast. The longer they stay at lower ranks, the more people will try to take advantage of them".

"Agreed. That still doesn't excuse your disgraceful behavior earlier though".

"Sorry. But that was some nasty magic I got hit with. To think they would try and use that magic again, and on me. Good think I came prepared for the day that thing returned".

Ozlo looked surprised. "Was the enemy that strong?"

"If he is the one that has been hunting the Starfallen, it makes a lot of sense. Still, it means we are in some deep trouble. And that magic in particular is one we have to look out for, especially since I wasn't able to completely shake it even".

"So, the enemy that has been gone for several decades is back".

The guildmaster nodded.

"Yes. The one who took Anna from the world has returned".

At the same time, in the office of the Mage's Guild's Guildmaster.

"That damned bitch! To think the Guildmaster brought her...was it that brat Ozlo's doing? Did he see that far ahead?"

He was furious. He had been shown up completely. Or rather, he was totally outmanuevered. He knew Amyris would be there, and he would have to endure a bit, as well as Riza. But of course, Ozlo and Krazel were also there. And then Else showed up.

He knew what they thought of him. Just because he was clever and sneaky, they hated him and couldn't understand his brilliance. He, who had so easily climbed to the top using his schemes. However, now he had an issue. Riza's son had been stationed in reception, and the Vice Guildmaster came from another city and was just a mere boy, yet somehow was impossible to bribe or fool easily. He saw past everything that came at him, and was there by the Council to monitor his guild after a number of complaints.

And unpleasantly enough, the Adventurer's Guildmaster got on their good side in the process, even though he was probably also scheming something. Yet his hands were being tied because the Guild was probably filled with people who were against him. Blind fools! Siding with me is clearly the superior choice! I suppose I wont have any choice, I will need to punish them. Kuroki, huh? I look forward to seeing that arrogant Amyris squirm, and his pupils seem like a great way to do just that. Then perhaps I will finally get revenge on him for what Anna did to my beautiful neck and face!

Decades ago, when he had been asseting his power and trying to get a higher rank by using his subordinates to speed things along, he ended up doing something that society would foolishly blame him for like some commoner. At the time he was able to erase the evidence, but Anna saw him and attacked him to defend a witness, a young boy. In the process, she had wounded his beautiful, beautiful face.

Anna was gone, but his grudge remained. Amyris was the one that found her and taught her, so he had long harbored a grudge against him. But he was strong, and highly respected and loved as The Magician of the Silver Hour.

Why is he so beloved when he raises troublemakers, while I am a brilliant and wonderful person and treated so bad! This makes no sense!

But soon, he would become the hero. It was some ways off, but soon. Then no one would care about Amyris, and only about him. But he knew it would certainly help if he made sure Amyris wasn't around when it happened.

Still, he was sure his scheme would be absolutely perfect.

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