Assimilate All Talents

Chapter 99: Rest

With both of them having powerful new weapons, they spent the remaining money on resupplying their food and other items. Sol especially stocked up on more food in fear of running out.

If it simply wasn't for a certain someone trying to learn how to cook while in a dungeon, it wouldn't have been a problem in the first place. While Sol didn’t know exactly how the food was disappearing, it had happened so much that it couldn't be attributed to him miscounting anymore.

Sol knew it was Amber as it couldn't be anyone else, but since she hadn’t asked and instead sneakily swiped it, he assumed there must be a good reason for it and let it be for now. He also gave her some of the food to store in her spatial ring so she didn't have to keep stealing from him. This also made it easier to keep track of the remaining supplies.

Done with the shopping, Sol didn't want to dive back into the dungeon so soon. It was a dreary place and the only company they had was each other. There were other parties delving in the dungeon as well, but the two stayed clear of them to prevent conflict. The only company he had in the dungeon was Amber, and while he appreciated her presence, she wasn’t that great of a conversation partner.

Even if he didn't want to dive back in, he had no choice as the knight selection takes place in a little under two weeks. Sol knew he had to prepare as best he could and believed he had just enough time to make it to the 21st floor. While it only took them a week for the first ten floors, the guide showed the later floors were much larger and even traversing through them while avoiding traps and enemies would take hours. Though they had to jump back into the dungeon soon, it didn’t mean they had to right at this moment.

While walking through the bustling city streets, Sol looked at Amber and told her the plan, “How about we take the rest of today off and tomorrow we can head back to the dungeon?”

Amber nodded and followed behind him like usual.

Sol stopped and turned back to her, “We don’t have to be together to relax you know. Is there nothing you want to do or see?”

Amber didn't respond as she gazed back at Sol. The two were locked in a sudden staring contest for a full minute until Sol awkwardly looked away. Sol could tell this was heading nowhere and decided to take a more direct approach.

“Okay how about this, let's split up. You can do whatever you want or nothing at all. We can meet up back at the inn before dusk.”

Amber nodded and disappeared from his view using her invisibility skill. Sol knew she left because he could see her mana signature sift through the busy streets without touching or bumping into anyone on the way. He didn’t know why she went invisible to leave, but he didn’t really care that much; she had done weirder things.

Sol also worded what he said like an order so Amber would actually follow it. Sol seldom ordered Amber around as he knew why she obeyed to a fault and felt guilty for doing so but he had to. Not only did Sol need some alone time, but he didn’t want Amber to grow attached to following him around. Sol knew she had next to no independence thanks to the mind alterations, but recently he had seen her express herself from time to time. So Sol felt this was a good chance to give her a small push.

Now alone, Sol turned to the bustling streets and wondered.

“Hmm… where to then?” Sol didn’t really know what the city had to offer besides adventuring related matters so he was stumped on what to do.

Sol wandered aimlessly through the city and eventually found a nice park to relax in. Sol sat on the grass under a tree as he watched the people go on their walks or chat. He felt it was a nice change of pace from constant fighting. There was only one problem.

Sol's fingers were tapping the grass impatiently as he was bored out of his mind. It had been less than five minutes and he already wished he was doing something else.

‘Have I become restless?’

Sol shook his head; he had always been this way. He was never one to sit still and watch others; he always had to be doing something. Even before obtaining [Siphoner], Sol would spend his time helping or studying information in the guild whenever he wasn’t hunting to level up. It made Sol feel uneasy whenever he wasn’t doing anything.

‘Might as well improve my skills…’

Sol used [Reinterpret] and was taken back into the white room in his mind. He wasn’t worried about what would happen to his real body as he was aware of his surroundings at all times. The only difference was that it felt like it was in the back of his mind.

This gave Sol an idea. “What if…”

With a wave of his hand, the edge of the white room gained color as it formed into the image of the park in his surroundings. People in the distance could be seen walking by as a nearby Sol was sitting under a tree. It was all happening in real time.

“Wow, this makes it much more pleasant.”

Ignoring the fake Sol sitting by the tree, Sol summoned another clone and practiced a variety of skills. Sol wasn’t sure which one he should focus on so for now he will try a few and see if there were any he could change or drastically improve.

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