Assimilate All Talents

Chapter 78: EX Skill

The next few days of traveling went smoothly. Hughbert, at one point, explained that this route was relatively safe as it was a common route used by merchants. Soldiers would periodically sweep the route, making it much safer; the only real danger could be stray monsters new to the area or bandits who stalked the route for easy prey. That's why Sol and Amber were hired to escort them; with six total fighters escorting one single carriage, most bandits wouldn’t find it worth it to attack.

That's not to say they were never attacked.

“Sharp winds dice my foes, [Razor Wind]!”

Near-invisible blades of winds launched out from behind Sol towards the ten bandits who stood blocking their carriage. The bandits believed it would be an easy score as they almost doubled those defending the carriage. What they least expected was to also be fighting a magic user.

One of the bandits at the front of the group put up his shield, “Shit!”

Just before the blades of wind hit the group, a large transparent orange shield of the same design as the bandit’s shield appeared in front of the group. The wind blades slammed against the shield, blocking most of the attack before disappearing.

Sol’s eyes perked up upon seeing that shield, ‘I hope that wasn’t a talent skill.’

One of the other bandits yelled to his comrades, “Split up!”

The bandits quickly made space between each other to prevent being hit by another large spell, but it didn’t matter.

Amber instantly appeared behind one of the bandits before silently slicing its neck. Before the body hit the floor, she was already moving to her next target.

Sol didn’t stand idly and also went on a rampage using the spell [Tailwind] and the skill [Blurry Steps] to increase his speed even further as his sword cleanly bisected an unlucky bandit.

The guards wanted to initially join in and help them fight but quickly realized they weren't needed. Even if they tried to join, Sol or Amber would kill the bandit they were going for before they could get close. Not even a minute later, all bandits lay dead on the floor.

Hughbert’s jaw dropped as he watched how easily the duo dealt with the bandits.

“By the gods Sol. You have improved so much since I last saw you.”

Sol removed his sword from the shield bandit's chest and gave a simple nod.

“I went to the dungeon and trained a bit there.”

“A bit? Hahaha! You call this a bit?”

Hughbert pointed at the fallen bandits, “Last time my men at least held them back while you finished them off, but now they couldn't even clash blades before it was settled.”

Not used to receiving praise, Sol tried to shift the conversation to a different subject, “What should we do with the bodies? Split the items?”

“Normally it would be split evenly, but honestly you two did all the work. I think my men and I can agree you both deserve all the spoils. Though if you do wish to sell them, I promise I’ll give you a fair price.”

Sol looked used [Analysis] on all the items he saw and none caught his eye except for the shield.

The Protector


Defense: 60

Durability: 764/850


[Wide Cover] Lv 5

[Wide Cover] Lv 5: Summons a larger version of the shield that covers a wide area. Defense is five times its base value. Duration: 5 seconds. Cooldown: 1 hour.

‘So it wasn’t a skill. Still a good item nonetheless.’

While Sol didn’t have any skills related to shields, that was quickly resolved.

Learned [Basic Shield Mastery] Lv 9!

Learned [Block] Lv 8!

Sol didn’t stop there and used [Siphon] on all the bandits.

[Concealment] leveled up! (4 -> 7)

[Power Shot] leveled up! (4 -> 8)

[Basic Bowmanship] leveled up! (7 -> MAX)

[Basic Bowmanship] reached MAX level, evolve skill?

Without hesitation, Sol hit yes as he wondered why the system asked if it should evolve the skill. Who would ever say no?

[Basic Bowmanship] evolved into [Intermediate Bowmanship]!

[Intermediate Bowmanship] Lv 1: Increases Bow damage by 110%.

‘I haven't even used the bow once…’

Sol had been wanting to practice with his other weapons but the timing had never been in his favor. Even the day where he bought a few common weapons to try them out was the day Weaver and Amber kidnapped him. Since then he couldn’t find the alone time to try them out.

‘When I get to the capital I will definitely make some time to practice. The dungeon would be a good place to do so.’

After siphoning the other skills from the bandits and gaining a few more levels in some skills, Sol was able to evolve another skill. One that had been underutilized since he cleared the goblin camp.

[Silent Steps] reached MAX level, evolve skill?

[Silent Steps] evolved into [Muffled Movements]!

[Muffled Movements] Lv EX: All movements are silenced. Mana can be used to muffle other sounds.

Sol didn’t believe the notification at first and opened his status page to make sure.

Name: Sol

Race: Human

Talents: [Siphoner]

Level: 35

Exp: 14,380/165,000

HP: 1000

MP: 500

Str: 40 (+60)

Vit: 30 (+70)

Agi: 30 (+20)

Int: 30 (+10)

Wis: 40 (+10)

Available Stats: 0

Talent Skills:

[Siphon] Lv 3, [Analysis] Lv 4

Passive Skills:

[Intermediate Swordsmanship] Lv 5, [Basic Trapmaking] Lv 9, [Muffled Movements] Lv EX, [Counter] Lv 1, [Quick Cast] Lv 7, [Agility Up] Lv 4, [Nature Sense] Lv 1, [Intermediate Throwing] Lv 1, [Intermediate Unarmed Mastery] Lv 1, [Gargantuan Strength] Lv 1, [Intermediate Bowmanship] Lv 1, [Intermediate Axemanship] Lv 2, [Iron Stomach] Lv 5, [Pursuit] Lv 1, [Endless Vitality] Lv 2, [Increased Mana Regeneration] Lv MAX, [Physical Resistance] Lv MAX, [Mana Perception] Lv 6, [Natural Armor] Lv MAX, [Wisdom Up] Lv 2, [Increased Health Regeneration] Lv 3, [Intelligence Up] Lv 2, [Basic Spearmanship] Lv 9, [Mana Efficiency] Lv 5, [Precise Coordination] Lv 6, [Basic Psychic Mastery] Lv 2, [Basic Shield Mastery] Lv 9

Active Skills:

[Cross Slash] Lv 3, [Ground Shrink] Lv 1, [Basic Wind Magic] Lv 6, [Intermediate Fire Magic] Lv 4, [Snap Punch] Lv 4, [Blurry Steps] Lv 1, [Harden] Lv 9, [Power Shot] Lv 8, [Concealment] Lv 7, [Wide Swing] Lv 8, [Basic Water Magic] Lv 6, [Intermediate Earth Magic] Lv 1, [Earth Hammer] Lv 5, [Rock Throw] Lv 4, [Burrow] Lv MAX, [Heavy Blow] Lv 8, [Crippling Strike] Lv 8, [Charge] Lv 8, [Rage] Lv 8, [Meditation] Lv 2, [Telepathy] Lv 1, [Block] Lv 8

‘My first EX skill…’

Technically Sol’s Pollen Bow also had an EX skill, [Grappling Vines], but it couldn't be considered truly his. There was a clear difference between a MAX level skill and an EX one. MAX levels have reached their peak but there was nowhere else for them to go and couldn’t become stronger. EX skills on the other hand have also reached the point of perfection but can still become stronger or weaker depending on how much mana or power one puts into it.

Sol couldn’t increase the physical damage reduction from [Physical Resistance], which was at MAX level, it would always be at 50%. [Muffled Movements] on the other hand could extend beyond just his body and he could use mana to negate the noise of an object or a surrounding area. The mana cost could increase depending on the level of noise and the area it covered but as long as Sol had the mana it was theoretically possible to make an entire city silent. It’s possible it could go even higher and Sol shuddered at the possibility of silencing an entire world.

‘It’s possible but the mana cost would be insane. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that.’

With the help of Hughbert’s guards, the group took all the valuables off the bandits and buried the bodies a few feet away from the road. Neither Amber nor Sol wanted any of the weapons or armor with the exception of the shield so they sold the rest to Hughbert who gladly took all of them and paid 15 gold for it.

Once Hughbert was done storing all the items in the carriage’s boxes that had a spatial expansion enchantment the group started moving again.

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