Assimilate All Talents

Chapter 40: Private Meeting

The next morning all the healers from the second group were summoned by Diana for a meeting. Since their medical ward was currently reduced to rubble, they simply chose to meet outside in the courtyard. The area was a tad chaotic from people training and sparring, but there was a relatively quiet area at the end of the open area where they could talk in peace.

Diana looked at all the healers with an undecipherable expression as they silently waited to hear what she had to say.

“So… who wishes to give me a rundown of what happened? Hilbert?”

Being called out, Hilbert took a step forward and spoke with a serious expression.

“I’ll be honest, Miss Diana, this experience showed some inadequacies. I knew I wasn’t leader material, but thought I could try my hand at it again. Anyways, the one you should be asking is not me, it’s him.” Hilbert pointed with his thumb backward towards Sol.

Not expecting this from Hilbert, Sol tilted his head and asked, “You sure?”

Without hesitation, he nodded, “Yeah, go ahead.”

Sol walked forward, towards Diana, as she watched his approach with an undiscernible smile.

“At first, our group had organizational issues as we took patients in without order, causing problems…”

Sol narrated yesterday's events all the way till the orc breach in the fort. The only thing he reported differently was his personal actions against the orcs. He made no mention of his performance not because he wanted to hide his ability but because he felt weird talking about himself. Even though he was downplaying his role in the defense, Diana had already received a report of the events and knew how he was the one to warn everyone and the first to jump in to fight.

“Thank you for your report, Sol. Now with today’s news, it looks like we all get to go home today.”

A few healers gasped in disbelief. One of them spoke up and asked, “So soon? Doesn’t it usually last 3 to 5 days?”

Diana nodded, “Normally yes, but it seems their entire invasion hinged on taking the fort and flanking the front lines. The moment they found out their group infiltrating the fort perished, they retreated.”

Having heard the explanation, most healers took it at face value except for Sol.

Wanting to clear his doubts, he asked, “Miss Diana, a few things don’t add up. For example-”

“Wait, Sol.”

Before he could continue, Diana stopped him.

“Come talk to me after the meeting.”

‘Maybe it's sensitive information?’

Not wanting to overstep, Sol held his questions for later.

Diana then continued the meeting, informing all the healers of a few things they should know. It was mostly mundane information like at what time they leave, where to eat now that the canteen is a temporary medical ward, and other minor things. It was wrapped up relatively quickly, and everyone left to do their own things before heading back to the city.

Unlike the others, Sol followed Diana to a part of the fort he hadn't been in yet. When he explored the fort yesterday, they went to most areas but were stopped by soldiers from entering this small section as only higher-level personnel were allowed. Here is where the more important rooms are located like the war room, the vault, and even the Commander’s room. Diana led him through the hallway until they reached a door indistinguishable from the rest.

Pulling out a key, Diana opened the door, which led into a room similar to the dormitory Sol stayed in last night but at least five times bigger. Because it was much bigger than the standard dormitory room, there was also a round table with four seats and a walk-in closet. It was also much better decorated with chandeliers emitting a flameless light, paintings of landscapes, and a small shrine by the window that Sol could only assume is for her goddess, Caela.

“Come, sit down.”

Diana gestured for Sol to take a seat by the round table. When he sat down, Diana produced a teapot from thin air and made some simple tea. She poured a cup for Sol and herself and then sat on the opposite side of the table.

“We can talk here without anyone except Caela hearing in.”

Sol grinned as he doubted a goddess would eavesdrop on their conversation and asked the doubts that plagued his mind.

“I have not personally met orcs before yesterday, but from what I have read, they aren't the type to use these tactics. There must be a reason why they would go against their ideals and risk such a plan, right?”

Diana nodded.

“You're not wrong. Why do you think they are going against their honor, which is all they stand for?”

Sol took a sip from the tea as he thought about her question.

“Well… For the past 40 years, they have been trying to invade the kingdom. I originally thought it was because there was some diplomatic dispute, but from what I saw yesterday, it seemed that they are desperate.”

“That's because they are.”

“Huh? Do you know why?”

Instead of answering, Diana took out a translucent crystal that had symbols engraved onto it. Sol saw as a thin thread of mana entered the crystal making it shine a little brighter and from it he heard words.

"What?! It wants 4000 this month? He wanted 3000 last month, does his hunger know no bounds?!"

"Y-yes, Chieftain. He said we must send more as he already ran out…"

"Fucking monster!"

"What will we do, Chieftain?"

"Let Daruck know and prepare. May Ragnar forgive us…"

The crystal’s light dimmed likely to show the message is complete. Sol with wide eyes looked back at Diana.

“Was that…”

“The current Chieftain of the Frostaxe Clan, Chieftain Kuruck. The recording from the Sonoran crystal came from one of our church assets. For now, I can’t say anything else regarding the issue, the only reason I am showing you because I felt you would go investigate on your own and get in trouble.”

“Even so, isn’t this a big secret? Won’t you be in trouble for showing this to me?”

Diana chuckled, “It’s fine, the news will spread eventually, but I don’t suggest you go around telling people about this.”

“I understand, but why do you have that?”

She does not answer and gave Sol a simple smile that lets him know that she won’t tell him why. Understanding he won’t get an answer out of her, Sol took another sip from his tea.

“Instead let me ask you something, What outer god do you follow?”

Sol felt his body stiffen as an invisible pressure overwhelmed him. He struggled to breath as he felt a hot wave from his stomach travel to his head as he lost control of his body. He tried to fight back against whatever was causing it, but it was useless as he instantly answered the question against his will.

“I don’t know what an outer god is.”


The pressure holding Sol down faded away as he looked at Diana’s confused expression.

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