Ascension: Online

Chapter 154: Triple Crossing

By the time I was all done with buying new skills, I couldn't wait to test them out. But the sun was already setting, and everyone else had just returned from hunting the nearby woods. I stretched on my bed, relaxing my muscles, then glanced out the window to reduce the strain on my eyes.

Though the System was a holographic screen, it still functioned in the same way as computer screens back on Earth. Ending up needing glasses wouldn't be ideal, so I decided to just take breaks for my eyes every now and then.

That said… was it even possible to get glasses here? I don't think I've ever seen a single player wearing them, but that could just be related to luck. Then again… my asthenia — muscle weakness condition — wasn't carried over when I first entered the game. It only got transferred back once my physical body back on Earth was transported into this reality plane, which means, technically, those who wore glasses in the real world shouldn't need to wear them in-game.

I remember reading on the AR headset manual for anyone wearing glasses to take them off before putting on the helmet, but at the time, I just assumed that was because the glasses would get in the way of the gear. Now that I think about it, though…

"Kaze," a girl's voice suddenly said, knocking on my door. "Monica contacted Elder Zhang and scheduled a meet-up in about half an hour. She's preparing to head out now. Do you have anything you want to talk to her about before she goes?"

After some thought, I got up from my bed and walked over, pulling the door open to see Furuwa standing there.

"Sure. Lead the way."


Down in the 'living room' (as we called the main meeting chamber), Mei'Er was busy setting up the necklace for Monica.

"Okay, it's all done," she said, letting out a deep breath as she finished tying the necklace around Monica. "Is it too loose, too tight?"

Monica shook her head. "It's just fine, thank you."

"Looks like you're all ready to go," I said with a grin, folding my arms a short distance away. "Have you thought of all the excuses you can use?"

She averted her gaze. "Er… I have. But I'm not sure if they are believable."

"Even if they are, they won't be if you say them to that bastard with such an uncertain tone. You need to sound confident," I replied, then eyed the necklace. It didn't fit as well on her as it did on Mei'Er, but that wasn't important here.

"By the way… how are you planning to hide the necklace?" I asked thoughtfully.

"I won't hide it," Monica explained. "If I place it beneath my shirt, it won't be able to capture Elder Zhang's face. Therefore, he can just say we hired a paid actor who sounded like him and framed him for it. But if we can capture his face…"

"Huh, I see. But you're going to need a good reason to suddenly be wearing a necklace that wasn't there the last time you met him…"

"I know. I have a good excuse prepared."

"Sweet. Then… best of luck," I said, waving her off. "Remember: hiding your betrayal from him comes top priority. If you feel like he is getting suspicious, just go along with whatever he says and come back. There will be more opportunities in the future."

Monica nodded. "I understand. I'll be leaving now."

As we saw her off, she stepped through the front entrance of the living room and headed out of Zone A, alone into the dark woods.


(Monica's Perspective)

Before long, I had reached the designated meet-up location, 5 minutes before the scheduled time. I scanned my surroundings for any sign of anyone, but couldn't see anything — only the dark shadows of the trees. Taking out the golden leaf in my pocket, I decided to use that, but a voice suddenly stopped me.

"No need. I'm right here."

I spun around in surprise, only to see Elder Zhang's tall figure standing there. It was cold and threatening, the faint rays of moonlight reflecting off his glasses.

"So? What did you want to discuss?" He asked me, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes.

"It's about the mission… I failed it this time, unfortunatel-"

"I'm aware. My other spies have told me he is still alive."

"Are you… mad?"

"Mad?" He scoffed. "Of course I am. One single boy, and all of you spies together can't even kill him."

I looked down and clenched my fists. "I'm sorry, Elder… but I can succeed very soon."

Elder Zhang raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You sound confident."

I nodded. "Yes. I have managed to join their group and acquire their trust, by confessing to them you sent me to do this. I told them I would help them overthrow you, so they allowed me to stay by their side."

"Ho… interesting. So, you're playing a double agent here?"

I nodded. "Indeed. In all honesty, I may have helped them for real… if only they didn't place this damn thing around my neck."

I held up the necklace for Elder Zhang to see, to which his eyes widened a bit. "What is this…?"

"A bomb disguised as a normal decorative necklace," I replied, sighing in resignation. "They placed this on me so that they could detonate it at any time they wanted in case I ever betrayed them. If anyone tries taking this off, it'll instantly explode."

"Ah… how cruel indeed."

"But this is good. With this, they'll think I won't dare to betray them. They sent me here today with the hopes of having me record our conversation to use as evidence… with this thing."

I held up a pen from my pocket and handed it to Elder Zhang, who inspected it closely.

"Oh… this is a special surveillance pen, with a voice recorder built into it…" he murmured in awe. "How sneaky indeed, that child."

Then, after some thought, he turned back to me.

"When you get back, just tell them you lost the pen on the way home. It's not all that unbelievable, given this darkness. That should make them get rid of any suspicion of you."

I nodded. "Got it. But Elder Zhang, about the rewards…"

"Yes, yes…" he waved off my concerns. "You are now more useful than any of my other spies. As long as you can successfully kill Igarashi Kaze before the exam ends, I will personally let you into the sect regardless of your team's ranking. This I guarantee. In fact, since you are doing this much good work, I'll even let you become my direct disciple."

At this, I smiled happily at his generosity — but deep down, I held a much wickeder, evil smirk.

"Thank you, Elder Zhang. I'll take my leave now."

He closed his eyes and turned around. "Go on. I'll be awaiting your good news."

With my back turned to him, I smirked.

"Yes… it won't be long now."


(Kaze's Perspective)

Later that same night, Monica returned triumphantly.

As soon as she entered the living room where all of us had gathered and were busy eating the dinner Mei'Er cooked, she took off the blue heart-shaped necklace and placed it down on the table.

"It's done. All the evidence… everything's been recorded."

Mei'Er's eyes widened and she quickly took the necklace, before performing some unknown maneuvers to it to stop the recording. Once she was done, she played the recording somehow, and a holographic display was shot out of the necklace.

All of our eyes centered on it as we paused eating and prepared to admire the evidence Monica had collected so flawlessly.

- Several Minutes Later -

The recording stopped playing, and Mei'Er tied the necklace back around her own neck as I leaned back in my chair, genuinely impressed.

"That was one hell of a strategy, Monica," I chuckled.

"Thank you," she replied, closing her eyes and taking a bite of her food.

"You pretended that you only pretended to betray him…" Hina-nee gasped in shock. "That's… triple crossing, I suppose."

"Truly… color me impressed," Mei'Er murmured, shaking her head in bewilderment. "I never would've even thought of that… but where did you get the pen from?"

"Oh, this?" Monica giggled and took out another pen that looked exactly the same as the one in the recording. And another. And another.

The rest of us stared, frozen speechless, as she laid out five identical pens on the table.

"I have more, if you want."

"N-No, but where did you get them…?" I asked, confused.

"My father works in a factory that makes this kind of hidden surveillance equipment," she explained. "I used to take these to use as normal pens, and it was only until I grew up that I found out they were actually meant to be used for surveillance. By that time, however, I already had a whole stash of these — never bothered to throw them away. Who knew they would come in handy today?"

Ming Yi cackled evilly. "Ha… I can't wait to see the look on that bastard's face when he realizes just how bad he got played by an elven girl about five years younger than him."

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