Ascension: Online

Chapter 107: Hina's Fight

"Next up, Sakura Hina and Ming Yi!"

My eyes widened at who got called up to face Hina-nee.

"Ming Yi…? Isn't that the blacksmith from Xiyang City…?" I murmured to myself, frowning in confusion.

I knew his face - I wouldn't have missed it just now, when all sixteen contestants were gathered on the stage. Unless…

That's right! There was one guy wearing some kind of black oni-like Japanese-style mask, so I couldn't see how they looked like!

And indeed, just as I had guessed, the mask-wearing combatant was the one to go on the stage. He wore black robes covering every inch of his body, along with a pair of black pants and boots. On his back, crossed, were two long katanas, still in their sheaths. Ming Yi pulled them out and swung them around, getting into combat stance.

Hina-nee took out her own weapons as well, then smiled. "You're the one who crafted me these daggers, no?"

"…" the man did not respond for whatever reason, and instead gripped his weapons tighter, as if nervous.

Hina-nee frowned in confusion, but there was no time to think about this matter any further as the battle was about to begin.

The mayor of Qilian City, Zhen Yuhan, cleared his throat. "Both sides appear to be ready! Then, without further ado, 3… 2… 1…"

He sliced his arm downwards, cutting the air, as the two enormous drums were struck.


Ming Yi and Hina-nee dashed towards one another at the exact same time. Both were hoping to end this duel as soon as possible, Hina-nee because we still had business to do after the matches today, and Ming Yi because… well, I had no idea.

Ming Yi slashed at Hina-nee with his two katanas, but she met both attacks with her own. A loud metallic sound rang out as the two sets of steel weapons clashed with one another, sending bright sparks flying through the air.

Hina-nee, surprisingly, pushed Ming Yi backwards with her strength, cleaving the air with her two Sai. However, Ming Yi dashed away at incredible speed, retreating to his original location when the battle began.

"Not bad… if you really are the blacksmith from Xiyang Village, then you certainly did a good job of hiding your strength," Hina-nee taunted. "I didn't know you had this in you."

"…" Ming Yi, once again, did not respond, and instead jumped towards Hina-nee once more, two katanas at the ready.

Hina-nee met his challenge.


(Hina's Perspective)

As Ming Yi leaped towards me, preparing to slash down with his blades, I smirked.


Disappearing instantly right as he cut down at me, I reappeared behind him in the blink of an eye, then cut down with one of my Sai, aiming for his throat. However, he spun around immediately and blocked my attack - his reaction speeds were commendable. Unable to break through his defense, I leaped away, doing a backflip in mid-air and landing back on the ground solidly.

Not wasting any time, I dashed towards Ming Yi once more, this time utilizing the same strategy Kaze-kun had used against his opponent a while back.

'Replica: Shadow.'

I created another shade of myself, then together with it, leaped at Ming Yi. Which one would he choose to block?

Unfortunately, to my surprise, his figure in front of me suddenly vanished in a gust of wind after making some sort of ninjutsu hand gesture in front of his chest. Before I could react, he reappeared behind me and cut down both my clone and I.


I fell forward, taken down by the same exact strategy I had used mere moments earlier. Luckily, it was not too heavy of an injury - he had clearly been holding back just now.

I immediately rolled around and got back up to my feet before he could place his weapon at my throat. He dashed towards me once more, but I was ready to receive his attack.

'Vanishing Steps!'

I turned invisible and stepped away right as Ming Yi cut through nothing but thin air. Immediately, he retreated, recomposed himself, and made another ninjutsu-like hand gesture while standing perfectly still. Thinking him vulnerable, I circled to his left and tried attacking him from there, but he somehow knew I was going to try that and intercepted my attack with one of his blades.

However… I still had one final card up my sleeve.

Instead of backing off like I did in the past, this time, I purposely suddenly stopped applying force, then used a single skill.

'Vanishing Clouds.'

Allowing myself to dash straight through his blade, Ming Yi was clearly taken aback as he attempted to get away, but it was already too late. He had applied too much force into defending against my attack that now, his momentum spurred him forward, straight towards me.

I passed straight through the steel blades of his crossed katanas. Then, like a phantom in the night, I stabbed one of my Sai into his right chest as I whispered death into his ear.

"The game's over."

He froze, unable to do a thing, then fell backwards, collapsing on the floor with my Sai still lodged in his chest. He was breathing, but could not fight any longer. I stood in front of his wounded body, pointing my remaining Sai at him.

"The winner of the match is Sakura Hina!" the mayor announced through his megaphone as cheers erupted from the crowd.

I smiled and bent down, before preparing to retrieve my weapon.

"I don't know why you're trying to hide your identity, and I honestly don't care too much, but… this was an enjoyable fight," I said, giggling softly. "Now then… this is going to hurt a little."

Saying this, I pulled out my Sai from his chest as his body spasmed slightly from the pain.

"Ngh…" he groaned, clutching his wound.

I turned around and began to walk away, but before I did, he said one final sentence to me.

"Thank you… for sparing my life."

I stopped, then sent a friendly smile back at him.

"No worries. How could I murder someone with their own weapons?"


(Kaze's Perspective)

Hina returned to Furuwa and I after that.

"You targeted his right chest on purpose, huh?" Furuwa chuckled. "Sakura-senpai, you're too merciful."

"You say that, but… didn't you spare Koroth too?" I raised an eyebrow.

"T-That's because you told me to!" she whispered sharply in reply, glaring at me. I sighed.

"Hehe, do you not know who that guy is, Chiaki-san?" Hina-nee asked, joining the conversation.

"Huh? His name was Ming Yi, right? No, I don't."

"He's the blacksmith at Xiyang Village… did he not make your first weapon?" I asked.

"The blacksmith… oh! That guy! Ah, I know now. But he never told me his name, so…" Furuwa trailed off.

"Guess he just likes Hina-nee and I better," I teased, chuckling.

"The next match will be between… Igarashi Kaze and Nadeshiko Nakano!" the mayor suddenly interrupted.

My smile froze on my face.

"Let's see you laugh now, jerk," Furuwa snorted with a smug grin.

"Good luck, Kaze-kun~" Hina-nee smiled warmly.

I sighed, then pinched the bridge of my nose. "Well then… looks like I don't have much of a choice."

I headed for the stage, Hina-nee and Furuwa watching me. When I got there, Nadeshiko was already present, waiting for me.

"Oh, how much I've longed for this moment," she cried, looking at me and licking her lips seductively.

"Yeah? Well, I can't say I feel the same way," I muttered in reply.

"Kaze-kun, you haven't forgotten about our deal, have you~?" she giggled happily, completely ignoring my stoic response.

"Don't worry. I remember it clearly. I just hope you don't go back on your word once you lose."

"Rest assured," she smiled. "I don't lie."

"Really? You seem like the type of girl who lies as easily as you breathe," I snorted.

"Oh, is that what you think of me, Kaze-kun? My feelings…" she made a fake innocent and pitiful face, on the verge of tears. "How could you… I'm so hurt."

"Then prove me otherwise," I replied nonchalantly, unaffected by her display of innocence.

She stopped her motions as her lips twisted up into an evil and bloodthirsty smirk.

"I will… by killing you, hahaha!"

Yeah… she definitely can't be trusted. Hopefully, I can show her today just how big the difference between our strength levels are. That way, she will give up on trying to fight me and… well, kill me.

"After I win, I don't even want you to stick with me anymore," I sighed. "I just want you to never get in my way again. Hopefully never even meet."

"Oh, but that's not what we agreed on. Too bad~" she giggled. "Win or lose… we'll be staying together from now on."

She took the bait, it seems. I in fact wanted her to stay with me. This way, I could gain a powerful new ally. I just said the opposite to spur her on the other direction, thereby leading her to my real goal.

Nadeshiko was smart, but not that smart.

"Both contestants ready!" the mayor interrupted, the grace period over. "The battle will start in 3… 2… 1…"

Every word I say has meaning. Every move I make has purpose. That, is the way of a manipulator.


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