Ascension of the elder

Chapter 94: Trouble with names


"Requiescat in pace." (Rest in peace in Latin)

Kyle mourned Elena's uncooked pancakes before he began chatting to the others who were still around. As everyone was finishing their dinners Kyle made an announcement.

"Okay everyone listen up, there are some movements happening in the city right now, so no one is allowed to go out until we know what the situation is. I'm convening the council this evening and you'll hear from your section leaders tomorrow. As usual if you have any questions or need any help speak to your section leader or come and find me directly."

With this Kyle stood up and begun to head to the meeting room. This was a separate room on the second floor that Kyle had placed a large oval table in so that he could have discussions with a greater number of people if needed.

As he was leaving he spoke to a couple of members of 'steel lotus' and asked them to gather the remaining members of his council who weren't present in the hall or who Faye wasn't going to contact. Ash, Randall, Zak, Nettie, Lauren, Iris and Liam watched as Kyle left before they excused themselves and followed along to the meeting room.

When Kyle reached the meeting room he took his seat at the head of the table and begun to wait for the others to arrive. Gradually the members trickled in. In addition to those from the kitchen came Mike (Bruno's dad) who represented the business interests of the household and Kyle's parents. Maria was looking a little hung over but otherwise appeared fine.

When she saw Kyle she hurried over and hugged him. Kyle patted her back helping to calm her down before she said.

"I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to worry you."

"Its fine mom, I'm just happy you're okay."

"Aww you pair are so cute, but why did you have to wake me up. I need my beauty sleep after all." Of course that was the reappearance of Susan. Landon tried his best to suppress a shudder and merely looked towards the day after tomorrow. It has to be said cultivation is a good thing as both Maria and Susan were back in fighting form in less than an hour.

"Susan I hate to tell you, but I don't think you need to worry about beauty sleep anymore because it really isn't working."

"Hey that was mean, Maria your boy is being a meanie to me again."

"I'm sorry master I will reprimand him later for being so bluntly truthful."

"Thank you...wait what how can you say these things to me. Oh Landon hello." Susan was looking for something to vent her frustration on when she spied Landon who was now trying to phase through the floor.

"Susan can you wait till after the meeting as we need to get everyone up to speed." Kyle asked as he could read her like a book and knew she was going to target Landon for some more 'exercise'.

"Okay Kyle but Landon don't go anywhere after the meeting we need to have a little talk."

As they were waiting for the remaining members to return from the city Kyle was checking how everyone was progressing in their respective fields. Randall and Nettie were still producing weapons, clothing and equipment of the highest standard currently available in the empire, even surpassing that which was available in the capital which Mike was able to freely sell through his store or through some affiliates within the city.

Zak was happy with the flow of funds and under Kyle's instruction had been buying large amounts of land and property within the city. Fully half of the slums were now in Kyle's hands along with various properties within the city. These were protected either openly or secretly by the 'shadow hand'.

Ash was speaking about the current level of his 'death watch'. The men in his command had all become highly proficient and deadly but their numbers were limited. 'Shadow hand' and 'steel lotus' were able to gain members by either buying or freeing slaves in the case of 'steel lotus' or by forcing slave seals on enemies and criminals in the case of 'shadow hand'. Ash was ready to increase the 'death watches' number but didn't want to steal from the others recruitment pool.

He also spoke about his members and 2 came up in his conversation, the first was Dylan you know everyone's favourite air head. Even though Dylan may not be the brightest spark when it came to the day to day but as a soldier he was exceptional. Ash had already named him as his second in command and was training him so he would be able to command a large number of men as he already had the loyalty of most of the 'death watch'. The second man was called Luke; he was the guard who was missing an arm although he wasn't missing that arm anymore.

Over the course of 2 years his arm had gradually re-grown to everyone's amazement. Rather than growing gradually from his stump, instead his bones re-grew with a thin layer of muscle and skin over time and once the bone structure was complete his muscles, tendons and veins began to increase in quantity filling out his skinny arm until it was fully replaced.

It was funny watching him chase the kids around with his little hand. He was now Ash's third in command and like Dylan was receiving training in command so once the 'death watch' had grown in number they would have enough officers to effectively command them.

Iris and Lauren spoke about the domestic affairs of the household and how they had more than enough food thanks to the underground field which was providing vegetables and grains in addition to Alena's alchemy ingredients.

As they were speaking Lady Sparrow and Faye arrived so the only missing members were One and Captain Tobias. Faye looked around and saw the rest were present before taking her seat accompanied by Lady Sparrow.

"Sir I have asked One and Tobias to come to the meeting so I don't know why they aren't here yet." Faye said with some confusion.

"Its fine Faye knowing them they're doing something to help before they get here. I take it you gave them and your sister a quick brief."

"Yes sir but only the highlights."

"Alright well let's get started, we can fill in One once he gets here, Susan if you can start and let everyone know the situation in the wider empire."

With that Susan narrated about the expected separation of the northern lands from the empire and certain other aspects affecting the wider empire while Faye told everyone about the increase in bandits and mercenaries.

"So as everyone can see our enemies should begin moving again. With the separation of us from the empire I'm expecting our local enemies to be cut off from their support so they will more openly engage us so I want us to be ready." Kyle stated what he thought the most likely scenario would be given what had happened previously. Everyone agreed that this would happen but didn't know how to pre-empt this state of affairs and they would be on the passive side again.

"Well I think we can start by hitting the gangs again, 'shadow hand' is strong enough now to contend with them. 'Steel lotus' should also get a boost from this as we free the slaves again." Ash stated his thoughts which everyone agreed with.

"Dad I think 'death watch' should start drawing from the family guards now. We can place the servant seal on them and given the situation we should just say to hell with the elders."

"I agree Kyle I'll start selecting members to join the training."

"Can you select whole squads; we'll swap them with squads made up of the 'death watch' to maintain the visible numbers."

"Good idea we don't want it to appear as if we are weak while we are strengthening ourselves."

"Okay now to the northern regions, as I said before we are going to activate the bastions in the three nearest cities to the beast incursion but I want to have the entire border active before the end of the year. We now have our falcon beasts which are capable of carrying a single person so we'll arrange the necessary mana crystals to reactivate them. I'll prepare keystones so the people we send can access the lower levels. If you have anyone who is familiar with those cities put their names up."

"We'll get that done sir but do you have any other plans once we are secure?" Faye asked as she didn't have any thoughts past the current situation and was wondering what Kyle was planning.

"Once we've secured our territory we will begin reorganising the infrastructure we will be administrating. I want certain laws in place and we will also be seizing the remains of the imperial army if we can. Once we're cut off I'm expecting chaos, so we need to ensure we're the ones who come out on top."

Unknown to them similar meetings had been taking place or were going to take place in the near future all over the northern lands. Many people had noticed what was happening and they wanted to be the new emperor.

As Kyle and the rest were still hatching their plans and proposing their best course of action Kyle got a notification from his bastions spirit.

"Oh now that's interesting. Everyone our members have arrived and they've brought presents." Hearing this everyone ceased their discussions and looked towards the door waiting for Tobias and One to arrive.

After a minute the door was opened and three figures were unceremoniously thrown into the room. These figures were slightly roughed up but appeared to be men in their twenties. They were obviously warriors from their physique and the energy they possessed but now they appeared to be cowed. They gradually got to their knees but didn't try to stand up.

Tobias and One followed them in and on seeing the looks they were receiving only shrugged their shoulders. It has to be known that in the years that they had known each other they had become friends and rivals. It was an odd relationship but it seemed to suit them so no one questioned it.

"So who are our new friends?" Kyle asked but he already had inkling as to their identities.

"They are some mercenaries who were causing a ruckus in the city so my men and I took them down. We met Faye shortly after and on hearing the situation thought they may have some info. When I was on my way they tried to break free but One was close by so we decided to keep an eye on them together." Tobias responded while One was watching these men with a glint in his eye. Kyle knew he wanted to put them through his training scheme but Kyle had another thought.

"Hey Ash looks like we may have some volunteers for your unit. So gentlemen would you be so good as to tell us your names?" Kyle asked the prisoners, he had used his 'soul eyes' and saw they weren't bad men just a little rowdy apparently. The man in the centre looked at Kyle before he responded.

"We are mercenaries from the 'blood brotherhood' I'm Daryl the one on my left is Darryl and the man on my right is Daryll."

"Wait, wait, wait all three of you are called Daryl?"

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