Ascension of the elder

Chapter 170: Stars in their eyes

"Well after thinking long and hard I've decided to call him Fen. Can you guess what it's short for?"

Kyle asked with a smirk. Miranda could only roll her eyes at this but as usual Susan took the bait.

"Oh I know ask me, ask me!"

Susan was a veritable ball of energy bouncing around; she was always drawn in by things like these.

"Hum on second thought let's leave it up to imagination for now shall we."

Kyle responded earning him a pout from Susan and a giggle from Miranda. They continued on and gradually lessened the distance between them and the battle field.


Shift to Landon


Landon and the rest of the executives of their family had arrived at the battlefield during the night thanks to the falcons. Looking over the camp layout and the rotating guard shifts Landon had to say he was impressed and this was voiced by his brother.

"Whatever anyone says about Kyle and his ways of training our guys can certainly build a secure camp."

Harris was looking around with appreciation with his son Neil at his side working as his aide during this endeavour. While they were touring Landon found Ash who was working with his men alongside Bruno.

"Hello Ash how's it going?"

Landon asked, he was polite to Ash for as he was the leader of his sons military force and secondly because his daughter was likely going to be one of his daughters in law. When Landon realised he was thinking in plural about his to be in-laws a little bit of pride alongside a healthy smidge of jealousy crept in.

"Very well Sir Landon, the camp is pretty well complete and with the aid of the array guild the enemy had better stay away or they'll have some nasty surprises."

Ash spoke with some pride as this is the largest movement their new army has undertaken so people will be watching them and nit picking over every choice they make. Landon nodded at this before checking on Bruno.

"Bruno are you doing well and learning something hopefully?"

Bruno stood straighter when he was addressed by Landon before he chose his words.

"I'm well my Lord, we've studied this extensively but to finally put what we've been learning into practice is a good feeling. Where's Kyle is he with you or has he gone to do his hero thing?"

Bruno couldn't help but ask as he was worried about Miranda and by extension Kyle. As the closest man to Kyle he knew that if anything happened to Miranda, Kyle would not be gentle and go quietly into the night, no he would burn them all in righteous fire.

"Kyle's gone after Miranda I just hope nothing bad has happened."

Everyone became quiet at this as they remembered the feeling of rage through their connection along with the burst of energy. This was scary just knowing the depths of Kyle's anger if his girls were threatened. While Kyle's anger was no different to anyone else who's family was endangered, his soul force made this anger feel a thousand times more powerful and denser terrifying all those who felt it.

"They'll be fine Kyle will kerb stomp them and then be home for pancakes."

As they spoke Clara and Elena had also approached alongside Lady Sparrow and Faye.

"Oh hello there, what are you guys doing here?"

Landon asked when he saw them, Clara and Elena were a given but Lady Sparrow was a spy master and didn't have any function on a battlefield.

"This is the first battle we've truly engaged in as an empire, I need to be here to see what we will become."

Lady sparrow responded with some philosophical waffle before Clara burst her air of mystery.

"Cough don't you mean you miss your sister where she's been busy and decided to crash the party."

That lightened the mood which was quickly becoming dour and this was again further lightened when a loud and boisterous voice was clearly heard from one side of the camp to the other.

"Landon, Harris you pair of maggots get your heads out of your asses and give a hand!"

This was of course their father Bob the Beast who had invited himself to these festivities and was currently with his own unit helping set up the camp. His unit arrived a while after he had and had since been fully trained becoming one of the strongest units in this new force.

Landon sighed before sharing a look with his brother. They were both glad they didn't take after their father. Deciding it would just be best to ignore the loud mouth they continued their inspection seeing people they had trained with and groups they hadn't seen for a while.

The most interesting of these arrivals was the original seven of the shadow hand including one. These guys had become almost religious in their belief in Kyle and were usually operating in secret all over gaining information and extending their net. This was the first time they were all together in a long time.

"What are you gents doing here, this must be the first time we've all been together in at least a year if not longer."

Landon said as they greeted each other.

"You didn't think we'd miss our Lords first true war, the takeover of the city didn't really count and this will be the making or breaking of us."

Responded One, when he said Lord he wasn't talking about Landon as some of those around did. His one and only Lord was Kyle, but as Landon was Kyle's father One gave him the respect that position was due as did the rest of the Shadow Hand.

"Well it's good to see you; Kyle should be along soon so please rest until then."

With that everyone went about their business as they readied themselves. The opposing force was nowhere near ready to attack and as they were the larger force it was on them to attack. A smaller force had fewer logistical problems such as feeding themselves so they could wait out the larger force continuously strengthening their position.

Night passed and morning broke rousing Landon and the rest of the camp, after a few hours of prep and watching the enemy a scout came running into the camp.

"Sir there is a mounted force coming from the east."

Landon on hearing this thought it may be reinforcements or a delegation from one of the nearby towns.

"Do they appear to be friendlies or not."

Before the guard could respond a loud howl permeated the air and cresting the hill was a large number of wolf beasts. This sent everyone tumbling even though the arrays would protect them. But to everyone's surprise the arrays didn't even slow down this tide of fang and fur.

Suddenly One shouted out.

"My Lord welcome."

Before kneeling down which was copied by the others in Shadow Hand. Landon looked again and saw Kyle riding on the back of the largest and fastest of the pack with Miranda peeking over his shoulder.

Susan swept down on Rih at this point with a big grin on her face. If she had been with Kyle they would have seen Rih even in his changed form making them less worried but instead she wanted to play a prank.

Kyle rode Fen close to Landon before skidding to a halt and smoothly climbing down and turning to Miranda and helping her down. The rest of the wolf riders milled around unsure of what to do as while Kyle had assured them of their safety, they were now in the middle of an enemy camp.

"Yo dad you alright."

Kyle said simply while everyone watched on and the crowd continued growing.

"I'm alright but care to explain."

Landon responded while sweeping his hand indicating Maurice and his men.

"Well I made some new friends, they will be joining us so get them situated and outfitted."


Responded Ash before he approached Maurice.

"Don't worry about it, this isn't the first time Kyle's done something like this so if you and your men would follow me we'll get you some proper gear."

Ash followed up while looking at the men's arms and armour with some disdain. While there gear wasn't the worst Kyle ensured that all of his people were outfitted with the best they could be. Most had weapons forged in a similar way to how Kyle had forged his first sword using arrays to make up for technique and skill but Randall had continued experimenting and training developing their blacksmithing to another level.

These better weapons were not readily available so only around 5% of the army had this better gear. Even though the rest didn't have these awesome weapons theirs were still head and shoulders above what even an elite unit like Maurice's had.

"Okay let's go somewhere quieter and I'll give you the rundown."

Landon led Kyle and some of those closest to them to the command tent.

"Alrighty then where to start, I rescued Miranda, enlisted some of the enemy elites, tamed a load of demon wolves oh and me and Susan are together now. Any questions?"

Well that was short thought Landon before he picked up on the last point Kyle made.

"Wait you got with Susan?"

"Yup she finally broke down while we were travelling."

At this there was a round of congratulations bringing a blush to Susan, she was always worried about how people may view her due to the age gap between her and Kyle.

"Oh Kyle those wolves are pretty cool."

Bruno spoke up returning everyone to their previous conversation.

"Yup I know I wanted to name the alpha Bruno but that get the old heave ho, apparently it's disrespectful or something."

Bruno looked a bit put out at this.

"Why would it be disrespectful they are cool who wouldn't want one named after them?"

"I know bro, it's gotta be a chick thing."

While they were speaking Landon finally came out of his stupor and decided to tease Susan a little.

"So Susan you like my son do you, like taking em young?"

Landon sniggered a little at this but Susan didn't appreciate this. It touched on her worry but she couldn't think of a proper response and her brain fell back on years of training and muscle memory, as such she moved to Landon at high speed and hit him, HARD.

Susan has been training for a long time now and coupled with her higher stage and embarrassment she belted Landon harder than she meant to. Landon flew back through a chair and hit an old tree behind which was being used to hold the tent up. There was a bad sounding crunch and Landon fell to the floor.


Kyle rushed to his father's side to check on him while Susan calmed down and realised what she had done.

"Oh hell is he okay I didn't mean to hit him that hard."

Susan asked in a panic as this wasn't what she wanted by any means.

"I think he'll be fine it was just a bad knock. Dad wake up."

Kyle began circulating his mana to heal up Landon. Gradually Landon began to stir before standing up on slightly wobbly legs.

"Dad are you okay?"

Kyle asked a little worried because Landon was still cross eyed.

"I'm fine Matthew and tonight I'm going to be Shirley Bassey."

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