Ascension of the elder

Chapter 161: A bandit's life for me

"Please make it stop!"

Kyle looked at Harris who was holding his head with his hair sticking out in strange directions as if he had just finished pulling it in frustration.

"Um Susan did we just break Uncle Harris?"

"What we, you did it."

"What!! This was obviously your fault."


Ah memories since then Kyle had continued experimenting with space magic but couldn't make much progress so it looked as though his wish for a spacial ring or bracelet was on hold until he found some way to improve on his space magic.

Kyle left Elena and Susan to their bickering and went to check around his bastion. He always did the rounds checking on his people before doing whatever was on his schedule for the day. As he left his room he encountered Zak who was waiting for him with an organiser in his hand ready to direct Kyle's day like some kind of general.

"Good morning Kyle."

Zak greeted him with a smile; Kyle looked up and down the hall before greeting Zak.

"Morning Zak is there no Miranda or Clara this morning?"

Kyle was usually first met by either Clara or Miranda before Zak gave him a rundown of his daily itinerary. With so much on his plate Kyle needed someone to help organise his day, he never forgot an appointment but he may not allow himself enough time during the day, making him run ragged so Zak had appointed himself as Kyle's PA with some of his own trainees looking after the business side.

"Um no they are already in the training area, they need to release some stress so went there early."

Kyle creased his brow when he heard this had someone been bullying the girls or had something he wasn't aware of happened.

"What stress Zak? Are they okay no one has done anything to them?"

Zak looked at Kyle like he was an idiot before choosing his words carefully.

"Well they are already at the age of marriage and a lot of their friends are already wed and some even have children. We know you plan to marry them at sixteen but you could at them with some stress relief."

Kyle paused at this with some confusion on his face.

"Surely they've experimented on their own you know tickle the bean, slick the flick."

This time Zak paused before turning red.

"I really couldn't comment on that but you should speak to your ladies before they hurt someone. We have time before anyone needs to see you; your first meeting is with a group of bandits who have requested a meeting as they have information for you.

Kyle raised an eyebrow at this as a meeting with bandits was strange even in Kyle's new empire.

"Bandits really? What do we know of this group?"

"They are a small outfit; just four friends how've undergone the seal up to the third level. They are currently working under seven of the 'shadow hand' and he has sent them to report directly."

Well that made a lot more sense than just random bandits. These were actually undercover operatives of the 'shadow hand' working directly for seven. They would keep an eye on certain roadways and remove other bandits while reporting anything strange. If you can't prevent crime you may as well use it to your advantage.

"Okay I'll do the round, train and then I'll meet with them."

"Very well sir I will send them to the meeting room at 11."

With that Zak hurried away while Kyle made his way to the training grounds to check on Miranda and Clara, it seemed as though Elena wasn't suffering like they were but then again nothing really bothered Elena.

Reaching the training grounds Kyle was met with a view of desolation. Men and women were groaning on the ground while the sounds of combat still sounded from the sparing platform. There were quite a few people watching, some had looks of fear while others had looks of amusement.

Kyle noticed Ash and Dylan were stood to the side and were amongst those with amused expressions on their faces. Kyle approached them to find out the situation.

"Hi guys what's occurring?"

Ash turned his head while Dylan didn't even turn his head but Kyle was sure he was grinning. He couldn't see it but just had that feeling.

"Nothing much just watching your ladies let out their feelings."

Ash turned back to the platform just in time to watch one of the new members of his 'death watch' slam into the barrier surrounding the platform. This guy must be around 6 foot 3 inches and was layered in muscle.

The fact he hit the barrier at speed was impressive but when you saw who threw him it was downright weird. Miranda standing at an impressive 5 foot 5 inches just recovered her stance from what appeared to have been an over the shoulder throw while Clara who was stood behind Miranda and slightly to the left just landed after kicking a similar sized man into the other side of the barrier.

"Well looks like the girls are having fun at least."

Commented Kyle with a completely straight face. The people who heard him turned towards him with some strange expressions. Miranda and Clara looked around them and found no one was left standing so Ash declared the match.

"Winners Miranda and Clara, any other challengers?"

No one came up at this point as the injured were dragged away to the infirmary to be checked and awoken. Injuries during their intense training were common place but usually the beatings weren't as brutal as this.

"Hi girls how are you? Did you have to beat our newbie's so badly?"

Miranda and Clara quickly looked towards Kyle when they heard his voice before looking rather embarrassed. When everyone saw this they couldn't help but compare these shy girls to the demons who came to the early morning training and declared they would fight whom so ever came up.

When the new members of the death watch heard these pretty girls challenge like that they of course took up the challenge just as a matter of pride only to be pimp slapped by some little girls.

"Sorry Kyle."

"Sorry master, I'll hold back next time."

Clara and Miranda showed some contrition at their actions so Kyle decided to let the beatings slip but seeing them fighting ignited his desire to spar and who better than his own girls.

"If you want to spar how about against me?"

When they heard this both Miranda and Clara's eyes brightened as they moved back to their starting positions while Kyle entered. As Kyle stretched and got ready one of the remaining new members of 'death watch' approached Ash.

"Excuse me sir, is it okay for the young master to engage fighters like this?"

Ash looked at this boy for a second and realised this was his first training session within a bastion and definitely the first time he had seen Kyle fight.

"Don't worry Kyle could fight twice their number without breaking a sweat, just watch closely and you may learn something."

Once Kyle was warmed up he moved to his starting position and adopted a side on stance with his right shoulder leading. Clara and Miranda had spaced themselves out slightly so they could outflank Kyle.

Seeing that the competitors were ready Ash began the match.

"Contender ready 3,2,1 fight."

Kyle was moving at the word fight and rushed Miranda with his shoulder roughly at her midsection. Miranda moved to the side only to encounter Kyle heel as he used his momentum to pivot in a round house kick.

Miranda blocked using her forearm with her other arm supporting but it was still like getting hit by truck-sama making her slide across the ground for a good 2 meters and making her entire arm numb.

While Kyle engaged Miranda, Clara rushed in from his blind spot but as Kyle kicked his head whipped around taking in his surroundings and locating Clara. She leapt in the air aiming an axe kick to the top of Kyle's head.

Kyle knew what was coming so after he had made contact with Miranda he used the rebound to spin away catching Clara's descending heel swinging her in a large arc before releasing her so she flew and struck the barrier thus removing her from the fight in a single move.

Miranda tried to engage again with her unhurt arm; Kyle simply caught her wrist and took control of her momentum flipping her so she crashed on to the ground flat. Because Kyle controlled the throw Miranda couldn't roll away or disperse the impact meaning she was winded by the impact.

Kyle stood over her in dominance with a grin on his face; Miranda was red and breathing fast but from more than just this little exertion. Clara was recovering as well; she also had a red face and was breathing hard.

"Felling better dears?"

Kyle asked seeing their state; it looked like they both had a certain disposition that could be interesting.

"Yes Kyle thank you.

"Yes thank you master."

Hearing this and given the looks they were throwing his way Kyle couldn't help but worry slightly, eh whatever happens happens. So for the rest of the morning Kyle "drilled" the girls and also trained some of the recruits who were now looking at Kyle like he was some kind of rock star.

Finally Kyle was ready to meet his friendly neighbourhood bandits. Miranda and Clara followed him as they were curious about these men and at some point Elena had joined them. The girls were chatting with Clara and Miranda still being red faced so he could guess what they were talking about.

Entering the meeting room Kyle saw the four men standing at attention to one side of the room while Zak was standing behind Kyle's desk. The girls sat at some couches and carried on talking while Kyle sat at his desk.

"Well come forward and tell me your names."

The bandits approached and the one Kyle took to be their leader came forward.

"Good day sir I'm the leader of our band and I'm known as crippled Carl."

"Wait please explain the meaning behind your name?"

Kyle stopped him as the man appeared fine and the name caught his attention.

"Well simple before I started training my hand got busted hence crippled Carl."

"Okay fair enough and you?"

The next man stepped forward.

"I'm known as herpes Hank."

"Okay I think that one is self explanatory next."

"I'm called Douglas the dog botherer."

"Okay now I don't know if I want to know the reason behind that one but let me know and I can always wipe my memory after."

"Simple I like dogs so whenever I see one I go over and pet them."

Kyle sighed in relief at this because if it was what he thought he may be scarred for life.

"Okay last one please."

"No worries boss they call me Gary the goat fiddler."

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