Ascension of the elder

Chapter 149: Train you grandparents

"I'm going to be sick in the morning."

Susan said while looking around for a quick way to exit. Kyle looked at her with his trademark smile which looked gentle and calming but if you knew him, you would run for the hills when you saw this smile.

"That's okay Susan if you're sick tomorrow I'll train you for five days instead of just the one how does that sound."

"Halleluiah praise the sun I'm cured, don't worry Kyle I'll be there front and centre."

Susan didn't even miss a beat as she knew better than to try and argue with Kyle when he was like this. Even though she was a third stage cultivator like Bob and Winona there was something in Kyle which intimidated her on occasion.

Bob and Winona also felt this primal instinct and so didn't contest this and just decided to train with Kyle as that was their intention anyway. Dylan was well a special case; he had more to one training than just about anyone else barring Kyle's team.

Kyle's team consisting of Bruno, Elena, Miranda, Clara and Alena had received Kyle's instruction but as they weren't being punis*cough*, he didn't push them as hard as he could and allowed them to grow stronger at a reasonable rate.

Almost everyone in the household had received direction from Kyle at one time or another and the results were obvious, so no one complained about this well except for Susan but let's not think about her.

Everyone ate their meals and talked together and planned about the celebration tomorrow, after a little while everyone broke apart and returned to their lodgings for a good night's sleep. Landon had also joined them for dinner but on hearing that Kyle was on the war path decided to speak to him the following day and instead sat with Maria in the hopes she would deflect Kyle's attention.

**The following day**

Kyle was standing in the training ground waiting for his grandparents and Susan to arrive, Dylan was already standing at attention nearby as he had it drilled into him never to be late to the point he was always early to any meeting.

Susan was the next to arrive as she had also received training, she came sprinting through the door and slid to a halt next to Dylan.


Susan was afraid she would be late and receive further "training" from Kyle. While she did want training in her magic, she loathed the physical training she had to undertake. She was a typical mage character in mind but with her current strength she was rapidly closing in on and average early second stage warrior.

The grandparents arrived shortly after and began looking around at the people who were already present and had begun training. Some people were running others lifting weights; Harris was in a wrestling ring being nailed to the ground by a couple of 8 year olds.

Training for all those present was progressing well but Kyle had some stuff to do with his group first.

"Susan, Dylan begin cultivating I need to guide my grandparents through our technique to start with."

Susan and Dylan immediately found themselves a space and began cultivating, these cultivation sessions would be the only breaks they received during today's training and they knew it.

Kyle went to his grandparents and once he had spoken to them he issued them with the secrecy seals, Bob and Winona could feel the connection far more strongly than the usual people who joined the network but there was virtually no compulsion from the seals as they were already devoted to their family.

Once the seals had settled Kyle ran them through the cultivation technique and inspected them to ensure they followed the technique precisely. After a few corrections Kyle inspected their cultivation base and nodal network.

Due to having reached the third stage both Winona and Bob had cleared their first and second level nodes with multiple nodes in higher levels also being cleared. Their nodes hadn't expanded very much due to the techniques they were using but they weren't in as bad a state as some had been.

Some of their channels were strained with a few breaks in them but this would be easily fixed as they trained with Kyle and his people. While he has in their spirit realms Kyle decided to once again have a look at the next stage and see if he could see anything yet.

As usual the next stage was still blank to him; he could sense there was something beyond the first stage but couldn't approach or see what was beyond. Maria, Susan and Kyle had all looked at this lack of sight and the theory Kyle leaned towards was that because his 'soul sight' was based on perception he could only see what he had felt or understood.

Simply put because he hasn't yet experienced the second stage he can't understand it and as such it doesn't exist for him. After all perception shapes your reality, this was just a more direct example.

Letting his new victims train in the technique for about 30 minutes so they became used to it Kyle called an end to cultivation and it was time to start the physical drills. Winona was surprised that she would be going through the same drills as Bob.

"Kyle are you sure we should all do the same training. Bob is a warrior and I'm a mage so I don't have the same strength and endurance as he does."

"Yes grandma you may be a mage but you still need to build up your stamina. We have seen that if you have a healthy body you can channel more mana and recover faster. Don't worry your training will be adjusted to suit your strengths."

When Kyle had finished he walked to a rack which had array based weights upon it. These weights used arrays to mimic specific weights allowing Kyle to put more strain on Dylan and Bob while giving Winona and Susan less.

Doing this meant everyone would move at the same speed but with more or less strain allowing them to slowly increase their stamina and strength. This coupled with the controlled evolution by the mana present within them would give the best results.

"Okay everyone take your weights, strap them to your wrists and ankles and wait at the line."

Everyone got ready and moved to the starting line; once everyone was ready Kyle directed his mana to the weights activating them. Everyone set off with Bob trying to be in front, Dylan was running at the same pace as Kyle with Susan and Winona a little behind them.

"Hahaha this ain't hard, if this is the best you can do I'll need to train you myself."

Bob seemed to be enjoying himself while Dylan just shook his head as he knew that Bob would be struggling before long.

After 2 more laps Bob began to flag, looking behind him he saw Dylan and Kyle running without any visible strain while Susan had a flush to her face and a little sweat. Winona was beginning to struggle so Kyle dropped back and began to run alongside her to give a bit of encouragement.

"Come on grandma we need another 2 laps then you can rest, keep it up."

Winona simply nodded before she carried on grinding; unluckily this was only the first part of the morning training. The warm up if you will.

After the run they cultivated for 15 minutes to get back their stamina before Kyle had Susan direct Winona in some yoga while he had Dylan and Bob do some dead lifting. Kyle also began lifting a bar with one hand holding it parallel to the ground for 10 seconds before returning it to the ground and switching hands before lifting it again.

All this was done with the weights still strapped on, after 20 minutes of this training Dylan and Bob shifted to lifting a bar with weights placed on it with their legs and Winona and Susan were pulling weights attached to a pulley system by twisting their torso.

Winona was struggling and sweating and Bob wasn't fairing much better at this point. Bob had to say this training was strange, even though it appeared easy in a short span of time he had begun to struggle.

The cause for their quick loss of stamina also lay within the weights they still wore. These blocked their mana from maintaining their stamina and instead pushed it into their muscles and bones causing them to evolve faster.

This function was similar to the mana pressure rooms but just not as strong. For his part after Kyle had them switch their training, he had fiddled with his weights and was now doing handstand push ups using just his fingertips.

"Dylan, Susan more weight if you would."

Kyle suddenly said from the side, this made Winona pout while Bob finally snapped.


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