Ascension of the elder

Chapter 144: Victoly!!

"You're boned now."

Susan said this with a grin as she looked at the overseer; she had seen many men like this before. These parasites would attach themselves to people of power, in this case the emperor and use their patron's power and influence to shield their actions.

The overseer looked at Susan before disdain appeared on his face.

"You're the former imperial seer, how low you have fallen. You're nothing but a whore for these bumpkins."

As he said this he felt a gust of wind before he was kneeling on the ground. He had been hit in the stomach and felt like his intestines wanted to find a way out of him. This could be either heads or tails but we could do without that image.

Looking up he saw it was Kyle who moved and struck him as he still had his fist slightly extended. The overseer hadn't even noticed him move but the commander had been watching him, even so he lost track as Kyle moved and only saw him when he had stopped.

Kyle knew he couldn't use this speed in battle easily as he still had to think about inertia and his footing, so it made more sense to move slightly slower and only use this kind of speed in a straight line like when he hit the overseer.

"You shouldn't speak to a lady like that."

Kyle said with a simple smile on his face, he had wanted to punch this prat for a while now and luckily for him the overseer gave him a reason. The overseer became enraged seeing all these people standing over him.

"How dare you my friends will come and destroy you, you damned peasant."


The overseer was already on his knees before but now he had fully face planted the ground. His nose was bleeding and it looked like he would probably have black eyes in the morning. Kyle looked up and saw that as opposed to his expectation of Miranda being the culprit, it was instead Clara.

"Humph how dare you speak to Kyle like that."

It looked like the usually calm Clara had taken exception to the overseer and his attitude. After receiving this pain the overseer seemed to have grown at least a bit of a brain and didn't say anymore. He just looked at those surrounding him with hatred in his eyes.

"So son what do you want to do with this scum?"

Landon asked Kyle what he planned to do with the overseer; he wanted to kill him but knowing Kyle he would probably have something in mind.

"We'll hold a public trial and let those he hurt decide his fate."

Even though they could kill him now without fear, Kyle wanted to use him as a platform to create his own empire and the laws that would be present within. This would show no one was above these laws and would be subject to punishment based on these laws.

Landon accepted what Kyle wanted to do before stepping back with Harris to check over his men and tally their losses. Leonard did the same with his forces while the head of house Tor excused himself to check over his territory.

Kyle turned to Ash and wanted to get this finished.

"Ash take a unit to the overseer's property and capture Raith Miles, he will also answer for his crimes. Commander will you give my men access to the overseer's property?"

Kyle directed this last question to the garrison commander, because while he could break through the arrays protecting the overseer's house it would just be easier to have access.

The commander turned to one of his men and nodded, this guardsman approached Ash and they left to deal with their new orders. Kyle once again turned to the commander.

"So commander after we were so rudely interrupted, do you have any idea what you and your men will do? Like I said you can join us or become your own company, if you choose the latter you can base yourselves from here just follow the rules we will lay down."

The commander thought for a moment and looked at his men; they simply watched him waiting for his guidance. It looked like they would follow whatever plan he had; this was the mark of a good leader showing their loyalty to him personally.

"Can we have some time; I would like to see your new rules before deciding on a plan of action?"

The commander decided to be cautious as he didn't know what Kyle was planning on doing and didn't want to be placed in a worse situation than before.

"Okay but can you stay in your barracks until everything settles down, Dylan and his unit will accompany you for now."

Kyle indicated to his right where Dylan was currently speaking to the Daryl's, Kyle still smiled a little when he thought about this. Dylan turned when he heard his name and moved to the commander before extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you, should we get moving?"

As usual Dylan and his innocent and disarming personality came into play; the commander took the offered hand and shook it while responding.

"Yes I've had enough of today, let's get moving."

With the exit of the garrison Kyle's people began the cleanup with the help of the family's forces who were uninjured. Kyle and his team left, returning to his bastion. He wanted to check on the injured; Bruno also wanted to get back to see Alena.

Moving back through the city they encountered some members of 'shadow hand'. Kyle ordered them to let One know the outcome and help the guard's route out any remnants and check on the status of the civilians.

By the time they got back Faye had already arrived and was waiting in the entranceway with Zak, Netty and Randall. Maria was currently in the atrium but seemed unconcerned as she knew of her son and husbands current strength.

The beast and the widow had gone with Landon and Harris, while they were leaving Kyle was sure he had heard the widow asking about the traitor his uncle James. Kyle didn't want to be around for that discussion, which was why he decided to leave it to his father.

"How was it, did we lose anyone?"

Nettie was the first to question and Kyle noticed there were a lot of people from his production arm loitering around just out of sight.

"A few of our newest members were injured and a couple unfortunately didn't make it but our senior members are all fine. They should be coming back in a little while; they are currently helping with the cleanup."

Hearing this Nettie released an audible sigh of relief while Randall and Zak felt a certain tension leave them due to fear of losing some of their new friends.

"We'll let everyone rest today but I want you guys to queue up a big party in celebration. I'll have a word with the other family heads and my father and see if we can use this as an inaugural period for our new empire."

Kyle had spoken to all of his senior members whether they were in the military wing or in the production wing about his plan. Hearing what Kyle wanted to do Nettie cracked her knuckles.

"No problem Kyle we'll make sure everyone knows and we'll make this a proper party."

Zak and Randall also nodded while sporting happy smiles.

"Great this should be fun."

"Yeah I can't wait to get some booze."

Nettie looked at the brothers when she heard this and her gaze seemed to threaten violence if either of them ruined this. Kyle decided to leave this to her as he was rather tired after everything that had happened.

"Bruno why don't we go check on the injured?"

When Kyle said this he saw Bruno's eyes light up as Alena was working in the infirmary and he really wanted to see her. Kyle could only chuckle at this before leading the way to the infirmary, although Bruno eventually took the lead in his excitement to see Alena.

When they arrived Bruno quickly rushed over to Alena and drew her into a hug before giving her a kiss.

"So Alena can you let me know how the people are doing?"

Kyle asked just in case Bruno got a little too excited. Alena broke the kiss with a red face before responding to Kyle.

"Yes sir our injured will be fine as they've already begun healing using your cultivation method. The injured from our allied forces number a few hundred with about 60 dead. None of the injured are in a critical condition and all should recover."

"Good, thank you Alena."

Kyle decided to leave the love birds and take his girls to see his mother but as they left he heard a voice from the hall.

"Hey brat get your ass out here!"

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