Ascension of the elder

Chapter 139: Kumbaya

"Hey if you guys aren't coming we'll move first!"

The beast shouted with gusto, Kyle was tempted to slap him around the back of the head but the widow got there first *Smack*.

"What'd I do this time?"

"They haven't set their tactics yet let them sort it out themselves."

"Oh right, okay lads get setup I want to get this over with and see my grandkids."

Kyle could only face palm at this and just spoke quietly.

"Wall formation, strongest units to the front rest on capture and clearance."

When his command was issued there was a sudden and organised shuffle as the members of 'death watch who had been training with him the longest took the front row while the weaker members moved behind the line.

Some of these weaker members were dragged by their unit leaders and they consisted of some of their recent acquisitions. These were kidnapped mercs who had only been training with them for a day or two.

These new members were surprised when they were taken to safety as they had slave seals upon them and by any normal measure their new master should have thrown them at the enemy first to weaken them before his core members engaged.

"Why aren't we being sacrificed this doesn't make sense?"

One of them said in exasperation, even though he would not be engaging the front line and would be relatively unscathed bad leadership is bad leadership.

"You aren't looking at the big picture. You are now one of the Lord's people even if it wasn't by choice. You are too weak currently to affect the initial charge so you'll be assisting and backing up those stronger than you."

This was one of the Daryl's they had each been given a new unit to lead during this battle as all they needed to do was capture the injured enemies and remove the dead while assisting the front line when needed.

The new members who heard this were surprised at this attitude; even with the empires army they would protect their strongest members and throw the weaker members at any problem only when they were sure of victory would the leaders appear to claim the glory.

There were exceptions to this like the beast who would rush in with his men but for the most part those of lower cultivation or civilian origin would be put in the meat grinder with only a few exceptional ones coming out on top.

Kyle needed numbers and he knew that with his cultivation method all of his people could become strong but they needed time. He was looking at the enemy as if he was looking at a buffet. Even if they were injured or lost limbs they could still become his fighting force allowing him to create a new empire. Mwahahahahaha(evil laugh).

Back to the battle Kyle's force had arrayed themselves and were ready to go. Landon and Harris had also organised their men while Leonard had also formed up on one of the flanks covering any gaps.

The widow was looking around trying to find a vantage point, as a mage she could turn the tide but she needed an overview to see where she was firing and to avoid collateral damage. In particular she could never forgive herself if she managed to hit her sons or grandson, her husband on the other hand that was a question best left unanswered.

One of the members of 'death watch' saw her looking around and realised what was happening so using his earth magic he created a pillar with stairs made from stone. The widow saw this and was amazed at the control and the fact there was another warrior/mage within her house.

Nodding to the man she moved up the stone staircase and stood atop the pillar like some kind of mascot for the army. The beast saw this as well and nodded to himself thinking he would get some answers about this force once the battle was done.

"Move out!"

Kyle finally commanded once everything was in place, his force moved out in their wall formation as they moved forward they banged their weapons against their armour or shields. This was done in time with their steps and created a highly intimidating effect.

The other forces looked at them as if they were mad but when they looked towards the enemy they could see the fear in their eyes and more than a few units stepped back in fear. Kyle's team was still with him but he ordered the girls to move behind him and Bruno as they hadn't trained as front line fighters while he and Bruno had.

As they moved over the ground the enemy forces finally broke, it was impossible to tell who it was first but suddenly the enemy was rushing towards them issuing shrill war cry's tainted with fear and resignation.

They were using standard imperial tactics with the weakest force in this case the gangs moving in first followed by the mercs and finally the Miles family forces. The plan for this layout was to tire out Kyle's forces before they committed anything they feared to lose and as a plus once the battle was over the Miles family should be in a stronger position than the remaining forces from their side allowing them to remove them and claim everything for themselves.

There was no order or control to the enemy charge and Kyle could only shake his head before issuing a command.

"Hold and Brace."

His force stopped instantly and you could see his men all moved one leg back while those behind them did the same and placed one hand on their upper back. This was a tactic used in many ancient armies to reinforce a shield wall. In this case the wall would be made with magic but the physical impact still needed to be dissipated.

The widow at this point began blasting the enemy, she specialised in water magic and she could have rained down water spears or arrows maybe she could have done something else flash but as they say sometime the simplest solutions are best. Simply put she created an effect like a water cannon and blew through the entire front row.

This caused many enemies to fall back and collapse over each other it became a glorious mess at this point. The beast was grinning and shouted back to the widow.

"I do love you dear."

The widow had a rosy tint to her cheeks almost instantly before shouting back.

"Shut up I did this for our kids not you so pay attention."

The beast grinned wolfishly at this before he heard someone shouting from the enemy's side. It was one of the officers who were commanding the gangs charge.

"What the hell are you saying you crazy old bastard you...."

He didn't get a chance to finish what he was going to say as a blast of sustained water hit him and made him fly back over the approaching forces, clear out the square getting the widow a home run. Those closest thought they heard a mutter coming from the top of a pillar saying something along the lines of.

"You can't talk to him like that only I can."

Kyle was thinking to himself 'what the hell is wrong with my family' before grinning almost exactly like his grandfather. Landon and Harris both noticed this and could only sigh as it looked as though Kyle had inherited his grandfather's personality at least in part.

With the enemy now covered in water Kyle thought of a good way of decreasing their numbers before they even had to engage them. In all honesty he should have thought of this before but hey ho sometimes in the heat of battle you forget things.

"All units Taser."

With that command all those amongst his force including a newly revived Susan who could use lightning magic fired it with a low power. This wave of magic hit the stumbling enemies but unlike what most expected the lightning magic passed through them using the water as a conductor.

The entire front row was shaking and shuddering while Kyle looked on with a grin. That was an eighth of the enemy down without even having to engage them while his grandfather was standing beside him looking grumpy.

"You could have at least let me take a swing at em."

"Why these people will join us once the battle is done."

"What are you some kinda hippy cut your hair you damn beatnik!"

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