Ascension of the elder

Chapter 133: Night night

"Aww aren't they cute."

Kyle looked over to the source of the voice and saw his uncle Harris standing with his father Landon, Isaiah was also standing behind Landon with his newer more youthful visage. He was sporting a grin like a school boy playing a prank and Kyle was curious as to what he was scheming.

"Hi Harris, dad what are you doing out here?"

"Well we had a report you were about these infiltrators and wanted to see what was going on but by the time we got here we only had time to watch the shot put and javelin events."

Landon responded while smiling at his own joke while Harris rubbed the bridge of his nose and questioned if he should have stuck with Landon or just hired a dancing bear instead.

"Dad I hate to tell you this but you were the only one who thought that joke was funny."

Kyle said with brutal honesty Landon fell to his knees due to this strike and Miranda always the dutiful child came over and rubbed his back.

"Its okay father in law no one can be funny all the time."

Landon was surprised when Miranda called him father in law but felt another stab to his heart at the end of her sentence and looked to the other girls for support. Clara was looking at the stars and refused to be drawn into this conversation and Elena well.

"When has he been funny before?"

When he heard Elena's comment Landon felt himself fall even further and with slumped shoulders his head fell to his chest.


Was all Kyle could say at this point while Harris looked on in confusion but found this entire skit rather amusing. But he had something he needed to discuss with Kyle and Landon.

"While I'm thinking about it can we call back Isaiah, I know we have his nephew here but we could really do with his knowledge and experience."

Kyle looked at Landon, Landon looked at Isaiah and Isaiah merely smiled widely at this. He knew Harris was going to bring this up as he had disappeared for a while when his training began returning his youth to him and came back as his own nephew to reduce the questions that would be asked.

"Take the prisoners away and use the 'slave seals', I want to know what their objectives were and if they have any knowledge of the enemies plans."

The leader of this 'death watch' detachment saluted quickly.

"At once sir."

With that they hauled of the prisoners to add their distinctiveness to their own. Kyle waited until the enemy infiltrators had left and expanded his soul sense checking that there were no surprises waiting for them.

Confirming the area was clear Kyle looked at Harris with a rarely seen serious expression on his face.

"Harris there are some questions that we can't answer unless you receive a seal. This is different than a 'slave seal' as this will keep you from telling people our secrets but you cannot be commanded to do anything directly. If you accept the 'secret seal' you will learn everything but the choice is yours."

Landon on hearing what Kyle was saying decided to speak up.

"Kyle he is your uncle and we should trust him."

Kyle held up his hand at his father's words.

"While I don't think he has any ill intentions he hasn't been one of us for long enough and you know the seal also offers a degree of support and protection. Harris you should also know your son has already accepted this seal."

Harris thought for a minute but he knew that if he was to truly return to the inner circle he would have to accept this seal and it seemed like he would join with his son if he did this and maybe it would help in mending their relationship.

"I accept what do I need to do."


With that Kyle waved his hand and a seal suddenly appeared and entered Harris shocking him. He knew that seals needed to be accepted on a deeper level but Kyle just launched his seal at him and he could feel it had taken root.

"How did you do that I didn't even have a chance to accept it."

"That is one of the things you will learn but firstly you wanted to bring back Isaiah but I'm afraid we can't bring back Isaiah."

Harris felt his throat go dry at what Kyle had said. Isaiah had been a part of all his generations' lives since they were born and while Landon was the closest to him they all looked up to him. Hearing they couldn't bring him back filled his heart with trepidation.

"Why can't you bring him back? What happened to him?"

Harris could feel he was almost crying. Even when his father was summoned to the capital to join the guardians and he knew that he wouldn't see him for years or even decades Harris didn't cry but the fear of losing Isaiah was real and raw.

"We can't bring him back because he's standing right there and as to what happened he got younger."

Kyle said with a smirk while pointing his finger at the smiling Isaiah who gave a little wave to Harris.


Harris almost vomited at this, his emotions were in turmoil and these two were just happily messing with him.


Harris was so irritated he couldn't even string a sentence together; the emotions he felt were now being trodden into the ground. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked around and saw Landon looking back at him with sympathetic eyes.

"It's better to just accept and move on otherwise you'll end up with an ulcer."

Harris could see the understanding in Landon's eyes and the brothers managed to find a bond in being the foil for this little comedy show. Taking a breath Harris calmed down and looked at Isaiah more closely.

To his eyes Isaiah looked younger than he even appeared to be in his memories as a child. How was this achieved what had they done to cause this. Harris looked at Kyle demanding an explanation with his eyes.

"I can understand your confusion but his revitalization and apparent return of youth is due to our new cultivation technique. This is the same technique our forces are using during their training so now you have taken a on a seal you can train in it as well. Father will you be able to bring Harris to the training field in the morning. Unfortunately most of us will miss training tomorrow due to the battle but class 12 will still be occurring so he can join them."

Landon nodded his head while an almost imperceptible grin spread across his face.

"Now I could do with an update has anyone gotten any information on James, has he joined the enemy forces or is he still standing away?"

"We haven't received any details from our patrols, it seems as though he disappeared during the battle at the tournament and no one has seen him since."

Harris responded while shaking his head, it appeared as though this brother of his was as slippery as an eel and had vanished like a fart in the wind. While he was thinking this a figure suddenly appeared from the shadows next to him making him jump in fright.

"What the hell are you?!"

"Don't worry Harris it's just Faye. Do you have any details on James?"

Faye looked at Harris quickly before turning her attention back to Kyle. He could see she didn't like Harris probably because he had planned to take over his position but as Kyle had forgiven him she couldn't enact vengeance so instead she decided to try and make him soil himself.

"He has already left the city; before the lockdown was enacted he joined a small aristocratic family and escaped from the city."

Harris was surprised by this oversight and asked Kyle about it.

"Why didn't you seal the city before moving?"

"Simple those that wanted to leave wouldn't help us and would only get in the way or aid our enemies. With them gone we know those left are either with us or against us no neutral parties to muddy the water."

Harris thought this made sense so didn't ask again.

"Okay it's getting late everyone get some rest."

Kyle gave his final order of the day before walking off with his girls while Landon and Harris returned to their rooms to get some rest. As Kyle and the girls were walking away Clara just remembered something.

"Kyle isn't class 12 for the under 5's?"

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