Ascendance of a Bookworm

Chapter 111 - Dispute Between Delia and Rosina

Chapter 111: Dispute Between Delia and Rosina
Translator: Forest Zou
Proofread by Ruriko

I need some boards for wood engraving. So I go to tell Mr. Benno to order 10 boards.

“Good morning! Mr. Benno.”

“What gets you here this time?”

I go there in high spirits, but meet such doubtful eyes. However, I’m excited by the thought of making books. So I don’t care of his attitude, and raise my hand.

“I’m going to make books with woodcuts.”


“Yes. When we carve the wood, marks will be left, right? If I wet it with ink and press it on the paper, then the bulges, wetted by the ink, can print letters or pictures on paper.

I take out a stone board, and draw a cross section of the wood on it. Then I draw a line representing ink over the cross section, and a line representing paper over the ink line. Mr. Benno frowns while looking at the stone board.

“… I know what you mean, but the ink is too expensive, right? How much ink do you need?”

I go pale on hearing Mr. Benno’s words.

A small bottle of ink costs four silver coins. Though paper is cheaper than parchment, it still costs too much. I’m excited by the thought of making books, but I neglect an important thing – considering the high cost, it’s impossible to make so many books. At the best, I may make some printed paper for children, instead of textbooks.

“I haven’t considered the cost.”

“Foolish! Is there any merchant who does not count the cost?!”

“… Look, I am an apprentice priestess instead of a merchant.”

I murmur. He pinches my cheek. He doesn’t even make allowance for a little girl.

“Hurt! hurt!”

“Noisy child.”

I think Mr. Benno often acts like a child. I stroke my cheek when he finally he loosens his pinch, and ask him to introduce me to the ink workshop.

“I have to consider both quantity and cost. Please introduce a good ink workshop to me.”

“Ok, I see.”

“… In the worst case, we have to make ink by ourselves from the first step. Because I’m not sure whether there will be suitable ink for printing …”

There seems to be a long way to go before making a book. My excitement vanishes with a sigh.

“You also know how to make ink?”

“… I know the method. Let’s make it and the paper. We did not have the materials prepared before. Now I think I am able to prepare them one by one. Besides, I have so many partners… We might make some mistakes in allocating the proportion of the materials. But if we have enough time, I think it manageable.”


When I’m leaving the workshop, Mark comes to tell me that he has given Lutz the cardboard for the orphanage.

Then I sign the receipt, and take the cardboard to the temple. Because I need to give it to Wilma and let her draw the pictures. I go there not only to ask her for pictures, but also see her smile, a saint-like smile which can always comfort me.

When I arrived at the temple, Gil is waiting by the gate. Fran is not there. Recently Gil always goes to Maine’s Workshop, and seldom come here.

Gil seems relieved when he sees me.

“Good morning, Miss Maine.”

“Good morning, Gil. It has been a long time since I met you here last time. What brings you here?”

“… From now on I will come here often. Delia is waiting for you fretfully.”

He says, shrugging his shoulders. Hearing this, I feel as if the air around me has stopped.

“Though Fran is pacifying her, I’m still afraid when she will lost control. She just keeps complaining.”

“… What happened?”

“The new attendant named … Rosina, right? She is a little troublesome,” Gil sighs tiredly.

Yesterday, we went to the forest. What happened to Delia and Rosina? It’s a little like when one buys a new pet, it is necessary to care for the old one. They may fight for the space possession.

I haven’t fed any pet, and just learn only a little from books. While I walk to my room, I begin to think about an appropriate way to deal with it.

Gil opens the door for me as usual. The beautiful sound of Fespiel comes out of the room.

… The two of them are just like cats, instead of tame dogs. For example, Delia’s attitude changes according to the surrounding situation, just like a tortoiseshell. Rosina is quiet and virtuous. Can you feel that?

Well, thinking of these questions, I go upstairs. Delia does not rush out before I enter the room. There is even no sign of a quarrel inside, so I’m completely off-guard.

On the second floor, Delia flies into a rage suddenly.



“What’s wrong with you? Rosina!”

Delia lets out a loud “Nuisance!” when we see each other. I’m surprised and thinking, “What’s wrong with Delia?” I look around the room. Rosina still sits in the chair, playing the Fespiel, and doesn’t cares about the “What!”.

“… Good morning, Delia. Excuse me. I don’t understand. Can you explain?”

“Rosina almost does nothing at all!”

Pointing at Rosina, Delia bursts out the word “Nuisance!” again. I glance at Rosina. She is still looking at the Fespiel.

“Good morning, Rosina.”

“… Miss Maine, good morning. It’s a good day today, right? It’s sunny and cool.”

As she says so, she finally stops playing Fespiel and looks at me. Rosina acts as if she has not seen Delia. So, I understand they are angry with each other.

“Rosina, Delia seems angry. Why don’t you do your work?”

“Well, she is smearing my good name by telling others that I don’t do my work. Aren’t I practicing the Fespiel?”

Rosina says, tilting her head to one side in a gentle manner. Delia clenches her teeth while taking out the blue robe, saying,

“Have you done anything other than practicing your Fespiel?”

“Because I’m an attendant of Miss Maine, I do it for sure.”

“What —-! Miss Maine, this is all that Rosina can say. It’s ridiculous. She even doesn’t listen to Fran! Please do something!

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