Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

Chapter 498

Star Spirit World Arc It’s Not Intentional, Honest…by Yue

It was the next morning.

Like yesterday’s lunch, Hajime and co came to have breakfast at the terrace where they could take in the unbroken view of the other side of the cliff. They all rubbed their eyes when they arrived there.

Am I still sleeping? They all asked themselves.


Because the number of maid had increased by one.

Yes, it was Yuuka-chan. Dahlia-san’s eyes snapped wide open as she stared fixedly at her from top to bottom was surely because of how unusual it was.

A part of it must be because this was her first time seeing someone else than her wearing a maid uniform, but there was something even more astonishing than that.

Certainly, no matter who saw it the outfit was undoubtedly resembling a maid uniform closely, and yet it was just too different from the one she was wearing.

The classic maid uniform Dahlia wore exposed almost no skin at all, in contrast Yuuka’s consisted of mini skirt & knee socks, and no sleeve which exposed her bare shoulders. Even the chest area was boldly exposed.

In short, it was mini skirt maid uniform that smell of Akihabara culture.

「U-umm, Yuuka-sama. That outfit you’re wearing, that……I’m guessing that it’s a maid outfit but……」

「It’s not though?」

No, it definitely is……everyone thought.

Certainly, looking carefully it wasn’t exactly a maid outfit. It was a dress with white and black base color. Just, it looked like she was wearing an apron because of the many fluffy frills and ribbons on it.

Although, it was a bit forcing it to declare it as a casual wear.

Most of all.

「Umm, Yuuka-oneechan. There’s a white Alice band on your head nano……」

You’re aware aren’t you, that that’s maid uniform? Myuu pointed out like a detective revealing the evidence. Yuuka became at a loss for words 「Uu-」.

「Yuuka-chan……you finally, resolved yourself huh?」

「……Sonobe Yuuka. From here on is Freedom. Launch-」

「I don’t know what are you referring at but! It’s not like I’m acting conscious of someone’s preference or anything!」

The cat was out of the bag……everyone thought.

Kaori and Yue were nodding with an expression like an enemy general seeing that the time to settle the score of a long war had finally arrived.

With that, Yuuka-chan tore off the white alice band on her head with a bright red face. Had her sanity finally returned (?), or perhaps her embarrassment meter suddenly crossed the line.

「Hehehm, how’s that, Nagumo-chi?」

「We already prepared it beforehand thinking something like this might happen.」

In that place, Nana and Taeko were the only one looking smug.

Just what kind of situations they had been anticipating……Suzu thought as her expression became conflicted. Ryuutarou and Atsushi and Noboru thought, So it’s Hajime’s taste huh……with warm eyes.

「Really Hajime, just because you love maid, you made even Yuuka……」

「He’s strangely intimate with Hellina too!」

Shizuku who had just been turned into a maid (deep meaning) in a maid café late at night was looking exasperated. Liliana had completely believed that Hajime was a peerless maid lover without any doubt.

Aiko was talking with Remia in small voices. While pointing at Yuuka’s outfit.

Perhaps, it was that. There was no doubt that she was consulting with Remia who was currently working as a designer whether she would be able to prepare a similar outfit. Remia too glanced briefly at Hajime before looking strangely eager.

「H-holy cow. Holy cow!」

「The holy outfit “Maid”……to think that such way of wearing it is also permitted. But however, but however-」

「Y-yeah. What’s this feeling bubbling up inside-」

「N-no good-. Something like that……is just too lewd-」

「The holy outfit, but that’s exactly why, the feeling of immorality is-is-is-is-」

Actually, the five warriors from yesterday including the skinhead uncle were also present there.

Yuuka’s feminine outfit that was styled after miny skirt maid was apparently opening a new door inside their hearts. Only the skinhead uncle was unshaken. As expected from the skinhead uncle!

「I-I, I’ll go change-」

Because she had heard what they just said too, Yuuka’s shame finally burst out. Her face turned bright red, one hand covered her chest area, while her other hand pressed down on the bottom of her skirt. Then she was about to run away.



Unexpectedly the first 「Eh?」 came from Hajime.

Yuuka reflexively stopped still and turned around. Her eyes met Hajime. Perhaps there was a bit of disappointment in his expression, or perhaps not……

It seemed, the outfit was a “yes” for Hajime. Though knowing gazes 「Hmm~?」 from Yue and others stabbed him, so his face quickly returned into a serious one.

「Taking that off is out of the question! You look super good in that, Yuuka-chi!」

「Here, jacket. The maid outfit resemblance will fade a bit if you wear this.」

「Uu……thank you. ……I’m, not changing.」

Yuuka fidgeted while accepting the jacket from Taeko and wearing it. Her mouth looked like she was mumbling unintelligibly, was it because she was desperately holding herself back from grinning?

Such bashfulness apparently landed a needlessly powerful critical hit on the warriors.

「Sorry, Bones-san! I, don’t need breakfast-」

「Me too! I’m going training for a bitt!」

「Begone-, wickedness inside meee! UOOOOOOOOO-」

「O-oi, you guys!」

They all yelled such things while running together toward the training ground. I know your feeling……Ryuutarou, Atsushi, and Noboru saluted them in a snap.

「What’s this Goshujin-sama. Thou art not going to give any praise?」

Yue & Kaori already went to tangle with Yuuka. Shizuku and others went with them to act as a brake. Tio was watching that while whispering that sentence teasingly. Hajime lightly shrugged.

「She absolutely will change instead if I praise her directly.」


Tio said no more. She just kept grinning, which annoyed Hajime slightly.

It was at that timing the head chef who was also cooking for them yesterday came with the breakfast. Everyone sat down on their respective chair.

Hajime also went to his seat──it was then the men sneakily rushed toward him.

「Hey, Nagumo. No, great teacher of maid!」

You’re spouting nonsense again……Hajime said with a reproachful stare. Noboru was acting extremely respectful, but, his eyes were serious as he looked at Hajime.


「This one-, also wish for Liu-san to wear such outfit-. Please instruct this ignorant self, just what should be done to make such vision come true-」

Noboru bowed his head very deeply. He was desperate. His resolve to buy even a vase with the price of a hundred thousand yen without hesitation if the great teacher said that was the requirement could be seen clearly.

And so, Hajime nodded──

「You over there~! Take him away quickly~」

「Really sorry. I’ll take him away right away so beg pardon. Come on, the breakfast will get cold~」

「S-stooopp! I’m having an important talk right──」

Next it was Ryuutarou who whispered while glancing at Noboru who was getting dragged away by Atsushi.

「Hey, Nagumo──」

「Say no more. Or rather, it was Miyazaki and Sugawara who prepared that outfit. Why’re you asking me huh」

「Stupid idiot, no way I can ask the girls for that kinda thing! Something like this is secret between men! You can prepare anything as long as it’s for the right price. Ain’t that right?」

Hajime looked annoyed. Ryuutarou executed insistence & begging.

But, it seemed he was too insistent that his voice echoed.

「Hmm~~m? Ryuu-kun, so you like that kind of thing?」


The girlfriend in question was right behind him. Her eyes were unblinking.

「Ah, no, about that……」

「Geez, even though you just need to ask.」


「……I’m saying, you can just ask me.」

Suzu blushed slightly and averted her gaze. The unspoken words that she would wear anything if Ryuutarou wanted it were conveyed. It seemed Ryuutarou also got embarrassed from that. He scratched his head while blushing.

「I see. So this is the so called pink world. Certainly it makes it hard to keep staying here.」


Hajime nodded with a keen feeling of realization about the phenomena that he often received complains about. Ryuutarou and Suzu who had temporarily forgot his existence and entered their own world became even redder and quietly sat down on their own chairs.






「Are you ready?」

After the breakfast, Hajime and co were gathering at the center of the training ground.

No, it wasn’t just Hajime and others who were gathering there, but also the majority of the villagers. They came to see them off.

Actually the plan for today had been decided yesterday. The villagers had also been notified.

The plan was for Dahlia to return home for a time together with the savior’s group.

Specifically, she would accompany Hajime’s group to attend for their need during their tour here while also checking the situation at each country, something that she had been planning to do anyway before this.

And so, Hajime’s question just now was also directed at Dahlia.

「Yes, everything is fine at my end, your majesty. ──Bones, I’ll leave the rest to you. I will return in two or three days.」

「Although this is the best chance to check the situation of other countries……is it really okay that nobody else is coming along?」

The skinhead uncle patted his smooth head. Perhaps it was his habit. His face looked troubled.

「My, I will be accompanying the group of our savior. What is there to be worried about?」

「I can’t say anything back if you say that.」

Bones looked even more troubled. Some of the people who came to see them off also looked uneasy.

This was just a guess but, they were worried not for Dahlia’s safety but whether “she would return”.

It wasn’t because they didn’t trust her. They didn’t think that she would abandon them.

But, they understood better than anyone else, the feeling of so many people who sought the “saint”, and of Dahlia’s kindness, so if something happened at the other side, she might not be able to ignore it which might result in her not being able to return here……

They just couldn’t keep such feeling from forming in their mind.

「Oh my, Dahlia-san is really loved heree~」

「Everyone will be lonely if Dahlia-oneesan is away nano!」

「Fufu, really everyone……」

What Shia and Myuu pointed out really hit the mark, as could be clearly seen from Bones──err, the skinhead uncle’s wry smile.

Dahlia unconsciously narrowed her eyes kindly. That expression that was overflowing with love already belonged to a “holy mother” rather than a “saint”.

「Your majesty, can I ask for a bit of time?」

「Yeah, there’s no hurry. Take as much time as you want.」

「Thank you very much.」

Dahlia bowed before going toward the villagers to talk to them. A ring of people immediately formed around her. Kaori and Yuuka and others were watching that sight with expressions like they were looking at a heartwarming scene in a movie.

Meanwhile, Yue secretly pulled Hajime’s hand. She led him to a spot slightly away from the crowd, linked her arm around his arm and brought her face closer.


It was just one word but her meaning was clear. After all, she was his only partner in crime (forced) among the group.

「Going well.」

Hajime nodded with a smug face. He brought his face closer to Yue’s ear in return and whispered into it. Yue writhed from the slight ticklishness even while pressing her body closer to him.

Several people especially Kaori and Yuuka glanced at the two of them, but seeing Hajime and Yue getting away from the crowd and pressing their bodies together made them looked understanding and said things like 「Come to think of it, I haven’t seen them flirting yet this morning」「What, they’re just doing their daily routine huh」 and immediately returned their gazes back.

The idiot couple-style secret talk that didn’t invoke any distrust or curiosity from the surrounding. Also known as the original “pink barrier”.

Whether such result was achieved intentionally or not, it could be guessed from Yue’s satisfied smile.

「Just as planned, I managed to get Dahlia appointed as a priest. I also got the permission to lend her all types of artifacts, so she’ll have to work double as a secret priest and village chief of the confinement land.」

The content of the secret discussion was about the negotiation with Goddess Lutria last night. It was the first and greatest hurdle for bringing in Dahlia into the “still unnamed that organization”.

It seemed that it was going well.

「……I’m amazed Lutria accepted.」

「She attached various conditions for it though. Or rather, Dahlia also got collared.」

「……Conditions? Collared? How?」

The great goddess had extremely heavy love that she didn’t even designate a hero no matter what kind of situation she was in just so that her beloved children of man wouldn’t get dragged away to other world.

Yue believed that there wouldn’t a breakdown of relationship with Hajime in charge of the negotiation, but that was exactly why she was concerned about the conditions. Especially with the mention of collar there, she became even more uneasy based from the experience of Hajime creating the collar to hold the lives of the family of a certain emperor.

「Don’t worry, it’s not anything so serious. For us at the very least.」

According to him, the condition was apparently “concealment”.

The appointment as priest, the capability to come and go to the holy land or other world, the existence of other world tool(artifact) that was lent in order to make that possible, its usage, and knowledge or technology obtained from other world, all those things had to be kept secret from the people of this world.

Also, the goddess engraved her secret art into Dahlia’s soul so she would be able to detect her even when she was in other world.

「……O-overprotective. Is she a mom who constantly check her child’s position with GPS?」

「W-well, yeah. Dahlia was super moved saying something like “F-for the goddess herself to always watch over me even when I’m in other world-“ though.」

If the person in question was alright with it then, well, guess it was alright……the two thought as they smiled wryly to each other. They then even kissed like it was as natural as breathing. It couldn’t be helped with how close their lips were.

Dahlia started some kind of speech. It seemed she was starting the finishing touch to wipe away the villagers’ worry.

Aiko and Liliana looked strangely impressed by that. For some reason they were even taking notes. Were they using it as reference of how to control the public feeling?

Putting aside Liliana, Aiko, you……those like Tio or Shizuku were making expression that seemed to think that.

That’s useful as a teacher’s skill isn’t it, Ai-chan-sensei! Nana and Atsushi too started recording the speech with that kind of feeling. What kind of teacher think about public manipulation……those like Yuuka or Remia were creeped out like that.

「Also, I asked for the spirit element to be returned to her too with her appointment as a priest. There wasn’t any need to call Yue if it’s just for one person.」

「……Well, she’s a goddess.」

「Yeah. Keeping that secret is also one of the conditions. And, if it’s broken──」


Yue looked slightly worried. Regardless of how she acted, it seemed that she had gotten quite pleased with Dahlia.

「The spirit element will be stripped from her, and she’ll also get banished to other world for eternity.」

「……No way-……no way……nn? That light?」


Yue tried acting out feeling surprised and she clung tightly on Hajime, but after thinking it over, she tilted her head 「Eh?」.

Because, the spirit element stripping was something that had been done.

The eternal banishment too, someone with strong feeling of responsibility like Dahlia would feel tormented if she was forced to abandon her current responsibility that she had decided to shoulder, but her future dream was to migrate to other world.

「That goddess continued to accept human’s reckless action until the world was in the verge of destruction after all.」

「……Aa, so she’s fundamentally soft to the children of her world.」

It must be something like that. Although, for Dahlia being “discarded by the goddess” was something that would be even more painful than death penalty, so at that time she turned pale. Then she made a quiet expression of resolve and determination and swore her oath.

「It was also a good move that I made her talked directly with Dahlia. That Lutria, it looked like she scanned Dahlia’s life and her conviction until now. She looked really moved.」

「……In the end, the clincher wasn’t Hajime’s negotiation, but Dahlia’s sincere way of life?」

「That’s right.」

Hajime smiled wryly. Yue too smiled 「Fufu」. Then she sweetly bit on his neck with a movement that was also as natural as water falling from high place to low place.

「……Theen, nn, it went well, chu-, without any problem? Nn-」

「Yeah, I guess.」

「……And yet you came back late though? Could it be, you played maid with the maid (deep meaning)」

「Ouch-, I didn’t I didn’t. I spent some time lecturing about artifact but……」

Not only the artifacts to create gate and manipulate perception, the usage of simplified Hour Crystal, the artifact to stop aging, etc, a great number of artifacts were needed in order to live a double life while keeping it secret from others.

Although, if asked if that lecture lasted until morning which necessitated this situation where Yue had to listen to the report secretly like this……

A slightly strong sucking bite. She planted in her fangs and sucked *chuu chuu*. She also gave some licks to the opened wound.

It was ticklish compared to before and Hajime writhed. In contrast to her words, Yue-sama didn’t harbor the slightest doubt toward Hajime. She was simply teasing him as she kept giving licks and sucking him.

She put her arms around his neck and clutched tightly so he wouldn’t get away. She even entwined one leg around him.

The two didn’t realize because of their talk, or perhaps they were too absorbed in their own world. That the noises at the distance had stopped without them noticing it.

「Really, there wasn’t anything particular at all. Well, if there’s anything to mention, there was this hysteric celestial woman who challenged Dahlia into a duel, then she went crazy when she got defeated, because of that I got forced to do murder & revive on repeat to calm her down, also Soare was annoying so I blew and dismembered her a bit──」

Even so Soare was just too persistent, so he dosed her with Emily’s specially made hallucinogen to make her experience life with Shia in a dream.

As the result, Soare became like a young girl innocently chasing after butterflies in the middle of a flower field.

The princess priest’s mind had gone past mind break and almost joined the dark side in one go before she went into the second round with Dahlia where Dahlia admonished her with the resolve of putting her life on the line.

Although she somehow got saved from falling into dark side, the princess priestess almost got relieved from her duty as a priest and she was about to be reduced into an invalid, but she avoided that fate thanks to Dahlia’s desperate defense.

In exchange she became Dahlia’s attendant as punishment and got ordered to accompany her to other world. Even though she tried to commit suicide from so much despair, her soul got bound by Lutria so she couldn’t kill herself and finally she bawled hysterically like a baby.

Dahlia consoled the princess priestess who was in such state like the holy mother. There was also various negotiations occurring between Hajime and Lutria about the treatment of the princess priestess when at other world.

「……Eh? Then, that celestial race’s princess too?」

「Yeah, it’s decided she’ll go to other world as Dahlia’s attendant. She’s so mentally unstable she might kill herself if there’s a chance, so I’ll warn Hellina to keep an eye on her too.」

After that, Hajime continued. Yue’s both legs were already entwined around his waist with her hugging him fully from the front. He put his hands on Yue’s bottom to support her.

However, he wondered about the sounds he had been hearing since some time ago. It was like the sound of someone choking, or the sound of coughing. Was there someone who caught a cold?

「I gave her introduction letter for AlfrEric. Maybe I can have him accept Dahlia as disciple for archery. When I told her that he’s the strongest archer I know, she begged me to introduce her no matter what. I’m thinking of asking Hellina to teach her about other world’s knowledge, and the chief of the elf for archery. Looks like it’ll be something like studying abroad for a while for her.」

「……Hajime. That’s a lot of things that happened.」

「Is that so?」

「……Nn, that so.」

The two stared at each other. A second passed. The two burst into laughter together.

And then, Yue who was now looking down on him from slightly higher height because she was being lifted gently put her hands on Hajime’s cheeks with a bewitching gaze,

「……Hajime, good work♡」

Her voice was overflowing with loving affection. And then she moved for a kiss that would surely be as deep as the Mariana trench──

「「「「Stop thereeeeeeeee!!!」」」」


The angry yells to stop came from Shia, Kaori, Shizuku, and then Yuuka.

Hajime and Yue gasped, then they finally turned their focus to over there.


Apparently Dahlia had stopped talking from a long time ago. It wasn’t just Shia and co, even the villagers were staring toward them.

There were people staring so hard they might burned open a hole, there were also people who were covering their faces with both hands, there were also ladies smirking and saying 「Oh myy♪」, people jeering 「That’s right! Yell at him more!」, and there were also people who were screaming 「Goddammit, even though I only got insects and evolved approaching me!」 while crying tears of blood.

「Ah, your majesty. Please don’t pay us any mind. One hours, no, two hours, we can delay our departure for that long-」

Dahlia was bright red, however, she was clenching both her hands while huffing energetically.

It seemed that she was thinking this happened because the two couldn’t have time as husband and wife due to what happened last night. It was a wonderful consideration. If only she didn’t offer such lengthy time that provoked imagination.

「No, they don’t need that kind of consideration okay!」

Shia rejected that with a loud voice. Kaori and others also nodded together. Very energetically.

「Hey, Nagumo. I’m giving you back the exact words you said to Suzu and me before.」

「Yeah really! You’re making us the spectators to feel like the bad one here for watching!」

Ryuutarou and Suzu also used this chance to toss back the words that Hajime said their way before this half in exasperation and half teasing.

「……Uu, sorry. I didn’t get enough Hajimenium this morning.」

As expected even Yue-sama seemed to get embarrassed by this. There was no way she could say 「Then, thank you for the consideration」 and vanished into a room with this many people watching.

Her cheeks were red while she smoothly got down from Hajime.

Myuu trotted forward as though representing everyone. And then she put her hands on her waist and made a serious expression huffily.

「Papa, Yue-oneechan. Myuu has learned an important term recently.」



A second passed. Myuu inhaled *suu~* before she taught them something important.

「Know the time and place and occassion(TPO)! Nano!」

A straight sound argument flew at them like a blazing fastball. Hajime papa and Yue-oneechan receive critical hit.

And so, the two,

「「Yes, we’re sorry……」」

Could only say that.

At the morning of the trip’s third day, the scene of two adults being under the scolding of a little girl in front of a crowd started.







「……Aren’t they a bit late?」

「Please calm down, your majesty. This is still within the margin of error.」

Deep inside a quiet forest, there was a place where there were ruins of buildings scattered all over the place. Those buildings were in a state that couldn’t even be called as remains. There Eric and others were waiting.

After the spirit element vanished, humans lost the tool to tell them the time to some degree. Now their best method to show time was by looking at the position of the sun.

The spot was an open space even deep inside the forest, so they could somehow see the position of the sun even though it was still in a low angle.

Eric was ascertaining the time with restlessness in him. Louis said 「I can understand your feeling though」 to advise him with a wry smile.

「……It’s nostalgic.」

「Yeah. We came here once a year to remind ourselves but……」

Greg’s muttering was responded by Louis with a nod and a bitter smile. They couldn’t help themselves from remembering when coming here. Of that dramatic moment five years ago.

Of that nostalgic but unfading scene that decided the fate of the world.

This place now had become a legendary land and even designated as a new holy land, where a mixed troops of the three countries were constantly stationed. This place that was also becoming a nature preserve was none other than the place where Shia was once summoned.

And so, there were also numerous soldiers in this place other than Eric and co. Everyone of them looked somewhat nervous, however, they were all standing still without being able to completely hide their anticipation and uplifted mood.

「……Some of them is here aiming for the saint instead of the savior aren’t they?」

「Kuku, that girl is really popular even among the soldiers after all.」

Louis muttered mischievously. Eric too made a similar expression.

「It looks like she’s doing well based on the message yesterday. I’m really glad……but, to think that she’s building and living in a village at the confinement land……good grief, that girl is really tough.」

「Yes, truly.」

Greg and Louis must be listening too. They looked at each other and smiled. They looked like they couldn’t wait for the reunion with Dahlia.

It was then, a corner of the ruins suddenly shined.

「They’re here!」

「Don’t panic! Don’t move from where you are, be still!」

Greg raised his voice as the royal guard commander. The surprised soldiers all straightened their backs.

The light expanded into an ellipse shape. Several people could pass through together with that size.

Like that,

「Spit it out alreadyyy, Dahlia-san」

「U-umm, Shia-sama, I’m not really……」

「……Shia, don’t trouble Dahlia. Or rather you’re too clingy. Dahlia’s mind won’t last, so let go for a bit.」

They witnessed it.

The saint came out from the light with the savior and a peerless beauty linking their arms with hers.

It was truly a situation of having flowers at both hands.

Following right behind her was Yuuka wearing her outfit that closely resembled the holy maid outfit but designed to strangely stir the male’s heart.

Actually after that, Dahlia carelessly spoke an apology 「Because of my fault his majesty’s nightly husband and wife activity got disturbed!」 to Yue, so misunderstanding ran rampant.

Yuuka said 「As I thought! It was really that kind of thing! Nagumo you cheater! Maid lover!!」 about last night’s secret meeting with tearful eyes, accelerating the misunderstanding even more.

The village fell into commotion. Kaori and others were staring reproachfully. They didn’t think that Hajime had laid his hand on Dahlia at all, but they definitely suspected that he must be doing this and that for his romance thing again.

They really knew him well.

And so Hajime did everything he could to cover it up and evaded questioning, convincing everyone for the time being, although……

It was the fact that Hajime and Dahlia were together for the whole night, and for some reason Dahlia’s loyalty seemed to have increased even more. Shia who sensed that approached Dahlia rather than Hajime to ascertain her feeling.

Yuuka was loitering right behind them was of course because she just couldn’t help herself from feeling curious 「Really? Did nothing really happen?」.

Also, everything was mostly the fault of Hajime(‘s romance seeking mentality), so Yue was lending a helping hand.

Naturally, there was no way the people at the other side of the gate could know about such circumstance.


Such atmosphere was spreading like wildfire among the soldiers!

「T-the rumor is true……」

「Beautiful women are clinging on each other like that……ah, it feels like a gate is suddenly opening inside my mind──」

「The seed……the seed inside me is cracking open-」

「Dahlia-sama is, she isn’t with just Shia-sama but also that kind of beauty? What a woman-」

「No wonder she never got swayed by the men all over the world-」

「Wait, wait a second. Isn’t this a “yes” in a sense?」

「Y-yeah. It’s a yes! All my yes!」

「I thought that she’s someone beyond my reach anyway. I thought, she would get married with someone influential somewhere anyway……but, but, the right answer is right here!」

「Beautiful women together……nice, really nice! Something like man is unneeded!」

「Yeah, this is the right answer! This is justice!! The door of truth is opening right now!!」

「Dammit-, my heart is taken-」

A new concept also spread like wildfire. They still didn’t know. That this was the concept of “precious”, that this was the concept of “sacred”.

Getting back on topic.

Eric and co’s biological clock was stopping with a slight bit of thought, Just what are you doing in that position that is the envy of all men in the world huh? But they weren’t as shaken as the soldiers.

They returned to their senses faster and be the first one to call out.


「Ah, Eric……and everyone too.」

Shia quietly let go. Yue also let go and stepped aside. Behind them were Hajime and the others coming out in drove.

But, they didn’t say anything. Because they had decided that first they would watch over the reunion of these childhood friends.

「Long time no see. I’m sorry that I suddenly vanished.」

Dahlia quietly bowed. Eric and co looked at each other before they immediately ran toward her.

「Don’t apologize. We were the one at fault. We only focused on rebuilding the world that we didn’t even think about the position of our important friend was in.」

「It is just as his majesty said. Dahlia, we are sorry.」

Greg and Phil also spoke their apology in their own way. Dahlia looked troubled and shook her head.

「Everyone, was desperate. In order to live in the new era.」

「……That’s, right. But, I’m the king so」

「For me, you’re still that reckless rascal, my troublesome childhood friend.」

「Despite how it looks I think I’ve at least grown a little though?」

「I wonder about that. Fufu, then, I will make sure of that with my own eyes. After all this “visit” is also for that.」

「”Visit”……I see……. Then, it’ll be better if I don’t say “welcome home” huh.」

Eric looked a bit lonely, but, he smiled gently again seeing Dahlia’s dignified atmosphere and soft smile.

He took a step back, then he pressed a hand on his chest in a formal gesture to welcome a state guest.

「Welcome, honorable village chief of the confinement land. Feel free to look around at the world’s current state as much as it pleases you. I pray from the bottom of my heart that it shall result on an even better future between both sides.」

「My thanks for your majesty welcome. Balted Kingdom’s, surely great king.」

Dahlia also matched the gesture with a breathtakingly beautiful curtsy.

But, there was intimacy and humor in her words. Eric unconsciously twitched 「Ah, you’re still strict like usual huh」, while Louis and Phil reflexively snorted. Even Greg whose default face was surly averted his face while shaking.

The atmosphere of childhood friends could be seen there despite the long time that had passed.

「The mood looks good isn’t it?」

「Well, it’s not like they’re quarreling in the first place aren’t they?」

Nana and Taeko whispered to each other. Their expressions were warm and soft. Hajime and others also looked the same.

「Your majesty, thank you for giving us time.」

「Yeah. Or rather, it might be too late saying this but can’t you stop calling me your majesty? The real thing is right there after all.」

「……You’re mentioning that really too late. Dahlia has never called me your majesty in these five years. Well, I’m happy because it feels like we’re returning to our childhood like this so it’s alright.」

His majesty Eric’s reproachful gaze stabbed into Hajime.

It was clear who Dahlia considered as her master. The soldiers broke into commotion again.

「But, there are also the soldiers here right? The mass might fall into chaos if they heard while we’re in the middle of sightseeing.」

「Then, allow me to call your majesty (Shia-sama’s) dear husband.」

「No, that’s not that much different.」

Though certainly, if she called him like that it would avoid chaos from the people wondering if there was a change in Balted’s leadership, Hajime thought with a troubled face while scratching his head.

But, won’t getting called “dear husband” create new misunderstanding? Gazes asking that came from Yuuka and others.

In fact, commotion from the soldiers 「Man-, Dahlia-sama with a man!?」「Wasn’t man unnecessary?」 was breaking out.

Kaori whispered 「This is bad. There might be more unicorn in this world at this rate」, then Liliana beside her replied 「Eh? The spirit beasts won’t come out from the holy land won’t they?」. It looked like she still hadn’t studied enough about “this side”.

Dahlia pressed her index finger on her cheek and thought for a bit. And then,

「Then, how about family head?」

「I think you can just call me by name normally though──」

「I can’t possibly do such absurdity-」

「Why the hell not?」

It seemed that point was something that Dahlia couldn’t compromise on. Eric and others were giving him a gaze that seemed to say 「This is just troublesome at this point and the talk won’t progress like this so just let her call you however she like」.

And so Hajime shrugged. Dahlia’s expression brightened like a sun after she received the unspoken permission.

And then, the expressions of the many soldiers who just got a new door opened inside them sank down heavily.

「Aa~, cough. You guys must have a lot of things to talk but……」

「Y-yeah. We can have that talk in an quieter place.」

Hajime and Eric intentionally spoke loudly in order to clear up the complicated mood.

「The savior and her relatives along with the saint have taken the trouble to come to our country to take a look at the world right now. Let me say this once more, Balted’s king──this Eric Luxeed Balted welcome all of you!」

His voice carried through clearly as befitting a king. The dumbfounded atmosphere and also the people who were toyed by the new door opening inside them became focused all at once.

A second passed and loud cheers reverberated in the air.

The names of the savior and the saint were yelled in beautiful harmony regardless of country or race, to a degree that the listeners wondered if they had practiced it beforehand.

For some reason Myuu and Nana and Taeko were all looking smug. Meanwhile Eric walked toward Hajime and others once more.

「We came this far in accordance to your wish of wanting to see the place where Shia-dono was summoned but……forgive us. The place is still in this state of disrepair from the attack of the celestial people.」

Certainly the place looked horribly ruined. The place would barely able to be considered as a sightseeing spot if there were something like ruins remaining, but almost everything here was just wreckage.

「No, it’s fine. Rather you guys must have it hard to come this far to welcome us. It looks like this place is quite far away, and it was only yesterday I contacted you. You must also have work to do.」

「I’ve mentioned it too yesterday but, right now my most important duty as king is none other than welcoming the savior and her relatives. Please don’t be concerned. I also asked you to listen to our request. It’s only natural for me to welcome everyone.」

「Request? Hajime-san, were you asked for something?」

Shia’s face popped out over Hajime’s shoulder. Eric was about to answer her, but Hajime lightly shook his head. Eric guessed his intention and shrugged.

Shia’s cheeks puffed up 「Muu」. Apparently this time, or rather before she realized it Hajime already had a secret talk with Eric too. Unconsciously the tips of her rabbit ears were grinding on Hajime’s cheeks.

「My bad, it’s just my selfishness. If it’s needed then I’ll apologize as many times as you want later.」

「Just what’s with thattt, geez」

For some reason, Hajime stared at her with a terribly gentle gaze. If he did that, Shia could only back away saying 「It can’t be helped then」 which was troubling. Should it be said that was the weakness of someone in love?

「Don’t show off too much like that. It makes it painful to stay here.」

「Oops, sorry.」

Eric spoke with a wry smile. Hajime pulled back his hands that were naturally reaching toward the rabbit ears. Shia looked a bit disappointed.

「And, what will you do? Will you look around for a while? Or are we going to depart right away?」

I don’t think there’s anything to see around here though……eric said while looking around in confirmation. Hajime answered──but before he could.

「Hey hey, papa. Myuu want to watch already nano!」

「My my, Myuu. You shouldn’t disturb papa’s talk you know?」

Myuu ran out of patience and tugged on his sleeve. Remia slightly bowed to Eric and others while lifting up Myuu. Seeing that sight made voices saying 「B-beautiful……」 slipped out from here and there.

Or rather, the gazes of the soldiers were swaying unsteadily to that way, then swaying unsteadily to this way.

Their attention was captured by the saint along with Shia & Yue who were at her sides, but when they looked carefully once more, there were many other beauties. The excitement of being able to catch sight of the savior group and the sight of the family and friends that had lineup of beauties made them felt like in cloud nine.

Yuuka who was wearing maid-styled outfit was especially gathering a lot of attentions. It made her felt very awkward.

At the side,

「R-Ryuu-kun, I can’t see if you stand in front of me.」


「Look here, nobody is paying attention to me even without you blocking their gazes.」

「No, there’re several looking this way full of interest.」

「They must be just feeling curious that there’s a common girl mixed in among the beauty lineup.」

「Stupid, you don’t even lose to Yue-san and others. Rather, to me you’re the cutest──」

「Aaaーーaa~~~I get it already, stop talking!」

Suzu waved around her hands in fluster to drown out Ryuutarou’s extremely serious speech with her own voice. Her ears were bright red. She said 「Idiot-」 while repeatedly slapping Ryuutarou’s back that wasn’t flinching at all.

Aiko and Shizuku who were right behind the two looked on warmly at the very excellent treat before them. At the same time, At the same time, Atsushi and Noboru looked like they were going to start giving a beating at Ryuutarou with all their strength anytime now.

「And so, Eric. I’ll carry out my objective of making this place as our meeting place.」

「? What do you mean?」

「Of course, it’s sightseeing. With option of tracing the savior’s past included.」


Eric and others who didn’t know about past replay were tilting their heads, meanwhile Hajime signaled Yue with his eyes.

「……Leave it to me. Shia’s cool summoning scene that I’ve heard about. I’ll reproduce it perfectly! Feast your eyes on it!」

「No, thou doth not need to be that fired up just for replaying the past.」

Tio’s wry smile was completely disregarded. Yue was so fired up she even rolled up her sleeves and pushed her hands forward.

Golden aura burst out. Commotion broke out among the soldiers once more. Eric and others also opened their eyes wide wondering what she was going to do.

「So exciting, so thrilling-」

「Fufu, Myuu-chan, you’re having fun aren’t you?」

「Myu! So much so! Myuu want to watch Shia-oneechan’s coolness already nano!」

「N-noo, it’s not something that exaggerated……. I only blew away a celestial.」

「I’m also curious of her reaction when summoned? We were only standing dumbfounded when it was us……」

「This is the beginning of Shia-san’s legend!」

Kaori and Myuu were smiling cheerfully with curiosity. In front of the embarrassed Shia, Shizuku and Aiko were also recalling the time when they were summoned with deep interest.

Yuuka and the others were also the same. They focused so they wouldn’t miss the moment that became the turning point of this world.

「……Nn-, it’s heree!」

The exact time of the past was unknown because of the time difference, so Yue was searching for the general time axis. Then she activated the past replay like she was playing a game of matching timing.

Like that, it was projected. The buildings when they were still standing tall, and the figures of Shia and Eric and others in the past.

Oooo-,commotion spread out. Eric and others also looked half shocked and half understanding 「So it’s like that」 and focused. Meanwhile the past Shia heroically declared with a gallant atmosphere.

『──I’m going to abandon all of you because I don’t want to risk myself!』

The place became deathly quiet.

Shia’s embarrassed expression stiffened. 「Ah」 Yue’s voice slipped out because of the blunder she made.

A second passed.


Bewildered voices rose from the soldiers and even from Yuuka and others.


「T-this isn’t like how it looks like desu. This is, it’s-」

「You didn’t say that nano?」

It’s a past replay but, perhaps it’s just Yue-oneechan’s prank or something? Myuu checked with upturned eyes.

The gazes of the soldiers snapped toward Yue. Yuuka and others were also staring fixedly toward her.

Shia’s eyes swam around like migratory fish. She was sweating heavily and she was mumbling unintelligibly as though what she wanted to say was extremely difficult to tell. But she was a honest person so,

「I, said that.」

She confessed.

The atmosphere became indescribable. Eric and others, no, faster than them Dahlia stepped forward to defend Shia.

But before she could, Even though, I wanted to show them my cool moment, my determined moment, and yet……Shia looked toward Yue with tearful eyes that were saying that. She asked the panicked Yue.

「Yue-san…………is it intentional?」

「N-no-, the timing was just a bit-」

Well, based from how fired up she was right before this, this must be really just a case of careless blunder.

Even while thinking that,

「It’s completely like a “malicious video clip” huh.」

Hajime commented with a wry smile. Kaori, Yuuka, and others were also nodding with similar expression.

While watching Yue desperately explaining herself and Shia who was drawing closer to her with tearful eyes.



AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

Regarding Yuuka-chan and Dahlia’s code name, I received a lot of comment and opinion. Thank you so much!

Dahlia will be put on hold for the moment, until the organization get formally established. A lot of comments picked Lovely for Yuuka, so I’m thinking of calling her Lovely Yuuka. The way to call her will change depending on the person though. It’ll be decided by what make Yuuka embarrassed (sleazy face). Well, it’s still undecided when this will make reappearance though (sweat)

※Material introduction

– From here on is Freedom

From [Gundam Seed]. I think Kira certainly act with freedom since he got his hand on Freedom.

By the way, it looks like the newest movie will come at Amazon Prime next. Thank you, Amazon Prime.

– Seed is cracking

Same from above. Surely this soldier will rack amazing achievements, no doubt about it.

– Door of truth/my heart is taken away

From [Fullmetal Alchemist]. Surely these soldiers are siblings, no doubt about it.

※Sorry but I have a notification. The comic volume 14 is released at 25 May!

The SS at the end of volume is in Kaori’s POV instead of the usual Yue’s POV. I thought that if I’m going to write the inner thoughts of someone in this volume then it should be Kaori as expected. Putting that aside, Neunte-san was amazing as expected. RoGa-sensei, thank you so much!

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