Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

Chapter 494

Star Spirit World Arc The World Line, Isn’t It Different From Before?

「W-welcome, dear guests from another world. I’m Eric Luxeed Balted. The king of this country. This is an honor to receive your visit this time.」

The men eagerly stood up while Hajime and co were paralyzed with cringing expressions.

King Eric who looked like a lion with his blonde hair and blue eyes cleared his throat while introducing himself and welcoming the group. His ears were red. He was trembling with shame. It was truly a surreal sight.

The other three also looked the same. Every one of them was desperately feigning calmness that nobody knew what to say. Nobody knew what to say but……

『Uwwa, the handsomeness score here is off the chart! This is one absurd lineup of good looking hunks!』

『It makes the feeling of disappointment even greater rightt?』

Although she at least had the discernment to use telepathy, Eric and the others were still so good looking like before that Nana unconsciously spoke her impression.

Atsushi and Noboru pouted their lips while spatting out keh.

Ryuutarou glanced down at Suzu. Suzu noticed his gaze and chuckled before whispering 「Ryuu-kun is cooler than them」, making him turning red.

Atsushi and Noboru made spitting gesture peh. In the end it was just a gesture and not spitting for real. It seemed they at least had the awareness that this wasn’t the place for that.

Perhaps their whispered conversation became the trigger for Shia and others who were bewildered by this strange reunion to return to their senses. Though even the genuinely bright Shia wasn’t smiling in this reunion after so long and she had the eyes that were somewhat like she was looking at suspicious people.

『Hey, Shia. Could it be that was this world’s greeting or something?』

『Eh? Shizuku-chan, you mean that might be reverse bending version of the bowing in this place? Shia, is that so? Should we also respond in kind?』

『N-no, even I never saw that kind of greeting when I got summoned here desu.』

『P-perhaps this is that? They were stretching or something while waiting for us? You know, like radio calisthenics or something.』

『That’s possible, Aiko-san. After all the visitor is Hajime-san. The welcoming side’s nervousness must be at all-time high. I can understand them as a royalty.』

『I think that art not it. In my eyes, I got the feeling that art something like evasion training……』

As expected from Tio-san. She was spot on. She hadn’t got shot plenty for tsukkomi and punishment just for show. Of course, it was reward for this hardcore M dragon so she never did something like evasion training.

In any case.

「A-aa, hmm, that……our thanks for the warm welcome. You guys must be surprised by the sudden notification of our visit. Our bad. Did we cause any inconvenience for your side?」

For the time being, Hajime returned their greeting as his group’s representative. He offered his hand.

「! This is the visit for the world savior along with her family and friends. We would set aside everything no matter how many difficulties await, Nagumo-dono.」

Perhaps Hajime’s behavior was unexpected. Eric’s eyes widened slightly even while his expression softened and he stepped forward to take the handshake offer.

Yue and others looked at Hajime with eyes like they were seeing something extremely unusual.

They weren’t meeting a goddess this time, but just a king of a country. Furthermore it was the offender group that summoned Shia. There should be no way that he would show them this much thoughtfulness.

『……Hajime, you okay? You tired?』

『What does that mean? It’s just that, perhaps we’ve caused them to prepare a welcome. What’s more it might be something that really rushed them hard.』

『……As I thought you’re tired?』

『What do you mean by that!?』

Usually he wouldn’t be bothered by something like that right? That was what Yue meant. Of course.

Hajime only thought that he had managed to build a friendly relationship with Goddess Lutria after much effort, so forcing too much unreasonableness with her beloved children might be bad but……

It seemed that looked odd in the eyes of Yue and others. It was the result of his habitual behavior!

「First, can I introduce my friends who are carrying responsibility for this country to those who are coming here for the first time?」

The king wasn’t telling the visitors to introduce themselves. Instead he was introducing himself before introducing his close aides. It was the evidence that he was paying the utmost respect for Hajime and co.

The prime minister as well as the director of the national technology research (a newly established body after the spirit element was lost) whose silver hair was tied behind him and wearing pince-nez glasses──Louis Lektor.

The commander of the royal guard with swept back black hair──Greg Xcest.

The supervising chief of the intelligence department whose defining trait was his messy dark green hair──Phil Espion.

Eric who was doing the introduction and Louis and co who were being introduced looked like there was a specific someone who they wished to personally speak to before anyone else, but they were holding back their emotions strongly. Apparently they were prioritizing their public standing.

『Looks like they’ve calmed down a lot in these almost five years huh.』

『Right desu. Setting aside the naturally calm Louis-san and taciturn Greg-san, Eric-san was emotional, while Phil-san was flippant before……this really makes me feel the time difference keenly.』

For the time being Hajime and Shia exchanged relieved smile because it looked like Eric and co hadn’t awakened to some strange hobby or something.

The introduction finished and Eric and co met Shia’s eyes as though they had been biding their time.

「Everyone, long time no see desu! It’s great to see all of you are doing well!」

Shia’s smile burst out. Eric and co squinted their eyes fondly as though they were watching the sun after so long.

「! Y-yeah, really……it has been a really long time……Shia──」



Barely safe! There was *Click* sound from Hajime’s hand. Donner’s percussion hammer was being pulled! There was a small azure flame on Yue-sama’s hand! Shia’s pressure was a salvation instead!

Also, at this moment, his majesty Eric and friends performed limbo dance once more with skillful and agile movement. It was a wonderful reflex.

((((((I see))))))

Everyone realized. The reason for the odd behavior at the beginning. The terror of gun that hadn’t faded even after five years had passed. Kaori and co along with Yuuka and co wondered just what kind of hell these people had experienced. They looked toward Hajime with conflicted gazes.

Eric and co were drenched with cold sweat, even so they felt relieved that they didn’t get shot and got up quickly. Eric straightened his collar and cleared his throat.

He pulled himself together and, Take 2.

「Shia-dono. To be able to meet you again like this……it’s a joyous moment. Very much so.」

His majesty Eric’s eyes were slightly wet. His choked words showed how great the emotion he felt was.

Louis and others were also the same.

「Shia-sama, my thanks. For you to come here again……」

「I was resigned to never meet you again in this life. It’s my joy to be able to see your cheerful self.」

「Today, is the best day of these five years!」

Each of them spoke words of happiness for their reunion.

Passionate feelings overflowed. From their voices. From their eyes too. Those things, felt a little bit too passionate for a reunion with the world saving hero or with a friend they were greatly indebted to.

The girls were astir. Yue started to glare. Hajime’s eyes too were slowly narrowing. Like a gunner preparing for a duel, his finger touched the grip of Donner that had just gotten returned to the holster……

There was no way Shia too didn’t notice the heated gazes of Eric and co. She completely ignored those while,

「This time I come with my “dear husband!” and “sister wives!”, in other words my family! I’ll introduce them! And also my friends too!」

Shia purposefully emphasized the words husband and sister wives before introducing her family and friends.

Those who were introduced gave short greeting back even while,

『What do you think, Yuuka-chi?』

『They all got serious lingering attachment no matter how I see it.』

『『Isn’t that right~~』』

Nana, Yuuka, and Taeko were observing Eric and co like that with deep interest.

『This must be that! Okaa-sama(Mother-in-law)’s favorite, the reverse harem thing! I can’t believe I’m seeing it in real life! Record, I’ve to record it!』

『Geez Shiashia, what a sinful woman~!』

『Oh my oh my, I’ve heard about this but……even after five years has passed they’re still, ufufu』

『Shia-oneechan is ama~zing! It’s just like mama when living in Erisen! Ah, she’s also super popular among the men around the block so it hasn’t changed nano!』

『Myuu, those men around the black, tell me more about them later.』

It’s not like you think, Hajime-san. You should be worried about Shia-san right now rather than me……Remia said with a troubled look, even so feeling of happiness from being looked after also radiated from her. *Fidget fidget*

And so Yue reacted in Hajime’s place.

「……Ha? Unforgivable aren’t they? Leering at Shia deserves ten thousand deaths isn’t it?」

「Why art thy reaction the most severe?」

There was no warm up. Yue-sama suddenly snapped in top speed.

For the time being, Kaori and Shizuku put their hands on her shoulders. In preparation for the worst case. After all who knew what this Shia lover would do if it was for Shia’s sake.

──Don’t kill and revive someone repeatedly for mischief

It was the important promise with the goddess!

「N-no, we aren’t leering or anything!」

「Y-yes, it’s just as his majesty said! Just, because we’re reunited with someone we’re so greatly indebted with, we unintentionally-. Isn’t that right, Greg, Phil?」

「Y-yeah. That’s all there’s to it, nothing more and nothing less.」

「Of course! That’s why──Nagumo-dono, I hope your hand can let go of that weapon, if you can」

Such conversations happened at the open and behind the scene, however, the atmosphere changed drastically at the next moment.

Shia was looking around.

「By the way, where’s Dahlia-san?」

Perhaaps it’s that? Perhaaps she’s preparing tea or something right now? Dahlia-san’s tea, it was delicious after all~, Shia was smiling like that, showing not a single doubt that she would be able to meet that person.

Originally Eric and co who looked like they were still completely trapped in lingering attachment (the people themselves denied that though) should be entranced seeing such smile from Shia.

The four froze stiff. As though they had averted their eyes from unavoidable obstruction, but then they were pointed to the fact that running from reality wasn’t allowed.

「Umm, Eric-san?」

「Ah, no, that……Dahlia, is it……」

Eric’s gaze wandered around as though he was searching for the right word. Even though he had done image training so hard like that, his head became blank when it was time! That was how he looked like right now.

「Shia-sama, please listen to us calmly.」

Louis took the place of Eric who was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth with a grim expression.

Greg and Phil’s expressions also became clouded. Of course everyone noticed when seeing that.

Shia’s greatest objective. Dahlia. Something bad had happened to her.

「Please wait a second. What? What’s with this atmosphere desu? Eh? Don’t tell me, you aren’t saying that something happened to Dahlia-san aren’t you?」

Shia’s face was twitching. Her voice was trembling in disbelief.

The expressions of Hajime and others also tensed by the unexpected development. Yue quickly grabbed Shia’s right hand to support her heart. Almost at the same time, Myuu also tightly grasped her left hand.

「Louis, I’m sorry. Let met be the one to tell it. The matter with Dahlia is my responsibility.」

「Your majesty, no. It’s our, everyone’s responsibility.」

「It wasn’t only you who couldn’t protect her.」

「Yeah, it’s my failure as the pro in information gathering here.」

Shia ran out of patience from listening to their disturbing conversation.

「Don’t just talk in circle! What happened to Dahlia-san desu!?」

「Tsu, true. My apologies.」

Tense atmosphere filled the room. Then Eric resolved himself and opened his mouth. He uttered the words that he had also said just moment before Hajime’s group arrived.

「Dahlia……Dahlia, went missing.」

「Went, missing?」

Shia’s expression became like someone ruminating words that they heard for the first time inside their head.

Even if she didn’t want it, she imagined the worst case based on the pained expressions of Eric and others.

「S-since when?」

「……It’s, already two years since then.」

「No way-」

She had gone missing for two years. Even if sugarcoated, this could only be described as “matter where whether she lives or die was in doubt”.

Because of course it was. Dahlia was a daughter of a duke, a childhood friend of the king, and also a VIP who formed friendship with the hero. There was no doubt that the nation had mobilized to search for her.

Surely the beast kingdom and demon kingdom also cooperated. After all those two countries weren’t unfamiliar with her.

Even so if Dahlia still hadn’t been found until now……

Did she get involved in an incident? Or accident? Either way, Dahlia had gotten cornered into a situation where she couldn’t return home with her own strength.

And two years had passed……

Everyone couldn’t stop themselves from imagining the worst scenario. Unpleasant imaginations flowed out like geyser.

Inside the office that was filled with stifling atmosphere,

「Haji, me-san……umm……」


Shia whose agitation was clear for anyone to see turned toward Hajime with clunky movement like a rusty tin plate doll.

Because Hajime had the mean to determine Dahlia’s whereabouts, her life or death right away.

But at the same time, that also meant learning about Dahlia’s fate right away.

Hajime wordlessly took out the compass.

What was left was to pour magic power into it and they would know everything.

Several sounds of gulping could be heard.

「You’re ready?」

Even resurrection of the dead couldn’t reverse two years of time. It wasn’t a problem of magic power capacity. There was nothing that could be done if the original soul had completely dispersed and got recycled by the world.

The result, would come out mercilessly.

Shia was at a loss for word for an instant when Hajime asked her for confirmation.

But, Yue and Myuu’s warmth flowed into her from her hands. The two’s concerned gazes gave her courage. Heat and strength also returned to her chilled hands.


Eric and others somehow stopped themselves from interrupting the flow of conversation while narrowing their eyes. Meanwhile Hajime activated the compass.

Naturally, the result came out immediately.

「……Ou? She’s detected normally. She’s quite far from here but……she’s alive……and she feels energetic from the image I’m getting though?」

「Eh, is that so!?」

Waah, Yuuka and co raised their voices like they were shouting for joy. Yue and co also let out relieved sighs.

Shia let out a joyful look and turned toward Eric and co. She thought that they too would surely be happy by the good news.

But however.

「Ah, is that thing that? The tool to search the target’s whereabouts……I think, it was also used five years ago huh.」

It felt like his reaction was normal. Rather he even looked impressed after recalling the compass’s existence. Louis and others also looked the same.

There wasn’t any sign of their hearts boiling strongly from the greatest good news that Dahlia was alive.

「Um, Eric-san? Dahlia-san, is alive you know?」

「Hm? What do you mean? Obviously she’s alive. She’s sending letters back periodically after all. She absolutely won’t tell us where she’s right now though……」

Eric said such words so nonchalantly with a wry smile. Louis and others also looked troubled.

Emotion fell off completely from Shia’s face. But, not yet. She told herself that she still had to confirm something. So she held back herself while asking.

「She didn’t get involved in an incident or accident?」

「? No, nothing like that. Why are you……」

「Y-your majesty! We had only spoken about her went missing for two years!」


It looked like his majesty Eric finally noticed the difference in atmosphere between the two groups. Eh? Could it be the way I said it, or rather the turn of order I said it was decisively wrong? He thought.

Louis said 「Ah, this is bad」 with convulsing cheeks. Phil said 「Drats~, lots of things just vanished from our heads because of the uncool behavior or deep emotions from the reunion eh, haha……」 with a dry laugh. Greg was grimacing deeply. There was only a drop of cold sweat, *trickle~* going down his face.

「L-listen. Dahlia ran away on her own accord. She didn’t go missing because of unforeseen accident or anything!」

Eric slowly backed away.

It couldn’t be helped. After all Shia was taking a step forward expressionlessly, followed by another step slowly.

But, nobody stopped her. Because everyone could understand Shia’s feeling after being made to worry and shaken up so needlessly like that. Rather, they were feeling the same so everyone had piercing glare at the level of Yue right now.

And so,

「……Before, didn’t you say something about being responsible?」

「Y-yeah. A lot happened which made her decided to run away. It’s true so……」

「What about, not being able to protect her?」

「S-something like, because of our political standing, or the voices of the society……we couldn’t protect her reputation?」

What happened next was something that couldn’t be helped. It was the price of making someone feeling so needlessly worried because of their misleading statements──

「Say that from the starttーーーーーdesuuーーー!?」

「No-, wai-, hideebuah!?」

A fist that was harder than steel mowed him down.

The king’s office that could even be said as plain got painted crimson.

A gardener who was taking care of the garden outside the office’s window saw red going *splat* on the window and jumped on his feet screaming 「What the hell!?」.

「Good grief! I thought that the beginning of our trip would be started with news of a friend’s death! Are you listening, Eric-san!」

Eric-san wasn’t listening. Or rather he couldn’t right now. His ears or his nose or his eyes, anyway any hole on his body was spurting out blood while he was unconscious right now, so he couldn’t.

H-he’s dead……Louis and co thought while clattering on their feet. They had practiced emergency evasion in preparation of this possibility but, as expected there was a limit from just doing image training.

「Eh? Eric-san? Eric-saaーーn!」

「……Shia, no use. He’s already dead.」

「……Eh? There’s no way………………h-he’s dead」

「Oi, stop that Shia. Don’t make that kind of reaction……like, everything in this world is too fragile. A bugged rabbit who doesn’t know her own strength is just too scary to think about even if she’s family.」

「F-for now let’s do the reviving!」

Yue and Hajime were creeped out. Certainly, the way King Eric gave the information was bad but, to beat him to death with one punch because of that……what was scary about it was how she didn’t intend to do it.

「Uu, Kaori-san, I’m sorry. It looks like my base strength is also increasing after learning the Ultimate Battle Bunny Bunny Art……」

Shia looked apologetic.

Also, the Ultimate Battle Bunny Bunny Art that she mentioned was the official name of Fusion Battle Art (Temp) that combined magic power and willpower. Shia disliked having the (temp) always attached like that, so she thought hard and resulted in that new name. The person herself said 「Cute right? It’s a masterpiece of a name if I say so myself desu!」 smugly, so Hajime and others told her 「Nice!」 with warm gazes.

Also, the way of reading it normally was “Sentougi(Ultimate Bunny Art)”. The name had faint hint of chuuniness. As expected from a Hauria. (TN: The kanjis for bunny and battle are similarly read as “tou”, so “tou” in sentougi could be interpreted as bunny or battle)

「……Shia-san, just how far is she planning to go?」

「In manga term, Shia-san is the only one who is in a different genre isn’t it? She’s like a shounen manga protagonist who caused power level inflation on her own.」

Aiko and Liliana’s comments were heavily agreed on by Yuuka and co. Before long, she might even yelled something like Super Haurian with her hair turning golden and standing on end. Scary thought.

In any case, light of resurrection of the dead flew from Kaori.

「The promise with the goddess “Don’t kill and revive someone repeatedly for mischief”, it’s broken already nano?」

Myuu’s eyes were quickly covered by Remia mama so she didn’t witness the murder of the king, but she still asked the question with slightly shrill voice.

Shizuku answered her in a way that was befitting a student from the law department. Perhaps half her intention was to soften the place’s atmosphere, but her voice was also similarly shrill.

「That depends on the interpretation of the word “mischief”, yep. Based on the socially accepted idea──not that, the goddess accepted idea? The beating to death this time should be recognized as deserving I think, maybe, surely, most likely」

「There is “I hopee~” at the end there isn’t it, Shizushizu. I get you.」

「There won’t be any divine punishment coming down right?」(Ryuutarou)

Lutria could sense any happening in this world.

She was a goddess who was faithful to her duty. Perhaps it was a bit misleading to use the word “surveillance” here but, although she had sent off the group in a good note, she must be paying attention to the movement of Hajime’s group right now.

Both Suzu and Ryuutarou looked up. Yuuka and co also followed their gazes and looked above. 「H-how is it?」 They wondered as though asking for an oracle from the goddess.

For the time being, there was no reaction. Looked like it was tolerated.

「Buhah, where am I!? Who is here!?」

The revived King eric was in the middle of total confusion.

「Your majesty-, just now, you died!」

「Whattt!? Was I shot!?」

Eric naturally designated Hajime as the culprit based on Louis’s report. Really just what did this guy do the last time he came here……Yuuka and co thought.

Greg and Phil turned pale even while they spoke calmly.

「No, it was by punch.」

「It was Shia-dono’s fist that did it. Your majesty went *Paann* you know. *Paann*」

「You don’t need to describe it with sound effect! It’s scary!」

His majesty was very honest.

As expected it seemed Shia thought that she had overdone it. Hajime stepped forward in exchange of Shia who was looking awkward. He was sighing.

His majesty Eric became on guard. It was clear to see that Louis and others were shifting their center of gravity so they could do limbo dance anytime.

Hajime smiled wryly seeing that and raised his hands to make an appeal of harmlessness.

「It looks like, both sides here have a lot of things to tell each other. For now, can I ask you to lead us somewhere where we can have a talk calmly?」

Outside the office suddenly became noisy. The gardener must have reported the strangeness that happened in the office. Hajime offered his hand to help the king back on his feet because he wished to be spared from even more chaos than this.

「……Yeah, you’re right. Certainly there’re a lot of things that I want to talk about.」

Fuuuh, he let out a sigh before taking a deep breath.

Eric also smiled wryly while taking the offered hand.









After that.

Eric calmed down the royal guards and the servants who came running. It became known that the cause of the commotion was the return of “Shia-sama” and the commotion became even louder for a while.

Hajime and co were shown to the dining hall that was for use of entertaining guest.

「Shia-oneechan, you’re su~~~~~pper famous here nano!」

「The atmosphere is like when Hajime-san visited the palace of Heiligh Kingdom isn’t it? Ufufu, Shia-san is so cute looking embarrassed from being respected and called as the nation saving hero.」

Remia’s words and Myuu who was looking proudly at Shia from her lap made Shia shyly toyed around with her bunny ear.

「G-geez, Myuu-chan and Remia-san too, please don’t tease me……」

「……Fuh, I was the one who raised this child!」

「A smug face as though thou hath waited all along to say that line. Though thou art not wrong about that.」

Hajime’s group and Eric’s group sat facing each other along a long table with Hajime and Eric sitting at the head of the table.

Hajime, Shia, Yue, Tio……and then followed by Myuu, Remia, and Kaori. At the opposite side was Eric, Louis, Greg, and Phil, followed by Ryuutarou, Suzu, Yuuka and co because of the unbalanced number.

Nana leaned forward with smirking lips.

「But, it was really amazing! Shia-chi’s popularity here!」

After she pointed that out, Ryuutarou and Suzu also smiled wryly and followed up.

「Yeah. We even passed the same people several times.」

「They must be sprinting hard after we passed by to circle around wasn’t it? I bet there were around ten who did something like that.」

In fact, it was just as she said. Whether knights or servants, they were pretending that they were just doing their work even while loitering around at the surrounding to catch a glance at Shia somehow.

Some daring fellows even boldly greeted Shia as they passed by. And the most daring of daring──it could also be said that their reasoning got blown away by Shia’s smile──would appear again while feigning innocence. Right from the front.

「I even wondered whether we got lost into a time looping world.」

「That. Or rather, wasn’t the female percentage higher? Like super pretty female knights, or maids……」

Atsushi and Noboru looked at each other. Their bewilderment was making their memory vague but, perhaps they weren’t mistaken?

And, if their memory was right, those men and women’s expressions were……

Liliana spoke with sharp eyes like a detective who had discovered the truth.

「It wasn’t just deep respect. Those eyes, contained even deeper emotion than that. The way they sent heated gaze with reddening cheeks at Shia-san, so excellent.」

「Lily, sorry to say this to you but, aren’t you rapidly charging ahead at a strange direction since getting involved with Sumire-san?」

Yuuka’s remark pierced through right at the bull’s eye. Princess Liliana was brilliant! She was absorbing Sumire-sensei’s teaching like a sponge!

Putting that aside, it looked like the other girls had also noticed that point. Kaori and Aiko, and even Shizuku were agreeing with wry smile.

「Aa, as I thought it’s really like that. Those were definitely the eyes of maiden in love.」

「Shia-san, you’re creating victims of so many people regardless of gender aren’t you?」

「Shia……aren’t you being a bit too indiscriminate? I don’t think you did it intentionally but, you mustn’t do things that would make them misunder……」

「I didn’t do anything! Please don’t speak out something so misleading! Or rather, Shizuku-san, your words are boomerang there! This damn “Onee-sama”!」

「Uu……I can’t rebut that……」

Shizuku got damaged by her own words flying back at her, at the same time several female servants entered inside quietly.

Of course, they weren’t wearing maid uniform. Maid uniform was the highest grade of outfit that was only allowed for Dahlia after all.

The outfit consisted of loose trouser and upper wear that resembled china dress with slit that reached until the waist──perhaps the closest thing to it would be Vietnam’s traditional dress ao dai. Furthermore they were wearing cap that looked like beret. Those were the outfit of common servant.

After that the male servants also entered. The female’s outfit had blue base color, while the male was light green.

Hajime spoke in a jest while the servants were serving tea.

「Shia, did you play real gal game? With someone else than me!」

「Hajime-san! Teasing is forbidden!」

「……Shia you cheater! Even though you have me!」


Shia’s cheeks were poked by Hajime and Yue from both sides.

She puffed out her cheeks angrily from getting teased, but she didn’t try to slap away the two’s hands regardless of what she said. Instead she even looked somewhat happy, as though she was enjoying it.

「……All of you are really a good family huh.」

A voice slipped out. It was Eric.

How to describe his expression? He looked happy while also looking lonely. Like a mix of relieve and resignation.

Louis and others also looked the same.

The place instantly turned quiet. The voice was filled with deep emotion that even the servants’ hands stopped moving.

Was it tact, or perhaps just a coincidence? There was clinking sound of a cup being put down, making the atmosphere started moving again.

Shia’s gaze moved over Eric and co. And then she put up a completely flawless smile that contained neither gloominess nor grief, nor thoughtfulness to in a sense. It was a pretty smile that even made others gasped.

「Yes-. They are my beloved husband and family who can’t possibly be surpassed by anything else desu!」

Vee, she even made V sign with her hand.

Hajime and Yue’s eyes were extraordinarily gentle. Tio and others chuckled 「Fufuhn」 smugly, or perhaps blushing bashfully.

Those like Nana and Taeko shuddered while saying 「T-this is Shia-chi’s seduction technique-」「Isn’t it a technique to consign others to oblivion instead?」. Yuuka was fidgeting restlessly. Ryuutarou and others were going 「O-oo」 with a strangely impressed look.

Others like the servants stopped moving for real this time. Shia’s smile was assuredly charming, to the degree that some of them blushed while shouting 「My!」.

「……Haha, I see. That’s great. ……I apologize once more in the place of the three countries for tearing you apart from such treasured family. What we did were truly inexcusable.」

「I deeply apologize as the person in charge of the summoning ritual. At the same time, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving this world. Perhaps I don’t have the qualification to say this but, I’m really glad that you were able to go home safely.」

「……If you’re happy, then there’s nothing more I can ask for.」

「Yep, that’s right. The people all over the world surely feel the same too.」

Eric and others all sighed. It was as though they were expelling the emotions that had been accumulating to the bursting inside them. At the same time those were refreshed sighs as though the inside of their heart got rinsed off for real this time.

It was hectic the whole time five years ago. Even their time of parting. That was why, by properly seeing “Shia immersing in the happiness of being together with family” like this, it looked like they too had finally managed to come to a clean break in their heart.

「Well, enough with the thanks and apologies. We also got quite a lot of spirit armaments from it.」

Hajime turned his gaze toward Shia. Shia returned a beaming smile back at him saying 「Right~」.

「More importantly, you guys were still like that even after five years passed. I thought that perhaps I’d need to put an end to it but……looks like there isn’t any need for that anymore.」

「……Ah, no, that……sorry.」

Eric’s expression turned awkward from his feeling being seen through.

「You saying that is terrifying to hear because it sounded like you would do it in a physical way.」

Louis said that with a bitter smile. Hajime shrugged in respond.

「Well, it’s a matter of feeling. Not logic. From the start I didn’t plan to find fault as long as you guys don’t try anything. After all, this is Shia we’re talking about.」

「Hajime-san, what do you mean by that desu?」

「……He means that you’re the world’s cutest bunny. After all you turned Hajime and I your captive when we were still completely edgy after just getting out from Great Labyrinth Orcus.」

「!! I-Is that so……fuheh」

Shia’s expression turned flabby *funya funya* when Yue patted her head with a gentle expression.

As expected cute thing was cute so Eric and co along with all the servants became captivated. Even Kaori and Yuuka and others were also smiling.

Shia became even more embarrassed from that and stood up quickly with her face still red.

「M-more importantly! About Dahlia-san! Please tell me already what happened!」

Dahlia was definitely safe.

Even her letters to Eric and co showed that she was doing well although she wouldn’t tell them her whereabouts no matter what. She would even send the local specialty or rare material from the place she was currently at.

In fact, the image that was conveyed when the compass was used apparently also showed that she was cooking joyfully inside a forest with beautiful spring and small waterfall.

Of course, there wasn’t any sign of her being imprisoned by anyone. There wasn’t also any sign of her being forced to write the letter.

Although, she was covering up her whereabouts by her own will, so Shia was curious what was the reason for that.

If she suddenly teleported to Dahlia’s location and caused problem for her by doing that, they wouldn’t be able to be unreservedly happy with the long-awaited reunion.

「Yeah, of course. Please listen, of Dahlia’s hard struggle after Shia-dono returned home. And, of our worthlessness that caused her to decide to run away from home.」

Eric said that and started talking. Sometimes Louis and Phil would also interject with their own comment about what happened during these five years.




Like that, after they had talked until finish.

「……Ahaha, I don’t know what to say……that’s just like Dahlia-san desu.」

That was the first thing that Shia said. She seemed to be half exasperated and half happy. She was also radiating feeling of admiration and pride for her friend.

「Saint huh.」

Hajime who had experienced Dahlia taking care of him like a maid was smiling wryly without knowing what else to say.

Yes, saint.

In the world after Shia and Hajime and others went back and the spirit factor was gone, got extolled like that by everyone without regard of their nation or race or even status.

「The one and only existence who is allowed to put on the holy garment “Maid” huh.」

「And also the person who is recognized by the nation saving hero as her only “friend” eh.」

Kaori smiled wryly at how maid uniform was treated in this world. Shizuku spoke of the reason why Dahlia was called a saint. Liliana and Aiko commented even further about that reason.

「Furthermore, she’s a duke’s daughter who can trace her lineage back to the royal family isn’t it?」

「A person who had been famous as a princess of beauty even before that, running around busily everywhere for the sake of society and people and not in just one country……ahaha, perhaps it’s only natural that she got called a saint after that.」

In addition, she was one of the member of the hero group who stepped into the holy land to have an audience with the goddess. In other words she was an individual whose name would be etched in history book until the later generations.

「In addition, that girl has no doubt that the reunion with Shia-dono will definitely happen. So she spared no effort in improving herself.」

「It wasn’t just her look, she also learned etiquette and technique of maid that originally she didn’t need to learn, and she was also desperately learning combat technique perhaps because she looked up to Shia-sama.」

「Fuh. She was putting in effort so that she would be able to show you this world that has gotten slightly better. Even so at the end……」

「That girl, she aa~bsolutely planned to follow Shia-dono back at the end.」

Eric and co threw their gazes at empty air in remembrance while smiling.

It was like that.

Dahlia had continued to act without rest for the sake of cooperation between countries, almost like a diplomat.

There were areas that were forced to a standstill with the disappearance of the spirit factor. She created organization in order to help people who were at a loss and also managed it.

She spread out the teaching of Goddess Lutria and the divine spirits, and more than that the important things that Shia taught her like a missionary. Meanwhile she also didn’t miss interacting with the mass in order to move toward a better future even if just for a bit.

Noboru unconsciously muttered.

「What she’s doing is seriously saint huh.」

「I can’t wait to meet with her now. Not only she’s so pretty she got called princess of beauty, for even her heart to be pure……」

「Tamai-chi, you’re free to have any kind of expectation but, the probability of such miss saint giving attention to Tamai-chi is 100% not possible for eternity you know?」

「Shaddup! Let me at least dream!」

Such exchange happened between Atsushi and Nana, which was ignored by the rest.

「But, that endlessly increasing fame ended up being the cause. That kinda super conflicting huh.」

Ryuutarou sipped his tea while saying that with a frown.

It was exactly like he said. Everyone nodded.

「……Fuh, being to charming is also a problem in its own way.」

「That sounds really persuasive when Yue art the one saying it.」

Yue swept up her hair *Fuasa-* as she said that.

In other words, the cause of Dahlia running away from home was her own charm, and the jealousy toward that charm.

Even before all these there were already numerous contender seeking Dahlia’s hand in marriage. And now she had not only fame, but also actual accomplishments that kept piling up day by day.

In addition, if the hero came back just like Dahlia believed, perhaps they would be able to form connection with the hero too through Dahlia.

Her age was also at the early twenty. It was an age that was already too delayed for marriage as a noble. Any marriage talk had been dismissed before because she had the role as offering for the summoned hero, but that fact too caused any need for reservation to be gone.

And so, there was no way marriage proposal didn’t flood in.

Furthermore it wasn’t just because of her family’s will by any means. It was also the result of many men having their heart stolen by Dahlia herself. Therefore, it was also inevitable for things to devolve into a competition by them.

「Things didn’t devolve into bloodshed, which was the only silver lining that could be found among all these.」

「Yuuka-chi too caused competition before for being super popular in the palacee. She got tons of confessions just before the final battle because everyone thought they might die in the fight.」

「But, their heart broke after seeing her attitude toward Nagumo-kun……they said “There are someone worthier for you! Please be happy!” and left on their own without even listening to her answer. It was super funny. Yuuka’s flabbergasted face that couldn’t keep up with the situation where it was like she kept getting rejected by men confessing at her……fufufu」

「There isn’t any reason to bring up me here! Nana and Taeko be quiet for a bit!」

Putting aside the story of Yuuka’s popularity for the time being.

In reality, the competition for Dahlia was happening behind the scenes. That was because everyone knew that direct conflict would hurt Dahlia’s heart, and there was no way anyone like that would get chosen.

Of course, there was also no forceful approach toward Dahlia. Eric and co would act when something like that might happen.

However. The problem was, among those men, especially among the noble males competing, quite a high percentage of them already had fiancée.

「This is just my thought. This is a real reverse harem situation. Furthermore it’s the villainess MC type.」

Liliiana started talking while doing Gendo* pose for some reason.

「Myuu get it nano.」

For some reason Myuu also agreed──

「I get it.」

Remia too. Was this soap opera lover’s blood boiling?

「Dahlia-san who is the target of affection of many gentlemen. However there, the beautiful female hero from another world arrived! The four childhood friend males whose hearts should be connected with her are now always the captive of that hero. The envious heart is burning hot!」

「Ah, no, Miss Liliana. Our relationship with Dahlia isn’t like──」

「But however nano! The tale that originally wouldn’t be strange even if it developed like that went wrong at its foundation! Yes, Shia-oneechan(Heroine) is a married woman nano! The men doesn’t even get considered at the slightest at all nano!」

「Myy! What a twist that is!」

What in the world this farce was? It was unusual that even Remia was mixed in.

In any case, even though they had gotten over it, the “fact” that was declared by a little girl seemed to affect Eric and co. It’s true, she didn’t pay attention to us at all, not even for a bit……they said with a dry smile.

「The tale that went completely off track. The world then tried to correct it.」

「That’s……what do you mean nano, Lily-oneechan!」

「In other words, Dahlia-san who had the villainess role is actually the heroine, and so the other ladies got assigned into the villainess role──mugu」

「Right right I see. I get it, so be quiet for a bit okay?」

「Hey, Hajime. I wonder if Lily can’t differentiate between manga and reality now? Even though she only stayed over for a week, I feel like she has gotten infected too fast.」

「……I’ll talk to Kaa-san next time.」

Liliana got physically silenced with Kaori blocking her mouth. Remia & Myuu sat back heavily on their chair seeing that.

Exasperated gazes rained down on Liliana, however, she wasn’t necessarily off the mark. The situation Dahlia was put in was exactly as she said after all.

「C-cough. ……Noble’s engagement is political. There is clear reason for one to happen. Worsening relationship or people making great effort in order to earn Dahlia’s affection are something that Dahlia herself didn’t wish for more than anyone.」

「So that’s why Dahlia-san left the country, no, the human society itself?」


Her existence was bringing great negative influence to human society.

After five or ten years passed, each country would stabilize, and everyone’s relationship should have solidified at that point of time. She could go back to human society again after that.

In the first place, she was wishing to go to where Shia lived. If, that wish could be granted, the only difference would be whether she went away earlier or later. And so she asked everyone to please not to worry about her.

She said, Please take care of the rest. I can still be myself even if I live far away after all.

Dahlia left behind such letter and one day she abruptly vanished.

It was really just as Shia said, “how like Dahlia” to do that.

She was the woman who was determined to offer herself without anyone forcing her to do so, even before knowing what kind of personality the summoned person would have.

She was an owner of upright and strong heart that wouldn’t balk from hardship to herself for the sake of the world, for the sake of human society, for the sake of the country.

「……Fuh, as expected from the woman who Shia chose as friend. She’s quite something. For now, I shall give her a passing grade.」

「Yue, you’re slightly turning into a type of troublesome otaku you know?」

The Shia otaku (?) Yue folded her arms while leaning cockily on her chair. Maybe, or perhaps there wasn’t even any need to guess, she was slightly jealous because Shia made merry “Friend♪ Friend♪” about Dahlia before?

In any case.

「Dahlia-san……no, but from our talk with Lutria-san, bringing Dahlia-san with us is……」

The humans of this world weren’t permitted to interact with human from other world, with Hajime’s group as the exception. Shia recalled Lutria’s words and groaned Muuu~.

And so, Hajime gave Shia a thumb up.

「If the person herself wish for it……it’s convenient instead.」

「What do you mean desu!?」

That was a secret. Yue who had a guess stared at him reproachfully but he ignored it.

「Certainly it’ll be necessary to ask the goddess about what she thinks but, I’ve told her that I might consult with her depending on how our trip goes. Well, I’ll persuade her well. Besides, if it’s just reunion then the complicated things doesn’t matter right?」

「Ah, that’s true desu! Hehe-」

Where was Dahlia right now and what kind of life she was living? They still didn’t know that.

But, she had lived like that for two years away from the society. The situation was certainly not one where Shia had to do something right away.

In that case, they would be reunited with each other regardless of what happened.

After all Dahlia had been dreaming for her reunion with Shia all this time.

「Can you also bring us with you?」


Eric leaned forward and pleaded.

「Of course, we won’t forcefully bring Dahlia back here even after meeting her. We just……want to apologize.」

「……Yes. I agree with his majesty. We, should do more to push away the feelings that the people directed toward Dahlia. We only focused on the rebuilding and the stability of the new society……」

「We failed in protecting Dahlia’s place here.」

「Yeah……her running away is also our responsibility.」

The letter from Dahlia was always one-way. They couldn’t send her letter from their side. Dahlia letters and the useful materials from her were also always delivered by the flying dragon that was originally presented to her from the beast kingdom.

For some reason Dahlia’s flying dragon now could fly far faster and longer than before. Nobody could follow it back to Dahlia even if they tried.

In the end they couldn’t send even a single word back to Dahlia for these two years.

That was why, after the news of the saint’s disappearance spread out, the people competing for Dahlia got strongly warned by their respective country. They themselves also reflected and there would be no problem even if Dahlia went back right now. But Eric and co were unable to tell Dahlia about that news.

「Please! We’re begging you! Just like this!」

Eric resolutely bowed his head. Louis and co also followed suit. They too were wishing to be reunited with their childhood friend from the bottom of their heart. That could be seen from the way they begged.

Shia looked at Hajime. The others also looked at Hajime. Hajime shrugged.

「I don’t really have any problem with that but……it’s Dahlia herself who should give her consent for this right?」

「Right desu. We will go first to meet her. After that we’ll tell Dahlia-san about the current situation and ascertain her feeling. If she’s okay with it, we’ll bring Eric-san and others there too. Are you all alright with that?」

「That’s an exceedingly natural decision. That’s enough for us. Thank you.」

Eric and co relaxed their expressions in relieve.

「Then let’s go there right now.」

「Let’s go!」

When Hajime spoke, Shia responded as though she couldn’t wait anymore. Her rabbit ears were swaying *myon myon*. Yue and others also didn’t object and stood up.

「You guys will go with “teleport” right?」

Eric asked. Hajime took out the compass while nodding 「Yeah」.

「I see……. We won’t ask the location then. If Dahlia isn’t fine with meeting us, then I want to ask you to at least give her our message.」

「What message desu?」

Shia tilted her head. Eric and co looked and nodded at each other.

「──Sorry. And, thanks. Your devotion is certainly bearing fruit. We’re always waiting for your return.」

「Fufu, roger that! I’ll tell her properly desu!」

It wasn’t like they parted from each other in a bad term. Shia was half-convinced that at the present time Dahlia wouldn’t refuse to meet with Eric and co, even so she accepted the message.

It was then.

「Hmm? This is……」

「……Hajime? What’s wrong?」

Hajime who was activating the compass became dubious. Ryuutarou co and others who were completely ready for the departure and came to Hajime’s side also tilted their heads.

「No, the place is changing moment by moment……the image of her location’s surrounding is also like it’s fluid……it’s like,s he’s teleporting moving in great speed.」

「Dahlia-san is a swift person isn’t she.」

Yuuka spoke her honest impression. At the same time, her expression seemed to say, So what? Perhaps, the level of “great speed” that Hajime meant wasn’t conveyed to her.

Hajime smiled wryly when he guessed that.

「Well, you’ll get it when we go there. I’ll open the gate slightly further ahead of her predicted route. Shia, call her to stop if it looks like she’ll pass us by. No, depending on the situation restrain her.」

「Eh!? What do you mean──」

「Come on, we’re going! She’ll pass us completely if we’re dawdling here!」

Really, just what’s going on!? That’s not a speed that human can produce isn’t it!? The group finally understood the scale of speed and became bewildered.

「Was Dahlia really that fast?」

「N-no. She was quite fast if using support type spirit art but, she can’t use it anymore so……」

With that exchange happening between Eric and Louis at the background,

「A-anyway we’re going!」

「Y-yeah! Take care of Dahlia!」

Shia and others hurriedly rushed into the opened “gate”.







Like that, they got out of the “gate” that was opened using Crystal Key. Several seconds later.

Hajime’s group looked around curiously at the place they came out at. Winding trees, big trees with colossal growth rings overlapping, various flowers. The place that ought to be called as a sea of trees were full with such things. Then they witnessed it.


A gigantic beast as big as a large truck with two large horns and white fur and emerald green scale (?) jumped out from the right side while mowing down trees and foliage destructively.

Jinoug*-san!? Isn’t that Jin*uga-san!? Hajime’s mouth almost let that sentence out but,


There was someone screaming (?) and he shut his mouth.

The gigantic beast didn’t even glance at Hajime’s group and passed them by right before their eyes with a terrific speed. There they saw a maid-san hanging on its neck with a desperate look.

She wasn’t riding the beast on its neck. In the end she was just clinging on the beast’s flank. Even now she looked like she would fall off.

The scream (?) reverberated from the right and vanished to the left like the machine of F1 racing.

That figure also vanished deeper into the sea of trees along with thunderous sound of the trees at the left side being mowed down.

And then,

「UOOOOOOOOH, hurryyーー. We’re losing sigh of the village chiefffff-」

「Princessss!! Hurry, do the wall slammm! Stop that thinggg!」

「Crappp! As expected it’s planning to do turf war! More is coming from behind toooo!!」

「Flash bugg! Prepare ittt!」

Behind it, some folks who looked like “Hyahha bunch from apocalypse setting” was chasing by riding on wolves (?) that were also as big as large motorcycle and,


The dumbfounded Hajime and co were witnessing them passing by and a shadow covering them from above──originating from a huge dragon with scales that were tinged red and tail that had thorns growing from it.

By the way, the Hyahha bunch were all carrying weapons on their backs that looked even bigger than themselves. The weapons had brusque appearance that looked like they were created from processed materials taken from the body of living creature.


Everything passed them by like a storm. Silence returned to the forest. *Chi-chi-chi-chi-* A small bird chirped and landed on Shia’s head. How cute.

I told you to call her to stop, Hajime couldn’t make that retort.

Nobody, could say it.

*Suuu~~~~* Everyone took a deep breath. In order to settle down the confusion inside their chests.

But, for the time being, they at least wanted to say this.

Ryuutarou pointed at the left side where an impromptu animal trail had been mowed down leading deeper into the forest while turning only his head toward Hajime and asked.

「This world, it’s actually a real Monh*n world!?」

Ryuutarou looked a bit happy must be because he was a big fan of a certain game of hunting monster. He was a lance aficionado.

「Umm, just now……spirit beast? No, but they should have retreated to the holy land……」

Shia turned at Hajime with a confused look. Dahlia definitely wasn’t at the island of the Star Tree. Then, did they perhaps teleport to a different world? Her expression seemed to want to ask that. Of course, that wasn’t it.

This was a distant land but, it was definitely located in the same continent where the kingdom was located. There should be no spirit beast in this place.

The huge beasts’ true identity, then the Hyahha bunch who called Dahlia as village chief or princess.

The number of curiosity had increased in a rush.

Although, for the time being. There was thunderous roar coming from far away.

「Cough──. Let’s hunt some monsters, yeah?」

Hajime ordered jokingly like that. He looked like he couldn’t suppress his curiosity.

Why? Of course, that was because Hajime too was a veteran great sword user. Inside the game.

Only Atsushi, Noboru, and then Myuu responded with gleaming eyes.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

There was no way there wasn’t any effect to the ecosystem from the spirit beasts leaving…I want to write that kind of story a little bit next chapter. Shirakome playing Monhan W & IB isn’t really related. My first bow…it’s fun.

※Material introduction

– Super Haurian

It goes without saying, from Super Saiyan of [Dragon Ball]. If Shia do Super Hauria transformation and her hair stood on end……isn’t that “Gon-san” instead? I can’t deny that I got such thought.

– You did real gal game, with someone else other than me

I didn’t know the original source so when I investigated, it looks like it’s from the commercial of a love drama app.

– Gendou pose

From Ikari Gendou of [Evangelion].

– Giant beast & flying dragon

From Jinouga & Rathalos of [Monster Hunter]. The wolf (?) is from R & SB’s Amiibo. Shirakome is a fans of Nargacuga-san. Especially the rare type. So cool.

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