Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

Chapter 491

Star Spirit World Arc  Other World Goddess With Ton of Demands (Extremely Decent Ones)

「HIH, don’t punch my stomach anymore-」

The tense atmosphere instantly reversed into a cold one in a different sense by the goddess’s heartbreaking scream.

It was like her dignity at the beginning was just a lie. The figure of the goddess crouching midair skillfully looked exactly like mere girl who was fearing being at the wrong end of unreasonable violence.

The divine spirits also dispersed their divine majesty and approached her worriedly──no, for some reason a certain divine spirit of fire circle was the only one fixing her gaze on Shia with an expression of rapture though──

Anyway, the divine spirits were acting flustered 「What now……」「As expected it become like this huh……」 behind their mother who was exposing such shameful sight for a god.

Of course, Yuuka and others were also terribly shaken up after their first impression of She could only be the goddess! that had been driven into them at the first sight got instantly reduced into dust (furthermore by the goddess herself).

*Gigigi* Their eyes were turning toward Shia with stiff movements like machine that hadn’t been oiled at all.

Suspicion without any doubt was residing inside their gazes.

It was suspicion of act of violence.

「I-it’s a misunderstanding desu! There’s a reason deeper than even the sea for this!」

「Let me explain it in a simple term. Hauria is a clan that boast “Ninety percent of the problems in the world can be solved with violence”. And, Shia is a Hauria. In other words, that’s how it is.」

「What are you saying while looking like you’re presenting a logical evidence like that! Please just be quiet Hajime-san! It’s mostly correct thoughhh!」

So he’s mostly correct……Yuuka and others thought while drawing away a bit. Lutria gasped and returned to her senses. Perhaps that exchanged reached her ears.

She hurriedly stood up and put on a prim face as though nothing had happened.

Dignity revival! Dignity revival! Her divine majesty shined at full force as though to cover up what just happened! Her halo too was shining thirty percent brighter than usual!

The divine spirits were also eagerly returning to their assigned spots. They were like trained actors. The humanoid divine spirits──the divine spirit of darkness Laila, the divine spirit of thundercloud Udar, and the divine spirit of flowing sky Enti were having awkward expressions that didn’t know what to say. (Soare was looking at nothing else but Shia. Shia was absolutely not meeting her eyes)

In addition, was it just their imagination?

The divine spirit of earth──Oros who was floating in the air with the form of a rock golem the size of a huge human, the divine spirit of ice and snow──Barahu whose form was a large sea eagle that was as transparent as crystal, the divine spirit of sea current──Meeres whose form of sea snake dragon floating in the air was also shrank to small size, even these divine spirits who had difficult to understand expression were exuding emotion that felt like 「I can’t bear to watch this anymore……」.

In any case.

「The guidance of the stars. I’ve just checked slightly whether they are working normally or not.」

I was crouching not to cover up my stomach you know? I crouched down a bit just to check the root of the Star Tree you know?

In other words, it seemed that was how she wanted to make it looked like. For the goddess’s sake. Her composed expression looked excessively surreal.

And so, nana’s mouth slipped unintentionally.

「Eh, isn’t the goddess’s lying skill, really bad……?」

「Shh, Nana! Read the room!」

Yuuka hurriedly pressed her hand on Nana’s mouth. A crack appeared for an instant on Lutria-sama’s iron (?) mask. Maybe.

「……Child of another world, this is a joyful event for this reunion to happen. However, the purpose of your visitation this time──」

Lutria-sama started talking to forcefully cut through the awkward atmosphere.

However, her gaze captured it. Captured it completely.

The face of the person who was coincidentally standing behind Hajime all this time and apparently hadn’t entered her sight popped out suddenly at that moment.

Most likely, her action at that point was reflexive.

「HIH, don’t punch my face anymore!!」

The goddess crouched down once more. This time it was with the style of both her hands covering her head to hide her face. So to say, it was Charisma Guard pose.

The place froze once more. There wasn’t any way to justify it anymore. The god’s dignity had already received lethal damage and in a near-death state right now. Would it be possible to recover from here?

The sight just invited too much pity, so for a moment Hajime thought to say 「Someone! Isn’t there someone among the guests who can provide a “Soul Repose(mind care)”!」 to soften the atmosphere with a witty joke (?) but……

Or rather, Aiko was already finishing preparation at the corner of his eyes and she was looking at him with eyes that seemed to be asking 「Should I do it? Should I go do it!?」 but……

Somehow it felt like this wasn’t the place for that so he read the atmosphere and had her stop. ……For some reason Ai-chan-sensei dispersed her magic power with a disappointed look. Had she done “Soul Repose” too much and became “Soul Repose addict”? Or perhaps it was her hobby?

Ignoring such exchange that was happening between Hajime and Aiko.

Yuuka and others were turning their eyes toward the second culprit with stiff movement as expected.


As expected from Yue-sama. She didn’t become flustered or trying to make excuse even when Yuuka and co were looking at her like she was a violent criminal. Rather she sported a model smug face that said 「Yeah I did it!」 proudly.

Seeing that, Ryuutarou, Noboru, and Atsushi’s gazes toward Lutria-sama turned warm.

「Well, it’s no surprise at this point, what with her being the wife of godslayer.」

「No good. It feels like I won’t get overwhelmed anymore no matter how much pressure she exert out.」

「I wonder, what’s this stir in my heart? When I recalled that just now was just her desperate bluffing, she looks like a really cute goddess in my eyes……」

「You boyssss~~, that’s rude!」

Suzu’s warning became the Pride Break for the god instead.

But, surely those words hit the bull’s eye. Lutria-sama went Hah!? once more and returned to her senses. She was slightly shaking, perhaps from anger, or perhaps from anger, while standing up──right after that, an unexpected follow-up attack came.

「G-goddess-sama! Do your best nano!」


Kill me-, was those the words that she just swallowed back? Apparently the encouragement from the pure heart of a little girl(Myuu) became a pile bunker on her tearful face instead.

Remia mama guessed it and hurriedly bowed her head in apology. 「Come on, leave this to papa and others okay?」 She said that to admonish Myuu who was about to give another cheer-up yell.

The sure-kill combo of the mother-daughter’s kindness exploded. Apparently. To the goddess. She couldn’t say anything because it was purely originating from good intention. But, right now that considerate heart was more powerful than any attack.

The divine spirits other than Soare were sending them gazes that strongly seemed to want to say 「Please stop already! The HP of mother’s heart has reached zero since some time ago!」.

「L-little girl from another world. And also, her mother. The kind considerations from the both of you, m-makes me truly happy.」

Lutria-sama, her voice was trembling. The twitching smile that she was forcing herself to make was painful to see.

『Hey, isn’t this bad? Shia-chi and Yue-chi, they were hitting a god’s stomach and face until she was reduced to this statee?』

『What’s with that, so they’re both super sadists huh. As expected from the wives of the godslayer. Even my heart is pounding.』

『It’s a misunderstanding desuu! Both Yue-san and me only landed one blow each!』

Nana and Taeko at least were acting considerate of the goddess and had that conversation secretly through telepathy. In respond Shia tried to explain herself with utmost effort.

But, this was a goddess they were talking about. Even though she was hostile and got defeated in the past, just maintaining her dignity even if she was still harboring some wariness toward them shouldn’t be any problem at all for her seeing that both sides had reconciled shouldn’t it? Then, just the fact that she was being traumatized to this degree was a clear proof of the cold-blooded violence that had been inflicted on her wasn’t it?

Having such thinking was the natural line of thought anyone would have.

「……It must be just something like her never getting knocked out by human’s fist ever since the creation of the world. Or perhaps, she didn’t even have the experience of getting damaged?」

Yue intentionally spoke up while directing a gaze that seemed to want to say Weaklingg weaklingg! toward Lutria. Lutria-sama’s eyes were darting every which way except toward Yue.

Actually ever since right after the notification of the group’s arrival reached her until today, she had secretly practiced how she would act and speak to project her dignity when welcoming the group. Each time, even though she didn’t need to do something like breathing, sometimes she would imagine something and became hyperventilating. It happened so often that the divine spirits had witnessed it.

「……My talk was interrupted just now. The spirits have been playing around under my feet since just now──」

「Right right, that’s terrible. I get what you mean, so for now can you allow us to give our greeting?」

Not yet, there’s still a chance! A god’s dignity won’t be defeated no matter what! Lutria attempted to keep her painful deception going, so as expected even Hajime couldn’t stop himself from feeling sympathy.

Yue was making an expressionless face and started staring fixedly at Lutria while folding her arms. She was clearly doing it intentionally, so Hajime scolded her Bad! while getting in between them so that Yue was blocked from view.

「Greeting……you mean, with fist?」

「That ain’t it. This isn’t some delinquent manga you know.」

Lutria-sama jerked and her shoulders jumped in wariness the moment Hajime said greeting. It was as though she was saying that she would block the fist this time for sure no matter from which direction it came from. Her illness was serious.

Hajime looked exasperated. As though to say Even if you say that……,Lutria abruptly pointed her slender finger to the distance.

Light formed at her fingertip and flew to empty air where that light spread out thinly and started projecting an image.

Yue could see it. In the projection, there was Lutria collapsing on the ground while pressing her hand on her cheek. It seemed that Lutria too could cast Past Replay.

Hajime and co──especially Yuuka’s group wondered what was the projection about and paid attention.

──One day, I’ll get on top of you and hit you until you cry

Yue was crouching down like a yankee while making a threat like that toward the goddess on the floor and glaring up at her with an expression like a yankee.

Indeed, it was understandable now how she became traumatized after facing such dreadful thing. It couldn’t be helped that inside the projection, the goddess was making Charisma Guard pose while trembling.

Yuuka and co went 「Uwaa」 with cringing expressions. Shia went 「That isn’t how it looks like desu! Yue-san was just liking me a bit too muchh! That’s all desu!」 to follow up which wasn’t much of a follow up at all.

The projection vanished.

「HAA HAA-, one of, kuh, your purpose for coming here……fuu fuuh……isn’t this?」

To repeat once more, goddess didn’t need to breath. And yet she was pressing her hand on her chest while breathing hard. She was definitely hyperventilating.

It seemed Lutria-sama thought that Yue came here to make good of her words.

By the way, goddess also didn’t do something like shedding tear. And so, saying 「Hit you until you cry」 was the same like proclaiming 「I’ll keep hitting you forever and ever」 to the goddess.

Certainly, it was truly scary. This was a goddess who received violence for the first time since she was born. Of course it would become a trauma.

Hajime let out a sigh.

「Yu~e~. The talk won’t progress like this, so you too say something to her.」

Hajime’s request that was said with a wry smile caused Yue to sigh fuuh with an atmosphere of Can’t be helped then.

「……Don’t think that you can be forgiven easily after trying to kill my beloved Shia. Not to mention you even proclaimed that you would do the same thing no matter how many times if you decide that it is necessary.」


As expected it will be the fist? Are you going to get on top of me? Lutria started hardening her defense, but Yue continued 「However」.

「……I’ll consider your traumatized figure as enough retribution. That’s why, I’ll spare you from the hitting you until you cry.」


Wonder why, Lutria-sama, was she slightly regressing into a child? Perhaps she became too relieved from hearing the words that she wanted to hear that she completely let go of her tension.

「Eh, cute-」 Slipped out from Atsushi’s mouth. As thought to say don’t say anything unnecessary, Nana stomped on Atsushi’s toes. AH!? What’re you doingg!

「……Nn. We want to know more, about this world, and about you too. We came in order to build a friendly relationship. I hope you can trust us.」

Yue’s expressionless stare instantly turned soft. The smile she sported was so beautiful it made even a god be taken aback. It was filled with affection.

『Hey, Suzu. Making someone know their place with pain before giving kindness, isn’t this already traini──』

『Ryuu-kun, don’t say anything more. The goddess’s pride will die for sure this time.』

Ryuutarou and Suzu’s conversation could be heard among the group. Yuuka and co couldn’t help but smile drily.

「……Nn, really. I don’t mind letting bygones be bygones if we’re able to deepen our friendship during the trip this time.」

「Is that so……」

Lutria-sama let out a relieved sigh for sure this time. She must have been very tense this whole time. *Shuru shuru shuru~* It felt like there was such sound effect as her godly majesty and radiance were settling down.

The divine spirits other than Soare who were watching over this interaction were also smiling broadly.

Soare’s eyes would become bloodshot soon, but that was exactly why nobody made any mention of her. It was truly the literal application of the saying “The spirit you do not approach will not curse you”. (TN: Or “letting sleeping dogs lie” in English)


The stiffness also went away from Lutria’s expression and it looked like the talk would finally progress. And so, before that, there was one last word from Yue-sama.

「……Nn. So for now, come down?」


「……Come down?」

Lutria’s eyes were capturing the gently and kindly smiling Yue.

Smile smile, smile smile.

And yet, why was it? She was feeling a strange pressure. Lutria-sama was perplexed and late in reacting.

Perhaps Yue-sama considered that as refusal. Her smiling expression quickly dropped down from her face. That was just how completely her emotion vanished to be described like that.

Yuuka and co, no, even Hajime and co went 「Hieh」 and stepped back. Meanwhile Yue spoke to Lutria who was quickly turning white with a menacing tone.

「……How long are you going to look down on us. Come down here already.」

「Ah, yes.」

Lutria-sama was very obedient. *Shun-* She even used teleportation and descended to the ground. The divine spirits also hurriedly descended.

Only Soare tried to leap at Shia amidst the commotion, so Laila restrained her using whip of darkness.

*Twirl* Yue cutely twirled toward Hajime and others who had withdrawn to the back before anyone realized. An adorable sweet smile was pasted on her face.

「……Hajime, is this fine?」

Her atmosphere was like, I’ve done well right? Praise me? Behind her, Lutria-sama was rubbing her arm over and over. Was she getting goosebumps? She looked like she didn’t know what to say.

『That Yue, inside she hath not forgiven her at all huh? But to call her immature for that art, well, it’s not like I couldst not understand her feeling.』

『Yue’s Shia Love level is at the same level with Hajime. Perhaps it can’t be helped?』

『The same thing can be said about Shia though. It’s truly a mutual feeling perhaps……I know that she also consider us as important but, should I say that there’s something between two that has no gap to be intruded on……』

『Hey, Shizuku-chan, Lily. In this case, Yue’s feeling toward the people of the kingdom who directly summoned Shia here must be……』

Kaori’s suspicion made Shizuku and co looked at each other and shivered. Yuuka and co too, they couldn’t help but feel that the country they were planning to go after this was being enveloped in a dark cloud.

『……Rude. Talking like I’m a mad dog. I won’t do anything bad to a country that has Shia’s friend in it.』

Yue’s attitude must be to give a warning just in case because the other side was a goddess. That was why, even she didn’t feel entirely positive toward them, there was no doubt that she wouldn’t act scathingly toward the people of the kingdom.

After all there was no doubt that everything behind what she was doing “was all for Shia’s sake”.

Shia realized that, so she reflexively hugged Yue tightly.

「Ehehe, Yue-san, geez, just how much do you like mee!」

「……Nn~, around ten times of Shia’s feeling for me?」

「Ee~? It’s me whose like are ten times, no a hundred times though?」

Flirt flirt flirt flirt. Usually Yue would get buried in Shia’s chest, but right now she was in her college student mode. There was almost no height difference between the two. They both were pressed closely on each other while their hands were put around the other’s waist. The way they were staring into each other’s eyes from a distance where their noses almost touched was……

It couldn’t be helped even if outsider hallucinated there were lily flowers blooming profusely at the background.

Tio and others who were used to see this sight went 「Oh my!」 smilingly, but it was different for Yuuka and co. 「Oo~」 They were immersed in a mysterious moving emotion (?). For some reason Atsushi and Noboru were pressing their hands together. The sight must be very healthy for their eyes.

Meanwhile, there was also someone whose heart almost lost self-control.

「KIIIーーH, that woman! To be so close with Shia like that-」

It was Soare-san. Her expression became like an ogre and she was about to leap forward. Everyone felt like they saw such sight at the edge of their vision, but Barahu froze her inside an ice block so everyone happily ignored it.

Ryuutarou put his hand on Hajime’s shoulder.

「This has been on my mind since Shia-san’s confession and the like but……Nagumo, you always got kept out of the loop when those two started flirting huh. Lighten up okay? I’ll listen if you wanna talk.」

「Stop looking at me sympathetically like that. I’ll hit you.」

This is a precious moment so it’s fine. I’m not bothered. Hajime said, but still there was a bit of idle atmosphere drifting from him.

In any case, it didn’t change the fact that Lutria had calmed down from Yue’s treatment.

「Once more, I shall express my welcome to everyone.」

Lutria glided on the ground and closed the distance slightly. She pulled herself together and spoke her words.

「My name is Lutria. The avatar of this Star Tree and the administrator of this world. The mother of the divine spirits who governed nature. I pray, that this reunion will develop into good things.」

She was in a very disappointing state at the beginning but, the softly smiling Lutria had the beauty that was worthy to be called a goddess as expected.

Atsushi was entranced and murmured 「Pretty……」 with reddening face. The murmur was quite loud, so Nana said Don’t say unnecessary thing and thrust her hand between his ribs. KUEH!? He let out a strange shriek.

「We too! Lutria-san, long time no see desu! I’m happy we can meet again! I’ll introduce everyone okay? These people are my family, along with my friends too desu!」

It seemed to be the correct move to entrust the introduction to Shia. It was Shia who moved the goddess’s heart. That Shia’s unchanging genuineness was even more radiant than a god’s halo was a common knowledge.

Shia introduced her family and friends one by one, like she was boasting about them, or perhaps like a small kid showing off her treasure to others. The expressions of Lutria and others were also breaking into widening smile in proportion of that.

Also, about the divine spirits (main bodies), as expected they couldn’t receive information from their divided soul across worlds, so they too had been completely separated from Shia all this time. This was also their first time meeting Yuuka and others.

There was preparation being made to transfer the information that had been experienced by their divided souls.

According to Enti, if they could share information with the divine spirits, the information could also be shared with Lutria through them, so it would be quicker for a lot of things that way.

Shia was introducing them while looking so happy, so they wondered if it perhaps might be boorish to interrupt and held back but……

「Shia Hauria. My thanks for the introductions. I can see very well that you are blessed with great family and friends. This Lutria can certainly see how these men and women could become your “reason to go home”.」

「Ehehe……I’m so happy to hear you say that desu-」

The atmosphere was great. Everyone could see that Lutria was looking at Shia favorably with delight.

The last time they were here, there wasn’t any time to interact and they had to go home immediately because of the problem of magic power, but now that they could talk a little with each other like this, time felt like it was passing so quickly.

At the very least, perhaps Lutria didn’t get anymore flashback of the stomach punch the moment she saw Shia’s face?

Putting that aside, apparently the hungry beast would reach her limit soon.

Without the shared information from the divided soul, most likely the main body of the hopeless Soare had been thinking about Shia the whole time for four years. Right now she was in the state of being frozen solid inside an ice cube added with Oros’s stone doing Complete Sealing! from above, even so 「JiA~, look at mEe~~」 such dirty voice was slightly reverberating.

The information sharing ought to be done immediately. Before another monster like a certain Altena could be born.

Ryuutarou and co would soon reach their limit too in pretending like there was nothing. Yuuka too had been tugging at Hajime’s sleeve insistently with an uneasy look since some time ago.

「Shia, my bad but……」

「Yes? ……Ah」

It seemed Shia realized. As expected, apparently the matter of information sharing had been gone from her head because she got too high-tensioned. She fidgeted in embarrassment.

「I want to share the divided souls’ experience to their main bodies, is that alright?」

「I don’t mind. Rather, I too was just thinking of the method for that.」

After receiving the permission, Hajime lifted up the “Treasure Warehouse” ring on his hand. It slightly shined with crimson light.

Enti, Laila, Barahu, and Meeres unconsciously became on guard seeing that coloring. They must got reminded of the hellish scene in the past when this world got dyed crimson and be remade. It looked like they too had been sufficiently traumatized.

Putting that aside, spheres of light with seven colors flew out from the “Treasure Warehouse”.

Those seemed to be the information body extracted from the divided souls beforehand. Those spheres then returned to their respective main body.

They smoothly entered into the chests of the main bodies as though melting in. Then a second passed.

The main bodies who learned everything showed their respective reaction.

All of them showed shock and bewilderment. Some were looking at Hajime with gazes of fearful awe. Laila was looking smug with pride from being chosen to be the avatar of a great tree just like her mother. Soare-san “inside the rock” who seemed to be showing withdrawal symptoms was letting out a disgusting giggle 「Nyufuh, nufufuh」 while immersing herself into the days she was spending together with Shia……

And then, the one who showed the biggest reaction, perhaps it was just to be expected.

「A, ah, au au……」

The divine spirit of flowing sky-chan whose sullen face never went away this whole time even while subtly paying attention at Hajime, her face was turning red, really really red.

The divided soul’s information sharing wasn’t just a sharing of mere record. It was experience sharing. What the divided soul felt, their current feeling, their thinking too, they were all naturally shared. It felt like their own experience.

And so, well, naturally it became like this.

「Just what’re you doing, meeーーーー!!」

She screamed. The wind raged *Whooshーー*. A localized storm broke out. Of course, Lutria-okaasan scolded her Bad! and it got erased.

Enti who lost her method to disperse the shame that was overflowing without end looked at Hajime with her still crimson face. Her twintails bristled up.

And then, while her eyes became a bit tearful,

「D-don’t misunderstand okay! It’s my divided soul that became your goddess and not mee!」

To repeat, the experience of a divided soul was shared with the main body to become their own experience.

Right now, Enti (main body) whose impression of Hajime was only about right after the curbstomp in the past and Enti (clone) who had become Hajime’s only goddess were still in the middle of uniting.

And so,

「「Nice tsundere!!」」

「A perfect tsundere nano!」

「It’s exactly like Sumire-okaasama said. I’m glad I kept the camera at standby! I’m definitely bringing back this data!」

Wide-smiled thumb up came from Atsushi & Noboru and Myuu. Liliana who was apparently instigated by Sumire-okaasan was even recording the event with her camera video. That was just how magnificent the tsundere act was.

「My bottom, isn’t something that cheappp! Stuupidddーーー!!」

「Ah, Enti! Where are you going! Come back! ──Eh, she ignored me?」

Lutria-okaasan was astonished. Enti-chan was being in her rebellious phase for the first time in tens of thousands of years. Though there was also the possibility of her just not hearing the order because her embarrassment was overflowing.

A “Treasure Warehouse” shined at the corner of his eyes. It was Yuuka. She was taking out her skyboard.

「Nagumo! I’m going after her!」

「Eh? No, just leave her al──」

「I can’t just leave her alone, it doesn’t feel like someone else business to me!」

Yuuka flew away as soon as she said that without listening anymore.

「In a sense, she’s letting the cat out of the bag?」

「And what do you think about that, Nagumo-kun?」

Nana and Taeko were grinning widely. Hajime ignored them to the best of his ability.

「I’m worried for Yuuka-chan, so I’ll go too just in case okay?」

「Yeah. I’m counting on you, Kaori.」

Kaori spread out her wings and followed after Yuuka. Right after that.

「Shia! Aa, my friend! I can’t hold back anymore-. Know that even just the act of preventing this embrace of reunion is an unforgivable sinn!」


The overlapping voices belonged to Laila, Barahu, and Oros. The members who were restraining Soare with whip of darkness and ice and rock.

All those bindings were scorched by sun. The rock melted and magma poured out with rushing flow. The evaporated ice became steam and dispersed. The fragments of scorched and shredded darkness were fanned by the heat and swayed in the air.

「Ufufuh, Shia. You came to meet the real me aren’t you?」


Looked from the side, it was a sight of a lovestruck woman approaching with 100% humidity, clad in syrupy magma(love), with aura of darkness(yandere) drifting around her.

Even Shia backed away when faced with such.

Recently she had gotten used to deal with the divided soul skilfully, but it seemed that “memory of getting skilfully dealt with” was a powerful drug fo the real body(Soare) who had been eagerly waiting for this reunion where each moment felt like an ternity.

This state too would surely calm down as time passed and the integration of experiences finished but……

「Comee-, Shia! A hug! Hug me tightly just like that time!」

「What time that you mean by that timee!?」

Shia backed away more. Yue stepped forward.

「……Shia is my Shia though? O? O? How about I teach your place just like your clone, oo?」

「Yue-san too don’t provoke herrr! Or rather, why are you making yankee moves like this only with the people of the star spirit world!?」

「Soare, calm down. Listen to what your mother──」

「Okaa-sama just shut up over there! This is a woman’s battle!」

「Eh, shut u-, eh? Soare is telling me to shut……eh?」

A daughter’s rebellious phase for the first time in tens of thousands of years part 2. The mother’s shock was immeasurable. She even staggered a little bit.

The divine spirits split into the group for stopping Soare and the group for supporting Lutria and started moving in panic.

「Aiko-san, perhaps this is the moment of your turn?」

「Lily-san! As I thought you also think so? Actually I too am thinking the same and have finished the preparation already! Tio-san, if you like can you do the same?」

「……Aiko. Thou, art not really becoming a “Soul Repose addict” right? Why, art thou looking so happy like that?」

「I wonder, perhaps because there wasn’t any chance at all to do it recently?」

Certainly, among them Aiko was the one who had the least chance to use magic on the whole, not just “Soul Repose”. After all Aiko was the person who Hajime gave the most consideration about her work amount.

However, even Aiko was a human. There was no doubt that sometimes the feeling of wanting to use the power she had would well up even inside her. Quick, quick the Soul Repose-, I want to shoot the Soul Repose-, Haa Haa-, perhaps it was that kind of thing?

I don’t want that kind of Ai-chan-sensei……Ryuutarou and Suzu were making that kind of expression. The two who were reduced into spectators at the back while folding their arms were,

「As I thought things can’t go smoothly eh.」

「Guess so. This is expected though.」

They sighed. Perhaps it was these two who had their feet planted the firmest on the ground.








A while after that.

「I had heard about the purpose of this visit to a certain degree but, I see. So it was because of such circumstance.」

Lutria nodded with a serious expression as though nothing had happened at all. Her hand was holding Laila’s hand as they were sharing information.

At the same time, a red slime was jiggling on Shia’s hand. It was the fate of the person who was taught her place by Yue-sama.

「Very, well. I shall accept your request.」

「……That’s pretty easy. Setting aside the sightseeing, I thought you would get a rather stormy look about the talk of the world’s structure, giving us warning or harsh advice.」

Hajime looked a bit dubious. Lutria put on a smile. Unexpectedly it was a smile like a mother when praising her child.

「From the start, the attempt to restore the world’s balance is a great undertaking that deserve praise. How you learned the importance of the matter, prepare with cautiousness, and attempt to obtain as much knowledge as possible, I consider all those things as your virtue.」

As expected for a goddess, “the revival plan of the World Tree’s branches” was a greatly welcome news just like with Foltina.

She showed no disapproval, on top of that his stance of not doing as he pleased despite being a human who surpassed even a goddess, and relied on goddess to judge the possibility of things were likeable to her.

「I thought that you are a child of man who is a bit haughtier than this but, it looks like there is a need for me to revise my evaluation of you.」

「No, I think I’m haughty enough. But, I already got a chill from shock and fear. It was good that I learned about the “dragon” before my competitive spirit could rear up.」

「Failure is an important factor that is inseparable from children of man no matter how hard you try. That in itself is not evil. To reflect on yourself, learn, and then accumulate strength should be none other than the true worth of the children of man.」

That should be man’s true worth, those were the words of the goddess who had continued to believe on it until the world was just a step away from destruction. In a sense, those might be the highest words of praise that she could give.

Hajime awkwardly scratched his head. Perhaps he was a bit shy from the unexpectedly high evaluation. Lutria’s expression softened even more seeing that.

「Nagumo Hajime, you said that is your name isn’t it?」


「I judge that turning my back on the current you will be the most foolish action I can take. I promise that I shall answer your questions to the best of my ability.」

「I see……my thanks, Goddess Lutria.」

Yue and others had taken a step back to watch over the dialogue. Myuu and others were also patting their chest in relieve seeing how the talk progressed.

Also, Enti-chan who had turned into a gut of wind from shyness still hadn’t returned. Of course, Yuuka and Kaori who went after her too.

Just where in the world she planned to go? Or perhaps, they were having a girls talk somewhere around this time?

Putting that aside, Lutria’s gaze moved in turn on Myuu’s group to Ryuutarou’s group. At the end her gaze stopped on Shia.

「Of course, I also give my permission to go visit the human society.」


「Child of foreign world who took great pains for the sake of our world──Shia Hauria. You speak that you wish to meet my children because of your deep affection for them. There is no way I can say no to that.」

Lutria in her own way must be feeling deep gratitude to Shia for providing the third choice where she didn’t need to kill the humans of this world and saved her heart from despair.

Looking at her soft atmosphere made Shia reflexively asked. It was something that had been on her mind all this time and Hajime was planning to check.

「Umm say, about the time difference of our world and this world, is it the same like when we came here before?」

The time difference when she first came here was about four times. One hour at earth was around four hours at this side.

If the time difference wasn’t constant and the time advanced even quicker……

Lutria’s eyes blinked toward that question that was asked by a slightly anxious Shia.

「Time difference? Between fellow planets where both possessed a great tree? That shouldn’t be……」

Lutria abruptly casted her gaze down. Apparently she was carefully examining the information that she had received from the divine spirits (other than Enti). Her expression grimaced slightly. As though she was directly facing an incomprehensible fact.

「It looks like you knew about the fact that the time difference itself exist only just now huh.」

「……Yes, a small concept like time is something alien for god. However, for fellow planets where the great tree exist in each, difference in the flow of time shouldn’t……is this also the influence of many of the great trees being lost? Or perhaps the cause came from the world being closed……」

Lutria got immersed in some kind of thought in the middle of her words and she started muttering to herself. Hajime narrowed his eyes while the other people were showing confusion.

It was a parade of concerning words, but in any case, right now the priority was to obtain answer that Shia sought. Hajime didn’t open his mouth and urged Shia with his gaze.

Shia nodded and called out a bit strongly.

「Umm! Lutria-san!」

「! ……I got slightly too absorbed in my thought. Don’t worry, Shia Hauria. From comparing the memories of Laila and everyone else, there’s almost no change at all in the time difference.」


「In the term of your world’s calendar, it should be “less than five years” that have passed over here.」

It looked like the time difference had widened slightly. Even so, if it hadn’t even been five years than it was still within acceptable limits. Shia patted her chest in relief.

「You are keeping that worlds connecting gate open is for the sake of eliminating that time difference isn’t it? I’m feeling interference to space-time from it. Using the divine spirits as a wedge in place……what a forcible method.」

Some exasperation could be glimpsed in Lutria’s eyes that were looking at the gate from where Hajime and co came out. Actually, the gate hadn’t been closed at all since they went through it.

It was a feat that was enabled by the unlimited magic power. This forceful method was none other than the method to temporarily eliminate the time difference between earth and the star spirit world.

Lutria was understanding right now because she had the memories from the divine spirits, but actually Hajime and others who had become even more dange──stronger than before that they could continue to maintain this kind of gate indefinitely was also one of the sources of Lutria’s extreme worry.

「Should I close it if it’s causing some kind of problem?」

「No, right now there isn’t. I want to talk about it a bit more but……」

It seemed that Lutria too had the same feeling like Hajime. Right now she should prioritize Shia and moved her gaze to her. Her gaze was gentle.

「I don’t know much about what the people that you are close with has been doing. This is for the sake of keeping with the decision to separate human and us. But, I know that at the very least the children of man even now is living with their utmost effort while helping each other without getting into conflict.」

「Is, that so……I see desu!」

「Yes. Shia Hauria. We cannot send our words to the world of man anymore. That is why, if their way of living measure up to your eyes, please give them words of praise in our place too.」

「Fufu, I got it! This Shia Hauria will go assess them properly in the place of everyone’s mom!」

Shia saluted sharply and accepted Lutria’s feeling with a smile.

「Then, seeing that we’ve gotten permission from the goddess to make contact, Eric was it? I’ll send a message to the king first just in case.」

Hajime said that and took out a hexagonal crystal with pretty sky blue color.

「Ou? What the hell Nagumo. You didn’t contact them beforehand even though we’re going to meet the king of a country?」

「Will it be fine? Will they be able to welcome us if we just suddenly show up there?」

Ryuutarou and Suzu asked a very common sense concern. Atsushi and Nana and others also thought the same and looked at Hajime with worry.

Tio and Shizuku gave additional explanation in the place of Hajime who was preparing the teleportation.

「We didst not know whether the time difference art constant or not. Although the location art known through the compass, in the end we couldst not accurately predict when we wouldst arrive. It wouldst only trouble the other side if we notified them beforehand.」

「Shia is the hero there right? The people there would be restless the whole time if they knew that such honored guest would come but they didn’t know exactly when.」

The expressions of Ryuutarou and co became 「Certainly, it’s just as you say」 with understanding. At the same time, although she was also making the same expression of understanding, in Liliana’s case it seemed a fire had been lit somewhere in her heart.

「Aa, that, it’s really troubling isn’t it. Emperor Gahard or Pope Simon too, they too always gave advance announcement like “We’re going there soon” you know? Soon when, I always sent them letter asking that every time but they would just toss it away into trash bin. Or rather, please use the communication device. Even our side is really busy. The other side with their status also need a lot of preparation for suitable reception, that’s why I want to make it efficient, and yet just how much of a waste it is to maintain the preparation for welcoming a big-wig so it can be done anytime, they just don’t get it! In the first place the concept of time is something invented by mankind for the greatest optimization you know? Use it, if you’re human then use the convenient concept called time to the maximum! Specify your schedule to the minute and second! Don’t work sluggishly──」

「Lily-san, calm down! ──”Soul Repose”!!」

「My my, Aiko-san too please calm down. To look so happy like that……are your tension heightening perhaps from the trip?」

For now, they understood that Liliana was stashing away dissatisfaction toward his majesty the emperor and his holiness the pope who were loose with time. In any case, that was why the contact to his majesty Eric was being done right now.

Seeing Liliana snapped suddenly made Lutria became slightly taken aback saying 「I-I see. So this is what they called “suddenly snapping youth”」 that she learned through the knowledge she scanned from the memories of the divine spirits. She cleared her throat.

After confirming that everyone’s attention was on her, she turned her expression into a serious one. She also enveloped herself with a bit of divine majesty. It was clear that she had something important to talk as a goddess from here on.

「Nagumo Hajime, and children of foreign world. This Lutria has declared her welcome to your visit this time. I shall not take back those words. However, that does not mean you are free to do whatever you wish here.」

Her tone was solemn and cautioning. Those words expressed her seriousness and was filled with divine majesty that their soul felt. It was truly a word of god.

「So restriction is needed huh.」

「Yes, I require an important promise in order to accept everyone here.」

Hajime and co straightened their posture naturally. Ryuutarou and co and even Myuu took a listening stance with obedient expression.

Lutria’s gaze caught Yue.

「Resolve yourself in case you fail to keep your promise. You shall learn how terrifying a goddess is who put her very existence on the line.」


There was no unneeded word, however, Yue nodded deeply. Because she knew how strong someone who was trying to protect a beloved existence with no regard of their own life. And most of all, she could sympathize with such stance.

It was a different matter if her family got targeted with a one-sided reason, but she wouldn’t do something like intentionally trampling down on someone else’s important thing. She looked back with such emotion in her eyes.

Perhaps it went through. Lutria nodded back with the tension around her eyes slightly loosening up.

In the end, what kind of requirement would be applied on them while sightseeing this world?

Like the way of interacting with spirit? Or perhaps they wasn’t allowed to talk about the goddess and co right now to Dahlia and others? It was also possible that she might ask them to leave all their weapons behind before going to the human society here.

A bit of tension ran between Ryuutarou and co. Hajime and co too were putting on serious expressions, feeling that the success or failure of their other world interaction from here on was hanging to this moment.

A second passed and Lutria spoke her requirement with a bit of tension too.

「First, don’t send meteor down recklessly.」

「「「「「「Who can do that!!」」」」」」

Ryuutarou, Suzu, Atsushi, Noboru, Taeko, and Nana’s tsukkomi exploded in complete harmony. The expressions of Hajime and co were also showing 「Eeh?」.

Lutria-san didn’t pay attention to that and continued.

「Next, don’t alter the world by your own accord.」

「「「「「「That’s whyy, who can do thattt!!」」」」」」

Tsukkomi with all their being harmonized beautifully once more! However, to Lutria these requirements that she levied on Hajime and co were a matter of life and death! She didn’t falter or pause and kept speaking till the end.

「Third, don’t punch a goddess indiscriminately. Fourth, don’t give weapon of other world to human society! Fifth, don’t dye the world crimson, or putting metal fragment inside a living creature’s body that torment them! Sixth, don’t kill and revive someone repeatedly for mischief!」

It wasn’t just Ryuutarou and co now, even Myuu, Remia, Aiko, and others were turning their gazes toward Hajime, Yue, and Shia.

Even without any words being said, their feelings were conveyed clearly enough.

Which was, 「……Ain’t these just the listing of the deed of a certain someone?」.

「Mother, please mention our request too!」

「And about Soare too! Just like we have talked out beforehand!」

「I know!」

The divine spirits who were quietly standing by behind──among them Udar and Laila were whispering into Lutria’s ears with small voices. They were already calling it “request” instead of “requirement”, but Lutria nodded with an expression that seemed to clearly say 「Don’t worry. Your mother will tell them clearly!」.

「Seventh, don’t dodge lightning with guts. When dodging do it in a way that can be explained properly with logic.」

「Umm, that’s not even a requirement to protect the world anymore……」

Shia-chan’s tsukkomi was ignored!

「Eighth! Don’t be kind to divine spirit after breaking their heart! If you’re going to be kind to them then look after them till the end!」

「Isn’t that line sound like a mom warning her child when finding an abandoned cat?」

「Soare-san, has her treatment become already like that even with the goddess?」

Atsushi and Nana were looking at Soare like they were seeing a sad creature for some reason.

Soare-san *jiggle?* inside Shia’s hand. It looked like she was relaxing and not listening to the talk. Indeed, this was a hopeless case.

「Ninth, don’t rub divine spirit thoughtlessly! In case of rubbing be careful of the spot you are touching and rub gently!」


「T-that’s not it, it’s a misunderstanding Yue. I was just jiggling a slime. There isn’t anything like right spot or bad spot with that.」

This must be 100% Enti’s request. Just which spot of her got rubbed when Hajime rubbed slime Enti for the first time?

Just what kind of thing she’s making her mother saying? Even while thinking that, Ryuutarou, Atsushi, and Noboru reflexively imagined bad things. They were slightly shaken.

Suzu whose eyes stared reproachfully pressed the white part of Ryuutarou’s nail. Ryuutarou let out Uguh sound. Beside him Atushi also got his toes grinded to the ground.

Noboru-kun looked a bit lonely.

「And last」

「There’s still more?」

「Don’t punch a goddess hastily!」

「That’s the second time you say that though?」

Surely it was said twice because of how important it was.

In any case, those seems to be the rule that they had to obey while travelling in the star spirit world.

Everyone other than Hajime, Yue, and Shia thought. With one heart. Which was,

──There’s practically no rule! There’re a lot of requirements but they’re all extremely decent!

「Papa, Yue-oneechan, Shia-oneechan. Please restrain yourself here okay? Nano」

With a worried look, Myuu begged at the culprits who caused a rule that ought to be called as “Nagumo Family’s Ten Commandments” rather than the star spirit world’s rule to be created.

The three looked at each other and let out wry smiles. And then,

「I’ll do my best.」

「……I’ll take it into consideration with positive mindset.」

「I think “guts” is sufficiently logical desuu!」

「It ain’t good, nano. Myuu can’t feel at ease at all nano.」

It was exactly like she said. Everyone in this place felt a tinge of uneasiness.

Of course, it was Lutria-sama who looked the most uneasy.










In the meantime, in an office of Balted Kingdom.

The door opened and someone came in. It was a handsome king with blonde hair and golden eyes. This person was King Eric Luxeed Balted.

Before he gave the impression like a wild young lion, but almost five years of time had removed the wildness and youth from him. In exchange it equipped him with style and dignity.

It was like he had matured into a real lion that was worthy to be the leader of the pack. However, his feet suddenly stopped before he could sit on his favorite chair.

His sharp eyes narrowed quietly.


Ahead of his gaze was an object that looked like a blue hexagonal crystal. It was placed snugly on his desk.

He didn’t remember seeing such thing at all. It didn’t even look practical, and it felt too small to be a furniture.

Was it a present from someone? From one of the fiancée candidates that had been increasing endlessly in the recent time? However, there shouldn’t be such scoundrel who would do something like placing unknown object inside the king’s office, and on top of that over the king’s work desk. It would be a problem if there was anybody like that.

「Just what in the world……」

If this was five years ago, he would suspect the object to be a spirit tool. Or perhaps an assassination attempt by such thing.

However, these days any tool with power had been lost. Any worry for that was nonexistence.

「Fuh, guess I’m overthinking it. It’s different from the past. It might be something that Louise or someone else forget here.」

After all his childhood friends who were working as his close aides seemed to have it hard with handling the marriage proposal that were flooding them recently.

Eric rethought like that and moved his still legs a step forward.

Right after that.

*Flash-* The crystal emitted light. 「Wha-!?」 Erick shouted while covering his face in shock.

「Your majesty!? What’s the ma──what!?」

Commander of the royal guard Greg──his short black hair had grown considerably and had swept back style now──rushed in. And then his expression became similarly shocked, even so he grabbed Eric’s collar and pulled him behind himself before taking a defensive stance.

Right after that, it happened.

The light emitted from the crystal took a human shape.


It couldn’t be helped even if the king and the royal guard commander let out such stupid voice. After all the person who appeared was the god damn bastard who wrecked the hearts of Eric and co in various senses five years ago!

The human image that would be described as hologram if a person from earth saw it started talking. It talked about various things, like how this was a message, and the reason it was sent here.

The two were frozen with shock, however, it was only this one thing that entered their ears smoothly and their brains comprehended properly.

──Shia is coming. They can meet her again.

Their expressions broke into smiles. But, that only lasted for a moment.

Because, they heard it clearly. Shia-chan, she was apparently looking forward to meet Dahlia. Furthermore she looked forward to it very much.

The message ended. The crystal lost its shine.

A second passed.

Eric and Greg looked at each other.

「……Your majesty. Dahlia, is already……」

「Don’t say it, I know. Shit, it was also our responsibility that she became like that but……」

Both of their faces became mournful. However, there was no time to relax. After all the message said that the arrival would be tomorrow. It said that there was no need of excessive hospitality but, they couldn’t just do that. After all this was the group of the world savior.

「Anyway-, we can only tell the truth with sincerity! Send out the emergency summons!」

「As your majesty command.」

Greg hurriedly left the office.

Eric clenched his fist. He was happy to be able to meet Shia. But……

「Shia……sorry. What we did to Dahlia……」

Those words that were filled with shame resounded inside the office with frailty somewhere in it.


AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

The word count increase drastically when there’re many people…. My apologies that the story doesn’t really progress, but please be merciful. Although it’s the final arc, it’ll be a travel chapter for a while so it’ll be great if you can enjoy the story leisurely just like with Tortus Travel Journal.

In any case it’s the star spirit world arc. Best regards!

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